
Friday, May 14, 2021

The Top-Ranked Dividend Growth Stock In Each GICS Sector

I decided to accept an invitation to write for

While I'll continue to publish some articles exclusively on Seeking Alpha, a recent change in their business model limits the number of free articles readers can access without subscribing.

My first article on presents the top-ranked dividend growth stock in each GICS sector. The article also presents my approach to finding high-quality dividend growth stocks and explains how I approach stock valuation.

As a dividend growth investor, I look for high-quality dividend growth stocks trading at reasonable valuations. I assess quality using DVK Quality Snapshots and systematically determine fair value estimates for all the dividend growth stocks in Dividend Radar

In this article at, I rank dividend growth stocks by GICS sector and identify the #1-ranked stock in each of the GICS sectors. 

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  1. Ferdis you have been an extremely valuable source of education for a young investor like me. The change in Seeking Alpha has affected this, and I'm very happy to see that you're actively trying to keep your content available.
    Many thanks for delivering value consistently to your community.

    1. Hi, Bookie Wookie -- thanks for your comment and kind words. I appreciate your position... not many younger investors can afford a subscription. Take care and all the best with your investment journey!

  2. Thank you very much for caring about us small investors who can't afford SA Subscription


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