
Friday, December 12, 2014

10 Dividend Growth Stocks for December 2014


Every month, I use David Fish's CCC list to search for stocks trading at a discount to fair value. The CCC list is updated monthly and contains all U.S.-listed stocks that have raised their dividends for at least five consecutive years. The accompanying spreadsheet provides key statistics of all CCC stocks and is a wonderful resource for dividend growth investors.

The CCC list is divided into three categories based on the number of consecutive years of increases: Dividend Champions (25 or more years), Dividend Contenders (10-24 years), and Dividend Challengers (5-9 years). The latest list (dated 11/28/14) contains 589 stocks, with 105 Champions, 246 Contenders, and 238 Challengers.

Considering 589 stocks every month would be a daunting task. So, I apply a series of filters to reduce the CCC list to a more manageable number of candidates. With an ongoing goal of balancing my portfolio across all 10 GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) sectors, I'm careful to retain a minimum number of stocks per sector.

To see the top 10 stocks and the 10 sector winners, please read this article at Seeking Alpha.

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting to see the top 10 dividend growth stocks from December 2014 to now. I personally like Walmart


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