We monitor dividend changes of stocks in Dividend Radar, a weekly automatically generated spreadsheet listing stocks with dividend streaks of five years or more.
The Dividend Radar spreadsheet separates stocks into categories three categories: Champions (with increase streaks of 25+ years), Contenders (10-24 years), and Challengers (5-9 years).
Last week, thirteen companies in Dividend Radar declared dividend increases, including two of the stocks I own. One of my stocks announced a dividend increase of 33%!
There were no dividend cuts or suspensions announced for Dividend Radar stocks during this period.
As a dividend growth investor, my objective is to identify high-quality dividend growth [DG] stocks trading at reasonable valuations. That's a tough task, though, as high-quality DG stocks often trade at premium valuations. I monitor dividend increase announcements and select a high-quality stock (according to DVK Quality Snapshots) for consideration.
To read about these announcements and review the high-quality candidate, please read this article at Seeking Alpha.
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