Yow'zah! :
an exclamation indicating excitement, usually associated with the observation of an event or object that greatly exceeds the ordinary
Urban Dictionary
After blogging for nearly 1,300 days since the start of DivGro, today I crossed the half million page view milestone! What a journey it has been! With this post, as with my previous
milestone post, I'd like to celebrate a little and hopefully encourage other dividend growth investment (DGI) bloggers to keep going and help this wonderful community go from strength to strength!
The last time I wrote a
milestones article, I reported reaching 200,000 page views (pv's) at a daily average of 249 pv's. That article was the 201
st one posted on DivGro. At the time, my most popular article was
Popular Dividend Growth Stocks, with 2,640 pv's. The runner-up,
Tracking your DGI Portfolio, had 2,140 pv's. And, at the time of writing that article, I had four articles with at least 1,000 pv's.
Today, I'd like to give updates on these milestones and report a few more...