
Thursday, December 5, 2019

Options Update: November 2019 (Part 2)

November was another thrilling month for DivGro's options trading! I added options income totaling $7,524 and secured options income of $11,296!

Recall that secured means I no longer have obligations related to the options that produced that income. When options expire or are closed early, my obligations as an option seller fall away.

Part 1 of this article covered an options assignment and several expired, closed, and rolled options. In Part 2, I'm presenting covered calls and put options trades, as well as a spread trade that I closed early. Additionally, I'll provide a summary of year to date options income.


Below is a snapshot showing the trades I presented in Part 1:

In Part 1, I covered the single options assignment as well as all the expired, closed, and rolled options. Below, I'm presenting last month's covered calls and put options trades, as well as a spread trade that I closed early.

Covered Calls

Selling covered calls is a way to collect extra income on stocks you already own.

I sold the following covered calls in November:

#4152019-11-13:-1×WFC 19 Jun 2020 $60.00 C $  112.00 ( $ -1.10 )

#415 : 2019-11-13: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option WFC Jun 19 2020 60.00 C

I own 100 shares of Wells Fargo (WFC) at a cost basis of $49.83 per share. I'm willing to sell these shares for $60.00 on or before 19 June:

Open Date :  2019-11-13
Expiration Date :  2020-06-19    Number of Days in Trade : 219
Cost Basis :  $49.83 per shareGain at Strike Price : 20.41%
Strike Price :  $60.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Call Premium :  $1.12 per shareOptions Income : $112.00
Commission : -$1.10
Net Premium :  $1.109 per shareNet Options Income : $110.90
Options Yield :  2.23%Annualized Options Yield : 3.71%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $48.70Gain if Exercised : 23.21%

This covered call yields 2.23%, or 3.71% on an annualized basis. The yield on cost of my WFC position is 4.09%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 0.91. If the option is exercised, I'll sell 100 shares of WFC at a reduced cost basis of $48.70 per share, for capital gains of 23.21%.

For covered calls, I think an achievable goal is to earn double the dividend yield. Unfortunately, this covered call trade falls short of this goal.

Put Contracts

Selling put options allows me to set the price I'm willing to pay for a stock I want to buy. In effect, I get paid while waiting for the share price to drop!

I sold the following put contracts in November:

#4292019-11-27:-1×SBUX 17 Apr 2020 $77.50 P $ 158.00 ( $ -1.53 )
#4272019-11-26:-1×V 20 Mar 2020 $155.00 P $ 127.00 ( $ -1.10 )
#4262019-11-26:-1×UNP 21 Feb 2020 $160.00 P $ 217.00 ( $ -0.80 )
#4252019-11-26:-1×NKE 17 Apr 2020 $77.50 P $ 102.00 ( $ -1.10 )
#4242019-11-26:-1×MSFT 20 Mar 2020 $130.00 P $ 119.00 ( $ -1.58 )
#4232019-11-26:-1×MRK 17 Apr 2020 $75.00 P $ 107.00 ( $ -0.80 )
#4222019-11-26:-1×MMM 17 Apr 2020 $160.00 P $ 555.00 ( $ -0.81 )
#4212019-11-26:-1×MCD 20 Mar 2020 $170.00 P $ 126.00 ( $ -0.80 )
#4202019-11-26:-1×LOW 17 Apr 2020 $95.00 P $ 111.00 ( $ -0.80 )
#4182019-11-26:-1×JNJ 20 Mar 2020 $120.00 P $ 115.00 ( $ -0.80 )
#4172019-11-26:-1×ICE 19 Jun 2020 $80.00 P $ 133.00 ( $ -0.25 )
#4142019-11-13:-1×TXN 17 Jan 2020 $110.00 P $ 144.00 ( $ -1.10 )
#4102019-11-13:-1×IBM 17 Apr 2020 $120.00 P $ 269.00 ( $ -0.80 )

#429 : 2019-11-27: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option SBUX Apr 17 2020 77.50 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Starbucks (SBUX) for $77.50 per share on or before 17 April 2020. SBUX closed at $85.77 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2019-11-27
Expiration Date :  2020-04-17    Number of Days in Trade : 142
Price at Close :  $85.77 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 9.64%
Strike Price :  $77.50 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.58 per shareOptions Income : $158.00
Commission : -$1.53
Net Premium :  $1.565 per shareNet Options Income : $156.47
Options Yield :  1.82%Annualized Options Yield : 4.69%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $75.90Discount if Exercised : 11.50%

This put option trade yields 1.82%, or 4.69% on an annualized basis. At $85.77 per share, SBUX yields 1.91%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 2.45. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $75.90 per share, a discount of 11.50%.

#427 : 2019-11-26: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option V Mar 20 2020 155.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Visa (V) for $155.00 per share on or before 20 March 2020. V closed at $182.55 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2019-11-26
Expiration Date :  2020-03-20    Number of Days in Trade : 115
Price at Close :  $182.55 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 15.09%
Strike Price :  $155.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.27 per shareOptions Income : $127.00
Commission : -$1.10
Net Premium :  $1.259 per shareNet Options Income : $125.90
Options Yield :  0.69%Annualized Options Yield : 2.19%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $153.72Discount if Exercised : 15.79%

This put option trade yields 0.69%, or 2.19% on an annualized basis. At $182.55 per share, V yields 0.66%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 3.33. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $153.72 per share, a discount of 15.79%.

#426 : 2019-11-26: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option UNP Feb 21 2020 160.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Union Pacific (UNP) for $160.00 per share on or before 21 February 2020. UNP closed at $177.12 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2019-11-26
Expiration Date :  2020-02-21    Number of Days in Trade : 87
Price at Close :  $177.12 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 9.67%
Strike Price :  $160.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $2.17 per shareOptions Income : $217.00
Commission : -$0.80
Net Premium :  $2.162 per shareNet Options Income : $216.20
Options Yield :  1.22%Annualized Options Yield : 5.12%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $157.82Discount if Exercised : 10.90%

This put option trade yields 1.22%, or 5.12% on an annualized basis. At $177.12 per share, UNP yields 2.19%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 2.34. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $157.82 per share, a discount of 10.90%.

#425 : 2019-11-26: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option NKE Apr 17 2020 77.50 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Nike (NKE) for $77.50 per share on or before 17 April 2020. NKE closed at $93.09 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2019-11-26
Expiration Date :  2020-04-17    Number of Days in Trade : 143
Price at Close :  $93.09 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 16.75%
Strike Price :  $77.50 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.02 per shareOptions Income : $102.00
Commission : -$1.10
Net Premium :  $1.009 per shareNet Options Income : $100.90
Options Yield :  1.08%Annualized Options Yield : 2.77%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $76.47Discount if Exercised : 17.85%

This put option trade yields 1.08%, or 2.77% on an annualized basis. At $93.09 per share, NKE yields 1.05%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 2.63. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $76.47 per share, a discount of 17.85%.

#424 : 2019-11-26: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option MSFT Mar 20 2020 130.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Microsoft (MSFT) for $130.00 per share on or before 20 March 2020. MSFT closed at $152.03 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2019-11-26
Expiration Date :  2020-03-20    Number of Days in Trade : 115
Price at Close :  $152.03 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 14.49%
Strike Price :  $130.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.19 per shareOptions Income : $119.00
Commission : -$1.58
Net Premium :  $1.174 per shareNet Options Income : $117.42
Options Yield :  0.77%Annualized Options Yield : 2.45%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $128.79Discount if Exercised : 15.28%

This put option trade yields 0.77%, or 2.45% on an annualized basis. At $152.03 per share, MSFT yields 1.34%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 1.83. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $128.79 per share, a discount of 15.28%.

#423 : 2019-11-26: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option MRK Apr 17 2020 75.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Merck (MRK) for $75.00 per share on or before 17 April 2020. MRK closed at $87.34 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2019-11-26
Expiration Date :  2020-04-17    Number of Days in Trade : 143
Price at Close :  $87.34 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 14.13%
Strike Price :  $75.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.07 per shareOptions Income : $107.00
Commission : -$0.80
Net Premium :  $1.062 per shareNet Options Income : $106.20
Options Yield :  1.22%Annualized Options Yield : 3.11%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $73.92Discount if Exercised : 15.36%

This put option trade yields 1.22%, or 3.11% on an annualized basis. At $87.34 per share, MRK yields 2.79%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 1.11. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $73.92 per share, a discount of 15.36%.

#422 : 2019-11-26: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option MMM Apr 17 2020 160.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of 3M (MMM) for $160.00 per share on or before 17 April 2020. MMM closed at $169.23 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2019-11-26
Expiration Date :  2020-04-17    Number of Days in Trade : 143
Price at Close :  $169.23 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 5.45%
Strike Price :  $160.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $5.55 per shareOptions Income : $555.00
Commission : -$0.81
Net Premium :  $5.542 per shareNet Options Income : $554.19
Options Yield :  3.27%Annualized Options Yield : 8.36%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $154.44Discount if Exercised : 8.74%

This put option trade yields 3.27%, or 8.36% on an annualized basis. At $169.23 per share, MMM yields 3.40%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 2.46. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $154.44 per share, a discount of 8.74%.

#421 : 2019-11-26: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option MCD Mar 20 2020 170.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of McDonalds (MCD) for $170.00 per share on or before 20 March 2020. MCD closed at $192.77 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2019-11-26
Expiration Date :  2020-03-20    Number of Days in Trade : 115
Price at Close :  $192.77 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 11.81%
Strike Price :  $170.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.26 per shareOptions Income : $126.00
Commission : -$0.80
Net Premium :  $1.252 per shareNet Options Income : $125.20
Options Yield :  0.65%Annualized Options Yield : 2.06%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $168.73Discount if Exercised : 12.47%

This put option trade yields 0.65%, or 2.06% on an annualized basis. At $192.77 per share, MCD yields 2.59%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 0.80. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $168.73 per share, a discount of 12.47%.

#420 : 2019-11-26: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option LOW Apr 17 2020 95.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Lowe's (LOW) for $95.00 per share on or before 17 April 2020. LOW closed at $117.78 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2019-11-26
Expiration Date :  2020-04-17    Number of Days in Trade : 143
Price at Close :  $117.78 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 19.34%
Strike Price :  $95.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.11 per shareOptions Income : $111.00
Commission : -$0.80
Net Premium :  $1.102 per shareNet Options Income : $110.20
Options Yield :  0.94%Annualized Options Yield : 2.39%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $93.88Discount if Exercised : 20.29%

This put option trade yields 0.94%, or 2.39% on an annualized basis. At $117.78 per share, LOW yields 1.87%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 1.28. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $93.88 per share, a discount of 20.29%.

#418 : 2019-11-26: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option JNJ Mar 20 2020 120.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) for $120.00 per share on or before 20 March 2020. JNJ closed at $137.17 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2019-11-26
Expiration Date :  2020-03-20    Number of Days in Trade : 115
Price at Close :  $137.17 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 12.52%
Strike Price :  $120.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.15 per shareOptions Income : $115.00
Commission : -$0.80
Net Premium :  $1.142 per shareNet Options Income : $114.20
Options Yield :  0.83%Annualized Options Yield : 2.64%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $118.84Discount if Exercised : 13.36%

This put option trade yields 0.83%, or 2.64% on an annualized basis. At $137.17 per share, JNJ yields 2.77%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 0.95. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $118.84 per share, a discount of 13.36%.

#417 : 2019-11-26: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option ICE Jun 19 2020 80.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) for $80.00 per share on or before 19 June 2020. ICE closed at $94.47 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2019-11-26
Expiration Date :  2020-06-19    Number of Days in Trade : 206
Price at Close :  $94.47 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 15.32%
Strike Price :  $80.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.33 per shareOptions Income : $133.00
Commission : -$0.25
Net Premium :  $1.328 per shareNet Options Income : $132.75
Options Yield :  1.41%Annualized Options Yield : 2.49%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $78.67Discount if Exercised : 16.73%

This put option trade yields 1.41%, or 2.49% on an annualized basis. At $94.47 per share, ICE yields 1.16%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 2.14. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $78.67 per share, a discount of 16.73%.

#414 : 2019-11-13: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option TXN Jan 17 2020 110.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Texas Instruments (TXN) for $110.00 per share on or before 17 January 2020. TXN closed at $118.42 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2019-11-13
Expiration Date :  2020-01-17    Number of Days in Trade : 65
Price at Close :  $118.42 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 7.11%
Strike Price :  $110.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.44 per shareOptions Income : $144.00
Commission : -$1.10
Net Premium :  $1.429 per shareNet Options Income : $142.90
Options Yield :  1.21%Annualized Options Yield : 6.78%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $108.55Discount if Exercised : 8.34%

This put option trade yields 1.21%, or 6.78% on an annualized basis. At $118.42 per share, TXN yields 3.04%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 2.23. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $108.55 per share, a discount of 8.34%.

#410 : 2019-11-13: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option IBM Apr 17 2020 120.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of International Business Machines (IBM) for $120.00 per share on or before 17 April 2020. IBM closed at $134.48 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2019-11-13
Expiration Date :  2020-04-17    Number of Days in Trade : 156
Price at Close :  $134.48 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 10.77%
Strike Price :  $120.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $2.69 per shareOptions Income : $269.00
Commission : -$0.80
Net Premium :  $2.682 per shareNet Options Income : $268.20
Options Yield :  1.99%Annualized Options Yield : 4.67%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $117.30Discount if Exercised : 12.77%

This put option trade yields 1.99%, or 4.67% on an annualized basis. At $134.48 per share, IBM yields 4.82%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 0.97. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $117.30 per share, a discount of 12.77%.

For selling puts, I like to see a dividend boost factor of 5.00 or more unless I can buy shares at a discount of at least 10%. Except for the put options trades on MMM and TXN, all of the trades achieve this goal (with discounts exceeding 10%).

Walt Disney (DIS)

In May 2018, I executed a trade based on the recommendation of one of my advanced options trading advisories. The trade was premised on expectations of growth due to Disney's bid to buy 21st Century Fox. Here's the spread trade:

#1792018-05-11:-2×DIS 17 Jan 2020 $100.00 P $ 1,845.00 ( $     -1.15 )
#1782018-05-11:  2×DIS 17 Jan 2020 $130.00 C $        0.00 ( $ -712.11 )

For reference, on the day I executed the spread, DIS closed at $99.86 per share.

The spread created the following potential scenarios:
  1. If DIS traded below $100 per share at expiration, the $130 calls would have expired worthless and I would have bought 200 DIS shares at an effective cost basis of $94.34 per share.
    (Benefit: buy 200 shares of DIS at a discount of about 6%).
  2. If DIS traded between $100 and $130 per share, then both options would have expired worthless, allowing me to keep the options premium of about $566.
    (Benefit: earn 28% return on margin in about 20 months).
  3. If DIS traded above $130 per share, the $130 call would be in the money and the return on margin could be significant.
    (Benefit: huge upside depending on how much DIS goes above $130). 
On 26 November, DIS closed above $151 per share. With about two months until expiration, I decided to close the spread early and capture the gains:

#1792018-05-11:-2×DIS 17 Jan 2020 $100.00 P $ 1,845.00 ( $     -6.59 )
#1782018-05-11:  2×DIS 17 Jan 2020 $130.00 C $ 4,438.00 ( $ -712.94 )

In all, I netted about $5,563 with this spread trade! Given a margin requirement of $4,000 (20% of 200 shares ⨉ $100 per share = $20,000 ÷ 5), my return is about 139% on margin over a holding period of 18 months, or about 93% annualized!

Options Income Tally

Here is a running tally of the total amount received from options trades, as well as the options premiums secured due to options that expired or are closed. Secured means I no longer have related obligations and "own" the corresponding options income free and clear.

key:  expired  •  closed  •  rolled  •  assigned  •  open 

#4292019-11-27:-1×SBUX 17 Apr 2020 $77.50 P $       158.00 ( $          -1.53 )$    71,856.57 ➤ $    52,570.57 
#4282019-11-26:-1×WMT 19 Jun 2020 $100.00 P $       158.00 ( $          -0.65 )$    71,700.10 ➤ $    52,572.10 
#4272019-11-26:-1×V 20 Mar 2020 $155.00 P $       127.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    71,542.75 ➤ $    52,572.75 
#4262019-11-26:-1×UNP 21 Feb 2020 $160.00 P $       217.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    71,416.85 ➤ $    52,573.85 
#4252019-11-26:-1×NKE 17 Apr 2020 $77.50 P $       102.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    71,200.65 ➤ $    52,574.65 
#4242019-11-26:-1×MSFT 20 Mar 2020 $130.00 P $       119.00 ( $          -1.58 )$    71,099.75 ➤ $    52,575.75 
#4232019-11-26:-1×MRK 17 Apr 2020 $75.00 P $       107.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    70,982.33 ➤ $    52,577.33 
#4222019-11-26:-1×MMM 17 Apr 2020 $160.00 P $       555.00 ( $          -0.81 )$    70,876.13 ➤ $    52,578.13 
#4212019-11-26:-1×MCD 20 Mar 2020 $170.00 P $       126.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    70,321.94 ➤ $    52,578.94 
#4202019-11-26:-1×LOW 17 Apr 2020 $95.00 P $       111.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    70,196.74 ➤ $    52,579.74 
#4192019-11-26:-1×LLY 17 Apr 2020 $100.00 P $       140.00 ( $          -0.65 )$    70,086.54 ➤ $    52,580.54 
#4182019-11-26:-1×JNJ 20 Mar 2020 $120.00 P $       115.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    69,947.19 ➤ $    52,581.19 
#4172019-11-26:-1×ICE 19 Jun 2020 $80.00 P $       133.00 ( $          -0.25 )$    69,832.99 ➤ $    52,581.99 
#4162019-11-13:-2×XOM 17 Apr 2020 $75.00 C $       194.00 ( $          -1.69 )$    69,700.24 ➤ $    52,582.24 
#4152019-11-13:-1×WFC 19 Jun 2020 $60.00 C $       112.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    69,507.93 ➤ $    52,583.93 
#4142019-11-13:-1×TXN 17 Jan 2020 $110.00 P $       144.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    69,397.03 ➤ $    52,585.03 
#4132019-11-13:-5×SKT 19 Jun 2020 $20.00 C $       120.00 ( $          -3.73 )$    69,254.13 ➤ $    52,586.13 
#4122019-11-13:-1×PM 19 Jun 2020 $100.00 C $       102.00 ( $          -0.65 )$    69,137.86 ➤ $    52,589.86 
#4112019-11-13:-1×JNJ 20 Mar 2020 $140.00 C $       163.00 ( $          -0.65 )$    69,036.51 ➤ $    52,590.51 
#4102019-11-13:-1×IBM 17 Apr 2020 $120.00 P $       269.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    68,874.16 ➤ $    52,591.16 
#4092019-11-13:-2×ABBV 15 Jan 2021 $90.00 C $    1,310.00 ( $          -1.52 )$    68,605.96 ➤ $    52,591.96 
#4082019-10-18:-2×TSM 15 Jan 2021 $50.00 C $    1,083.00 ( $            0.00 )$    67,297.48 ➤ $    52,593.48 
#4072019-10-18:-2×TROW 20 Dec 2019 $115.00 C $       339.00 ( $            0.00 )$    66,214.48 ➤ $    52,593.48 
#4062019-10-18:-2×TJX 17 Jan 2020 $65.00 C $       188.00 ( $            0.00 )$    65,875.48 ➤ $    52,593.48 
#4052019-10-18:-1×ADM 20 Mar 2020 $45.00 C $         53.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    65,687.48 ➤ $    52,593.48 
#4042019-10-01:-1×TJX 17 Apr 2020 $50.00 P $       180.00 ( $          -0.30 )$    65,635.58 ➤ $    52,594.58 
#4032019-10-01:-1×SNA 15 Nov 2019 $145.00 P $       260.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    65,455.88 ➤ $    52,594.88 
#4022019-10-01:-3×PFE 20 Mar 2020 $40.00 C $       132.00 ( $          -1.13 )$    65,196.23 ➤ $    52,335.23 
#4012019-10-01:-1×MRK 15 Nov 2019 $80.00 P $       127.00 ( $          -1.58 )$    65,065.36 ➤ $    52,336.36 
#4002019-10-01:-1×MDT 17 Jan 2020 $100.00 P $       196.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    64,939.94 ➤ $    52,210.94 
#3992019-10-01:-1×HRL 20 Mar 2020 $47.50 C $       125.00 ( $          -0.60 )$    64,744.74 ➤ $    52,211.74 
#3982019-10-01:-2×ADM 20 Mar 2020 $45.00 C $       160.00 ( $          -0.99 )$    64,620.34 ➤ $    52,212.34 
#3972019-10-01:-2×ADM 15 Nov 2019 $40.00 P $       228.00 ( $          -1.00 )$    64,461.33 ➤ $    52,213.33 
#3962019-09-20:-1×ORCL 17 Jan 2020 $52.50 P $       213.00 ( $          -1.59 )$    64,234.33 ➤ $    51,986.33 
#3952019-09-20:-1×MSFT 21 Jan 2022 $155.00 C $    1,490.00 ( $          -0.68 )$    64,022.92 ➤ $    51,987.92 
#3942019-09-20:-2×MO 20 Mar 2020 $50.00 C $       120.00 ( $          -0.99 )$    62,533.60 ➤ $    51,988.60 
#3932019-09-20:-2×MO 15 Jan 2021 $45.00 P $    2,029.00 ( $          -0.88 )$    62,414.59 ➤ $    51,989.59 
#3922019-09-20:-1×LOW 17 Jan 2020 $125.00 C $       182.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    60,386.47 ➤ $    51,990.47 
#3912019-09-20:-3×INTC 15 Nov 2019 $45.00 P $       129.00 ( $          -3.83 )$    60,205.27 ➤ $    51,991.27 
#3902019-09-20:-2×INTC 15 Nov 2019 $55.00 C $       168.00 ( $          -1.59 )$    60,080.10 ➤ $    51,866.10 
#3892019-09-20:-2×GILD 21 Feb 2020 $75.00 C $       266.00 ( $          -0.64 )$    59,913.69 ➤ $    51,699.69 
#3882019-09-20:-2×GILD 17 Jan 2020 $60.00 P $       270.00 ( $          -2.56 )$    59,648.33 ➤ $    51,700.33 
#3872019-09-20:-2×CSX 17 Jan 2020 $70.00 P $       820.00 ( $          -1.80 )$    59,380.89 ➤ $    51,702.89 
#3862019-08-16:-1×XOM 17 Jan 2020 $80.00 C $         33.00 ( $          -4.69 )→ #416$    58,562.69 ➤ $    51,704.69 
#3852019-08-16:-1×DGX 21 Feb 2020 $100.00 C $       675.00 ( $          -0.31 )$    58,534.38 ➤ $    51,676.38 
#3842019-08-14:-1×TIF 17 Jan 2020 $85.00 P $       769.00 ( $          -1.66 )$    57,859.69 ➤ $    51,676.69 
#3832019-08-02:-1×XOM 18 Oct 2019 $67.50 P $       135.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    57,092.35 ➤ $    50,909.35 
#3822019-08-02:-1×VZ 18 Oct 2019 $52.50 P $       108.00 ( $          -0.96 )$    56,958.15 ➤ $    50,775.15 
#3812019-08-02:-3×PFE 20 Sep 2019 $40.00 C $       138.00 ( $          -2.39 )$    56,851.11 ➤ $    50,668.11 
#3802019-08-02:-1×MRK 20 Sep 2019 $80.00 P $       110.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    56,715.50 ➤ $    50,532.50 
#3792019-08-02:-1×MDT 20 Sep 2019 $97.50 P $       158.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    56,606.59 ➤ $    50,423.59 
#3782019-07-25:-2×NKE 18 Oct 2019 $75.00 P $       124.00 ( $          -0.99 )$    56,449.39 ➤ $    50,266.39 
#3772019-07-25:-2×MS 15 Nov 2019 $42.00 P $       263.00 ( $          -0.85 )$    56,326.38 ➤ $    50,143.38 
#3762019-07-25:-1×LLY 17 Jan 2020 $85.00 P $       106.00 ( $          -7.74 )→ #419$    56,064.23 ➤ $    49,881.23 
#3752019-07-25:-1×AAPL 18 Oct 2019 $180.00 P $       180.00 ( $          -0.65 )$    55,965.97 ➤ $    49,782.97 
#3742019-07-22:-1×XOM 17 Jan 2020 $80.00 C $       127.00 ( $          -5.32 )→ #416$    55,786.62 ➤ $    49,603.62 
#3732019-07-22:-1×VLO 20 Dec 2019 $100.00 C $       105.00 ( $          -0.68 )$    55,664.94 ➤ $    49,481.94 
#3722019-07-22:-2×TSM 18 Oct 2019 $45.00 C $       380.00 ( $      -946.30 )→ #408$    55,560.62 ➤ $    49,482.62 
#3712019-07-22:-1×TRV 18 Oct 2019 $155.00 C $       255.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    56,126.92 ➤ $    50,048.92 
#3702019-07-22:-1×DIS 18 Oct 2019 $145.00 C $       407.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    55,872.27 ➤ $    49,794.27 
#3692019-07-22:-1×D 17 Jan 2020 $80.00 C $       175.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    55,466.07 ➤ $    49,388.07 
#368b2019-07-16:-1×ORCL 20 Sep 2019 $55.00 P $         76.00 ( $      -109.07 )→ #396$    55,291.42 ➤ $    49,388.42 
#368a2019-07-16:-1×ORCL 20 Sep 2019 $55.00 P $         76.00 ( $          -0.50 )$    55,324.49 ➤ $    49,421.49 
#3672019-07-16:-2×CSX 20 Sep 2019 $72.50 P $       150.00 ( $      -548.77 )→ #387$    55,248.99 ➤ $    49,345.99 
#3662019-06-28:-1×WMT 20 Dec 2019 $100.00 P $       213.00 ( $          -3.44 )→ #428$    55,647.76 ➤ $    49,744.76 
#3652019-06-28:-1×UTX 15 Nov 2019 $115.00 P $       222.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    55,438.20 ➤ $    49,535.20 
#3642019-06-28:-2×PEP 18 Oct 2019 $110.00 P $       118.00 ( $          -0.99 )$    55,217.00 ➤ $    49,314.00 
#3632019-06-28:-2×EMR 20 Dec 2019 $60.00 P $       374.00 ( $          -9.19 )$    55,099.99 ➤ $    49,196.99 
#3622019-06-28:-2×CL 15 Nov 2019 $65.00 P $       248.00 ( $          -1.00 )$    54,735.18 ➤ $    48,832.18 
#3612019-06-28:-3×BEN 17 Jan 2020 $30.00 P $       261.00 ( $            0.00 )$    54,488.18 ➤ $    48,585.18 
#3602019-06-28:-2×ABBV 15 Nov 2019 $60.00 P $       224.00 ( $          -1.00 )$    54,227.18 ➤ $    48,585.18 
#3592019-06-28:-1×TSM 17 Jan 2020 $45.00 C $       105.00 ( $          -0.30 )$    54,004.18 ➤ $    48,362.18 
#3582019-06-28:-2×ABBV 15 Nov 2019 $80.00 C $       303.00 ( $   -1,332.34 )→ #409$    53,899.48 ➤ $    48,362.48 
#3572019-06-21:-3×GPS 17 Jan 2020 $20.00 C $       345.00 ( $      -111.72 )$    54,928.82 ➤ $    49,391.82 
#3562019-06-21:-1×CSCO 18 Oct 2019 $52.50 P $       120.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    54,695.54 ➤ $    49,158.54 
#3552019-05-29:-2×MS 16 Aug 2019 $40.00 P $       262.00 ( $        -18.44 )→ #377$    54,576.64 ➤ $    49,039.64 
#3542019-05-28:-2×DAL 20 Sep 2019 $50.00 P $       310.00 ( $          -1.00 )$    54,333.08 ➤ $    48,796.08 
#3532019-05-28:-2×CMCSA 17 Jan 2020 $45.00 C $       396.00 ( $          -2.58 )$    54,024.08 ➤ $    48,487.08 
#3522019-05-24:-3×SKT 17 Jan 2020 $20.00 C $       188.00 ( $        -26.08 )→ #413$    53,630.66 ➤ $    48,489.66 
#3512019-05-22:-2×SKT 17 Jan 2020 $20.00 C $       112.00 ( $        -16.78 )→ #413$    53,468.74 ➤ $    48,327.74 
#3502019-05-22:-2×GIS 19 Jul 2019 $50.00 P $       176.00 ( $          -1.00 )$    53,373.52 ➤ $    48,232.52 
#3492019-05-22:-2×ADM 20 Sep 2019 $35.00 P $       110.00 ( $          -0.75 )$    53,198.52 ➤ $    48,057.52 
#3482019-05-20:-1×SNA 20 Sep 2019 $140.00 P $       260.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    53,089.27 ➤ $    47,948.27 
#3472019-05-16:-2×GIS 18 Oct 2019 $47.50 P $       260.00 ( $          -1.60 )$    52,830.37 ➤ $    47,689.37 
#3462019-05-16:-1×AOS 18 Oct 2019 $45.00 P $       180.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    52,571.97 ➤ $    47,430.97 
#3452019-05-15:-2×WFC 18 Oct 2019 $42.50 P $       240.00 ( $          -1.00 )$    52,393.07 ➤ $    47,252.07 
#3442019-05-15:-1×TIF 16 Aug 2019 $90.00 P $       302.00 ( $      -638.29 )→ #384$    52,154.07 ➤ $    47,013.07 
#3432019-05-15:-2×SO 15 Nov 2019 $45.00 P $         88.00 ( $          -0.99 )$    52,490.36 ➤ $    47,349.36 
#3422019-05-15:-2×QCOM 18 Oct 2019 $65.00 P $       156.00 ( $          -0.99 )$    52,403.35 ➤ $    47,262.35 
#3412019-05-15:-1×INTC 20 Sep 2019 $40.00 P $       105.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    52,248.34 ➤ $    47,107.34 
#3402019-05-15:-1×DIS 19 Jul 2019 $140.00 C $       242.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    52,144.14 ➤ $    47,003.14 
#3392019-05-15:-1×AAPL 18 Jun 2021 $205.00 C $    2,323.00 ( $          -0.69 )$    51,902.94 ➤ $    46,761.94 
#3382019-04-23:-1×PG 15 Jan 2021 $105.00 C $       896.00 ( $          -0.81 )$    49,580.63 ➤ $    46,762.63 
#3372019-04-22:-1×WBA 17 Jan 2020 $65.00 C $       163.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    48,685.44 ➤ $    46,763.44 
#3362019-04-22:-2×WBA 17 Jan 2020 $65.00 C $       328.00 ( $          -0.85 )$    48,523.24 ➤ $    46,764.24 
#3352019-04-04:-1×WBA 18 Apr 2019 $55.00 P $       145.00 ( $          -3.16 )$    48,196.09 ➤ $    46,765.09 
#3342019-04-04:-1×HRL 20 Sep 2019 $45.00 C $       121.00 ( $          -0.30 )$    48,054.25 ➤ $    46,623.25 
#3332019-03-27:-1×XOM 20 Sep 2019 $85.00 C $       151.00 ( $        -10.73 )→ #374$    47,933.55 ➤ $    46,502.55 
#3322019-03-27:-2×PFE 20 Sep 2019 $45.00 C $       173.00 ( $        -20.02 )$    47,793.28 ➤ $    46,362.28 
#331b2019-03-27:-1×DGX 16 Aug 2019 $95.00 C $       170.50 ( $      -585.12 )→ #385$    47,640.30 ➤ $    46,209.30 
#331a2019-03-27:-1×DGX 16 Aug 2019 $95.00 C $       170.50 ( $          -0.84 )$    48,054.92 ➤ $    46,623.92 
#3302019-03-27:-2×ABBV 16 Aug 2019 $90.00 C $       264.00 ( $        -22.68 )→ #358$    47,885.25 ➤ $    46,454.25 
#3292019-03-27:-1×AAPL 16 Aug 2019 $170.00 P $       492.00 ( $        -28.19 )→ #375$    47,643.93 ➤ $    46,212.93 
#3282019-03-25:-1×VLO 21 Jun 2019 $95.00 C $       114.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    47,180.12 ➤ $    45,749.12 
#3272019-03-25:-1×VLO 17 May 2019 $80.00 P $       224.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    47,066.91 ➤ $    45,635.91 
#3262019-03-25:-1×TIF 17 May 2019 $100.00 P $       220.00 ( $      -211.48 )→ #344$    46,843.70 ➤ $    45,412.70 
#3252019-03-25:-2×GILD 16 Aug 2019 $70.00 C $       314.00 ( $          -0.99 )$    46,835.18 ➤ $    45,404.18 
#3242019-03-25:-1×DIS 21 Jun 2019 $105.00 P $       295.00 ( $        -10.46 )$    46,522.17 ➤ $    45,091.17 
#3232019-02-28:-1×MSFT 17 May 2019 $100.00 P $       105.00 ( $          -9.31 )$    46,237.63 ➤ $    44,806.63 
#3222019-02-28:-2×JPM 21 Jun 2019 $95.00 P $       294.00 ( $        -21.78 )$    46,141.94 ➤ $    44,710.94 
#3212019-02-28:-1×AAPL 17 May 2019 $155.00 P $       170.00 ( $        -68.73 )→ #329$    45,869.72 ➤ $    44,438.72 
#3202019-02-22:-1×TROW 18 Oct 2019 $110.00 C $       220.00 ( $        -10.59 )→ #407$    45,768.45 ➤ $    44,337.45 
#3192019-02-22:-2×TJX 18 Oct 2019 $60.00 C $       130.00 ( $      -128.08 )→ #406$    45,559.04 ➤ $    44,128.04 
#3182019-02-22:-3×SKT 17 Jan 2020 $25.00 C $       195.00 ( $        -39.41 )→ #352$    45,557.12 ➤ $    44,126.12 
#3172019-02-22:-1×PM 17 Jan 2020 $105.00 C $         95.00 ( $        -10.43 )→ #412$    45,401.53 ➤ $    43,970.53 
#3162019-02-22:-1×MSFT 18 Oct 2019 $125.00 C $       287.00 ( $   -1,486.73 )→ #395$    45,316.96 ➤ $    43,885.96 
#3152019-02-22:-1×MO 17 Jan 2020 $50.00 P $       448.00 ( $   -1,065.52 )→ #393$    46,516.69 ➤ $    45,085.69 
#3142019-02-22:-1×MO 17 Jan 2020 $50.00 P $       448.00 ( $   -1,065.52 )→ #393$    47,134.21 ➤ $    45,703.21 
#3132019-02-22:  2×KO 17 Jan 2020 $52.50 C $         67.00 ( $          -1.58 )$    47,751.73 ➤ $    46,320.73 
#3122019-02-22:-2×INTC 18 Oct 2019 $55.00 C $       670.00 ( $        -98.14 )$    47,686.31 ➤ $    46,322.31 
#3112019-02-22:-1×HSY 18 Apr 2019 $110.00 P $       250.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    47,114.45 ➤ $    45,750.45 
#3102019-02-20:-1×TROW 18 Oct 2019 $110.00 C $       209.00 ( $        -10.59 )→ #407$    46,865.24 ➤ $    45,501.24 
#3092019-02-20:-1×T 17 Jan 2020 $35.00 C $         52.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    46,666.83 ➤ $    45,302.83 
#3082019-02-20:-4×T 17 Jan 2020 $35.00 C $       213.00 ( $          -3.16 )$    46,615.62 ➤ $    45,303.62 
#3072019-02-20:-2×ADM 20 Sep 2019 $45.00 C $       234.00 ( $          -0.98 )$    46,405.78 ➤ $    45,306.78 
#3062019-02-07:-1×IP 17 Jan 2020 $47.50 C $       337.00 ( $        -59.18 )$    46,172.76 ➤ $    45,073.76 
#3052019-02-07:-1×INTC 14 Jan 2021 $50.00 C $       679.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    45,894.94 ➤ $    44,795.94 
#3042019-02-07:-1×AAPL 17 Jan 2020 $180.00 C $    1,380.00 ( $   -2,246.75 )→ #339$    45,217.04 ➤ $    44,797.04 
#3032019-01-24:-1×WSM 15 Feb 2019 $55.00 C $         42.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    46,083.79 ➤ $    45,663.79 
#3022019-01-24:-19×F 17 Jan 2020 $10.00 C $       722.00 ( $      -238.39 )$    46,042.88 ➤ $    45,622.88 
#3012019-01-24:-1×F 17 Jan 2020 $10.00 C $         36.00 ( $        -13.32 )$    45,559.27 ➤ $    45,139.27 
#3002019-01-24:-1×AFL 15 Jan 2021 $50.00 C $       420.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    45,536.59 ➤ $    45,116.59 
#2992019-01-24:-1×AAPL 18 Apr 2019 $170.00 C $       244.00 ( $      -812.18 )→ #304$    45,117.68 ➤ $    45,117.68 
#2982019-01-16:-1×MO 17 Jan 2020 $47.50 P $       515.00 ( $      -336.18 )→ #314$    45,685.86 ➤ $    45,685.86 
#2972019-01-16:-1×AAPL 18 Apr 2019 $155.00 P $       809.00 ( $        -12.18 )$    45,507.04 ➤ $    45,507.04 
#2962018-12-28:-1×JPM 15 Feb 2019 $105.00 C $       154.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    44,710.22 ➤ $    44,710.22 
#2952018-12-28:-1×DGX 17 May 2019 $100.00 C $         62.00 ( $        -16.09 )→ #331b$    44,557.31 ➤ $    44,557.31 
#2942018-12-27:-1×WSM 15 Feb 2019 $55.00 C $         75.00 ( $          -0.34 )$    44,511.40 ➤ $    44,511.40 
#2932018-12-27:-1×JPM 15 Feb 2019 $105.00 C $         98.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    44,436.74 ➤ $    44,436.74 
#2922018-12-27:-1×IP 15 Feb 2019 $42.50 C $       105.00 ( $      -378.18 )→ #306$    44,339.83 ➤ $    44,339.83 
#2912018-12-21:-2×ADM 15 Mar 2019 $45.00 P $       851.00 ( $          -1.58 )$    44,613.01 ➤ $    44,613.01 
#2902018-12-14:-2×MO 21 Jun 2019 $60.00 C $       230.00 ( $        -21.77 )$    43,763.59 ➤ $    43,763.59 
#2892018-12-14:-1×MO 18 Jan 2019 $52.50 P $       181.00 ( $      -517.87 )→ #298$    43,555.36 ➤ $    43,555.36 
#2882018-12-14:-1×AAPL 18 Jan 2019 $160.00 P $       375.00 ( $      -507.87 )→ #297$    43,892.23 ➤ $    43,892.23 
#2872018-12-06:-1×XOM 18 Apr 2019 $85.00 C $       126.00 ( $          -7.73 )→ #333$    44,025.10 ➤ $    44,025.10 
#2862018-12-06:-2×WSM 15 Feb 2019 $60.00 C $       300.00 ( $        -71.57 )$    43,906.83 ➤ $    43,906.83 
#2852018-12-06:-2×WBA 15 Jan 2021 $85.00 C $    2,074.00 ( $      -259.04 )→ #336$    43,678.40 ➤ $    43,678.40 
#2842018-12-06:-1×VYM 18 Jan 2019 $85.00 C $         80.00 ( $          -0.34 )$    41,863.44 ➤ $    41,863.44 
#2832018-12-06:-1×VLO 15 Mar 2019 $90.00 C $       165.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    41,783.78 ➤ $    41,783.78 
#2822018-12-06:-1×TSM 19 Jul 2019 $45.00 C $         60.00 ( $          -0.34 )$    41,619.57 ➤ $    41,619.57 
#2812018-12-06:-1×TSM 19 Jul 2019 $45.00 C $         64.00 ( $          -6.38 )→ #359$    41,559.91 ➤ $    41,559.91 
#2802018-12-06:-1×TRV 18 Apr 2019 $140.00 C $       100.00 ( $          -0.34 )$    41,502.29 ➤ $    41,502.29 
#2792018-12-06:-1×TROW 18 Apr 2019 $110.00 C $       115.00 ( $        -17.43 )→ #320$    41,402.63 ➤ $    41,402.63 
#278b2018-12-06:-3×TJX 17 Jan 2020 $45.00 P $    1,309.50 ( $        -33.00 )$    41,305.06 ➤ $    41,305.06 
#278a2018-12-06:-1×TJX 17 Jan 2020 $45.00 P $       436.50 ( $        -36.29 )→ #404$    40,028.56 ➤ $    40,028.56 
#2772018-12-06:-4×T 21 Jun 2019 $35.00 C $       128.00 ( $        -46.58 )→ #308$    39,628.35 ➤ $    39,628.35 
#2762018-12-06:-1×SBUX 15 Feb 2019 $70.00 C $       132.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    39,546.93 ➤ $    39,546.93 
#2752018-12-06:-1×ROST 17 May 2019 $100.00 C $         85.00 ( $        -11.18 )$    39,415.72 ➤ $    39,415.72 
#2742018-12-06:-1×PM 18 Jan 2019 $80.00 P $       160.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    39,341.90 ➤ $    39,341.90 
#273b2018-12-06:-1×PG 15 Jan 2021 $95.00 C $       780.00 ( $   -1,498.38 )→ #338$    39,182.69 ➤ $    39,182.69 
#273a2018-12-06:-1×PG 15 Jan 2021 $95.00 C $       780.00 ( $   -1,641.68 )$    39,901.07 ➤ $    39,901.07 
#2722018-12-06:-2×PFE 21 Jun 2019 $50.00 C $       154.00 ( $          -6.40 )→ #332$    40,762.75 ➤ $    40,762.75 
#2712018-12-06:-2×O 21 Jun 2019 $70.00 C $       188.00 ( $            0.00 )$    40,615.15 ➤ $    40,615.15 
#2702018-12-06:-1×MSFT 15 Mar 2019 $125.00 C $       115.00 ( $          -3.88 )→ #316$    40,427.15 ➤ $    40,427.15 
#2692018-12-06:-5×MAIN 21 Jun 2019 $40.00 C $       250.00 ( $          -0.18 )$    40,316.03 ➤ $    40,316.03 
#2682018-12-06:-1×LOW 21 Jun 2019 $120.00 C $         67.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    40,066.21 ➤ $    40,066.21 
#2672018-12-06:-4×KRG 17 May 2019 $20.00 C $         60.00 ( $        -36.00 )$    40,000.00 ➤ $    40,000.00 
#2662018-12-06:-2×KO 17 May 2019 $52.50 C $       154.00 ( $          -7.75 )→ #313$    39,976.00 ➤ $    39,976.00 
#2652018-12-06:-3×KBH 19 Jul 2019 $26.00 C $       309.00 ( $      -279.81 )$    39,829.75 ➤ $    39,829.75 
#2642018-12-06:-1×JPM 18 Jan 2019 $110.00 C $       146.00 ( $        -10.17 )→ #293$    39,800.56 ➤ $    39,800.56 
#2632018-12-06:-2×INTC 15 Feb 2019 $55.00 C $       106.00 ( $          -2.53 )$    39,664.73 ➤ $    39,664.73 
#2622018-12-06:-1×HRL 21 Jun 2019 $50.00 C $       110.00 ( $          -6.63 )→ #334$    39,561.26 ➤ $    39,561.26 
#2612018-12-06:-1×ES 19 Jul 2019 $70.00 C $       270.00 ( $          -0.34 )$    39,457.89 ➤ $    39,457.89 
#2602018-12-06:-1×DGX 17 May 2019 $100.00 C $       135.00 ( $        -16.17 )→ #331a$    39,188.23 ➤ $    39,188.23 
#2592018-12-06:-1×D 19 Jul 2019 $80.00 C $       130.00 ( $          -0.34 )$    39,069.40 ➤ $    39,069.40 
#2582018-12-06:-1×AFL 17 May 2019 $45.00 C $       160.00 ( $      -371.87 )→ #300$    38,939.74 ➤ $    38,939.74 
#2572018-12-06:-2×ABBV 17 May 2019 $100.00 C $       500.00 ( $        -14.01 )→ #330$    39,151.61 ➤ $    39,151.61 
#2562018-12-06:-1×AAPL 15 Feb 2019 $200.00 C $       167.00 ( $          -4.87 )→ #299$    38,665.62 ➤ $    38,665.62 
#2552018-11-01:-3×GPS 21 Jun 2019 $27.00 P $    1,004.00 ( $          -1.47 )$    38,503.49 ➤ $    38,503.49 
#2542018-11-01:-2×FL 15 Feb 2019 $45.00 P $       660.00 ( $        -13.22 )$    37,500.96 ➤ $    37,500.96 
#2532018-11-01:-2×CMCSA 21 Jun 2019 $42.50 C $       320.00 ( $      -209.85 )→ #353$    36,854.18 ➤ $    36,854.18 
#2522018-10-29:-1×IP 21 Dec 2018 $42.50 P $       162.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    36,744.03 ➤ $    36,744.03 
#2512018-10-25:-3×GILD 18 Jan 2019 $80.00 C $       304.00 ( $        -63.51 )$    36,582.82 ➤ $    36,582.82 
#250b2018-10-24:-1×F 15 Mar 2019 $10.00 C $         19.00 ( $          -6.60 )→ #301$    36,342.33 ➤ $    36,342.33 
#250a2018-10-24:-9×F 15 Mar 2019 $10.00 C $       171.00 ( $      -142.35 )$    36,329.93 ➤ $    36,329.93 
#2492018-10-23:-1×TSM 18 Jan 2019 $40.00 C $       114.00 ( $        -37.17 )→ #282$    36,301.28 ➤ $    36,301.28 
#2482018-10-19:-2×PG 18 Jan 2019 $85.00 C $       695.00 ( $   -1,623.97 )→ #273a$    36,224.45 ➤ $    36,224.45 
#2472018-10-19:-3×NKE 18 Jan 2019 $70.00 P $       558.00 ( $          -3.84 )$    37,153.42 ➤ $    37,153.42 
#2462018-10-19:-10×F 15 Mar 2019 $10.00 C $       160.00 ( $      -160.61 )$    36,599.26 ➤ $    36,599.26 
#2452018-10-12:-2×WBA 18 Jan 2019 $72.50 C $       615.00 ( $   -2,046.00 )→ #285$    36,599.87 ➤ $    36,599.87 
#2442018-10-12:-1×JNJ 17 Jan 2020 $150.00 C $       518.00 ( $        -11.28 )→ #411$    38,030.87 ➤ $    38,030.87 
#2432018-10-12:-2×ALK 18 Apr 2019 $62.50 P $    1,106.00 ( $      -521.75 )$    37,524.15 ➤ $    37,524.15 
#2422018-10-12:-2×XEL 21 Dec 2018 $45.00 P $       120.00 ( $        -18.00 )$    36,939.90 ➤ $    36,939.90 
#2412018-10-12:-1×VZ 16 Nov 2018 $52.50 P $       115.00 ( $        -10.87 )$    36,837.90 ➤ $    36,837.90 
#2402018-10-12:-2×TSM 16 Nov 2018 $36.00 P $       100.00 ( $          -1.57 )$    36,733.77 ➤ $    36,733.77 
#2392018-10-12:-2×SBUX 17 Jan 2020 $55.00 P $       966.00 ( $        -47.68 )$    36,635.34 ➤ $    36,635.34 
#2382018-10-12:  2×SBUX 17 Jan 2020 $75.00 C $    4,510.00 ( $      -187.75 )$    35,717.02 ➤ $    35,717.02 
#2372018-10-12:-2×HRL 21 Dec 2018 $37.50 P $       160.00 ( $        -18.60 )$    31,394.77 ➤ $    31,394.77 
#2362018-10-12:-2×AFL 18 Jan 2019 $42.50 P $       252.00 ( $        -20.15 )$    31,253.37 ➤ $    31,253.37 
#2352018-10-02:-5×FLO 16 Nov 2018 $17.50 P $       150.00 ( $        -46.51 )$    31,021.52 ➤ $    31,021.52 
#2342018-10-02:-2×FL 16 Nov 2018 $50.00 P $       620.00 ( $      -599.68 )→ #254$    30,918.03 ➤ $    30,918.03 
#2332018-10-02:-2×ALK 21 Dec 2018 $65.00 P $       570.00 ( $   -1,047.73 )→ #243$    30,897.71 ➤ $    30,897.71 
#2322018-09-05:-1×MGM 17 Jan 2020 $28.00 P $       405.00 ( $        -21.73 )$    31,375.44 ➤ $    31,375.44 
#2312018-09-05:-1×GILD 16 Nov 2018 $85.00 C $         44.00 ( $        -12.14 )→ #251$    30,992.17 ➤ $    30,992.17 
#2302018-08-28:-4×TJX 18 Apr 2019 $50.00 P $       499.00 ( $   -1,829.58 )→ #278$    30,960.31 ➤ $    30,960.31 
#2292018-08-28:-2×TJX 18 Apr 2019 $55.00 C $       572.00 ( $        -40.29 )$    32,290.89 ➤ $    32,290.89 
#2282018-08-28:-2×TGT 19 Oct 2018 $80.00 P $       123.00 ( $          -0.82 )$    31,759.18 ➤ $    31,759.18 
#2272018-08-28:-3×NKE 19 Oct 2018 $75.00 P $       183.00 ( $        -91.65 )→ #247$    31,637.00 ➤ $    31,637.00 
#2262018-08-28:-10×F 18 Jan 2019 $11.00 C $       216.00 ( $        -81.06 )→ #250$    31,545.65 ➤ $    31,545.65 
#2252018-08-17:-2×CMCSA 16 Nov 2018 $37.50 C $       181.00 ( $      -264.09 )→ #253$    31,410.71 ➤ $    31,410.71 
#2242018-08-10:-10×F 18 Jan 2019 $11.00 C $       210.00 ( $        -65.61 )→ #246$    31,493.80 ➤ $    31,493.80 
#2232018-08-06:-1×UNP 19 Oct 2018 $140.00 P $       172.00 ( $          -1.59 )$    31,349.41 ➤ $    31,349.41 
#2222018-08-06:-1×HON 21 Sep 2018 $145.00 P $         75.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    31,179.00 ➤ $    31,179.00 
#2212018-08-06:-1×HD 21 Sep 2018 $185.00 P $       177.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    31,105.09 ➤ $    31,105.09 
#2202018-08-06:-1×CVS 21 Sep 2018 $65.00 P $       222.00 ( $          -0.84 )$    30,928.88 ➤ $    30,928.88 
#2192018-08-06:-2×CSCO 19 Oct 2018 $40.00 P $       124.00 ( $          -2.57 )$    30,707.72 ➤ $    30,707.72 
#2182018-08-06:-2×BBY 21 Sep 2018 $70.00 P $       324.00 ( $          -0.98 )$    30,586.29 ➤ $    30,586.29 
#2172018-08-06:-2×ADM 21 Dec 2018 $45.00 P $       124.00 ( $      -671.30 )→ #291$    30,263.27 ➤ $    30,263.27 
#2162018-07-30:-1×MGM 21 Sep 2018 $31.00 P $       144.00 ( $      -350.42 )→ #232$    30,810.57 ➤ $    30,810.57 
#2152018-07-26:-1×MKC 21 Dec 2018 $115.00 P $       353.00 ( $        -20.45 )$    31,016.99 ➤ $    31,016.99 
#2142018-07-20:-2×WSM 16 Nov 2018 $60.00 P $       717.00 ( $            0.00 )$    30,684.44 ➤ $    30,684.44 
#2132018-07-18:-1×HSY 24 Aug 2018 $91.00 P $       229.00 ( $          -0.62 )$    29,967.44 ➤ $    29,967.44 
#2122018-06-20:-2×SBUX 17 Jan 2020 $50.00 P $       915.00 ( $      -153.55 )$    29,739.06 ➤ $    29,739.06 
#2112018-06-20:-1×HSY 20 Jul 2018 $92.00 P $       194.00 ( $        -65.41 )→ #213$    28,977.61 ➤ $    28,977.61 
#2102018-06-20:-3×GIS 17 Jan 2020 $42.50 P $    1,224.00 ( $      -230.52 )$    28,849.02 ➤ $    28,849.02 
#2092018-06-20:  3×GIS 17 Jan 2020 $60.00 C $       231.00 ( $      -236.50 )$    27,855.54 ➤ $    27,855.54 
#2082018-06-14:-2×TGT 19 Oct 2018 $70.00 P $       355.00 ( $        -20.43 )→ #228$    27,861.04 ➤ $    27,861.04 
#2072018-06-14:-3×NKE 19 Oct 2018 $65.00 P $       264.00 ( $        -31.18 )→ #227$    27,526.47 ➤ $    27,526.47 
#2062018-06-14:-20×F 18 Jan 2019 $12.00 C $    1,383.00 ( $      -306.09 )$    27,293.65 ➤ $    27,293.65 
#2052018-06-14:-2×WBA 19 Oct 2018 $70.00 C $       288.00 ( $      -413.80 )→ #245$    26,216.74 ➤ $    26,216.74 
#2042018-06-14:-1×TSM 18 Jan 2019 $45.00 C $         55.00 ( $          -5.67 )$    26,342.54 ➤ $    26,342.54 
#2032018-06-14:-1×TRV 19 Oct 2018 $140.00 C $       124.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    26,293.21 ➤ $    26,293.21 
#2022018-06-14:-2×TJX 19 Oct 2018 $52.50 C $         90.00 ( $      -398.62 )→ #229$    26,170.30 ➤ $    26,170.30 
#2012018-06-14:-2×T 19 Oct 2018 $36.00 C $         94.00 ( $          -1.58 )$    26,478.92 ➤ $    26,478.92 
#2002018-06-14:-1×RDS.B 18 Jan 2019 $80.00 C $       115.00 ( $        -30.67 )$    26,386.50 ➤ $    26,386.50 
#1992018-06-14:-2×PG 19 Oct 2018 $85.00 C $         74.00 ( $      -233.80 )→ #248$    26,302.17 ➤ $    26,302.17 
#1982018-06-14:-1×LOW 18 Jan 2019 $120.00 C $       110.00 ( $        -10.57 )$    26,461.97 ➤ $    26,461.97 
#1972018-06-14:-1×JNJ 21 Dec 2018 $135.00 C $       150.00 ( $      -407.72 )→ #244$    26,362.54 ➤ $    26,362.54 
#1962018-06-14:-2×GILD 16 Nov 2018 $85.00 C $       166.00 ( $        -23.68 )→ #251$    26,620.26 ➤ $    26,620.26 
#1952018-06-14:-2×DIS 19 Oct 2018 $125.00 C $       116.00 ( $          -1.58 )$    26,477.94 ➤ $    26,477.94 
#1942018-06-14:-2×CMCSA 17 Aug 2018 $35.00 C $       164.00 ( $        -85.40 )→ #225$    26,363.52 ➤ $    26,363.52 
#1932018-06-14:-1×BUD 21 Dec 2018 $115.00 C $         85.00 ( $        -12.57 )$    26,284.92 ➤ $    26,284.92 
#1922018-06-14:-1×AAPL 20 Jul 2018 $200.00 C $       122.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    26,212.49 ➤ $    26,212.49 
#1912018-06-12:-2×TPR 20 Jul 2018 $45.00 P $       140.00 ( $          -8.76 )$    26,091.58 ➤ $    26,091.58 
#1902018-06-12:-1×MKC 21 Sep 2018 $100.00 P $       185.00 ( $        -18.36 )→ #215$    25,960.34 ➤ $    25,960.34 
#1892018-06-12:-2×AEO 17 Aug 2018 $24.00 P $       180.00 ( $          -9.17 )$    25,793.70 ➤ $    25,793.70 
#1882018-05-24:-2×WSM 17 Aug 2018 $47.50 P $       240.00 ( $        -12.08 )→ #214$    25,622.87 ➤ $    25,622.87 
#1872018-05-24:-4×TJX 19 Oct 2018 $41.25 P $       380.00 ( $        -17.28 )→ #230$    25,394.95 ➤ $    25,394.95 
#1862018-05-24:-2×TGT 20 Jul 2018 $67.50 P $       224.00 ( $        -32.79 )→ #208$    25,032.23 ➤ $    25,032.23 
#1852018-05-24:-2×HSY 15 Jun 2018 $91.00 P $       236.00 ( $          -0.74 )$    24,841.02 ➤ $    24,841.02 
#1842018-05-11:-1×WMT 21 Jun 2019 $82.50 P $       667.00 ( $        -93.42 )$    24,605.76 ➤ $    24,605.76 
#1832018-05-11:-1×VLO 17 Jan 2020 $90.00 C $    2,935.00 ( $      -701.77 )$    24,032.18 ➤ $    24,032.18 
#1822018-05-11:-1×PG 17 Jan 2020 $72.50 P $       633.00 ( $      -179.71 )$    21,798.95 ➤ $    21,798.95 
#1812018-05-11:-1×MO 21 Jun 2019 $55.00 P $       579.00 ( $      -562.72 )→ #315$    21,345.66 ➤ $    21,345.66 
#1802018-05-11:-3×GPS 21 Dec 2018 $29.00 P $       912.00 ( $      -886.90 )→ #255$    21,329.38 ➤ $    21,329.38 
#1792018-05-11:-2×DIS 17 Jan 2020 $100.00 P $    1,845.00 ( $          -6.59 )$    21,304.28 ➤ $    21,304.28 
#1782018-05-11:  2×DIS 17 Jan 2020 $130.00 C $    4,438.00 ( $      -712.94 )$    19,465.87 ➤ $    19,465.87 
#1772018-04-20:-3×GLW 18 Jan 2019 $27.00 P $       618.00 ( $      -102.32 )$    15,740.81 ➤ $    15,740.81 
#1762018-04-20:-1×PG 18 Jan 2019 $77.50 P $       627.00 ( $      -672.25 )→ #182$    15,225.13 ➤ $    15,225.13 

  expired  •  closed  •  rolled  •  assigned  •  open 

Concluding Remarks

My options goal in 2019 is to collect a total of $21,000 at an average of $1,750 per month.

Options Income
Options Income
This Month:
$  71,857
$  52,571
Last Month:
$  64,333
$  41,275
 $    7,524 
$    11,296

After collecting $7,524 in options income in November, my year to date total jumped to $29,065! This crushes my 2019 options income goal and, amazingly, it also easily surpasses my dividend income goal of $25,200 for 2019!

In 42 months of options trading, I've collected options income totaling $71,857. In comparison, over the same period, I've collected dividend income of  $66,502! So I've collected $5,355 more in options income than in dividend income!

The exciting thing about collecting options income is that I can deploy that income as soon as it hits my trading account. I can buy more dividend growth stocks and so boost DivGro's ability to generate more dividend income!

While DivGro's focus will always be dividend growth investing, options trading clearly contributes significantly to my portfolio's performance. It is hard to imagine where DivGro would have been without options trading!

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Soon sections of my blog will only be available to subscribers, so I encourage you to sign up now!


  1. Excellent results! I wonder why you choose long expiry periods instead of shorter ones (about 45 days).

    1. Thanks for commenting -- I prefer shorter periods, but I also like to earn at least $100 per trade. When volatility is low, I need to move to later expiration dates to meet that preference.


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