
Thursday, July 16, 2020

Options Update: June 2020

In 2016, I added options trading to my dividend growth investing arsenal. I sell covered calls and put options and use the options income so generated to buy more dividend growth stocks. This indirectly boosts DivGro's ability to generate dividend income!

Every month, I write and Options Update article to summarize my options trades and to keep track of DivGro's options income.

After a few quiet months, my options trading activity has picked up again, and I'm happy to report that in June I collected more than $4,000 in options income. While this helps a bit, I'm still in a deep hole and it remains highly unlikely that I will achieve my 2020 goal of collecting at least $24,000 in options income.


In June, I had seven expirations and fourteen income-generating trades:

Assigned Options

When the holder of an option exercises the option, it is said to be assigned.

I had no assignments in June.

Expired Options

In June, the following option expired:

#4662020-03-19:-1×O 19 Jun 2020 $37.50 P $       350.00 ( $ -0.30 )
#4652020-03-19:-1×NNN 19 Jun 2020 $22.50 P $       190.00 ( $ -0.30 )
#4572020-03-09:-1×HRL 19 Jun 2020 $40.00 P $       155.00 ( $ -0.35 )
#4482020-01-21:-2×ORCL 19 Jun 2020 $47.50 P $       150.00 ( $ -1.49 )
#4402019-12-18:-2×XEL 19 Jun 2020 $55.00 P $       150.00 ( $ -0.21 )
#4282019-11-26:-1×WMT 19 Jun 2020 $100.00 P $       158.00 ( $ -0.65 )
#4122019-11-13:-1×PM 19 Jun 2020 $100.00 C $       102.00 ( $ -0.65 )

I already covered these expirations in an article, so I won't rehash details here. In all, I secured options income totaling $1,251 with these expirations. Secured means I no longer have any obligations. For covered calls, my shares can no longer be called away and for put options, the margin that has been set aside for collateral gets released.  

Closed Options

When an out of the money option goes further out of the money, you can close the option early and secure most of the options income.

In June, I didn't close any options early.

Rolled Options

Rolling forward options means buying back an option and selling another option with a later expiration date. You can do this to avoid options assignment for in the money options or to collect more options income for out of the money options.

I did not roll forward any options in June.

Covered Calls

Selling covered calls is a way to collect extra income on stocks you already own.

I didn't sell any covered calls in June.

For covered calls, I think an achievable goal is to earn double the dividend yield.

New Put Contracts

Selling put options allows me to set the price I'm willing to pay for a stock I want to buy. In effect, I get paid while waiting for the share price to drop!

I sold the following put contracts in June:

#4842020-06-30:-1×PEG 17 Jul 2020 $50.00 P $       185.00 ( $ -0.35 )
#4832020-06-25:-2×PEG 21 Aug 2020 $45.00 P $       380.00 ( $ -0.20 )
#4822020-06-25:-1×LYB 17 Jul 2020 $61.00 P $       335.00 ( $ -0.25 )
#4812020-06-23:-2×WFC 18 Sep 2020 $22.50 P $       188.00 ( $ -0.90 )
#4802020-06-23:-3×WBA 21 Aug 2020 $40.00 P $       489.00 ( $ -1.35 )
#4792020-06-23:-3×CMCSA 21 Aug 2020 $32.50 P $       132.00 ( $ -1.34 )
#4782020-06-23:-2×AFL 21 Aug 2020 $35.00 P $       390.00 ( $ -0.90 )
#4772020-06-22:-2×XEL 16 Oct 2020 $55.00 P $       260.00 ( $ -0.20 )
#4762020-06-22:-1×WMT 18 Dec 2020 $100.00 P $       240.00 ( $ -0.80 )
#4752020-06-22:-1×ORCL 18 Sep 2020 $50.00 P $       148.00 ( $ -0.80 )
#4742020-06-22:-1×O 18 Sep 2020 $50.00 P $       180.00 ( $ -0.25 )
#4732020-06-22:-1×HRL 18 Dec 2020 $40.00 P $       105.00 ( $ -0.35 )
#4722020-06-16:-2×MSFT 16 Oct 2020 $145.00 P $       462.00 ( $ -1.48 )
#4712020-06-16:-2×AAPL 18 Sep 2020 $250.00 P $       560.00 ( $ -0.90 )

#484 : 2020-06-30: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option PEG Jul 17 2020 50.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated (PEG) for $50.00 per share on or before 17 July. PEG closed at $49.16 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2020-06-30
Expiration Date :  2020-07-17    Number of Days in Trade : 17
Price at Close :  $49.16 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : -1.71%
Strike Price :  $50.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.85 per shareOptions Income : $185.00
Commission : -$0.35
Net Premium :  $1.847 per shareNet Options Income : $184.65
Options Yield :  3.76%Annualized Options Yield : 80.70%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $48.15Discount if Exercised : 2.06%

This put option trade yields 3.76%, or 80.70% on an annualized basis. At $49.16 per share, PEG yields 3.34%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 24.19. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $48.15 per share, a discount of 2.06%.

#483 : 2020-06-25: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option PEG Aug 21 2020 45.00 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated (PEG) for $45.00 per share on or before 21 August. PEG closed at $47.97 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2020-06-25
Expiration Date :  2020-08-21    Number of Days in Trade : 57
Price at Close :  $47.97 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 6.19%
Strike Price :  $45.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $1.90 per shareOptions Income : $380.00
Commission : -$0.20
Net Premium :  $1.899 per shareNet Options Income : $379.80
Options Yield :  3.96%Annualized Options Yield : 25.37%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $43.10Discount if Exercised : 10.15%

This put option trade yields 3.96%, or 25.37% on an annualized basis. At $47.97 per share, PEG yields 3.42%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 7.42. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $43.10 per share, a discount of 10.15%.

#482 : 2020-06-25: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option LYB Jul 17 2020 61.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of LyondellBasell Industries NV (LYB) for $61.00 per share on or before 17 July. LYB closed at $64.00 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2020-06-25
Expiration Date :  2020-07-17    Number of Days in Trade : 22
Price at Close :  $64.00 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 4.69%
Strike Price :  $61.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $3.35 per shareOptions Income : $335.00
Commission : -$0.25
Net Premium :  $3.348 per shareNet Options Income : $334.75
Options Yield :  5.23%Annualized Options Yield : 86.84%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $57.65Discount if Exercised : 9.93%

This put option trade yields 5.23%, or 86.84% on an annualized basis. At $64.00 per share, LYB yields 6.56%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 13.23. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $57.65 per share, a discount of 9.93%.

#481 : 2020-06-23: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option WFC Sep 18 2020 22.50 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of Wells Fargo & Company (WFC) for $22.50 per share on or before 18 September. WFC closed at $27.23 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2020-06-23
Expiration Date :  2020-09-18    Number of Days in Trade : 87
Price at Close :  $27.23 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 17.37%
Strike Price :  $22.50 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $0.94 per shareOptions Income : $188.00
Commission : -$0.90
Net Premium :  $0.936 per shareNet Options Income : $187.10
Options Yield :  3.44%Annualized Options Yield : 14.42%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $21.56Discount if Exercised : 20.84%

This put option trade yields 3.44%, or 14.42% on an annualized basis. At $27.23 per share, WFC yields 7.49%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 1.93. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $21.56 per share, a discount of 20.84%.

#480 : 2020-06-23: Sold to Open 3 Contracts of Option WBA Aug 21 2020 40.00 P

I'm willing to buy 300 shares of Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc. (WBA) for $40.00 per share on or before 21 August. WBA closed at $42.81 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2020-06-23
Expiration Date :  2020-08-21    Number of Days in Trade : 59
Price at Close :  $42.81 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 6.56%
Strike Price :  $40.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 3Number of Shares :300
Put Premium :  $1.63 per shareOptions Income : $489.00
Commission : -$1.35
Net Premium :  $1.626 per shareNet Options Income : $487.65
Options Yield :  3.80%Annualized Options Yield : 23.51%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $38.37Discount if Exercised : 10.38%

This put option trade yields 3.80%, or 23.51% on an annualized basis. At $42.81 per share, WBA yields 4.27%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 5.50. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 300 shares at a cost basis of $38.37 per share, a discount of 10.38%.

#479 : 2020-06-23: Sold to Open 3 Contracts of Option CMCSA Aug 21 2020 32.50 P

I'm willing to buy 300 shares of Comcast Corporation (CMCSA) for $32.50 per share on or before 21 August. CMCSA closed at $38.97 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2020-06-23
Expiration Date :  2020-08-21    Number of Days in Trade : 59
Price at Close :  $38.97 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 16.60%
Strike Price :  $32.50 per share
Number of Contracts : 3Number of Shares :300
Put Premium :  $0.44 per shareOptions Income : $132.00
Commission : -$1.34
Net Premium :  $0.436 per shareNet Options Income : $130.66
Options Yield :  1.12%Annualized Options Yield : 6.92%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $32.06Discount if Exercised : 17.74%

This put option trade yields 1.12%, or 6.92% on an annualized basis. At $38.97 per share, CMCSA yields 2.36%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 2.93. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 300 shares at a cost basis of $32.06 per share, a discount of 17.74%.

#478 : 2020-06-23: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option AFL Aug 21 2020 35.00 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of Aflac Incorporated (AFL) for $35.00 per share on or before 21 August. AFL closed at $36.39 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2020-06-23
Expiration Date :  2020-08-21    Number of Days in Trade : 59
Price at Close :  $36.39 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 3.82%
Strike Price :  $35.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $1.95 per shareOptions Income : $390.00
Commission : -$0.90
Net Premium :  $1.946 per shareNet Options Income : $389.10
Options Yield :  5.35%Annualized Options Yield : 33.10%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $33.05Discount if Exercised : 9.19%

This put option trade yields 5.35%, or 33.10% on an annualized basis. At $36.39 per share, AFL yields 3.08%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 10.75. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $33.05 per share, a discount of 9.19%.

#477 : 2020-06-22: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option XEL Oct 16 2020 55.00 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of Xcel Energy Inc (XEL) for $55.00 per share on or before 16 October. XEL closed at $65.15 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2020-06-22
Expiration Date :  2020-10-16    Number of Days in Trade : 116
Price at Close :  $65.15 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 15.58%
Strike Price :  $55.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $1.30 per shareOptions Income : $260.00
Commission : -$0.20
Net Premium :  $1.299 per shareNet Options Income : $259.80
Options Yield :  1.99%Annualized Options Yield : 6.28%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $53.70Discount if Exercised : 17.58%

This put option trade yields 1.99%, or 6.28% on an annualized basis. At $65.15 per share, XEL yields 2.64%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 2.38. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $53.70 per share, a discount of 17.58%.

#476 : 2020-06-22: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option WMT Dec 18 2020 100.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Walmart Inc (WMT) for $100.00 per share on or before 18 December. WMT closed at $121.68 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2020-06-22
Expiration Date :  2020-12-18    Number of Days in Trade : 179
Price at Close :  $121.68 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 17.82%
Strike Price :  $100.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $2.40 per shareOptions Income : $240.00
Commission : -$0.80
Net Premium :  $2.392 per shareNet Options Income : $239.20
Options Yield :  1.97%Annualized Options Yield : 4.01%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $97.59Discount if Exercised : 19.80%

This put option trade yields 1.97%, or 4.01% on an annualized basis. At $121.68 per share, WMT yields 1.78%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 2.26. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $97.59 per share, a discount of 19.80%.

#475 : 2020-06-22: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option ORCL Sep 18 2020 50.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Oracle Corporation (ORCL) for $50.00 per share on or before 18 September. ORCL closed at $54.89 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2020-06-22
Expiration Date :  2020-09-18    Number of Days in Trade : 88
Price at Close :  $54.89 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 8.91%
Strike Price :  $50.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.48 per shareOptions Income : $148.00
Commission : -$0.80
Net Premium :  $1.472 per shareNet Options Income : $147.20
Options Yield :  2.68%Annualized Options Yield : 11.13%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $48.51Discount if Exercised : 11.62%

This put option trade yields 2.68%, or 11.13% on an annualized basis. At $54.89 per share, ORCL yields 1.75%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 6.36. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $48.51 per share, a discount of 11.62%.

#474 : 2020-06-22: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option O Sep 18 2020 50.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Realty Income Corporation (O) for $50.00 per share on or before 18 September. O closed at $61.20 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2020-06-22
Expiration Date :  2020-09-18    Number of Days in Trade : 88
Price at Close :  $61.20 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 18.30%
Strike Price :  $50.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.80 per shareOptions Income : $180.00
Commission : -$0.25
Net Premium :  $1.798 per shareNet Options Income : $179.75
Options Yield :  2.94%Annualized Options Yield : 12.19%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $48.20Discount if Exercised : 21.25%

This put option trade yields 2.94%, or 12.19% on an annualized basis. At $61.20 per share, O yields 4.58%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 2.66. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $48.20 per share, a discount of 21.25%.

#473 : 2020-06-22: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option HRL Dec 18 2020 40.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Hormel Foods Corporation (HRL) for $40.00 per share on or before 18 December. HRL closed at $48.15 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2020-06-22
Expiration Date :  2020-12-18    Number of Days in Trade : 179
Price at Close :  $48.15 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 16.93%
Strike Price :  $40.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.05 per shareOptions Income : $105.00
Commission : -$0.35
Net Premium :  $1.047 per shareNet Options Income : $104.65
Options Yield :  2.17%Annualized Options Yield : 4.43%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $38.95Discount if Exercised : 19.11%

This put option trade yields 2.17%, or 4.43% on an annualized basis. At $48.15 per share, HRL yields 1.93%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 2.30. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $38.95 per share, a discount of 19.11%.

#472 : 2020-06-16: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option MSFT Oct 16 2020 145.00 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) for $145.00 per share on or before 16 October. MSFT closed at $193.57 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2020-06-16
Expiration Date :  2020-10-16    Number of Days in Trade : 122
Price at Close :  $193.57 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 25.09%
Strike Price :  $145.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $2.31 per shareOptions Income : $462.00
Commission : -$1.48
Net Premium :  $2.303 per shareNet Options Income : $460.52
Options Yield :  1.19%Annualized Options Yield : 3.56%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $142.68Discount if Exercised : 26.29%

This put option trade yields 1.19%, or 3.56% on an annualized basis. At $193.57 per share, MSFT yields 1.05%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 3.38. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $142.68 per share, a discount of 26.29%.

#471 : 2020-06-16: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option AAPL Sep 18 2020 250.00 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of Apple Inc (AAPL) for $250.00 per share on or before 18 September. AAPL closed at $352.08 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2020-06-16
Expiration Date :  2020-09-18    Number of Days in Trade : 94
Price at Close :  $352.08 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 28.99%
Strike Price :  $250.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $2.80 per shareOptions Income : $560.00
Commission : -$0.90
Net Premium :  $2.796 per shareNet Options Income : $559.10
Options Yield :  0.79%Annualized Options Yield : 3.09%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $247.20Discount if Exercised : 29.79%

This put option trade yields 0.79%, or 3.09% on an annualized basis. At $352.08 per share, AAPL yields 0.93%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 3.31. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $247.20 per share, a discount of 29.79%.

For selling puts, I like to see a dividend boost factor of 5.00 or more unless I can buy shares at a discount of at least 10%. Every put trade I executed in June measures up to that criterium!

Options Income Tally

Here is a running tally of the total amount received from options trades, as well as the options premiums secured due to options that expired or are closed. Secured means I no longer have related obligations and "own" the corresponding options income free and clear. 

key:  expired  •  closed  •  rolled  •  assigned  •  open 

#4842020-06-30:-1×PEG 17 Jul 2020 $50.00 P $       185.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    74,273.85 ➤ $    42,392.85 
#4832020-06-25:-2×PEG 21 Aug 2020 $45.00 P $       380.00 ( $          -0.20 )$    74,089.20 ➤ $    42,393.20 
#4822020-06-25:-1×LYB 17 Jul 2020 $61.00 P $       335.00 ( $          -0.25 )$    73,709.40 ➤ $    42,393.40 
#4812020-06-23:-2×WFC 18 Sep 2020 $22.50 P $       188.00 ( $          -0.90 )$    73,374.65 ➤ $    42,393.65 
#4802020-06-23:-3×WBA 21 Aug 2020 $40.00 P $       489.00 ( $          -1.35 )$    73,187.55 ➤ $    42,394.55 
#4792020-06-23:-3×CMCSA 21 Aug 2020 $32.50 P $       132.00 ( $          -1.34 )$    72,699.90 ➤ $    42,395.90 
#4782020-06-23:-2×AFL 21 Aug 2020 $35.00 P $       390.00 ( $          -0.90 )$    72,569.24 ➤ $    42,397.24 
#4772020-06-22:-2×XEL 16 Oct 2020 $55.00 P $       260.00 ( $          -0.20 )$    72,180.14 ➤ $    42,398.14 
#4762020-06-22:-1×WMT 18 Dec 2020 $100.00 P $       240.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    71,920.34 ➤ $    42,398.34 
#4752020-06-22:-1×ORCL 18 Sep 2020 $50.00 P $       148.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    71,681.14 ➤ $    42,399.14 
#4742020-06-22:-1×O 18 Sep 2020 $50.00 P $       180.00 ( $          -0.25 )$    71,533.94 ➤ $    42,399.94 
#4732020-06-22:-1×HRL 18 Dec 2020 $40.00 P $       105.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    71,354.19 ➤ $    42,400.19 
#4722020-06-16:-2×MSFT 16 Oct 2020 $145.00 P $       462.00 ( $          -1.48 )$    71,249.54 ➤ $    42,400.54 
#4712020-06-16:-2×AAPL 18 Sep 2020 $250.00 P $       560.00 ( $          -0.90 )$    70,789.02 ➤ $    42,402.02 
#4702020-05-28:-3×CMCSA 17 Jul 2020 $35.00 P $       150.00 ( $          -2.21 )$    70,229.92 ➤ $    42,402.92 
#4692020-04-17:-1×TXN 18 Sep 2020 $95.00 P $       660.00 ( $          -0.66 )$    70,082.13 ➤ $    42,405.13 
#4682020-04-17:-1×LOW 17 Jul 2020 $90.00 P $       702.00 ( $          -0.66 )$    69,422.79 ➤ $    42,405.79 
#4672020-03-19:-1×SPG 15 May 2020 $40.00 P $       560.00 ( $          -0.81 )$    68,721.45 ➤ $    42,406.45 
#4662020-03-19:-1×O 19 Jun 2020 $37.50 P $       350.00 ( $          -0.30 )$    68,162.26 ➤ $    41,847.26 
#4652020-03-19:-1×NNN 19 Jun 2020 $22.50 P $       190.00 ( $          -0.30 )$    67,812.56 ➤ $    41,497.56 
#4642020-03-19:-2×MAIN 17 Apr 2020 $15.00 P $       380.00 ( $            0.00 )$    67,622.86 ➤ $    41,307.86 
#4632020-03-18:-1×HRL 15 Jan 2021 $52.50 C $       520.00 ( $          -0.25 )$    67,242.86 ➤ $    40,927.86 
#4622020-03-16:-3×TJX 15 Jan 2021 $45.00 P $    2,450.00 ( $          -1.83 )$    66,723.11 ➤ $    40,928.11 
#4612020-03-16:-2×SBUX 15 Jan 2021 $65.00 P $    2,603.00 ( $          -1.35 )$    64,274.94 ➤ $    40,929.94 
#4602020-03-16:-1×MMM 15 Jan 2021 $130.00 P $    2,344.00 ( $          -0.70 )$    61,673.29 ➤ $    40,931.29 
#4592020-03-16:-2×ICE 15 Jan 2021 $75.00 P $    2,235.00 ( $          -0.63 )$    59,329.99 ➤ $    40,931.99 
#4582020-03-09:-1×LYB 15 Jan 2021 $70.00 P $    1,590.00 ( $   -3,100.61 )$    57,095.62 ➤ $    40,932.62 
#4572020-03-09:-1×HRL 19 Jun 2020 $40.00 P $       155.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    58,606.23 ➤ $    42,443.23 
#4562020-03-09:-3×BEN 20 Nov 2020 $22.50 P $    1,366.00 ( $          -1.44 )$    58,451.58 ➤ $    42,288.58 
#4552020-03-02:-1×UNP 15 May 2020 $145.00 P $       535.00 ( $          -0.81 )$    57,087.02 ➤ $    42,290.02 
#4542020-03-02:-1×SBUX 17 Apr 2020 $70.00 P $       111.00 ( $      -978.44 )→ #461$    56,552.83 ➤ $    41,755.83 
#4532020-02-11:-1×MSFT 15 Jan 2021 $155.00 P $       633.00 ( $          -1.11 )$    57,420.27 ➤ $    42,623.27 
#4522020-02-11:-1×INTC 15 Jan 2021 $50.00 P $       139.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    56,788.38 ➤ $    42,624.38 
#4512020-02-11:-1×AAPL 15 Jan 2021 $255.00 P $       865.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    56,650.18 ➤ $    42,625.18 
#4502020-01-21:-1×TXN 17 Apr 2020 $115.00 P $       128.00 ( $      -306.44 )→ #469$    55,786.28 ➤ $    42,626.28 
#4492020-01-21:-2×TJX 17 Apr 2020 $67.50 C $       110.00 ( $          -0.01 )$    55,964.72 ➤ $    42,804.72 
#4482020-01-21:-2×ORCL 19 Jun 2020 $47.50 P $       150.00 ( $          -1.49 )$    55,854.73 ➤ $    42,694.73 
#4472020-01-21:-2×GILD 15 May 2020 $55.00 P $       162.00 ( $          -0.89 )$    55,706.22 ➤ $    42,546.22 
#4462020-01-21:-2×CSX 15 May 2020 $67.50 P $       240.00 ( $   -3,201.79 )$    55,545.11 ➤ $    42,385.11 
#4452020-01-15:-2×KO 18 Sep 2020 $55.00 C $       717.00 ( $          -1.70 )$    58,506.90 ➤ $    45,346.90 
#4442020-01-15:-1×D 17 Jul 2020 $82.50 C $       267.00 ( $          -0.30 )$    57,791.60 ➤ $    45,348.60 
#4432020-01-15:-2×CMCSA 17 Jul 2020 $47.50 C $       402.00 ( $          -1.50 )$    57,524.90 ➤ $    45,348.90 
#4422020-01-15:-3×BEN 17 Jul 2020 $27.50 P $       978.00 ( $   -2,502.74 )→ #456$    57,124.40 ➤ $    45,350.40 
#4412020-01-08:-5×T 21 Jan 2022 $40.00 C $    1,452.00 ( $          -2.11 )$    58,649.14 ➤ $    46,875.14 
#4402019-12-18:-2×XEL 19 Jun 2020 $55.00 P $       150.00 ( $          -0.21 )$    57,199.25 ➤ $    46,877.25 
#4392019-12-18:-1×TSM 21 Jan 2022 $60.00 C $       808.00 ( $          -0.31 )$    57,049.46 ➤ $    46,727.46 
#4382019-12-18:-2×TJX 17 Apr 2020 $55.00 P $       174.00 ( $   -2,476.67 )→ #462$    56,241.77 ➤ $    46,727.77 
#4372019-12-18:-1×SBUX 21 Feb 2020 $85.00 P $       187.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    58,544.44 ➤ $    49,030.44 
#4362019-12-18:-1×PSX 21 Feb 2020 $110.00 P $       270.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    58,358.24 ➤ $    48,844.24 
#4352019-12-18:-1×LYB 20 Mar 2020 $80.00 P $       120.00 ( $   -1,755.58 )→ #458$    58,088.59 ➤ $    48,574.59 
#4342019-12-18:-1×ICE 19 Jun 2020 $85.00 P $       195.00 ( $   -1,285.58 )→ #459$    59,724.17 ➤ $    50,210.17 
#4332019-12-18:-2×HRL 20 Mar 2020 $40.00 P $       104.00 ( $        -19.90 )$    60,814.75 ➤ $    51,300.75 
#4322019-12-18:-1×AMT 17 Apr 2020 $180.00 P $       200.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    60,730.65 ➤ $    51,216.65 
#4312019-12-18:-1×ABT 15 May 2020 $75.00 P $       117.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    60,531.00 ➤ $    51,017.00 
#4302019-12-12:-2×TROW 17 Jul 2020 $120.00 C $    2,209.00 ( $          -1.64 )$    60,414.80 ➤ $    50,900.80 
#4292019-11-27:-1×SBUX 17 Apr 2020 $77.50 P $       158.00 ( $   -1,543.17 )→ #461$    58,207.44 ➤ $    50,902.44 
#4282019-11-26:-1×WMT 19 Jun 2020 $100.00 P $       158.00 ( $          -0.65 )$    59,592.61 ➤ $    52,287.61 
#4272019-11-26:-1×V 20 Mar 2020 $155.00 P $       127.00 ( $        -11.19 )$    59,435.26 ➤ $    52,130.26 
#4262019-11-26:-1×UNP 21 Feb 2020 $160.00 P $       217.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    59,319.45 ➤ $    52,014.45 
#4252019-11-26:-1×NKE 17 Apr 2020 $77.50 P $       102.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    59,103.25 ➤ $    51,798.25 
#4242019-11-26:-1×MSFT 20 Mar 2020 $130.00 P $       119.00 ( $          -8.37 )$    59,002.35 ➤ $    51,697.35 
#4232019-11-26:-1×MRK 17 Apr 2020 $75.00 P $       107.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    58,891.72 ➤ $    51,586.72 
#4222019-11-26:-1×MMM 17 Apr 2020 $160.00 P $    3,441.00 ( $          -1.45 )→ #460$    58,785.52 ➤ $    51,480.52 
#4212019-11-26:-1×MCD 20 Mar 2020 $170.00 P $       126.00 ( $        -10.32 )$    55,345.97 ➤ $    48,040.97 
#4202019-11-26:-1×LOW 17 Apr 2020 $95.00 P $       111.00 ( $        -41.44 )→ #468$    55,230.29 ➤ $    47,925.29 
#4192019-11-26:-1×LLY 17 Apr 2020 $100.00 P $       140.00 ( $        -10.74 )$    55,160.73 ➤ $    47,855.73 
#4182019-11-26:-1×JNJ 20 Mar 2020 $120.00 P $       115.00 ( $          -9.89 )$    55,031.47 ➤ $    47,726.47 
#4172019-11-26:-1×ICE 19 Jun 2020 $80.00 P $       133.00 ( $   -1,000.59 )→ #459$    54,926.36 ➤ $    47,621.36 
#4162019-11-13:-2×XOM 17 Apr 2020 $75.00 C $       194.00 ( $        -11.74 )$    55,793.95 ➤ $    48,488.95 
#4152019-11-13:-1×WFC 19 Jun 2020 $60.00 C $       112.00 ( $        -10.19 )$    55,611.69 ➤ $    48,306.69 
#4142019-11-13:-1×TXN 17 Jan 2020 $110.00 P $       144.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    55,509.88 ➤ $    48,204.88 
#4132019-11-13:-5×SKT 19 Jun 2020 $20.00 C $       120.00 ( $        -30.70 )$    55,366.98 ➤ $    48,061.98 
#4122019-11-13:-1×PM 19 Jun 2020 $100.00 C $       102.00 ( $          -0.65 )$    55,277.68 ➤ $    47,972.68 
#4112019-11-13:-1×JNJ 20 Mar 2020 $140.00 C $       163.00 ( $          -0.65 )$    55,176.33 ➤ $    47,871.33 
#4102019-11-13:-1×IBM 17 Apr 2020 $120.00 P $       269.00 ( $        -10.59 )$    55,013.98 ➤ $    47,708.98 
#4092019-11-13:-2×ABBV 15 Jan 2021 $90.00 C $    1,310.00 ( $          -1.52 )$    54,755.57 ➤ $    47,450.57 
#4082019-10-18:-2×TSM 15 Jan 2021 $50.00 C $    1,083.00 ( $            0.00 )$    53,447.09 ➤ $    47,452.09 
#4072019-10-18:-2×TROW 20 Dec 2019 $115.00 C $       339.00 ( $   -2,090.59 )→ #430$    52,364.09 ➤ $    47,452.09 
#4062019-10-18:-2×TJX 17 Jan 2020 $65.00 C $       188.00 ( $            0.00 )$    54,115.68 ➤ $    49,203.68 
#4052019-10-18:-1×ADM 20 Mar 2020 $45.00 C $         53.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    53,927.68 ➤ $    49,015.68 
#4042019-10-01:-1×TJX 17 Apr 2020 $50.00 P $       180.00 ( $      -802.24 )→ #462$    53,875.78 ➤ $    48,963.78 
#4032019-10-01:-1×SNA 15 Nov 2019 $145.00 P $       260.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    54,498.02 ➤ $    49,586.02 
#4022019-10-01:-3×PFE 20 Mar 2020 $40.00 C $       132.00 ( $          -1.13 )$    54,238.37 ➤ $    49,326.37 
#4012019-10-01:-1×MRK 15 Nov 2019 $80.00 P $       127.00 ( $          -1.58 )$    54,107.50 ➤ $    49,195.50 
#4002019-10-01:-1×MDT 17 Jan 2020 $100.00 P $       196.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    53,982.08 ➤ $    49,070.08 
#3992019-10-01:-1×HRL 20 Mar 2020 $47.50 C $       125.00 ( $      -280.83 )→ #463$    53,786.88 ➤ $    48,874.88 
#3982019-10-01:-2×ADM 20 Mar 2020 $45.00 C $       160.00 ( $          -0.99 )$    53,942.71 ➤ $    49,030.71 
#3972019-10-01:-2×ADM 15 Nov 2019 $40.00 P $       228.00 ( $          -1.00 )$    53,783.70 ➤ $    48,871.70 
#3962019-09-20:-1×ORCL 17 Jan 2020 $52.50 P $       213.00 ( $          -1.59 )$    53,556.70 ➤ $    48,644.70 
#3952019-09-20:-1×MSFT 21 Jan 2022 $155.00 C $    1,490.00 ( $          -0.68 )$    53,345.29 ➤ $    48,433.29 
#3942019-09-20:-2×MO 20 Mar 2020 $50.00 C $       120.00 ( $        -20.18 )$    51,855.97 ➤ $    48,433.97 
#3932019-09-20:-2×MO 15 Jan 2021 $45.00 P $    2,029.00 ( $   -2,101.77 )$    51,756.15 ➤ $    48,334.15 
#3922019-09-20:-1×LOW 17 Jan 2020 $125.00 C $       182.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    51,828.92 ➤ $    48,406.92 
#3912019-09-20:-3×INTC 15 Nov 2019 $45.00 P $       129.00 ( $          -3.83 )$    51,647.72 ➤ $    48,225.72 
#3902019-09-20:-2×INTC 15 Nov 2019 $55.00 C $       168.00 ( $          -1.59 )$    51,522.55 ➤ $    48,100.55 
#3892019-09-20:-2×GILD 21 Feb 2020 $75.00 C $       266.00 ( $        -13.23 )$    51,356.14 ➤ $    47,934.14 
#3882019-09-20:-2×GILD 17 Jan 2020 $60.00 P $       270.00 ( $          -2.56 )$    51,103.37 ➤ $    47,681.37 
#3872019-09-20:-2×CSX 17 Jan 2020 $70.00 P $       820.00 ( $          -1.80 )$    50,835.93 ➤ $    47,413.93 
#3862019-08-16:-1×XOM 17 Jan 2020 $80.00 C $         33.00 ( $          -4.69 )→ #416$    50,017.73 ➤ $    46,595.73 
#3852019-08-16:-1×DGX 21 Feb 2020 $100.00 C $       675.00 ( $          -0.31 )$    49,989.42 ➤ $    46,567.42 
#3842019-08-14:-1×TIF 17 Jan 2020 $85.00 P $       769.00 ( $          -1.66 )$    49,314.73 ➤ $    45,892.73 
#3832019-08-02:-1×XOM 18 Oct 2019 $67.50 P $       135.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    48,547.39 ➤ $    45,125.39 
#3822019-08-02:-1×VZ 18 Oct 2019 $52.50 P $       108.00 ( $          -0.96 )$    48,413.19 ➤ $    44,991.19 
#3812019-08-02:-3×PFE 20 Sep 2019 $40.00 C $       138.00 ( $          -2.39 )$    48,306.15 ➤ $    44,884.15 
#3802019-08-02:-1×MRK 20 Sep 2019 $80.00 P $       110.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    48,170.54 ➤ $    44,748.54 
#3792019-08-02:-1×MDT 20 Sep 2019 $97.50 P $       158.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    48,061.63 ➤ $    44,639.63 
#3782019-07-25:-2×NKE 18 Oct 2019 $75.00 P $       124.00 ( $          -0.99 )$    47,904.43 ➤ $    44,482.43 
#3772019-07-25:-2×MS 15 Nov 2019 $42.00 P $       263.00 ( $          -0.85 )$    47,781.42 ➤ $    44,359.42 
#3762019-07-25:-1×LLY 17 Jan 2020 $85.00 P $       106.00 ( $          -7.74 )→ #419$    47,519.27 ➤ $    44,097.27 
#3752019-07-25:-1×AAPL 18 Oct 2019 $180.00 P $       180.00 ( $          -0.65 )$    47,421.01 ➤ $    43,999.01 
#3742019-07-22:-1×XOM 17 Jan 2020 $80.00 C $       127.00 ( $          -5.32 )→ #416$    47,241.66 ➤ $    43,819.66 
#3732019-07-22:-1×VLO 20 Dec 2019 $100.00 C $       105.00 ( $          -0.68 )$    47,119.98 ➤ $    43,697.98 
#3722019-07-22:-2×TSM 18 Oct 2019 $45.00 C $       380.00 ( $      -946.30 )→ #408$    47,015.66 ➤ $    43,593.66 
#3712019-07-22:-1×TRV 18 Oct 2019 $155.00 C $       255.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    47,581.96 ➤ $    44,159.96 
#3702019-07-22:-1×DIS 18 Oct 2019 $145.00 C $       407.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    47,327.31 ➤ $    43,905.31 
#3692019-07-22:-1×D 17 Jan 2020 $80.00 C $       175.00 ( $      -236.64 )→ #444$    46,921.11 ➤ $    43,499.11 
#368b2019-07-16:-1×ORCL 20 Sep 2019 $55.00 P $         76.00 ( $      -109.07 )→ #396$    46,982.75 ➤ $    43,560.75 
#368a2019-07-16:-1×ORCL 20 Sep 2019 $55.00 P $         76.00 ( $          -0.50 )$    47,015.82 ➤ $    43,593.82 
#3672019-07-16:-2×CSX 20 Sep 2019 $72.50 P $       150.00 ( $      -548.77 )→ #387$    46,940.32 ➤ $    43,518.32 
#3662019-06-28:-1×WMT 20 Dec 2019 $100.00 P $       213.00 ( $          -3.44 )→ #428$    47,339.09 ➤ $    43,917.09 
#3652019-06-28:-1×UTX 15 Nov 2019 $115.00 P $       222.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    47,129.53 ➤ $    43,707.53 
#3642019-06-28:-2×PEP 18 Oct 2019 $110.00 P $       118.00 ( $          -0.99 )$    46,908.33 ➤ $    43,486.33 
#3632019-06-28:-2×EMR 20 Dec 2019 $60.00 P $       374.00 ( $          -9.19 )$    46,791.32 ➤ $    43,369.32 
#3622019-06-28:-2×CL 15 Nov 2019 $65.00 P $       248.00 ( $          -1.00 )$    46,426.51 ➤ $    43,004.51 
#3612019-06-28:-3×BEN 17 Jan 2020 $30.00 P $       261.00 ( $   -1,413.35 )→ #442$    46,179.51 ➤ $    42,757.51 
#3602019-06-28:-2×ABBV 15 Nov 2019 $60.00 P $       224.00 ( $          -1.00 )$    47,331.86 ➤ $    43,909.86 
#3592019-06-28:-1×TSM 17 Jan 2020 $45.00 C $       105.00 ( $   -1,380.59 )→ #439$    47,108.86 ➤ $    43,686.86 
#3582019-06-28:-2×ABBV 15 Nov 2019 $80.00 C $       303.00 ( $   -1,332.34 )→ #409$    48,384.45 ➤ $    44,962.45 
#3572019-06-21:-3×GPS 17 Jan 2020 $20.00 C $       345.00 ( $      -111.72 )$    49,413.79 ➤ $    45,991.79 
#3562019-06-21:-1×CSCO 18 Oct 2019 $52.50 P $       120.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    49,180.51 ➤ $    45,758.51 
#3552019-05-29:-2×MS 16 Aug 2019 $40.00 P $       262.00 ( $        -18.44 )→ #377$    49,061.61 ➤ $    45,639.61 
#3542019-05-28:-2×DAL 20 Sep 2019 $50.00 P $       310.00 ( $          -1.00 )$    48,818.05 ➤ $    45,396.05 
#3532019-05-28:-2×CMCSA 17 Jan 2020 $45.00 C $       396.00 ( $      -260.07 )→ #443$    48,509.05 ➤ $    45,087.05 
#3522019-05-24:-3×SKT 17 Jan 2020 $20.00 C $       188.00 ( $        -26.08 )→ #413$    48,373.12 ➤ $    44,951.12 
#3512019-05-22:-2×SKT 17 Jan 2020 $20.00 C $       112.00 ( $        -16.78 )→ #413$    48,211.20 ➤ $    44,789.20 
#3502019-05-22:-2×GIS 19 Jul 2019 $50.00 P $       176.00 ( $          -1.00 )$    48,115.98 ➤ $    44,693.98 
#3492019-05-22:-2×ADM 20 Sep 2019 $35.00 P $       110.00 ( $          -0.75 )$    47,940.98 ➤ $    44,518.98 
#3482019-05-20:-1×SNA 20 Sep 2019 $140.00 P $       260.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    47,831.73 ➤ $    44,409.73 
#3472019-05-16:-2×GIS 18 Oct 2019 $47.50 P $       260.00 ( $          -1.60 )$    47,572.83 ➤ $    44,150.83 
#3462019-05-16:-1×AOS 18 Oct 2019 $45.00 P $       180.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    47,314.43 ➤ $    43,892.43 
#3452019-05-15:-2×WFC 18 Oct 2019 $42.50 P $       240.00 ( $          -1.00 )$    47,135.53 ➤ $    43,713.53 
#3442019-05-15:-1×TIF 16 Aug 2019 $90.00 P $       302.00 ( $      -638.29 )→ #384$    46,896.53 ➤ $    43,474.53 
#3432019-05-15:-2×SO 15 Nov 2019 $45.00 P $         88.00 ( $          -0.99 )$    47,232.82 ➤ $    43,810.82 
#3422019-05-15:-2×QCOM 18 Oct 2019 $65.00 P $       156.00 ( $          -0.99 )$    47,145.81 ➤ $    43,723.81 
#3412019-05-15:-1×INTC 20 Sep 2019 $40.00 P $       105.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    46,990.80 ➤ $    43,568.80 
#3402019-05-15:-1×DIS 19 Jul 2019 $140.00 C $       242.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    46,886.60 ➤ $    43,464.60 
#3392019-05-15:-1×AAPL 18 Jun 2021 $205.00 C $    2,323.00 ( $          -0.69 )$    46,645.40 ➤ $    43,223.40 
#3382019-04-23:-1×PG 15 Jan 2021 $105.00 C $       896.00 ( $   -2,201.60 )$    44,323.09 ➤ $    43,224.09 
#3372019-04-22:-1×WBA 17 Jan 2020 $65.00 C $       163.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    45,628.69 ➤ $    44,529.69 
#3362019-04-22:-2×WBA 17 Jan 2020 $65.00 C $       328.00 ( $          -0.85 )$    45,466.49 ➤ $    44,367.49 
#3352019-04-04:-1×WBA 18 Apr 2019 $55.00 P $       145.00 ( $          -3.16 )$    45,139.34 ➤ $    44,040.34 
#3342019-04-04:-1×HRL 20 Sep 2019 $45.00 C $       121.00 ( $          -0.30 )$    44,997.50 ➤ $    43,898.50 
#3332019-03-27:-1×XOM 20 Sep 2019 $85.00 C $       151.00 ( $        -10.73 )→ #374$    44,876.80 ➤ $    43,777.80 
#3322019-03-27:-2×PFE 20 Sep 2019 $45.00 C $       173.00 ( $        -20.02 )$    44,736.53 ➤ $    43,637.53 
#331b2019-03-27:-1×DGX 16 Aug 2019 $95.00 C $       170.50 ( $      -585.12 )→ #385$    44,583.55 ➤ $    43,484.55 
#331a2019-03-27:-1×DGX 16 Aug 2019 $95.00 C $       170.50 ( $          -0.84 )$    44,998.17 ➤ $    43,899.17 
#3302019-03-27:-2×ABBV 16 Aug 2019 $90.00 C $       264.00 ( $        -22.68 )→ #358$    44,828.50 ➤ $    43,729.50 
#3292019-03-27:-1×AAPL 16 Aug 2019 $170.00 P $       492.00 ( $        -28.19 )→ #375$    44,587.18 ➤ $    43,488.18 
#3282019-03-25:-1×VLO 21 Jun 2019 $95.00 C $       114.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    44,123.37 ➤ $    43,024.37 
#3272019-03-25:-1×VLO 17 May 2019 $80.00 P $       224.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    44,010.16 ➤ $    42,911.16 
#3262019-03-25:-1×TIF 17 May 2019 $100.00 P $       220.00 ( $      -211.48 )→ #344$    43,786.95 ➤ $    42,687.95 
#3252019-03-25:-2×GILD 16 Aug 2019 $70.00 C $       314.00 ( $          -0.99 )$    43,778.43 ➤ $    42,679.43 
#3242019-03-25:-1×DIS 21 Jun 2019 $105.00 P $       295.00 ( $        -10.46 )$    43,465.42 ➤ $    42,366.42 
#3232019-02-28:-1×MSFT 17 May 2019 $100.00 P $       105.00 ( $          -9.31 )$    43,180.88 ➤ $    42,081.88 
#3222019-02-28:-2×JPM 21 Jun 2019 $95.00 P $       294.00 ( $        -21.78 )$    43,085.19 ➤ $    41,986.19 
#3212019-02-28:-1×AAPL 17 May 2019 $155.00 P $       170.00 ( $        -68.73 )→ #329$    42,812.97 ➤ $    41,713.97 
#3202019-02-22:-1×TROW 18 Oct 2019 $110.00 C $       220.00 ( $        -10.59 )→ #407$    42,711.70 ➤ $    41,612.70 
#3192019-02-22:-2×TJX 18 Oct 2019 $60.00 C $       130.00 ( $      -128.08 )→ #406$    42,502.29 ➤ $    41,403.29 
#3182019-02-22:-3×SKT 17 Jan 2020 $25.00 C $       195.00 ( $        -39.41 )→ #352$    42,500.37 ➤ $    41,401.37 
#3172019-02-22:-1×PM 17 Jan 2020 $105.00 C $         95.00 ( $        -10.43 )→ #412$    42,344.78 ➤ $    41,245.78 
#3162019-02-22:-1×MSFT 18 Oct 2019 $125.00 C $       287.00 ( $   -1,486.73 )→ #395$    42,260.21 ➤ $    41,161.21 
#3152019-02-22:-1×MO 17 Jan 2020 $50.00 P $       448.00 ( $   -1,065.52 )→ #393$    43,459.94 ➤ $    42,360.94 
#3142019-02-22:-1×MO 17 Jan 2020 $50.00 P $       448.00 ( $   -1,065.52 )→ #393$    44,077.46 ➤ $    42,978.46 
#3132019-02-22:-2×KO 17 Jan 2020 $52.50 C $         67.00 ( $      -810.26 )→ #445$    44,694.98 ➤ $    43,595.98 
#3122019-02-22:-2×INTC 18 Oct 2019 $55.00 C $       670.00 ( $        -98.14 )$    45,438.24 ➤ $    44,339.24 
#3112019-02-22:-1×HSY 18 Apr 2019 $110.00 P $       250.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    44,866.38 ➤ $    43,767.38 
#3102019-02-20:-1×TROW 18 Oct 2019 $110.00 C $       209.00 ( $        -10.59 )→ #407$    44,617.17 ➤ $    43,518.17 
#3092019-02-20:-1×T 17 Jan 2020 $35.00 C $         52.00 ( $      -450.40 )→ #441$    44,418.76 ➤ $    43,319.76 
#3082019-02-20:-4×T 17 Jan 2020 $35.00 C $       213.00 ( $   -1,801.62 )→ #441$    44,817.16 ➤ $    43,718.16 
#3072019-02-20:-2×ADM 20 Sep 2019 $45.00 C $       234.00 ( $          -0.98 )$    46,405.78 ➤ $    45,306.78 
#3062019-02-07:-1×IP 17 Jan 2020 $47.50 C $       337.00 ( $        -59.18 )$    46,172.76 ➤ $    45,073.76 
#3052019-02-07:-1×INTC 14 Jan 2021 $50.00 C $       679.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    45,894.94 ➤ $    44,795.94 
#3042019-02-07:-1×AAPL 17 Jan 2020 $180.00 C $    1,380.00 ( $   -2,246.75 )→ #339$    45,217.04 ➤ $    44,797.04 
#3032019-01-24:-1×WSM 15 Feb 2019 $55.00 C $         42.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    46,083.79 ➤ $    45,663.79 
#3022019-01-24:-19×F 17 Jan 2020 $10.00 C $       722.00 ( $      -238.39 )$    46,042.88 ➤ $    45,622.88 
#3012019-01-24:-1×F 17 Jan 2020 $10.00 C $         36.00 ( $        -13.32 )$    45,559.27 ➤ $    45,139.27 
#3002019-01-24:-1×AFL 15 Jan 2021 $50.00 C $       420.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    45,536.59 ➤ $    45,116.59 

key:  expired  •  closed  •  rolled  •  assigned  •  open 

Options Expiring Soon

Below I'm listing options expiring in the next two months. On expiration day, in the money options will result in options assignment, which I'd like to avoid in some cases, if possible.

 July 2020:

#4842020-06-30:-1×PEG 17 Jul 2020 $50.00 P $       185.00 ( $ -0.35 )→ Out of the money with a  5% safety margin 
#4822020-06-25:-1×LYB 17 Jul 2020 $61.00 P $       335.00 ( $ -0.25 )→ Out of the money with a  13% safety margin  
#4702020-05-28:-3×CMCSA 17 Jul 2020 $35.00 P $       150.00 ( $ -2.21 )→ Out of the money with a  20% safety margin  
#4682020-04-17:-1×LOW 17 Jul 2020 $90.00 P $       702.00 ( $ -0.66 )→ Out of the money with a  57% safety margin    
#4442020-01-15:-1×D 17 Jul 2020 $82.50 C $       267.00 ( $ -0.30 )→ Out of the money with a  9% safety margin   
#4432020-01-15:-2×CMCSA 17 Jul 2020 $47.50 C $       402.00 ( $ -1.50 )→ Out of the money with a  12% safety margin  
#4302019-12-12:-2×TROW 17 Jul 2020 $120.00 C $    2,209.00 ( $ -1.64 )→ In the money by  10% — caution!   

August 2020:

#4832020-06-25:-2×PEG 21 Aug 2020 $45.00 P $       380.00 ( $ -0.20 )→ Out of the money with a  16% safety margin  
#4802020-06-23:-3×WBA 21 Aug 2020 $40.00 P $       489.00 ( $ -1.35 )→ Out of the money with a  2% safety margin  
#4792020-06-23:-3×CMCSA 21 Aug 2020 $32.50 P $       132.00 ( $ -1.34 )→ Out of the money with a  29% safety margin  
#4782020-06-23:-2×AFL 21 Aug 2020 $35.00 P $       390.00 ( $ -0.90 )→ Out of the money with a  4% safety margin  
The covered call on TROW expiring in July is in the money, so I'll have to roll forward that option to avoid assignment. A few other options are trading out of the money with small margins of safety, so I'll need to closely monitor those as the options expiration date approaches.

Concluding Remarks

June 2020

Options Income
Options Income
End of Month:
$ 74,274
$ 42,393
Previous Month:
$ 70,230
This Month:
$  4,044
$  1,254

My year-to-date options income is $1,362 and given my goal to collect $24,000 in options income in 2020, I'll now have to earn $22,638 in the remaining six months to achieve my options income goal! It remains highly unlikely that I would be able to reach that goal!

In 48 months of options trading, I've collected options income totaling $74,274. Over that same time frame, I've collected $83,640 in dividend income. Options trading is nearly doubling my portfolio's yield!

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  1. Congratulations to your achievement. I have 2 questions. 1) Do you use Margin or Cash account for your stocks portfolio and selling options?, 2) How much cash do you use to cover your selling options strategies?. Thank you.

    1. Thanks for your comment and questions! (1) Margin (2) Interactive Brokers (IB) require 20% cash to be set aside. While I use some of the leverage provided by IB, I don't utilize all of it. That would be too risky, in my view.

  2. Hi mate!
    I just discovered your page and I feel impressed. I'd like to ask you: Which formula do you use to calculate the annualized option yield? Thank you so much for your time. Kind regards from Spain!

    1. Hi, Paulshirley -- thanks for your comment and question!

      In words, the options yield is the premium received divided by the share price on the trade date. But options have a specific duration. So I annualize the options yield by multiplying it with 365.25 divided by the options duration in days.

      AnnualizedOptionsYield = (Premium/SharePrice)*(365.25/DaysToExpiration)

  3. Hi DivGro! I follow you for at least 1 year. I'm already used to work with options trade here in Brazil (including taxes rules and where to find historic data). Could you help me by telling me where can I read about options taxes and specially where do I find historical price data in US?

    1. Hi, Ton -- thanks for following me!

      Unfortunately, I don't know much about tax rule, except that options profits are taxed at the higher short-term capital gains rate. As for historical price data, I use


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