
Saturday, July 24, 2021

Options Update: June 2021 (Part 2)

As I mentioned in the introduction to Part 1 of June's Options Update, I've fallen behind on updating readers about my options trading activity. I've decided to skip June and July's Expired Options articles and rather capture all the details of June's trades and expirations in this two-part article.  

In Part 1, I covered assignments, expirations, and closed options, and provided a listing of options expiring in the next two months. June turned out to be a great month with lots of expirations, allowing me to secure $3,744 in options income. Additionally, I closed four options early, securing an additional $652 in options income. 

In Part 2, I'm covering rolled options and put options trades that generated income in June. 


Here is a recap of June's trades: I had one assignment, 18 expirations, and four options that I'd closed early. Additionally, I rolled forward three options and wrote 23 put options to generate additional options income:

Rolled Options

Rolling forward options means buying back an option and selling another option with a later expiration date. You can do this to avoid options assignment for in-the-money options or to collect more options income for out-of-the-money options.

#6932021-06-25:-2×TSN 15 Oct 2021 $70.00 P $       428.00 ( $          -0.68 )
#6472021-04-15:-2×TSN 16 Jul 2021 $65.00 P $       114.00 ( $          -9.71 )→ #693

On 25 June, Tyson Foods, Inc (ADM) traded well above the $65 strike price of the put options I'd sold. I decided to roll forward the options to the 15 October 2021 expiration date, simultaneously increasing the strike price to $70. The trade cost only about $10 to execute and I collected about $427 for selling the $70 puts.

#6922021-06-25:-1×PG 17 Sep 2021 $130.00 P $       285.00 ( $          -0.71 )

#6662021-05-17:-1×PG 25 Jun 2021 $135.00 P $       175.00 ( $      -114.80 )→ #692

Also on 25 June, The Procter & Gamble Company (PG) traded around $135 per share and at the money relative to the $135 put option I'd sold. To avoid assignment, I decided to reduce the strike price to $130, so I rolled forward the option to a $130 put option expiring 17 September. Buying back the $135 put option cost about $115, but I collected about $284 for selling the $130 put.

#6842021-06-16:-1×MO 17 Dec 2021 $47.50 P $       308.00 ( $          -0.71 )

#6432021-04-15:-1×MO 18 Jun 2021 $50.00 P $       132.00 ( $      -232.80 )→ #684

On 16 June, Altria Group, Inc (MO) traded around $47 per share, below the $50 put option I'd sold. To avoid assignment, I decided to roll forward the put option to the 17 December expiration date, simultaneously reducing the strike price to $47.50. The trade cost about $233 to execute but I collected about $307 for selling the $47.50 put. 

Covered Calls

Selling covered calls is a way to collect extra income on stocks you already own.

I did not sell any covered calls in June.

New Put Contracts

Selling put options allows me to set the price I'm willing to pay for a stock I want to buy. In effect, I get paid while waiting for the share price to drop!

I sold the following put contracts in June:

#6912021-06-25:-1×KMB 15 Oct 2021 $125.00 P $       255.00 ( $          -0.66 ) 
#6902021-06-16:-1×WMT 20 Aug 2021 $130.00 P $       138.00 ( $          -0.76 )
#6892021-06-16:-1×VZ 17 Sep 2021 $57.50 P $       220.00 ( $          -0.76 ) 
#6882021-06-16:-1×SYK 17 Sep 2021 $230.00 P $       300.00 ( $          -0.31 ) 
#6872021-06-16:-2×SCHW 17 Sep 2021 $65.00 P $       360.00 ( $          -0.82 ) 
#6862021-06-16:-1×RTX 20 Aug 2021 $90.00 P $       410.00 ( $          -0.76 ) 
#6852021-06-16:-2×NEE 17 Sep 2021 $67.50 P $       200.00 ( $          -0.08 ) 
#6832021-06-16:-2×MDLZ 17 Sep 2021 $57.50 P $       120.00 ( $          -0.18 ) 
#6822021-06-16:-1×MCK 20 Aug 2021 $180.00 P $       370.00 ( $          -0.26 ) 
#6812021-06-16:-1×HSY 19 Nov 2021 $155.00 P $       230.00 ( $          -0.31 )
#6802021-06-16:-2×HRL 17 Sep 2021 $46.00 P $       198.00 ( $          -1.42 ) 
#6792021-06-16:-2×GILD 20 Aug 2021 $70.00 P $       310.00 ( $          -0.64 ) 
#6782021-06-16:-1×EMR 17 Dec 2021 $85.00 P $       210.00 ( $          -0.26 ) 
#6772021-06-16:-2×DLB 17 Sep 2021 $85.00 P $       190.00 ( $          -0.08 )
#6762021-06-16:-1×CME 20 Aug 2021 $190.00 P $       125.00 ( $          -0.31 ) 
#6752021-06-16:-2×BAX 20 Aug 2021 $75.00 P $       200.00 ( $          -0.08 ) 
#6742021-06-16:-1×APD 17 Sep 2021 $260.00 P $       190.00 ( $          -1.06 )
#6732021-06-16:-1×ALL 15 Oct 2021 $130.00 P $       610.00 ( $          -0.31 ) 
#6722021-06-16:-2×AEP 20 Aug 2021 $77.50 P $       100.00 ( $          -0.08 )
#6712021-06-16:-1×ACN 20 Aug 2021 $240.00 P $       160.00 ( $          -1.06 ) 
#6702021-06-16:-1×ABT 20 Aug 2021 $100.00 P $       108.00 ( $          -0.76 )
#6692021-06-16:-2×AAPL 17 Sep 2021 $100.00 P $       116.00 ( $          -1.87 ) 

#691 : 2021-06-25: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option KMB Oct 15 2021 125.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Kimberly Clark Corp (KMB) for $125.00 per share on or before 15 October. KMB closed at $133.07 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-06-25  
Expiration Date :  2021-10-15    Number of Days in Trade : 112
Price at Close :  $133.07 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 6.06%
Strike Price :  $125.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $2.55 per shareOptions Income : $255.00
  Commission : -$0.66
Net Premium :  $2.543 per shareNet Options Income : $254.34
Options Yield :  1.91%Annualized Options Yield : 6.23%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $122.44Discount if Exercised : 7.99%

This put option trade yields 1.91%, or 6.23% on an annualized basis. At $133.07 per share, KMB yields 3.43%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 1.82. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $122.44 per share, a discount of 7.99%.

#690 : 2021-06-16: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option WMT Aug 20 2021 130.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Walmart Inc (WMT) for $130.00 per share on or before 20 August. WMT closed at $137.15 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-06-16  
Expiration Date :  2021-08-20    Number of Days in Trade : 65
Price at Close :  $137.15 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 5.21%
Strike Price :  $130.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.38 per shareOptions Income : $138.00
  Commission : -$0.76
Net Premium :  $1.372 per shareNet Options Income : $137.24
Options Yield :  1.00%Annualized Options Yield : 5.62%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $128.61Discount if Exercised : 6.23%

This put option trade yields 1.00%, or 5.62% on an annualized basis. At $137.15 per share, WMT yields 1.60%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 3.51. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $128.61 per share, a discount of 6.23%.

#689 : 2021-06-16: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option VZ Sep 17 2021 57.50 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ) for $57.50 per share on or before 17 September. VZ closed at $56.64 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-06-16  
Expiration Date :  2021-09-17    Number of Days in Trade : 93
Price at Close :  $56.64 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : -1.52%
Strike Price :  $57.50 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $2.20 per shareOptions Income : $220.00
  Commission : -$0.76
Net Premium :  $2.192 per shareNet Options Income : $219.24
Options Yield :  3.87%Annualized Options Yield : 15.20%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $55.29Discount if Exercised : 2.38%

This put option trade yields 3.87%, or 15.20% on an annualized basis. At $56.64 per share, VZ yields 4.43%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 3.43. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $55.29 per share, a discount of 2.38%.

#688 : 2021-06-16: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option SYK Sep 17 2021 230.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Stryker Corporation (SYK) for $230.00 per share on or before 17 September. SYK closed at $256.40 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-06-16  
Expiration Date :  2021-09-17    Number of Days in Trade : 93
Price at Close :  $256.40 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 10.30%
Strike Price :  $230.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $3.00 per shareOptions Income : $300.00
  Commission : -$0.31
Net Premium :  $2.997 per shareNet Options Income : $299.69
Options Yield :  1.17%Annualized Options Yield : 4.59%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $227.00Discount if Exercised : 11.47%

This put option trade yields 1.17%, or 4.59% on an annualized basis. At $256.40 per share, SYK yields 0.98%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 4.67. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $227.00 per share, a discount of 11.47%.

#687 : 2021-06-16: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option SCHW Sep 17 2021 65.00 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of Charles Schwab Corporation Common Stock (SCHW) for $65.00 per share on or before 17 September. SCHW closed at $73.75 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-06-16  
Expiration Date :  2021-09-17    Number of Days in Trade : 93
Price at Close :  $73.75 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 11.86%
Strike Price :  $65.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $1.80 per shareOptions Income : $360.00
  Commission : -$0.82
Net Premium :  $1.796 per shareNet Options Income : $359.18
Options Yield :  2.44%Annualized Options Yield : 9.56%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $63.20Discount if Exercised : 14.31%

This put option trade yields 2.44%, or 9.56% on an annualized basis. At $73.75 per share, SCHW yields 0.98%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 9.80. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $63.20 per share, a discount of 14.31%.

#686 : 2021-06-16: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option RTX Aug 20 2021 90.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Raytheon Technologies Corp (RTX) for $90.00 per share on or before 20 August. RTX closed at $88.43 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-06-16  
Expiration Date :  2021-08-20    Number of Days in Trade : 65
Price at Close :  $88.43 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : -1.78%
Strike Price :  $90.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $4.10 per shareOptions Income : $410.00
  Commission : -$0.76
Net Premium :  $4.092 per shareNet Options Income : $409.24
Options Yield :  4.63%Annualized Options Yield : 26.00%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $85.89Discount if Exercised : 2.87%

This put option trade yields 4.63%, or 26.00% on an annualized basis. At $88.43 per share, RTX yields 2.31%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 11.27. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $85.89 per share, a discount of 2.87%.

#685 : 2021-06-16: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option NEE Sep 17 2021 67.50 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of NextEra Energy Inc (NEE) for $67.50 per share on or before 17 September. NEE closed at $73.30 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-06-16  
Expiration Date :  2021-09-17    Number of Days in Trade : 93
Price at Close :  $73.30 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 7.91%
Strike Price :  $67.50 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $1.00 per shareOptions Income : $200.00
  Commission : -$0.08
Net Premium :  $1.000 per shareNet Options Income : $199.92
Options Yield :  1.36%Annualized Options Yield : 5.36%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $66.50Discount if Exercised : 9.28%

This put option trade yields 1.36%, or 5.36% on an annualized basis. At $73.30 per share, NEE yields 2.10%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 2.55. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $66.50 per share, a discount of 9.28%.

#683 : 2021-06-16: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option MDLZ Sep 17 2021 57.50 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of MONDELEZ INTERNATIONAL INC Common Stock (MDLZ) for $57.50 per share on or before 17 September. MDLZ closed at $62.74 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-06-16  
Expiration Date :  2021-09-17    Number of Days in Trade : 93
Price at Close :  $62.74 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 8.35%
Strike Price :  $57.50 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $0.60 per shareOptions Income : $120.00
  Commission : -$0.18
Net Premium :  $0.599 per shareNet Options Income : $119.82
Options Yield :  0.95%Annualized Options Yield : 3.75%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $56.90Discount if Exercised : 9.31%

This put option trade yields 0.95%, or 3.75% on an annualized basis. At $62.74 per share, MDLZ yields 2.01%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 1.87. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $56.90 per share, a discount of 9.31%.

#682 : 2021-06-16: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option MCK Aug 20 2021 180.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of McKesson Corporation (MCK) for $180.00 per share on or before 20 August. MCK closed at $191.42 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-06-16  
Expiration Date :  2021-08-20    Number of Days in Trade : 65
Price at Close :  $191.42 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 5.97%
Strike Price :  $180.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $3.70 per shareOptions Income : $370.00
  Commission : -$0.26
Net Premium :  $3.697 per shareNet Options Income : $369.74
Options Yield :  1.93%Annualized Options Yield : 10.85%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $176.30Discount if Exercised : 7.90%

This put option trade yields 1.93%, or 10.85% on an annualized basis. At $191.42 per share, MCK yields 0.88%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 12.37. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $176.30 per share, a discount of 7.90%.

#681 : 2021-06-16: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option HSY Nov 19 2021 155.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Hershey Co (HSY) for $155.00 per share on or before 19 November. HSY closed at $172.67 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-06-16  
Expiration Date :  2021-11-19    Number of Days in Trade : 156
Price at Close :  $172.67 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 10.23%
Strike Price :  $155.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $2.30 per shareOptions Income : $230.00
  Commission : -$0.31
Net Premium :  $2.297 per shareNet Options Income : $229.69
Options Yield :  1.33%Annualized Options Yield : 3.11%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $152.70Discount if Exercised : 11.57%

This put option trade yields 1.33%, or 3.11% on an annualized basis. At $172.67 per share, HSY yields 1.86%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 1.67. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $152.70 per share, a discount of 11.57%.

#680 : 2021-06-16: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option HRL Sep 17 2021 46.00 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of Hormel Foods Corp (HRL) for $46.00 per share on or before 17 September. HRL closed at $47.97 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-06-16  
Expiration Date :  2021-09-17    Number of Days in Trade : 93
Price at Close :  $47.97 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 4.11%
Strike Price :  $46.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $0.99 per shareOptions Income : $198.00
  Commission : -$1.42
Net Premium :  $0.983 per shareNet Options Income : $196.58
Options Yield :  2.05%Annualized Options Yield : 8.05%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $45.00Discount if Exercised : 6.19%

This put option trade yields 2.05%, or 8.05% on an annualized basis. At $47.97 per share, HRL yields 2.04%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 3.94. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $45.00 per share, a discount of 6.19%.

#679 : 2021-06-16: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option GILD Aug 20 2021 70.00 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of Gilead Sciences, Inc. (GILD) for $70.00 per share on or before 20 August. GILD closed at $67.33 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-06-16  
Expiration Date :  2021-08-20    Number of Days in Trade : 65
Price at Close :  $67.33 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : -3.97%
Strike Price :  $70.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $1.55 per shareOptions Income : $310.00
  Commission : -$0.64
Net Premium :  $1.547 per shareNet Options Income : $309.36
Options Yield :  2.30%Annualized Options Yield : 12.91%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $68.45Discount if Exercised : -1.66%

This put option trade yields 2.30%, or 12.91% on an annualized basis. At $67.33 per share, GILD yields 4.22%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 3.06. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $68.45 per share, a discount of -1.66%.

#678 : 2021-06-16: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option EMR Dec 17 2021 85.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Emerson Electric Co. (EMR) for $85.00 per share on or before 17 December. EMR closed at $98.24 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-06-16  
Expiration Date :  2021-12-17    Number of Days in Trade : 184
Price at Close :  $98.24 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 13.48%
Strike Price :  $85.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $2.10 per shareOptions Income : $210.00
  Commission : -$0.26
Net Premium :  $2.097 per shareNet Options Income : $209.74
Options Yield :  2.13%Annualized Options Yield : 4.24%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $82.90Discount if Exercised : 15.62%

This put option trade yields 2.13%, or 4.24% on an annualized basis. At $98.24 per share, EMR yields 2.06%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 2.06. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $82.90 per share, a discount of 15.62%.

#677 : 2021-06-16: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option DLB Sep 17 2021 85.00 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of Dolby Laboratories, Inc. (DLB) for $85.00 per share on or before 17 September. DLB closed at $99.24 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-06-16  
Expiration Date :  2021-09-17    Number of Days in Trade : 93
Price at Close :  $99.24 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 14.35%
Strike Price :  $85.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $0.95 per shareOptions Income : $190.00
  Commission : -$0.08
Net Premium :  $0.950 per shareNet Options Income : $189.92
Options Yield :  0.96%Annualized Options Yield : 3.76%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $84.05Discount if Exercised : 15.31%

This put option trade yields 0.96%, or 3.76% on an annualized basis. At $99.24 per share, DLB yields 0.89%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 4.24. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $84.05 per share, a discount of 15.31%.

#676 : 2021-06-16: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option CME Aug 20 2021 190.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of CME Group Inc (CME) for $190.00 per share on or before 20 August. CME closed at $218.85 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-06-16  
Expiration Date :  2021-08-20    Number of Days in Trade : 65
Price at Close :  $218.85 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 13.18%
Strike Price :  $190.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.25 per shareOptions Income : $125.00
  Commission : -$0.31
Net Premium :  $1.247 per shareNet Options Income : $124.69
Options Yield :  0.57%Annualized Options Yield : 3.20%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $188.75Discount if Exercised : 13.76%

This put option trade yields 0.57%, or 3.20% on an annualized basis. At $218.85 per share, CME yields 1.64%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 1.95. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $188.75 per share, a discount of 13.76%.

#675 : 2021-06-16: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option BAX Aug 20 2021 75.00 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of Baxter International Inc (BAX) for $75.00 per share on or before 20 August. BAX closed at $81.77 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-06-16  
Expiration Date :  2021-08-20    Number of Days in Trade : 65
Price at Close :  $81.77 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 8.28%
Strike Price :  $75.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $1.00 per shareOptions Income : $200.00
  Commission : -$0.08
Net Premium :  $1.000 per shareNet Options Income : $199.92
Options Yield :  1.22%Annualized Options Yield : 6.87%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $74.00Discount if Exercised : 9.50%

This put option trade yields 1.22%, or 6.87% on an annualized basis. At $81.77 per share, BAX yields 1.37%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 5.02. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $74.00 per share, a discount of 9.50%.

#674 : 2021-06-16: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option APD Sep 17 2021 260.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. (APD) for $260.00 per share on or before 17 September. APD closed at $300.04 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-06-16  
Expiration Date :  2021-09-17    Number of Days in Trade : 93
Price at Close :  $300.04 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 13.34%
Strike Price :  $260.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.90 per shareOptions Income : $190.00
  Commission : -$1.06
Net Premium :  $1.889 per shareNet Options Income : $188.94
Options Yield :  0.63%Annualized Options Yield : 2.47%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $258.09Discount if Exercised : 13.98%

This put option trade yields 0.63%, or 2.47% on an annualized basis. At $300.04 per share, APD yields 2.00%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 1.24. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $258.09 per share, a discount of 13.98%.

#673 : 2021-06-16: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option ALL Oct 15 2021 130.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Allstate Corp (ALL) for $130.00 per share on or before 15 October. ALL closed at $130.44 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-06-16  
Expiration Date :  2021-10-15    Number of Days in Trade : 121
Price at Close :  $130.44 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 0.34%
Strike Price :  $130.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $6.10 per shareOptions Income : $610.00
  Commission : -$0.31
Net Premium :  $6.097 per shareNet Options Income : $609.69
Options Yield :  4.67%Annualized Options Yield : 14.11%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $123.90Discount if Exercised : 5.02%

This put option trade yields 4.67%, or 14.11% on an annualized basis. At $130.44 per share, ALL yields 2.48%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 5.68. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $123.90 per share, a discount of 5.02%.

#672 : 2021-06-16: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option AEP Aug 20 2021 77.50 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of American Electric Power Company Inc (AEP) for $77.50 per share on or before 20 August. AEP closed at $84.40 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-06-16  
Expiration Date :  2021-08-20    Number of Days in Trade : 65
Price at Close :  $84.40 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 8.18%
Strike Price :  $77.50 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $0.50 per shareOptions Income : $100.00
  Commission : -$0.08
Net Premium :  $0.500 per shareNet Options Income : $99.92
Options Yield :  0.59%Annualized Options Yield : 3.33%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $77.00Discount if Exercised : 8.77%

This put option trade yields 0.59%, or 3.33% on an annualized basis. At $84.40 per share, AEP yields 3.51%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 0.95. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $77.00 per share, a discount of 8.77%.

#671 : 2021-06-16: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option ACN Aug 20 2021 240.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Accenture Plc (ACN) for $240.00 per share on or before 20 August. ACN closed at $283.94 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-06-16  
Expiration Date :  2021-08-20    Number of Days in Trade : 65
Price at Close :  $283.94 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 15.48%
Strike Price :  $240.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.60 per shareOptions Income : $160.00
  Commission : -$1.06
Net Premium :  $1.589 per shareNet Options Income : $158.94
Options Yield :  0.56%Annualized Options Yield : 3.15%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $238.39Discount if Exercised : 16.04%

This put option trade yields 0.56%, or 3.15% on an annualized basis. At $283.94 per share, ACN yields 1.24%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 2.54. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $238.39 per share, a discount of 16.04%.

#670 : 2021-06-16: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option ABT Aug 20 2021 100.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Abbott Laboratories (ABT) for $100.00 per share on or before 20 August. ABT closed at $110.06 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-06-16  
Expiration Date :  2021-08-20    Number of Days in Trade : 65
Price at Close :  $110.06 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 9.14%
Strike Price :  $100.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.08 per shareOptions Income : $108.00
  Commission : -$0.76
Net Premium :  $1.072 per shareNet Options Income : $107.24
Options Yield :  0.97%Annualized Options Yield : 5.48%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $98.91Discount if Exercised : 10.13%

This put option trade yields 0.97%, or 5.48% on an annualized basis. At $110.06 per share, ABT yields 1.64%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 3.35. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $98.91 per share, a discount of 10.13%.

#669 : 2021-06-16: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option AAPL Sep 17 2021 100.00 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of Apple Inc (AAPL) for $100.00 per share on or before 17 September. AAPL closed at $130.15 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-06-16  
Expiration Date :  2021-09-17    Number of Days in Trade : 93
Price at Close :  $130.15 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 23.17%
Strike Price :  $100.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $0.58 per shareOptions Income : $116.00
  Commission : -$1.87
Net Premium :  $0.571 per shareNet Options Income : $114.13
Options Yield :  0.44%Annualized Options Yield : 1.72%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $99.41Discount if Exercised : 23.62%

This put option trade yields 0.44%, or 1.72% on an annualized basis. At $130.15 per share, AAPL yields 0.68%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 2.55. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $99.41 per share, a discount of 23.56%.

For selling puts, I like to see a dividend boost factor of 5.00 or more unless I can buy shares at a discount of at least 10%. The majority of these put trades measure up to that criterium!

Options Income Tally

Here is a running tally of the total amount received from options trades and the options premiums secured due to options that expired or are closed. Secured means I no longer have related obligations and "own" the corresponding options income, free and clear. 

key:  expired  •  closed  •  rolled  •  assigned  •  open 

#6932021-06-25:-2×TSN 15 Oct 2021 $70.00 P $       428.00 ( $          -0.68 )$    97,938.66 ➤ $    76,362.66 
#6922021-06-25:-1×PG 17 Sep 2021 $130.00 P $       285.00 ( $          -0.71 )$    97,511.34 ➤ $    76,363.34 
#6912021-06-25:-1×KMB 15 Oct 2021 $125.00 P $       255.00 ( $          -0.66 )$    97,227.05 ➤ $    76,364.05 
#6902021-06-16:-1×WMT 20 Aug 2021 $130.00 P $       138.00 ( $          -0.76 )$    96,972.71 ➤ $    76,364.71 
#6892021-06-16:-1×VZ 17 Sep 2021 $57.50 P $       220.00 ( $          -0.76 )$    96,835.47 ➤ $    76,365.47 
#6882021-06-16:-1×SYK 17 Sep 2021 $230.00 P $       300.00 ( $          -0.31 )$    96,616.23 ➤ $    76,366.23 
#6872021-06-16:-2×SCHW 17 Sep 2021 $65.00 P $       360.00 ( $          -0.82 )$    96,316.54 ➤ $    76,366.54 
#6862021-06-16:-1×RTX 20 Aug 2021 $90.00 P $       410.00 ( $          -0.76 )$    95,957.36 ➤ $    76,367.36 
#6852021-06-16:-2×NEE 17 Sep 2021 $67.50 P $       200.00 ( $          -0.08 )$    95,548.12 ➤ $    76,368.12 
#6842021-06-16:-1×MO 17 Dec 2021 $47.50 P $       308.00 ( $          -0.71 )$    95,348.20 ➤ $    76,368.20 
#6832021-06-16:-2×MDLZ 17 Sep 2021 $57.50 P $       120.00 ( $          -0.18 )$    95,040.91 ➤ $    76,368.91 
#6822021-06-16:-1×MCK 20 Aug 2021 $180.00 P $       370.00 ( $          -0.26 )$    94,921.09 ➤ $    76,369.09 
#6812021-06-16:-1×HSY 19 Nov 2021 $155.00 P $       230.00 ( $          -0.31 )$    94,551.35 ➤ $    76,369.35 
#6802021-06-16:-2×HRL 17 Sep 2021 $46.00 P $       198.00 ( $          -1.42 )$    94,321.66 ➤ $    76,369.66 
#6792021-06-16:-2×GILD 20 Aug 2021 $70.00 P $       310.00 ( $          -0.64 )$    94,125.08 ➤ $    76,371.08 
#6782021-06-16:-1×EMR 17 Dec 2021 $85.00 P $       210.00 ( $          -0.26 )$    93,815.72 ➤ $    76,371.72 
#6772021-06-16:-2×DLB 17 Sep 2021 $85.00 P $       190.00 ( $          -0.08 )$    93,605.98 ➤ $    76,371.98 
#6762021-06-16:-1×CME 20 Aug 2021 $190.00 P $       125.00 ( $          -0.31 )$    93,416.06 ➤ $    76,372.06 
#6752021-06-16:-2×BAX 20 Aug 2021 $75.00 P $       200.00 ( $          -0.08 )$    93,291.37 ➤ $    76,372.37 
#6742021-06-16:-1×APD 17 Sep 2021 $260.00 P $       190.00 ( $          -1.06 )$    93,091.45 ➤ $    76,372.45 
#6732021-06-16:-1×ALL 15 Oct 2021 $130.00 P $       610.00 ( $          -0.31 )$    92,902.51 ➤ $    76,373.51 
#6722021-06-16:-2×AEP 20 Aug 2021 $77.50 P $       100.00 ( $          -0.08 )$    92,292.82 ➤ $    76,373.82 
#6712021-06-16:-1×ACN 20 Aug 2021 $240.00 P $       160.00 ( $          -1.06 )$    92,192.90 ➤ $    76,373.90 
#6702021-06-16:-1×ABT 20 Aug 2021 $100.00 P $       108.00 ( $          -0.76 )$    92,033.96 ➤ $    76,374.96 
#6692021-06-16:-2×AAPL 17 Sep 2021 $100.00 P $       116.00 ( $          -1.87 )$    91,926.72 ➤ $    76,375.72 
#6682021-05-17:-1×TSN 18 Jun 2021 $80.00 P $       225.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    91,812.59 ➤ $    76,377.59 
#6672021-05-17:-1×PM 17 Sep 2021 $90.00 P $       250.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    91,588.68 ➤ $    76,153.68 
#6662021-05-17:-1×PG 25 Jun 2021 $135.00 P $       175.00 ( $      -114.80 )$    91,339.47 ➤ $    76,154.47 
#6652021-05-17:-2×PFE 17 Sep 2021 $42.00 P $       648.00 ( $          -0.74 )$    91,279.27 ➤ $    76,094.27 
#6642021-05-17:-1×HRL 18 Jun 2021 $45.00 P $         60.00 ( $          -0.29 )$    90,632.01 ➤ $    76,095.01 
#6632021-05-17:-1×DHI 20 Aug 2021 $90.00 P $       500.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    90,572.30 ➤ $    76,035.30 
#6622021-05-17:-2×CSCO 16 Jul 2021 $55.00 P $       716.00 ( $          -1.84 )$    90,073.10 ➤ $    76,036.10 
#6612021-05-17:-3×BEN 16 Jul 2021 $35.00 P $       645.00 ( $          -2.22 )$    89,358.94 ➤ $    76,037.94 
#6602021-05-17:-2×ADM 21 Jan 2022 $65.00 C $    1,240.00 ( $          -0.70 )$    88,716.16 ➤ $    76,040.16 
#6592021-04-20:-2×WEC 15 Oct 2021 $75.00 P $       120.00 ( $          -0.03 )$    87,476.86 ➤ $    76,040.86 
#6582021-04-20:-1×PSX 20 Aug 2021 $65.00 P $       250.00 ( $          -0.34 )$    87,356.89 ➤ $    76,040.89 
#6572021-04-20:-1×IDA 20 Aug 2021 $85.00 P $       100.00 ( $          -0.24 )$    87,107.23 ➤ $    76,041.23 
#6562021-04-20:-3×ENB 15 Oct 2021 $35.50 P $       195.00 ( $          -0.34 )$    87,007.47 ➤ $    76,041.47 
#6552021-04-20:-2×AXP 15 Oct 2021 $110.00 P $       292.00 ( $          -0.88 )$    86,812.81 ➤ $    76,041.81 
#6542021-04-20:-1×AMT 16 Jul 2021 $210.00 P $       130.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    86,521.69 ➤ $    76,042.69 
#6532021-04-16:-2×PEG 17 Sep 2021 $55.00 P $       208.00 ( $          -1.92 )$    86,392.78 ➤ $    76,043.78 
#6522021-04-16:-2×JNJ 17 Sep 2021 $130.00 P $       190.00 ( $          -0.69 )$    86,186.70 ➤ $    76,045.70 
#6512021-04-16:-3×INTC 20 Aug 2021 $50.00 P $       201.00 ( $          -1.04 )$    85,997.39 ➤ $    76,046.39 
#6502021-04-16:-2×CL 20 Aug 2021 $70.00 P $       165.00 ( $          -0.13 )$    85,797.43 ➤ $    76,047.43 
#6492021-04-16:-3×AFL 20 Aug 2021 $45.00 P $       142.00 ( $          -2.26 )$    85,632.56 ➤ $    76,047.56 
#6482021-04-15:-2×XOM 16 Jul 2021 $50.00 P $       216.00 ( $          -1.47 )$    85,492.82 ➤ $    76,049.82 
#6472021-04-15:-2×TSN 16 Jul 2021 $65.00 P $       114.00 ( $          -9.71 )$    85,278.29 ➤ $    76,051.29 
#6462021-04-15:-2×PFE 16 Jul 2021 $35.00 P $       114.00 ( $        -33.80 )→ #665$    85,174.00 ➤ $    75,947.00 
#6452021-04-15:-1×NKE 16 Jul 2021 $115.00 P $       141.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    85,093.80 ➤ $    75,866.80 
#6442021-04-15:-2×MO 21 Jan 2022 $60.00 C $       214.00 ( $          -0.73 )$    84,953.59 ➤ $    75,867.59 
#6432021-04-15:-1×MO 18 Jun 2021 $50.00 P $       132.00 ( $      -232.80 )→ #684$    84,740.32 ➤ $    75,868.32 
#6422021-04-15:-2×GILD 18 Jun 2021 $57.50 P $       126.00 ( $          -0.87 )$    84,841.12 ➤ $    75,969.12 
#6412021-04-15:-1×BMY 18 Jun 2021 $65.00 P $       236.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    84,715.99 ➤ $    75,843.99 
#6402021-04-15:-4×BEN 16 Jul 2021 $25.00 P $       136.00 ( $          -0.46 )$    84,480.78 ➤ $    75,608.78 
#6392021-04-15:-2×AAPL 18 Jun 2021 $105.00 P $       110.00 ( $          -0.63 )$    84,345.24 ➤ $    75,609.24 
#6382021-04-07:-1×VLO 18 Jun 2021 $70.00 P $       358.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    84,235.87 ➤ $    75,499.87 
#6372021-04-07:-2×CSCO 16 Jul 2021 $45.00 P $       116.00 ( $        -80.25 )→ #662$    83,878.96 ➤ $    75,142.96 
#6362021-04-01:-2×BNS 17 Sep 2021 $60.00 C $       767.00 ( $          -0.29 )$    83,843.21 ➤ $    75,107.21 
#6352021-03-16:-3×XEL 18 Jun 2021 $55.00 P $       195.00 ( $          -0.34 )$    83,076.50 ➤ $    75,107.50 
#6342021-03-16:-1×WEC 16 Jul 2021 $80.00 P $       210.00 ( $          -0.34 )$    82,881.84 ➤ $    74,912.84 
#6332021-03-16:-3×VZ 18 Jun 2021 $50.00 P $       168.00 ( $        -30.04 )$    82,672.18 ➤ $    74,913.18 
#6322021-03-16:-1×SYK 18 Jun 2021 $200.00 P $       220.00 ( $          -0.24 )$    82,534.22 ➤ $    74,775.22 
#6312021-03-16:-1×RTX 18 Jun 2021 $75.00 P $       340.00 ( $          -0.66 )$    82,314.46 ➤ $    74,555.46 
#6302021-03-16:-2×QCOM 18 Jun 2021 $100.00 P $       208.00 ( $          -0.88 )$    81,975.12 ➤ $    74,216.12 
#6292021-03-16:-1×NOC 21 May 2021 $270.00 P $       330.00 ( $          -0.24 )$    81,768.00 ➤ $    74,009.00 
#6282021-03-16:-3×NNN 18 Jun 2021 $35.00 P $       120.00 ( $        -15.92 )$    81,438.24 ➤ $    73,679.24 
#6272021-03-16:-2×NEE 18 Jun 2021 $65.00 P $       210.00 ( $        -10.60 )$    81,334.16 ➤ $    73,575.16 
#6262021-03-16:-1×KMB 16 Jul 2021 $120.00 P $       215.00 ( $          -5.95 )$    81,134.76 ➤ $    73,375.76 
#6252021-03-16:-2×ICE 18 Jun 2021 $95.00 P $       150.00 ( $        -10.41 )$    80,925.71 ➤ $    73,166.71 
#6242021-03-16:-1×HSY 21 May 2021 $140.00 P $       155.00 ( $          -0.29 )$    80,786.12 ➤ $    73,027.12 
#6232021-03-16:-1×HRL 18 Jun 2021 $45.00 P $       120.00 ( $          -0.34 )$    80,631.41 ➤ $    72,872.41 
#6222021-03-16:-1×EMR 18 Jun 2021 $85.00 P $       320.00 ( $          -0.66 )$    80,511.75 ➤ $    72,752.75 
#6212021-03-16:-1×ECL 16 Jul 2021 $190.00 P $       265.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    80,192.41 ➤ $    72,433.41 
#6202021-03-16:-1×CAT 21 May 2021 $180.00 P $       136.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    79,928.50 ➤ $    72,434.50 
#6192021-03-16:-1×ATO 16 Jul 2021 $80.00 P $       170.00 ( $          -0.24 )$    79,793.29 ➤ $    72,299.29 
#6182021-03-16:-1×APD 18 Jun 2021 $240.00 P $       450.00 ( $          -0.25 )$    79,623.53 ➤ $    72,299.53 
#6172021-01-15:-2×TJX 16 Jul 2021 $70.00 C $       985.00 ( $          -0.74 )$    79,173.78 ➤ $    71,849.78 
#6162021-01-15:-1×LOW 19 Mar 2021 $180.00 C $       453.00 ( $          -0.65 )$    78,189.52 ➤ $    71,850.52 
#6152021-01-15:-3×AFL 21 May 2021 $40.00 P $       330.00 ( $        -22.06 )→ #649$    77,737.17 ➤ $    71,398.17 
#6142021-01-05:-1×DIS 21 Jan 2022 $170.00 C $    2,401.00 ( $   -1,511.47 )$    77,429.23 ➤ $    71,090.23 
#6132020-12-30:-1×HRL 18 Jun 2021 $52.50 C $         83.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    76,539.70 ➤ $    70,200.70 
#6122020-12-18:-3×XEL 19 Mar 2021 $55.00 P $       135.00 ( $          -0.04 )$    76,457.79 ➤ $    70,118.79 
#6112020-12-18:-1×WMT 18 Jun 2021 $120.00 P $       224.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    76,322.83 ➤ $    69,983.83 
#6102020-12-18:-3×WFC 19 Feb 2021 $25.00 P $       147.00 ( $          -1.61 )$    76,099.62 ➤ $    69,760.62 
#6092020-12-18:-1×V 18 Jun 2021 $160.00 P $       260.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    75,954.23 ➤ $    69,615.23 
#6082020-12-18:-2×TROW 17 Dec 2021 $175.00 C $    1,443.00 ( $          -1.40 )$    75,695.02 ➤ $    69,356.02 
#6072020-12-18:-2×SPG 19 Feb 2021 $70.00 P $       260.00 ( $          -0.88 )$    74,253.42 ➤ $    69,357.42 
#6062020-12-18:-1×RY 16 Jul 2021 $90.00 C $       125.00 ( $          -0.69 )$    73,994.30 ➤ $    69,098.30 
#6052020-12-18:-1×PM 19 Mar 2021 $90.00 C $       193.00 ( $          -0.64 )$    73,869.99 ➤ $    69,098.99 
#6042020-12-18:-2×PG 18 Jun 2021 $100.00 P $       146.00 ( $          -7.44 )$    73,677.63 ➤ $    68,906.63 
#6032020-12-18:-3×PFE 19 Mar 2021 $50.00 C $       108.00 ( $          -2.21 )$    73,539.07 ➤ $    68,768.07 
#6022020-12-18:-2×PEG 18 Jun 2021 $45.00 P $       200.00 ( $        -23.94 )→ #653$    73,433.28 ➤ $    68,662.28 
#6012020-12-18:-2×O 19 Feb 2021 $55.00 P $       180.00 ( $          -0.22 )$    73,257.22 ➤ $    68,486.22 
#6002020-12-18:-2×NKE 16 Apr 2021 $95.00 P $       130.00 ( $          -0.87 )$    73,077.44 ➤ $    68,306.44 
#5992020-12-18:-2×MRK 19 Feb 2021 $70.00 P $       100.00 ( $          -0.87 )$    72,948.31 ➤ $    68,177.31 
#5982020-12-18:-2×MDT 21 May 2021 $85.00 P $       150.00 ( $        -19.44 )$    72,849.18 ➤ $    68,078.18 
#5972020-12-18:-1×MCD 19 Mar 2021 $180.00 P $       145.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    72,718.62 ➤ $    67,947.62 
#5962020-12-18:-2×LYB 19 Mar 2021 $65.00 P $       190.00 ( $          -0.12 )$    72,574.41 ➤ $    67,803.41 
#5952020-12-18:-1×LOW 19 Feb 2021 $140.00 P $       155.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    72,384.53 ➤ $    67,613.53 
#5942020-12-18:-2×LLY 16 Jul 2021 $110.00 P $       190.00 ( $          -0.88 )$    72,230.32 ➤ $    67,459.32 
#5932020-12-18:-3×KO 19 Mar 2021 $60.00 C $         99.00 ( $          -1.31 )$    72,041.20 ➤ $    67,460.20 
#5922020-12-18:-2×JNJ 18 Jun 2021 $110.00 P $       192.00 ( $        -27.57 )→ #652$    71,943.51 ➤ $    67,362.51 
#5912020-12-18:-2×ITW 19 Mar 2021 $145.00 P $       150.00 ( $          -0.13 )$    71,779.08 ➤ $    67,198.08 
#5902020-12-18:-3×INTC 18 Jun 2021 $32.50 P $       150.00 ( $        -14.29 )→ #651$    71,629.21 ➤ $    67,048.21 
#5892020-12-18:-2×HRL 19 Feb 2021 $44.00 P $       144.00 ( $          -0.23 )$    71,493.50 ➤ $    66,912.50 
#5882020-12-18:-1×HD 16 Apr 2021 $215.00 P $       180.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    71,349.73 ➤ $    66,768.73 
#5872020-12-18:-2×EMR 19 Mar 2021 $60.00 P $         94.00 ( $          -0.87 )$    71,170.52 ➤ $    66,589.52 
#5862020-12-18:-1×CVX 19 Feb 2021 $80.00 P $       282.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    71,077.39 ➤ $    66,496.39 
#5852020-12-18:-3×CSCO 16 Apr 2021 $35.00 P $       129.00 ( $          -7.15 )→ #637$    70,796.48 ➤ $    66,215.48 
#5842020-12-18:-2×CMCSA 18 Jun 2021 $60.00 C $       196.00 ( $          -0.73 )$    70,674.63 ➤ $    66,093.63 
#5832020-12-18:-2×CMCSA 18 Jun 2021 $60.00 C $       198.00 ( $          -0.73 )$    70,479.36 ➤ $    65,898.36 
#5822020-12-18:-2×CL 21 May 2021 $65.00 P $       140.00 ( $        -36.00 )→ #650$    70,282.09 ➤ $    65,899.09 
#5812020-12-18:-2×BNS 18 Jun 2021 $55.00 C $       400.00 ( $   -1,547.95 )→ #636$    70,178.09 ➤ $    65,795.09 
#5802020-12-18:-3×BEN 16 Apr 2021 $20.00 P $       144.00 ( $          -0.34 )$    71,326.04 ➤ $    66,943.04 
#5792020-12-18:-1×AFL 21 May 2021 $50.00 C $       115.00 ( $          -0.69 )$    71,182.38 ➤ $    66,799.38 
#5782020-12-18:-1×ADP 21 May 2021 $130.00 P $       155.00 ( $          -6.36 )$    71,068.07 ➤ $    66,685.07 
#5772020-12-18:-1×ADP 20 Aug 2021 $200.00 C $       595.00 ( $          -0.70 )$    70,919.43 ➤ $    66,536.43 
#576b2020-12-18:-1×ADM 18 Jun 2021 $60.00 C $         52.00 ( $      -759.69 )$    70,325.13 ➤ $    66,537.13 
#5762020-12-18:-2×ADM 18 Jun 2021 $60.00 C $       104.00 ( $   -1,521.90 )→ #660$    71,032.82 ➤ $    67,244.82 
#5752020-12-18:-2×ABBV 21 Jan 2022 $120.00 C $       857.00 ( $          -0.74 )$    72,450.72 ➤ $    68,662.72 
#5742020-12-11:-2×XOM 16 Apr 2021 $37.50 P $       327.00 ( $          -0.73 )$    71,594.46 ➤ $    68,663.46 
#5732020-12-11:-3×TJX 16 Apr 2021 $50.00 P $       248.00 ( $          -1.84 )$    71,268.19 ➤ $    68,337.19 
#572b2020-12-11:-1×T 18 Jun 2021 $37.00 C $         39.00 ( $          -7.57 )$    71,022.03 ➤ $    68,091.03 
#5722020-12-11:-4×T 18 Jun 2021 $37.00 C $       156.00 ( $        -41.99 )$    70,990.59 ➤ $    68,059.59 
#5712020-12-11:-2×SBUX 19 Mar 2021 $85.00 P $       214.00 ( $          -1.28 )$    70,876.59 ➤ $    67,945.59 
#5702020-12-11:-2×PSX 19 Feb 2021 $60.00 P $       544.00 ( $          -0.28 )$    70,663.87 ➤ $    67,732.87 
#5692020-12-11:-2×MO 18 Jun 2021 $50.00 C $       161.00 ( $      -563.46 )→ #644$    70,120.15 ➤ $    67,189.15 
#5682020-12-11:-1×MMM 19 Mar 2021 $150.00 P $       260.00 ( $          -0.64 )$    70,522.61 ➤ $    67,591.61 
#5672020-12-11:-1×JNJ 19 Mar 2021 $130.00 P $       155.00 ( $          -0.64 )$    70,263.25 ➤ $    67,332.25 
#5662020-12-11:-1×INTC 18 Jun 2021 $60.00 C $       143.00 ( $          -0.64 )$    70,108.89 ➤ $    67,177.89 
#5652020-12-11:-2×ICE 19 Mar 2021 $95.00 P $       316.00 ( $          -1.38 )$    69,966.53 ➤ $    67,035.53 
#5642020-12-11:-1×HRL 18 Jun 2021 $52.50 C $       108.00 ( $          -0.69 )$    69,651.91 ➤ $    66,720.91 
#5632020-12-11:-2×CMCSA 19 Mar 2021 $45.00 P $       216.00 ( $          -0.73 )$    69,544.60 ➤ $    66,613.60 
#5622020-12-11:-4×AAPL 19 Mar 2021 $85.00 P $       269.00 ( $          -1.50 )$    69,329.33 ➤ $    66,398.33 
#5612020-11-30:-2×XOM 15 Jan 2021 $35.00 P $       128.00 ( $        -42.19 )→ #574$    69,061.83 ➤ $    66,130.83 
#5602020-11-30:-1×TXN 19 Mar 2021 $125.00 P $       164.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    68,976.02 ➤ $    66,045.02 
#5592020-11-30:-1×ORCL 19 Feb 2021 $52.50 P $       103.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    68,812.81 ➤ $    65,881.81 
#5582020-11-30:-1×LOW 15 Jan 2021 $170.00 C $       120.00 ( $        -93.42 )→ #616$    68,710.60 ➤ $    65,779.60 
#5572020-11-30:-1×LLY 15 Jan 2021 $130.00 P $       140.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    68,684.02 ➤ $    65,753.02 
#5562020-11-30:-1×IBM 18 Mar 2021 $140.00 C $       155.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    68,544.81 ➤ $    65,613.81 
#5552020-11-30:-2×GILD 19 Feb 2021 $70.00 C $       114.00 ( $        -56.74 )$    68,390.90 ➤ $    65,459.90 
#5542020-11-30:-1×D 16 Apr 2021 $67.50 P $       112.00 ( $          -0.24 )$    68,333.64 ➤ $    65,402.64 
#5532020-11-30:-2×CSCO 19 Mar 2021 $45.00 C $       270.00 ( $          -0.64 )$    68,221.88 ➤ $    65,290.88 
#5522020-11-27:-3×AFL 19 Feb 2021 $35.00 P $       105.00 ( $        -30.59 )→ #615$    67,952.52 ➤ $    65,021.52 
#5512020-11-19:-2×BEN 18 Dec 2020 $20.00 P $         91.00 ( $          -0.27 )$    67,878.11 ➤ $    64,947.11 
#5502020-10-21:-2×O 18 Dec 2020 $60.00 P $       670.00 ( $          -0.69 )$    67,787.38 ➤ $    64,856.38 
#5492020-10-21:-2×AFL 20 Nov 2020 $37.00 P $       344.00 ( $          -0.68 )$    67,118.07 ➤ $    64,187.07 
#5482020-10-19:-2×SPG 18 Dec 2020 $50.00 P $       162.00 ( $          -0.88 )$    66,774.75 ➤ $    63,843.75 
#5472020-10-19:-1×RY 18 Dec 2020 $75.00 C $       160.00 ( $      -651.02 )→ #606$    66,613.63 ➤ $    63,682.63 
#5462020-10-19:-1×MCD 18 Dec 2020 $200.00 P $       215.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    67,104.65 ➤ $    64,173.65 
#5452020-10-19:-1×LOW 18 Dec 2020 $150.00 P $       220.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    66,890.74 ➤ $    63,959.74 
#5442020-10-19:-1×D 18 Dec 2020 $85.00 C $       115.00 ( $      -172.42 )$    66,671.53 ➤ $    63,740.53 
#5432020-10-19:-2×CMCSA 15 Jan 2021 $40.00 P $       190.00 ( $        -23.60 )→ #563$    66,728.95 ➤ $    63,797.95 
#5422020-10-16:-2×PSX 15 Jan 2021 $50.00 P $       890.00 ( $        -57.96 )→ #570$    66,562.55 ➤ $    63,631.55 
#5412020-10-16:-1×CVX 18 Dec 2020 $70.00 P $       352.00 ( $          -0.64 )$    65,730.51 ➤ $    62,799.51 
#5402020-10-16:-2×CMCSA 18 Dec 2020 $50.00 C $       140.00 ( $      -253.44 )→ #584$    65,379.15 ➤ $    62,448.15 
#5392020-10-16:-2×CMCSA 18 Dec 2020 $47.50 C $       202.00 ( $      -747.60 )→ #583$    65,492.59 ➤ $    62,561.59 
#5382020-10-14:-2×WBA 15 Jan 2021 $35.00 P $       515.00 ( $          -0.73 )$    66,038.19 ➤ $    63,107.19 
#5372020-09-29:-1×LOW 20 Nov 2020 $170.00 C $       575.00 ( $          -0.67 )$    65,523.92 ➤ $    62,592.92 
#5362020-09-29:-2×KO 18 Dec 2020 $55.00 C $         98.00 ( $          -0.87 )$    64,949.59 ➤ $    62,018.59 
#5352020-09-29:-1×INTC 15 Jan 2021 $60.00 C $       102.00 ( $        -11.72 )→ #566$    64,852.46 ➤ $    61,921.46 
#5342020-09-29:-1×IBM 20 Nov 2020 $135.00 C $       105.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    64,762.18 ➤ $    61,831.18 
#5332020-09-29:-2×GILD 20 Nov 2020 $70.00 C $       154.00 ( $          -0.88 )$    64,658.27 ➤ $    61,727.27 
#5322020-09-29:-2×CSCO 20 Nov 2020 $42.00 C $       162.00 ( $          -2.48 )$    64,505.15 ➤ $    61,574.15 
#5312020-09-29:-2×BNS 18 Dec 2020 $45.00 C $       100.00 ( $   -1,670.70 )→ #581$    64,345.63 ➤ $    61,414.63 
#5302020-09-29:-1×BMY 18 Dec 2020 $65.00 C $       115.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    65,916.33 ➤ $    62,985.33 
#5292020-09-29:-1×AFL 15 Jan 2021 $40.00 C $       100.00 ( $      -456.77 )→ #579$    65,802.12 ➤ $    62,871.12 
#5282020-09-29:-1×ADP 15 Jan 2021 $160.00 C $       185.00 ( $   -1,886.77 )→ #577$    66,158.89 ➤ $    63,227.89 
#5272020-09-29:-3×ADM 18 Dec 2020 $50.00 C $       300.00 ( $        -18.59 )→ #576$    67,860.66 ➤ $    64,929.66 
#5262020-09-21:-2×WFC 18 Dec 2020 $20.00 P $       136.00 ( $          -0.87 )$    67,579.25 ➤ $    64,648.25 
#5252020-09-21:-2×PSX 15 Jan 2021 $75.00 C $       164.00 ( $      -167.10 )$    67,444.12 ➤ $    64,513.12 
#5242020-09-21:-1×PM 18 Dec 2020 $80.00 C $       230.00 ( $      -568.42 )→ #605$    67,447.22 ➤ $    64,516.22 
#5232020-09-21:-2×PEG 18 Dec 2020 $45.00 P $       230.00 ( $          -0.22 )$    67,785.64 ➤ $    64,854.64 
#5222020-09-21:-1×ORCL 20 Nov 2020 $55.00 P $       118.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    67,555.86 ➤ $    64,624.86 
#5212020-09-21:-1×LYB 18 Dec 2020 $65.00 P $       400.00 ( $          -0.24 )$    67,438.65 ➤ $    64,507.65 
#5202020-08-31:-2×EMR 18 Dec 2020 $57.50 P $       284.00 ( $          -0.66 )$    67,038.89 ➤ $    64,107.89 
#5192020-08-27:-2×LLY 20 Nov 2020 $125.00 P $       365.00 ( $          -1.60 )$    66,755.55 ➤ $    63,824.55 
#5182020-08-24:-2×CMCSA 16 Oct 2020 $40.00 P $       112.00 ( $          -0.89 )$    66,392.15 ➤ $    63,461.15 
#5172020-08-24:-2×AFL 20 Nov 2020 $32.50 P $       180.00 ( $        -74.87 )→ #549$    66,281.04 ➤ $    63,350.04 
#5162020-08-21:-2×XOM 20 Nov 2020 $35.00 P $       218.00 ( $          -0.90 )$    66,175.91 ➤ $    63,244.91 
#5152020-08-21:-2×XEL 18 Dec 2020 $60.00 P $       266.00 ( $          -1.40 )$    65,958.81 ➤ $    63,027.81 
#514b2020-08-21:-1×WBA 16 Oct 2020 $37.50 P $       105.67 ( $          -0.73 )$    65,694.21 ➤ $    62,763.21 
#514a2020-08-21:-2×WBA 16 Oct 2020 $37.50 P $       211.33 ( $      -427.17 )→ #538$    65,589.27 ➤ $    62,658.27 
#5132020-08-21:-1×TXN 20 Nov 2020 $105.00 P $       125.00 ( $          -0.65 )$    65,805.11 ➤ $    62,874.11 
#5122020-08-21:-1×SPG 16 Oct 2020 $60.00 P $       420.00 ( $          -0.68 )$    65,680.76 ➤ $    62,749.76 
#5112020-08-21:-2×PSX 16 Oct 2020 $55.00 P $       370.00 ( $      -730.87 )→ #542$    65,261.44 ➤ $    62,330.44 
#5102020-08-21:-1×O 18 Dec 2020 $50.00 P $       135.00 ( $        -55.69 )→ #550$    65,622.31 ➤ $    62,691.31 
#5092020-08-21:-1×O 18 Dec 2020 $50.00 P $       132.00 ( $        -56.04 )→ #550$    65,542.99 ➤ $    62,611.99 
#5082020-08-21:-1×NKE 16 Oct 2020 $95.00 P $       117.00 ( $          -1.59 )$    65,467.03 ➤ $    62,536.03 
#5072020-08-21:-2×MSFT 15 Jan 2021 $155.00 P $       558.00 ( $          -0.90 )$    65,351.62 ➤ $    62,420.62 
#5062020-08-21:-1×JNJ 15 Jan 2021 $120.00 P $       136.00 ( $        -10.43 )→ #567$    64,794.52 ➤ $    61,863.52 
#5052020-08-21:-1×CVX 16 Oct 2020 $75.00 P $       159.00 ( $      -153.73 )→ #541$    64,668.95 ➤ $    61,737.95 
#5042020-08-21:-4×AAPL 15 Jan 2021 $75.00 P $       371.00 ( $        -47.14 )→ #562$    64,663.68 ➤ $    61,732.68 
#5032020-08-21:-8×AAPL 15 Jan 2021 $75.00 P $       731.00 ( $        -91.72 )$    64,339.82 ➤ $    61,408.82 
#5022020-07-24:-5×T 15 Jan 2021 $35.00 C $       232.00 ( $        -64.90 )→ #572$    63,700.54 ➤ $    60,769.54 
#5012020-07-24:-1×RY 16 Oct 2020 $75.00 C $       110.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    63,533.44 ➤ $    60,602.44 
#5002020-07-24:-2×PSX 20 Nov 2020 $85.00 C $       190.00 ( $        -24.67 )→ #525$    63,424.54 ➤ $    60,493.54 
#4992020-07-24:-1×PM 18 Sep 2020 $80.00 C $       162.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    63,259.21 ➤ $    60,328.21 
#4982020-07-24:-3×PFE 18 Dec 2020 $45.00 C $       210.00 ( $          -1.34 )$    63,098.31 ➤ $    60,167.31 
#4972020-07-24:-2×MO 15 Jan 2021 $50.00 C $       130.00 ( $        -12.31 )→ #569$    62,889.65 ➤ $    59,958.65 
#4962020-07-24:-1×MCD 16 Oct 2020 $165.00 P $       162.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    62,771.96 ➤ $    59,840.96 
#4952020-07-23:-2×WFC 15 Jan 2021 $32.50 C $       220.00 ( $        -59.97 )$    62,610.76 ➤ $    59,679.76 
#4942020-07-23:-2×TJX 15 Jan 2021 $65.00 C $       310.00 ( $      -607.12 )→ #617$    62,450.73 ➤ $    59,519.73 
#4932020-07-23:-1×SPG 15 Jan 2021 $100.00 C $       232.00 ( $        -31.88 )$    62,747.85 ➤ $    59,816.85 
#4922020-07-23:-1×ROST 15 Jan 2021 $120.00 C $       150.00 ( $      -155.18 )$    62,547.73 ➤ $    59,616.73 
#4912020-07-23:-1×PEG 18 Sep 2020 $55.00 P $       360.00 ( $          -0.30 )$    62,552.91 ➤ $    59,621.91 
#4902020-07-23:-1×LYB 18 Sep 2020 $60.00 P $       225.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    62,193.21 ➤ $    59,262.21 
#4892020-07-23:-1×LOW 16 Oct 2020 $125.00 P $       222.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    61,968.56 ➤ $    59,037.56 
#488b2020-07-23:-1×DIS 15 Jan 2021 $150.00 C $       195.00 ( $   -2,182.08 )→ #614$    61,747.36 ➤ $    58,816.36 
#488a2020-07-23:-1×DIS 15 Jan 2021 $150.00 C $       195.00 ( $   -2,858.53 )$    63,734.44 ➤ $    60,803.44 
#4872020-07-23:-1×D 16 Oct 2020 $85.00 C $       164.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    66,397.97 ➤ $    63,466.97 
#4862020-07-23:-2×CMCSA 16 Oct 2020 $47.50 C $       108.00 ( $          -2.89 )→ #539$    66,235.07 ➤ $    63,304.07 
#4852020-07-16:-2×TROW 15 Jan 2021 $135.00 C $    2,202.00 ( $   -3,154.71 )→ #608$    66,129.96 ➤ $    63,198.96 
#4842020-06-30:-1×PEG 17 Jul 2020 $50.00 P $       185.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    67,082.67 ➤ $    64,151.67 
#4832020-06-25:-2×PEG 21 Aug 2020 $45.00 P $       380.00 ( $          -0.20 )$    66,898.02 ➤ $    63,967.02 
#4822020-06-25:-1×LYB 17 Jul 2020 $61.00 P $       335.00 ( $          -0.25 )$    66,518.22 ➤ $    63,587.22 
#4812020-06-23:-2×WFC 18 Sep 2020 $22.50 P $       188.00 ( $          -0.90 )$    66,183.47 ➤ $    63,252.47 
#4802020-06-23:-3×WBA 21 Aug 2020 $40.00 P $       489.00 ( $      -110.52 )→ #514$    65,996.37 ➤ $    63,065.37 
#4792020-06-23:-3×CMCSA 21 Aug 2020 $32.50 P $       132.00 ( $          -1.34 )$    65,617.89 ➤ $    62,686.89 
#4782020-06-23:-2×AFL 21 Aug 2020 $35.00 P $       390.00 ( $          -0.90 )$    65,487.23 ➤ $    62,556.23 
#4772020-06-22:-2×XEL 16 Oct 2020 $55.00 P $       260.00 ( $        -47.59 )→ #515$    65,098.13 ➤ $    62,167.13 
#4762020-06-22:-1×WMT 18 Dec 2020 $100.00 P $       240.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    64,885.72 ➤ $    61,954.72 
#4752020-06-22:-1×ORCL 18 Sep 2020 $50.00 P $       148.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    64,646.52 ➤ $    61,715.52 
#4742020-06-22:-1×O 18 Sep 2020 $50.00 P $       180.00 ( $        -17.94 )→ #510$    64,499.32 ➤ $    61,568.32 
#4732020-06-22:-1×HRL 18 Dec 2020 $40.00 P $       105.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    64,337.26 ➤ $    61,406.26 
#4722020-06-16:-2×MSFT 16 Oct 2020 $145.00 P $       462.00 ( $        -88.37 )→ #507$    64,232.61 ➤ $    61,301.61 
#4712020-06-16:-2×AAPL 18 Sep 2020 $250.00 P $       560.00 ( $        -31.09 )→ #503$    63,858.98 ➤ $    60,927.98 
#4702020-05-28:-3×CMCSA 17 Jul 2020 $35.00 P $       150.00 ( $          -2.21 )$    63,330.07 ➤ $    60,399.07 
#4692020-04-17:-1×TXN 18 Sep 2020 $95.00 P $       660.00 ( $          -6.30 )→ #513$    63,182.28 ➤ $    60,251.28 
#4682020-04-17:-1×LOW 17 Jul 2020 $90.00 P $       702.00 ( $          -0.66 )$    62,528.58 ➤ $    59,597.58 
#4672020-03-19:-1×SPG 15 May 2020 $40.00 P $       560.00 ( $          -0.81 )$    61,827.24 ➤ $    58,896.24 
#4662020-03-19:-1×O 19 Jun 2020 $37.50 P $       350.00 ( $          -0.30 )$    61,268.05 ➤ $    58,337.05 
#4652020-03-19:-1×NNN 19 Jun 2020 $22.50 P $       190.00 ( $          -0.30 )$    60,918.35 ➤ $    57,987.35 
#4642020-03-19:-2×MAIN 17 Apr 2020 $15.00 P $       380.00 ( $            0.00 )$    60,728.65 ➤ $    57,797.65 
#4632020-03-18:-1×HRL 15 Jan 2021 $52.50 C $       520.00 ( $          -7.93 )→ #564$    60,348.65 ➤ $    57,417.65 
#4622020-03-16:-3×TJX 15 Jan 2021 $45.00 P $    2,450.00 ( $        -46.66 )→ #573$    59,836.58 ➤ $    56,905.58 
#4612020-03-16:-2×SBUX 15 Jan 2021 $65.00 P $    2,603.00 ( $        -10.62 )→ #571$    57,433.24 ➤ $    54,502.24 
#4602020-03-16:-1×MMM 15 Jan 2021 $130.00 P $    2,344.00 ( $        -15.33 )→ #568$    54,840.86 ➤ $    51,909.86 
#4592020-03-16:-2×ICE 15 Jan 2021 $75.00 P $    2,235.00 ( $        -38.00 )→ #565$    52,512.19 ➤ $    49,581.19 
#4582020-03-09:-1×LYB 15 Jan 2021 $70.00 P $    1,590.00 ( $   -3,100.61 )$    50,315.19 ➤ $    47,384.19 
#4572020-03-09:-1×HRL 19 Jun 2020 $40.00 P $       155.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    51,825.80 ➤ $    48,894.80 
#456b2020-03-09:-2×BEN 20 Nov 2020 $22.50 P $       910.67 ( $      -352.23 )→ #551$    51,671.15 ➤ $    48,740.15 
#456a2020-03-09:-1×BEN 20 Nov 2020 $22.50 P $       455.33 ( $          -0.48 )$    51,112.71 ➤ $    48,181.71 
#4552020-03-02:-1×UNP 15 May 2020 $145.00 P $       535.00 ( $          -0.81 )$    50,657.86 ➤ $    47,726.86 
#4542020-03-02:-1×SBUX 17 Apr 2020 $70.00 P $       111.00 ( $      -978.44 )→ #461$    50,123.67 ➤ $    47,192.67 
#4532020-02-11:-1×MSFT 15 Jan 2021 $155.00 P $       633.00 ( $          -1.11 )$    50,991.11 ➤ $    48,060.11 
#4522020-02-11:-1×INTC 15 Jan 2021 $50.00 P $       139.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    50,359.22 ➤ $    48,061.22 
#4512020-02-11:-1×AAPL 15 Jan 2021 $255.00 P $       865.00 ( $      -221.74 )→ #504$    50,221.02 ➤ $    47,923.02 
#4502020-01-21:-1×TXN 17 Apr 2020 $115.00 P $       128.00 ( $      -306.44 )→ #469$    49,577.76 ➤ $    47,279.76 
#4492020-01-21:-2×TJX 17 Apr 2020 $67.50 C $       110.00 ( $          -0.01 )$    49,756.20 ➤ $    47,458.20 
#4482020-01-21:-2×ORCL 19 Jun 2020 $47.50 P $       150.00 ( $          -1.49 )$    49,646.21 ➤ $    47,348.21 
#4472020-01-21:-2×GILD 15 May 2020 $55.00 P $       162.00 ( $          -0.89 )$    49,497.70 ➤ $    47,199.70 
#4462020-01-21:-2×CSX 15 May 2020 $67.50 P $       240.00 ( $   -3,201.79 )$    49,336.59 ➤ $    47,038.59 
#4452020-01-15:-2×KO 18 Sep 2020 $55.00 C $       717.00 ( $          -9.85 )$    52,298.38 ➤ $    50,000.38 
#4442020-01-15:-1×D 17 Jul 2020 $82.50 C $       267.00 ( $          -0.30 )$    51,591.23 ➤ $    49,293.23 
#4432020-01-15:-2×CMCSA 17 Jul 2020 $47.50 C $       402.00 ( $          -1.50 )$    51,324.53 ➤ $    49,026.53 
#4422020-01-15:-3×BEN 17 Jul 2020 $27.50 P $       978.00 ( $   -2,502.74 )→ #456$    50,924.03 ➤ $    48,626.03 
#4412020-01-08:-5×T 21 Jan 2022 $40.00 C $    1,452.00 ( $      -289.58 )→ #502$    52,448.77 ➤ $    50,150.77 
#4402019-12-18:-2×XEL 19 Jun 2020 $55.00 P $       150.00 ( $          -0.21 )$    51,286.35 ➤ $    48,988.35 
#4392019-12-18:-1×TSM 21 Jan 2022 $60.00 C $       808.00 ( $          -0.31 )$    51,136.56 ➤ $    48,838.56 
#4382019-12-18:-2×TJX 17 Apr 2020 $55.00 P $       174.00 ( $   -2,476.67 )→ #462$    50,328.87 ➤ $    48,838.87 
#4372019-12-18:-1×SBUX 21 Feb 2020 $85.00 P $       187.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    52,631.54 ➤ $    51,141.54 
#4362019-12-18:-1×PSX 21 Feb 2020 $110.00 P $       270.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    52,445.34 ➤ $    50,955.34 
#4352019-12-18:-1×LYB 20 Mar 2020 $80.00 P $       120.00 ( $   -1,755.58 )→ #458$    52,175.69 ➤ $    50,685.69 
#4342019-12-18:-1×ICE 19 Jun 2020 $85.00 P $       195.00 ( $   -1,285.58 )→ #459$    53,811.27 ➤ $    52,321.27 
#4332019-12-18:-2×HRL 20 Mar 2020 $40.00 P $       104.00 ( $        -19.90 )$    54,901.85 ➤ $    53,411.85 
#4322019-12-18:-1×AMT 17 Apr 2020 $180.00 P $       200.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    54,817.75 ➤ $    53,327.75 
#4312019-12-18:-1×ABT 15 May 2020 $75.00 P $       117.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    54,618.10 ➤ $    53,128.10 
#4302019-12-12:-2×TROW 17 Jul 2020 $120.00 C $    2,209.00 ( $   -2,601.93 )→ #485$    54,501.90 ➤ $    53,011.90 
#4292019-11-27:-1×SBUX 17 Apr 2020 $77.50 P $       158.00 ( $   -1,543.17 )→ #461$    54,894.83 ➤ $    53,404.83 
#4282019-11-26:-1×WMT 19 Jun 2020 $100.00 P $       158.00 ( $          -0.65 )$    56,280.00 ➤ $    54,790.00 
#4272019-11-26:-1×V 20 Mar 2020 $155.00 P $       127.00 ( $        -11.19 )$    56,122.65 ➤ $    54,632.65 
#4262019-11-26:-1×UNP 21 Feb 2020 $160.00 P $       217.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    56,006.84 ➤ $    54,516.84 
#4252019-11-26:-1×NKE 17 Apr 2020 $77.50 P $       102.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    55,790.64 ➤ $    54,300.64 
#4242019-11-26:-1×MSFT 20 Mar 2020 $130.00 P $       119.00 ( $          -8.37 )$    55,689.74 ➤ $    54,199.74 
#4232019-11-26:-1×MRK 17 Apr 2020 $75.00 P $       107.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    55,579.11 ➤ $    54,089.11 
#4222019-11-26:-1×MMM 17 Apr 2020 $160.00 P $    3,441.00 ( $          -1.45 )→ #460$    55,472.91 ➤ $    53,982.91 
#4212019-11-26:-1×MCD 20 Mar 2020 $170.00 P $       126.00 ( $        -10.32 )$    52,033.36 ➤ $    50,543.36 
#4202019-11-26:-1×LOW 17 Apr 2020 $95.00 P $       111.00 ( $        -41.44 )→ #468$    51,917.68 ➤ $    50,427.68 
#4192019-11-26:-1×LLY 17 Apr 2020 $100.00 P $       140.00 ( $        -10.74 )$    51,848.12 ➤ $    50,358.12 
#4182019-11-26:-1×JNJ 20 Mar 2020 $120.00 P $       115.00 ( $          -9.89 )$    51,718.86 ➤ $    50,228.86 
#4172019-11-26:-1×ICE 19 Jun 2020 $80.00 P $       133.00 ( $   -1,000.59 )→ #459$    51,613.75 ➤ $    50,123.75 
#4162019-11-13:-2×XOM 17 Apr 2020 $75.00 C $       194.00 ( $        -11.74 )$    52,481.34 ➤ $    50,991.34 
#4152019-11-13:-1×WFC 19 Jun 2020 $60.00 C $       112.00 ( $        -10.19 )$    52,299.08 ➤ $    50,809.08 
#4142019-11-13:-1×TXN 17 Jan 2020 $110.00 P $       144.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    52,197.27 ➤ $    50,707.27 
#4132019-11-13:-5×SKT 19 Jun 2020 $20.00 C $       120.00 ( $        -30.70 )$    52,054.37 ➤ $    50,564.37 
#4122019-11-13:-1×PM 19 Jun 2020 $100.00 C $       102.00 ( $          -0.65 )$    51,965.07 ➤ $    50,475.07 
#4112019-11-13:-1×JNJ 20 Mar 2020 $140.00 C $       163.00 ( $          -0.65 )$    51,863.72 ➤ $    50,373.72 
#4102019-11-13:-1×IBM 17 Apr 2020 $120.00 P $       269.00 ( $        -10.59 )$    51,701.37 ➤ $    50,211.37 
#4092019-11-13:-2×ABBV 15 Jan 2021 $90.00 C $    1,310.00 ( $   -2,759.24 )→ #575$    51,442.96 ➤ $    49,952.96 
#4082019-10-18:-2×TSM 15 Jan 2021 $50.00 C $    1,083.00 ( $            0.00 )$    52,892.20 ➤ $    51,402.20 
#4072019-10-18:-2×TROW 20 Dec 2019 $115.00 C $       339.00 ( $   -2,090.59 )→ #430$    51,809.20 ➤ $    50,319.20 
#4062019-10-18:-2×TJX 17 Jan 2020 $65.00 C $       188.00 ( $            0.00 )$    53,560.79 ➤ $    52,070.79 
#4052019-10-18:-1×ADM 20 Mar 2020 $45.00 C $         53.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    53,372.79 ➤ $    51,882.79 
#4042019-10-01:-1×TJX 17 Apr 2020 $50.00 P $       180.00 ( $      -802.24 )→ #462$    53,320.89 ➤ $    51,830.89 
#4032019-10-01:-1×SNA 15 Nov 2019 $145.00 P $       260.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    53,943.13 ➤ $    52,453.13 
#4022019-10-01:-3×PFE 20 Mar 2020 $40.00 C $       132.00 ( $          -1.13 )$    53,683.48 ➤ $    52,193.48 
#4012019-10-01:-1×MRK 15 Nov 2019 $80.00 P $       127.00 ( $          -1.58 )$    53,552.61 ➤ $    52,062.61 
#4002019-10-01:-1×MDT 17 Jan 2020 $100.00 P $       196.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    53,427.19 ➤ $    51,937.19 
#3992019-10-01:-1×HRL 20 Mar 2020 $47.50 C $       125.00 ( $      -280.83 )→ #463$    53,231.99 ➤ $    51,741.99 
#3982019-10-01:-2×ADM 20 Mar 2020 $45.00 C $       160.00 ( $          -0.99 )$    53,387.82 ➤ $    51,897.82 
#3972019-10-01:-2×ADM 15 Nov 2019 $40.00 P $       228.00 ( $          -1.00 )$    53,228.81 ➤ $    51,738.81 
#3962019-09-20:-1×ORCL 17 Jan 2020 $52.50 P $       213.00 ( $          -1.59 )$    53,001.81 ➤ $    51,511.81 
#3952019-09-20:-1×MSFT 21 Jan 2022 $155.00 C $    1,490.00 ( $          -0.68 )$    52,790.40 ➤ $    51,300.40

key:  expired  •  closed  •  rolled  •  assigned  •  open 

Concluding Remarks

June turned out to be a great month for options trading with $5,731 added to my options income tally. So far this year, I've collected $10,908 in options income, and, given my goal of collecting $24,000, I would need to average $2,182 in the remaining six months of 2021 to achieve that goal! 

June 2021

Options Income
Options Income
End of Month:
$ 97,939
$ 76,363
Previous Month:
This Month:
$    5,731
$   4,688

In 60 months of options trading, I've collected options income totaling $97,939.

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