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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Options Update: November 2018

DivGro's focus continues to be dividend growth investing, and most of my articles discuss the management of my dividend growth portfolio. But I also do options trades, so I write monthly options updates to keep track my options income.

Each update serves as a status report on the open options and obligations I have. I also report new trades and provide a running tally of DivGro's options income to date.

I added options trading to DivGro to leverage the equity in my portfolio and to generate extra income. Options trading allows me to buy more dividend growth stocks that otherwise would have been possible.

I mostly sell puts on stocks I would like to own and covered calls on stocks I already own. Occasionally, I execute more speculative options trades, too, such as bull put spreads and other combo trades.


November was another quiet month for options trading. I've been rather busy at work so I could not spare so much time to look for new options trades.

Below is a snapshot showing a few trades and options expirations this month:

Assigned Options

When an options holder exercises an option, it is said to be assigned.

In November, the following options were assigned:

#2142018-07-20:-2×WSM 16 Nov 2018 $60.00 P $ 717.00 ( $  0.00 )

Another assignment, this time of Williams-Sonoma (WSM). The multi-channel specialty retailer of home products slumped after announcing Q3 earnings, despite a year-over-year increase in adjusted EPS of 10.5% and revenue growth of 4.4% over Q3-2017. The company's comparable brand revenue growth fell short of analysts’ expectations, growing only 3.1% compared to analysts’ expectation of 4.2%.

The stock closed at $53.76 per share on 16 November, so the $60 put options got assigned. In essence, this means that I opened a position with an unrealized loss of about $1,248. Compensating somewhat is the $717 that I secured in options income on the trade.

On 3 December, WSM closed at $58.75 per share, which means I'm already in the black on the combined trade. The stock's 52-week high is $73.99, and if the share price could make up even half of that lost ground, I'd be very happy!

Expired Options

In November, the following options expired:

#2402018-10-12:-2×TSM 16 Nov 2018 $36.00 P $ 100.00 ( $ -1.57 )

I secured options income of $98.43 from this expiration.

On 16 November, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSM) closed at $36.87 per share, above the $36 strike price of the November puts. The puts expired and I no longer have the obligation to buy 200 TSM shares.

Closed Options

When an out of the money option goes further out of the money, you can close the option early and secure most of the options income.

I closed the following options early:

#2412018-10-12:-1×VZ 16 Nov 2018 $52.50 P $    115.00 ( $   -10.87 )
#2372018-10-12:-2×HRL 21 Dec 2018 $37.50 P $    160.00 ( $   -18.60 )
#2352018-10-02:-5×FLO 16 Nov 2018 $17.50 P $    150.00 ( $   -46.51 )
#2042018-06-14:-1×TSM 18 Jan 2019 $45.00 C $      55.00 ( $     -5.67 )
#1982018-06-14:-1×LOW 18 Jan 2019 $120.00 C $    110.00 ( $   -10.57 )

On 5 November, I decided to close my position in Verizon Communications (VZ) early. To do so, I bought back the November 2018 $52.50 put and so secured 91% of the available options income.  The trade netted $104.13 in secured options income.

On November 8, Flower Foods (FLO) was trading about 7% above the $17.15 put strike, so I decided to close the position early. Doing so secured 70% of the available options income, or $103.49. Looking back, I guess I was partially influenced by the market volatility in early November. I could have waited for the options to expire.

Lowe's (LOW) traded about 22% below the $120 call strike price, so I decided to close the position early. Buying back the call option secured 90% of the premium received, with still two months until options expiration. The trade netted $99.43 in secured options income.

On 21 November, Hormel Foods (HRL) traded more than 21% above the December $37.50 put strike price, so I decided to close the position early. The trade netted $141.40 in secured options income, which is 88% of the premium received.

Finally, the January $45 covered call on TSM seemed like a good one to close early, so I bought it back and secured $49.33 in options income. This is 90% of the original premium.

All together, I secured nearly $500 in options income by selling options early.

Rolled Options

Rolling forward options means buying back an option and selling another option with a later expiration date. You can do this to avoid options assignment for in the money options, or to collect more options income for out of the money options.

I rolled forward the following option this month:

#2552018-11-01:-3×GPS 21 Jun 2019 $27.00 P $ 1,004.00 ( $     -1.47 )
#1802018-05-11:-3×GPS 21 Dec 2018 $29.00 P $    912.00 ( $ -886.90 )→ #255
#2542018-11-01:-2×FL 15 Feb 2019 $45.00 P $    660.00 ( $     -1.61 )
#2342018-10-02:-2×FL 16 Nov 2018 $50.00 P $    620.00 ( $ -599.68 )→ #254
#2532018-11-01:-2×CMCSA 21 Jun 2019 $42.50 C $    320.00 ( $     -1.28 )
#2252018-08-17:-2×CMCSA 16 Nov 2018 $37.50 C $    181.00 ( $ -264.09 )→ #253

On 1 November, Gap (GPS) traded well below the Dec $29 put strike price, so I decided to roll forward the options to June 2019 and simultaneously to reduce the strike price to $27.00. The trade netted $25.10 in secured options income. Rolling the options cost me $886.90, but I received $1,002.53 for selling the June 2019 puts.

Also on 1 November, I decided to roll forward the November $50 put options on Foot Locker (FL), as the stock traded about 10% below that strike price. The trade cost me $599.68, but I received $658.39 for selling the February 2019 $45 puts. Note the reduced strike price. The traded netted $20.32 in secured options income.

Finally, Comcast (CMCSA) traded above the November $37.50 covered call strike price on 1 November. So I decided to protect my position by rolling forward the options to June 2019 and simultaneously to increase the strike price to $42.50. The trade cost me $83.09 in secured options income, as I paid $264.09 to close the November options. However, I added $318.72 to my options income tally by selling the June calls.

All together, these trades cost me $37.67 in secured options income.

New Covered Calls

Selling covered calls is a way to collect extra income on stocks you already own.

I didn't sell any covered calls in November.

New Put Contracts

Selling put options allows me to set the price I'm willing to pay for a stock I want to buy. In effect, I get paid while waiting for the share price to drop!

I didn't sell any put options in November.

Options Expiring Soon

Below I'm listing options expiring in the next two months. On expiration day, in the money options will result in options assignment, which I'd like to avoid in some cases, if possible.

December 2018:
#2522018-10-29:-1×IP 21 Dec 2018 $42.50 P $ 162.00 ( $ -0.79 )→ Out of the money with a  10% safety margin  
#2422018-10-12:-2×XEL 21 Dec 2018 $45.00 P $ 120.00 ( $  0.00 )→ Out of the money with a  18% safety margin  
#2172018-08-06:-2×ADM 21 Dec 2018 $45.00 P $ 124.00 ( $ -0.73 )→ Out of the money with a  5% safety margin  

January 2019:
#2512018-10-25:-3×GILD 18 Jan 2019 $80.00 C $ 304.00 ( $ -1.16 )→ Out of the money with a  11% safety margin  
#2492018-10-23:-1×TSM 18 Jan 2019 $40.00 C $ 114.00 ( $ -1.09 )→ Out of the money with a  4% safety margin  
#2482018-10-19:-2×PG 18 Jan 2019 $85.00 C $ 695.00 ( $ -0.83 )→ In the money by  10% — caution!  
#2472018-10-19:-3×NKE 18 Jan 2019 $70.00 P $ 558.00 ( $ -3.84 )→ Out of the money with a  11% safety margin  
#2452018-10-12:-2×WBA 18 Jan 2019 $72.50 C $ 615.00 ( $ -0.83 )→ In the money by  10% — caution!  
#2362018-10-12:-2×AFL 18 Jan 2019 $42.50 P $ 252.00 ( $ -1.58 )→ Out of the money with a  7% safety margin  

Two options expiring in October are in the money. I'll have to monitor them carefully as the options expiration date approaches.

Options Income Tally

Here is a running tally of the total amount received from options trades, as well as the options premiums secured due to options that expired:

key:  expired  •  closed  •  rolled  •  assigned  •  open

#2552018-11-01:-3×GPS 21 Jun 2019 $27.00 P $    1,004.00 ( $          -1.47 )$    39,204.70 ➤ $    17,321.70 
#2542018-11-01:-2×FL 15 Feb 2019 $45.00 P $       660.00 ( $          -1.61 )$    38,202.17 ➤ $    17,323.17 
#2532018-11-01:-2×CMCSA 21 Jun 2019 $42.50 C $       320.00 ( $          -1.28 )$    37,543.78 ➤ $    17,324.78 
#2522018-10-29:-1×IP 21 Dec 2018 $42.50 P $       162.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    37,225.06 ➤ $    17,326.06 
#2512018-10-25:-3×GILD 18 Jan 2019 $80.00 C $       304.00 ( $          -1.16 )$    37,063.85 ➤ $    17,326.85 
#2502018-10-24:-10×F 15 Mar 2019 $10.00 C $       190.00 ( $        -10.32 )$    36,761.01 ➤ $    17,328.01 
#2492018-10-23:-1×TSM 18 Jan 2019 $40.00 C $       114.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    36,581.33 ➤ $    17,338.33 
#2482018-10-19:-2×PG 18 Jan 2019 $85.00 C $       695.00 ( $          -0.83 )$    36,468.42 ➤ $    17,339.42 
#2472018-10-19:-3×NKE 18 Jan 2019 $70.00 P $       558.00 ( $          -3.84 )$    35,774.25 ➤ $    17,340.25 
#2462018-10-19:-10×F 15 Mar 2019 $10.00 C $       160.00 ( $        -12.77 )$    35,220.09 ➤ $    17,344.09 
#2452018-10-12:-2×WBA 18 Jan 2019 $72.50 C $       615.00 ( $          -0.83 )$    35,072.86 ➤ $    17,356.86 
#2442018-10-12:-1×JNJ 17 Jan 2020 $150.00 C $       518.00 ( $          -0.64 )$    34,458.69 ➤ $    17,357.69 
#2432018-10-12:-2×ALK 18 Apr 2019 $62.60 P $    1,106.00 ( $          -1.67 )$    33,941.33 ➤ $    17,358.33 
#2422018-10-12:-2×XEL 21 Dec 2018 $45.00 P $       120.00 ( $            0.00 )$    32,837.00 ➤ $    17,360.00 
#2412018-10-12:-1×VZ 16 Nov 2018 $52.50 P $       115.00 ( $        -10.87 )$    32,717.00 ➤ $    17,360.00 
#2402018-10-12:-2×TSM 16 Nov 2018 $36.00 P $       100.00 ( $          -1.57 )$    32,612.87 ➤ $    17,255.87 
#2392018-10-12:-2×SBUX 17 Jan 2020 $55.00 P $       966.00 ( $          -0.84 )$    32,514.44 ➤ $    17,157.44 
#2382018-10-12:  2×SBUX 17 Jan 2020 $75.00 C $           0.00 ( $      -186.82 )$    31,549.28 ➤ $    17,158.28 
#2372018-10-12:-2×HRL 21 Dec 2018 $37.50 P $       160.00 ( $        -18.60 )$    31,736.10 ➤ $    17,345.10 
#2362018-10-12:-2×AFL 18 Jan 2019 $42.50 P $       252.00 ( $          -1.58 )$    31,594.70 ➤ $    17,203.70 
#2352018-10-02:-5×FLO 16 Nov 2018 $17.50 P $       150.00 ( $        -46.51 )$    31,344.28 ➤ $    17,205.28 
#2342018-10-02:-2×FL 16 Nov 2018 $50.00 P $       620.00 ( $      -599.68 )→ #254$    31,240.79 ➤ $    17,101.79 
#2332018-10-02:-2×ALK 21 Dec 2018 $65.00 P $       570.00 ( $   -1,047.73 )→ #243$    31,220.47 ➤ $    17,081.47 
#2322018-09-05:  1×MGM 17 Jan 2020 $28.00 P $       405.00 ( $          -0.64 )$    31,698.20 ➤ $    17,559.20 
#2312018-09-05:-1×GILD 16 Nov 2018 $85.00 C $         44.00 ( $        -12.14 )→ #251$    31,293.84 ➤ $    17,559.84 
#2302018-08-28:-2×TJX 18 Apr 2019 $100.00 P $       499.00 ( $          -1.61 )$    31,261.98 ➤ $    17,527.98 
#2292018-08-28:-1×TJX 18 Apr 2019 $110.00 C $       572.00 ( $          -0.29 )$    30,764.59 ➤ $    17,529.59 
#2282018-08-28:-2×TGT 19 Oct 2018 $80.00 P $       123.00 ( $          -0.82 )$    30,192.88 ➤ $    17,529.88 
#2272018-08-28:-3×NKE 19 Oct 2018 $75.00 P $       183.00 ( $        -91.65 )→ #247$    30,070.70 ➤ $    17,407.70 
#2262018-08-28:-10×F 18 Jan 2019 $11.00 C $       216.00 ( $        -81.06 )→ #250$    29,979.35 ➤ $    17,316.35 
#2252018-08-17:-2×CMCSA 16 Nov 2018 $37.50 C $       181.00 ( $      -264.09 )→ #253$    29,844.41 ➤ $    17,181.41 
#2242018-08-10:-10×F 18 Jan 2019 $11.00 C $       210.00 ( $        -65.61 )→ #246$    29,927.50 ➤ $    17,264.50 
#2232018-08-06:-1×UNP 19 Oct 2018 $140.00 P $       172.00 ( $          -1.59 )$    29,783.11 ➤ $    17,120.11 
#2222018-08-06:-1×HON 21 Sep 2018 $145.00 P $         75.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    29,612.70 ➤ $    16,949.70 
#2212018-08-06:-1×HD 21 Sep 2018 $185.00 P $       177.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    29,538.79 ➤ $    16,875.79 
#2202018-08-06:-1×CVS 21 Sep 2018 $65.00 P $       222.00 ( $          -0.84 )$    29,362.58 ➤ $    16,699.58 
#2192018-08-06:-2×CSCO 19 Oct 2018 $40.00 P $       124.00 ( $          -2.57 )$    29,141.42 ➤ $    16,478.42 
#2182018-08-06:-2×BBY 21 Sep 2018 $70.00 P $       324.00 ( $          -0.98 )$    29,019.99 ➤ $    16,356.99 
#2172018-08-06:-2×ADM 21 Dec 2018 $45.00 P $       124.00 ( $          -0.73 )$    28,696.97 ➤ $    16,033.97 
#2162018-07-30:-1×MGM 21 Sep 2018 $31.00 P $       144.00 ( $      -350.42 )→ #232$    28,573.70 ➤ $    16,034.70 
#2152018-07-26:-1×MKC 21 Dec 2018 $115.00 P $       353.00 ( $        -20.45 )$    28,780.12 ➤ $    16,241.12 
#2142018-07-20:-2×WSM 16 Nov 2018 $60.00 P $       717.00 ( $            0.00 )$    28,447.57 ➤ $    15,908.57 
#2132018-07-18:-1×HSY 24 Aug 2018 $91.00 P $       229.00 ( $          -0.62 )$    27,730.57 ➤ $    15,191.57 
#2122018-06-20:-2×SBUX 17 Jan 2020 $50.00 P $       915.00 ( $          -2.57 )$    27,502.19 ➤ $    14,963.19 
#2112018-06-20:-1×HSY 20 Jul 2018 $92.00 P $       194.00 ( $        -65.41 )→ #213$    26,589.76 ➤ $    14,965.76 
#2102018-06-20:-3×GIS 17 Jan 2020 $42.50 P $    1,224.00 ( $          -1.49 )$    26,461.17 ➤ $    14,837.17 
#2092018-06-20:  3×GIS 17 Jan 2020 $60.00 C $           0.00 ( $      -235.46 )$    25,238.66 ➤ $    14,838.66 
#2082018-06-14:-2×TGT 19 Oct 2018 $70.00 P $       355.00 ( $        -20.43 )→ #228$    25,474.12 ➤ $    15,074.12 
#2072018-06-14:-3×NKE 19 Oct 2018 $65.00 P $       264.00 ( $        -31.18 )→ #227$    25,139.55 ➤ $    14,739.55 
#2062018-06-14:-20×F 18 Jan 2019 $12.00 C $    1,383.00 ( $      -306.09 )$    24,906.73 ➤ $    14,506.73 
#2052018-06-14:-2×WBA 19 Oct 2018 $70.00 C $       288.00 ( $      -413.80 )→ #245$    23,829.82 ➤ $    13,429.82 
#2042018-06-14:-1×TSM 18 Jan 2019 $45.00 C $         55.00 ( $          -5.67 )$    23,955.62 ➤ $    13,555.62 
#2032018-06-14:-1×TRV 19 Oct 2018 $140.00 C $       124.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    23,906.29 ➤ $    13,506.29 
#2022018-06-14:-1×TJX 19 Oct 2018 $105.00 C $         90.00 ( $      -398.62 )→ #229$    23,783.38 ➤ $    13,383.38 
#2012018-06-14:-2×T 19 Oct 2018 $36.00 C $         94.00 ( $          -1.58 )$    24,092.00 ➤ $    13,692.00 
#2002018-06-14:-1×RDS.B 18 Jan 2019 $80.00 C $       115.00 ( $        -30.67 )$    23,999.58 ➤ $    13,599.58 
#1992018-06-14:-2×PG 19 Oct 2018 $85.00 C $         74.00 ( $      -233.80 )→ #248$    23,915.25 ➤ $    13,515.25 
#1982018-06-14:-1×LOW 18 Jan 2019 $120.00 C $       110.00 ( $        -10.57 )$    24,075.05 ➤ $    13,675.05 
#1972018-06-14:-1×JNJ 21 Dec 2018 $135.00 C $       150.00 ( $      -407.72 )→ #244$    23,975.62 ➤ $    13,575.62 
#1962018-06-14:-2×GILD 16 Nov 2018 $85.00 C $       166.00 ( $        -23.68 )→ #251$    24,233.34 ➤ $    13,833.34 
#1952018-06-14:-2×DIS 19 Oct 2018 $125.00 C $       116.00 ( $          -1.58 )$    24,091.02 ➤ $    13,691.02 
#1942018-06-14:-2×CMCSA 17 Aug 2018 $35.00 C $       164.00 ( $        -85.40 )→ #225$    23,976.60 ➤ $    13,576.60 
#1932018-06-14:-1×BUD 21 Dec 2018 $115.00 C $         85.00 ( $        -12.57 )$    23,898.00 ➤ $    13,498.00 
#1922018-06-14:-1×AAPL 20 Jul 2018 $200.00 C $       122.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    23,825.57 ➤ $    13,425.57 
#1912018-06-12:-2×TPR 20 Jul 2018 $45.00 P $       140.00 ( $          -8.76 )$    23,704.66 ➤ $    13,304.66 
#1902018-06-12:-1×MKC 21 Sep 2018 $100.00 P $       185.00 ( $        -18.36 )→ #215$    23,573.42 ➤ $    13,173.42 
#1892018-06-12:-2×AEO 17 Aug 2018 $24.00 P $       180.00 ( $          -9.17 )$    23,406.78 ➤ $    13,006.78 
#1882018-05-24:-2×WSM 17 Aug 2018 $47.50 P $       240.00 ( $        -12.08 )→ #214$    23,235.95 ➤ $    12,835.95 
#1872018-05-24:-2×TJX 19 Oct 2018 $82.50 P $       380.00 ( $        -17.28 )→ #230$    23,008.03 ➤ $    12,608.03 
#1862018-05-24:-2×TGT 20 Jul 2018 $67.50 P $       224.00 ( $        -32.79 )→ #208$    22,645.31 ➤ $    12,245.31 
#1852018-05-24:-2×HSY 15 Jun 2018 $91.00 P $       236.00 ( $          -0.74 )$    22,454.10 ➤ $    12,054.10 
#1842018-05-11:-1×WMT 21 Jun 2019 $82.50 P $       667.00 ( $          -0.64 )$    22,218.84 ➤ $    11,818.84 
#1832018-05-11:-1×VLO 17 Jan 2020 $90.00 C $    2,935.00 ( $          -0.69 )$    21,552.48 ➤ $    11,819.48 
#1822018-05-11:-1×PG 17 Jan 2020 $72.50 P $       633.00 ( $      -179.71 )$    18,618.17 ➤ $    11,820.17 
#1812018-05-11:-1×MO 21 Jul 2019 $55.00 P $       579.00 ( $          -0.63 )$    18,164.88 ➤ $    11,366.88 
#1802018-05-11:-3×GPS 21 Dec 2018 $29.00 P $       912.00 ( $      -886.90 )→ #255$    17,586.51 ➤ $    11,367.51 
#1792018-05-11:-2×DIS 17 Jan 2020 $100.00 P $    1,845.00 ( $          -1.15 )$    17,561.41 ➤ $    11,342.41 
#1782018-05-11:  2×DIS 17 Jan 2020 $130.00 C $           0.00 ( $      -712.11 )$    15,717.56 ➤ $    11,343.56 
#1772018-04-20:-3×GLW 18 Jan 2019 $27.00 P $       618.00 ( $      -102.32 )$    16,429.67 ➤ $    12,055.67 
#1762018-04-20:-1×PG 18 Jan 2019 $77.50 P $       627.00 ( $      -672.25 )→ #182$    15,913.99 ➤ $    11,539.99 
#1752018-04-20:-1×MO 20 Jul 2018 $60.00 P $       438.00 ( $      -505.25 )→ #181$    15,959.24 ➤ $    11,585.24 
#1742018-04-20:-3×KBH 18 Jan 2019 $30.00 P $    1,494.00 ( $          -1.46 )$    16,026.49 ➤ $    11,652.49 
#1732018-04-06:-1×WMT 18 May 2018 $87.50 P $       304.00 ( $      -508.25 )→ #184$    14,533.95 ➤ $    10,159.95 
#1722018-04-06:-2×DIS 18 May 2018 $110.00 C $       116.00 ( $          -1.38 )$    14,738.20 ➤ $    10,364.20 
#1712018-03-23:-3×XLRE 18 May 2018 $29.00 P $       120.00 ( $          -0.18 )$    14,623.58 ➤ $    10,249.58 
#1702018-03-23:-2×APC 18 May 2018 $57.50 P $       290.00 ( $          -0.99 )$    14,503.76 ➤ $    10,129.76 
#1692018-03-22:-3×PFE 18 May 2018 $34.00 P $       141.00 ( $          -1.47 )$    14,214.75 ➤ $      9,840.75 
#1682018-03-22:-3×GPS 18 May 2018 $31.00 P $       447.00 ( $      -551.90 )→ #180$    14,075.22 ➤ $      9,701.22 
#1672018-03-14:-6×WEN 18 May 2018 $16.00 P $       270.00 ( $          -0.25 )$    14,180.12 ➤ $      9,806.12 
#1662018-03-14:-2×STLD 18 May 2018 $46.00 P $       410.00 ( $          -0.69 )$    13,910.37 ➤ $      9,536.37 
#1652018-03-14:-1×RS 20 Apr 2018 $87.50 P $       170.00 ( $          -0.34 )$    13,501.06 ➤ $      9,127.06 
#1642018-03-14:-3×PFE 15 Jun 2018 $34.00 P $       150.00 ( $          -1.47 )$    13,331.40 ➤ $      8,957.40 
#1632018-03-14:10×NEE 20 Apr 2018 $150.00 P $           0.00 ( $   -1,055.63 )$    13,182.87 ➤ $      8,808.87 
#1622018-03-14:-10×NEE 20 Apr 2018 $155.00 P $    2,153.00 ( $          -5.70 )$    14,238.50 ➤ $      9,864.50 
#1612018-03-14:-2×KMB 17 Jan 2020 $100.00 P $    1,503.00 ( $          -0.11 )$    12,091.20 ➤ $      7,717.20 
#1602018-03-14:  2×KMB 17 Jan 2020 $135.00 C $           0.00 ( $      -783.14 )$    10,588.31 ➤ $      7,717.31 
#1592018-03-14:-2×HOG 18 May 2018 $40.00 P $       186.00 ( $          -0.98 )$    11,371.45 ➤ $      8,500.45 
#1582018-03-14:-3×GLW 20 Apr 2018 $29.00 P $       141.00 ( $      -465.32 )→ #177$    11,186.43 ➤ $      8,315.43 
#1572018-03-14:-1×BUD 18 May 2018 $105.00 P $       200.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    11,510.75 ➤ $      8,639.75 
#1562018-02-26:-2×ABBV 17 Jan 2020 $100.00 C $    5,508.00 ( $      -822.21 )$    11,311.54 ➤ $      8,440.54 
#1552018-02-26:-1×WMT 06 Apr 2018 $90.00 P $       130.00 ( $      -221.61 )→ #173$      6,625.75 ➤ $      3,754.75 
#1542018-02-26:-1×LOW 20 Apr 2018 $92.50 P $       196.00 ( $          -0.79 )$      6,717.36 ➤ $      3,846.36 
#1532018-02-26:  5×HD 20 Apr 2018 $185.00 P $           0.00 ( $   -4,827.70 )$      6,522.15 ➤ $      3,651.15 
#1522018-02-26:-5×HD 20 Apr 2018 $190.00 P $    3,450.00 ( $          -2.79 )$    11,349.85 ➤ $      8,478.85 
#1512018-02-23:-2×SBUX 18 May 2018 $52.50 P $       194.00 ( $          -0.98 )$      7,902.64 ➤ $      5,031.64 
#1502018-02-23:-1×PG 20 Apr 2018 $80.00 P $       171.00 ( $      -562.41 )→ #176$      7,709.62 ➤ $      4,838.62 
#149b2018-02-23:-1×MO 20 Apr 2018 $60.00 P $         72.00 ( $      -267.16 )→ #175$      8,101.03 ➤ $      5,230.03 
#149a2018-02-23:-1×MO 20 Apr 2018 $60.00 P $         72.00 ( $          -0.54 )$      8,296.19 ➤ $      5,425.19 
#1482018-02-23:-2×HRL 15 Jun 2018 $32.50 P $       304.00 ( $          -0.01 )$      8,224.73 ➤ $      5,353.73 
#1472018-02-23:-2×EEM 18 May 2018 $46.00 P $       156.00 ( $          -2.42 )$      7,920.74 ➤ $      5,049.74 
#1462018-02-23:-2×DIS 06 Apr 2018 $112.00 C $       142.00 ( $          -0.74 )$      7,767.16 ➤ $      4,896.16 
#1452018-02-23:-3×BAC 18 May 2018 $29.00 P $       150.00 ( $          -1.47 )$      7,625.90 ➤ $      4,754.90 
#1442018-02-23:-2×AAPL 18 May 2018 $155.00 P $       374.00 ( $          -2.43 )$      7,477.37 ➤ $      4,606.37 
#1432018-02-16:-3×NKE 20 Jul 2018 $60.00 P $       441.00 ( $        -20.73 )→ #207$      7,105.80 ➤ $      4,234.80 
#1422018-02-16:-2×GILD 15 Jun 2018 $85.00 C $       678.00 ( $        -11.15 )$      6,685.53 ➤ $      3,814.53 
#1412018-01-12:  6×WYNN 16 Mar 2018 $155.00 P $           0.00 ( $   -2,708.04 )$      6,018.68 ➤ $      3,147.68 
#1402018-01-12:-6×WYNN 16 Mar 2018 $160.00 P $    3,791.00 ( $          -3.14 )$      8,726.72 ➤ $      5,855.72 
#1392018-01-12:  6×RL 20 Apr 2018 $100.00 P $           0.00 ( $   -2,427.25 )$      4,938.86 ➤ $      2,067.86 
#1382018-01-12:-6×RL 20 Apr 2018 $105.00 P $    3,566.00 ( $          -3.34 )$      7,366.11 ➤ $      4,495.11 
#1372018-01-12:  8×JPM 16 Mar 2018 $105.00 P $           0.00 ( $      -842.23 )$      3,803.45 ➤ $         932.45 
#1362018-01-12:-8×JPM 16 Mar 2018 $110.00 P $    1,864.00 ( $        -10.29 )$      4,645.68 ➤ $      1,774.68 
#1352018-01-12:-3×KSS 16 Mar 2018 $55.00 P $       405.00 ( $          -0.14 )$      2,791.97 ➤ $         -79.03 
#134b2018-01-11:-3×QCOM 17 Jan 2020 $65.00 C $    2,355.00 ( $          -1.54 )$      2,387.11 ➤ $       -483.89 
#134a2018-01-10:-1×QCOM 17 Jan 2020 $65.00 C $       785.00 ( $   -1,101.29 )$           33.65 ➤ $       -482.35 
#1332018-01-10:-20×F 17 Jan 2020 $12.00 C $    3,720.00 ( $   -2,558.96 )→ #206$         349.94 ➤ $       -166.06 
#1322018-01-10:-2×KO 18 Jan 2019 $47.00 C $       414.00 ( $      -109.56 )$        -811.10 ➤ $     -1,327.10 
#1312018-01-10:-3×TGT 16 Mar 2018 $60.00 P $       144.00 ( $          -1.48 )$     -1,115.54 ➤ $     -1,631.54 
#1302018-01-10:-3×KBH 20 Apr 2018 $31.00 P $       306.00 ( $   -1,283.91 )→ #174$     -1,258.06 ➤ $     -1,774.06 
#1292018-01-10:-2×FAST 18 May 2018 $50.00 P $       350.00 ( $            0.00 )$        -280.15 ➤ $        -796.15 
#1282018-01-10:-1×AXP 20 Apr 2018 $100.00 P $       330.00 ( $          -0.80 )$        -630.15 ➤ $     -1,146.15 
#1272017-11-30:-2×EEM 19 Jan 2018 $46.00 P $       234.00 ( $          -0.85 )$        -959.35 ➤ $     -1,475.35 
#1262017-11-30:-2×BBT 16 Mar 2018 $50.00 P $       130.00 ( $          -0.98 )$     -1,192.50 ➤ $     -1,708.50 
#1252017-11-21:-3×X 19 Jan 2018 $26.00 P $       252.00 ( $          -2.09 )$     -1,321.52 ➤ $     -1,837.52 
#1242017-11-21:-2×RL 19 Jan 2018 $80.00 P $       150.00 ( $          -0.09 )$     -1,571.43 ➤ $     -2,087.43 
#1232017-11-21:-3×BAC 19 Jan 2018 $25.00 P $       120.00 ( $          -2.23 )$     -1,721.34 ➤ $     -2,237.34 
#1222017-11-17:-1×VLO 18 Jan 2019 $80.00 C $       892.00 ( $   -3,535.26 )→ #183$     -1,839.11 ➤ $     -2,355.11 
#1212017-11-17:-3×NKE 20 Apr 2018 $50.00 P $       208.00 ( $        -31.15 )→ #143$         804.15 ➤ $         288.15 
#1202017-11-17:-2×AAPL 16 Feb 2018 $150.00 P $       376.00 ( $          -1.60 )$         627.30 ➤ $         111.30 
#1192017-11-17:-2×WBA 15 Dec 2017 $70.00 P $       244.00 ( $          -0.99 )$         252.90 ➤ $       -263.10 
#1182017-11-17:-2×TXN 16 Mar 2018 $85.00 P $       200.00 ( $          -0.99 )$             9.89 ➤ $       -506.11 
#1172017-11-17:-2×MO 19 Jan 2018 $62.50 P $       140.00 ( $          -0.99 )$        -189.12 ➤ $        -705.12 
#116b2017-10-20:-1×INTC 17 Jan 2020 $40.00 C $       516.00 ( $   -1,691.18 )$        -328.13 ➤ $        -844.13 
#116a2017-10-20:-1×INTC 17 Jan 2020 $40.00 C $       516.00 ( $          -0.51 )$         847.05 ➤ $         331.05 

key:  expired  •  closed  •  rolled  •  assigned  •  open 

For a complete listing of all options transactions, please visit my Options History page.

Goals Progress

I count secured options income, which is income from options with no further obligations.

Options Income
Options Income
This Month:
$ 39,205
$    17,322
Last Month:
$ 39,063
$    16,044
 $      142 
$      1,277

My goal for 2018 is to secure $12,000 in options income. Since I started 2018 with $11,420 in secured option income, my target is a total $23,420. But I've only secured $17,322 so far, so I'm short by about $6,100. While it is not impossible, I think it is unlikely that I would achieve my 2018 options income goal. 

On the other hand, I'm quite happy to see my total options income continuing to grow. That's nearly $40,000 of "borrowed" money that I've invested in dividend growth stocks, which, in turn, are earning me more income!

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