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Saturday, May 15, 2021

Options Update: April 2021

Welcome to my Options Update for April! 

After reporting solid gains in my March update, I determined that I would have to collect $21,783 in options income in the 9 remaining months of 2021 to achieve my 2021 options income goal. That's an average of $2,420 per month. 

Well, I'm happy to say that with April's activity, I managed to collect $2,458 in options income. Not surprisingly, there are many transactions to report in this article!


In April, I had six expirations and closed four more options early. Additionally, I rolled forward eight options and wrote sixteen put options to generate additional options income:

Assigned Options

When the holder of an option exercises the option, it is said to be assigned.

I had no assignments in April.

Expired Options

In April, the following option expired:

#6002020-12-18:-2×NKE 16 Apr 2021 $95.00 P $       130.00 ( $          -0.87 )
#5882020-12-18:-1×HD 16 Apr 2021 $215.00 P $       180.00 ( $          -0.79 )
#5802020-12-18:-3×BEN 16 Apr 2021 $20.00 P $       144.00 ( $          -0.34 )
#5742020-12-11:-2×XOM 16 Apr 2021 $37.50 P $       327.00 ( $          -0.73 ) 
#5732020-12-11:-3×TJX 16 Apr 2021 $50.00 P $       248.00 ( $          -1.84 ) 
#5542020-11-30:-1×D 16 Apr 2021 $67.50 P $       112.00 ( $          -0.24 ) 

When options expire, the obligations I have related to those options cease to exist. For covered calls, there no longer is a chance that my shares will be called away. For puts, there no longer is a chance that I would have to buy shares, and the margin that was set aside as collateral gets released. More importantly, though, I can consider replacing the expired options and collect more options income!

After options expiration day, I usually write an article to report what happened. I reported on all these expiration in this article, which resulted in secured options income totaling about $1,135. Secured options income means I no longer have any obligation related to options. 

Rolled Options

Rolling forward options means buying back an option and selling another option with a later expiration date. You can do this to avoid options assignment for in-the-money options or to collect more options income for out-of-the-money options.

#6362021-04-01:-2×BNS 17 Sep 2021 $60.00 C $       767.00 ( $          -0.29 ) 
#5812020-12-18:-2×BNS 18 Jun 2021 $55.00 C $       400.00 ( $   -1,547.95 )→ #636 

On 1 April, The Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS) traded well above the $55 strike price of the covered calls I'd sold. Since the stock would've traded ex-dividend on 5 April and to avoid probable assignment, I rolled forward the call options to the 18 September expiration date, simultaneously increasing the strike price to $60. The trade cost about $1,547 to execute and I collected about $767 for selling the $60 calls, for a net loss in options income of about $780.

#6372021-04-07:-2×CSCO 16 Jul 2021 $45.00 P $       116.00 ( $          -2.43 )
#5852020-12-18:-3×CSCO 16 Apr 2021 $35.00 P $       129.00 ( $          -7.15 )→ #637

On 7 April, Cisco Systems, Inc (CSCO) traded above $51 per share, well above the $35 puts I'd sold. With much of the available options income already in the bag, so to speak, I decided to roll forward the put options to the 16 July expiration date, simultaneously increasing the strike price to $45. The trade cost only about $7 to execute and I collected about $116 for selling the $45 puts. In buying back the February 2021 puts, I secured $129 of options income.

#6442021-04-15:-2×MO 21 Jan 2022 $60.00 C $       214.00 ( $          -0.73 )
#5692020-12-11:-2×MO 18 Jun 2021 $50.00 C $       161.00 ( $      -563.46 )→ #644

On 15 April, Altria Group, Inc (MO) traded just above the $50 strike price of the covered call I'd sold. To avoid assignment, I rolled forward the call options to the 21 January 2022 expiration date, simultaneously increasing the strike price to $60. The trade cost about $563 to execute and I collected about $213 for selling the $60 call, for a loss in options income of $349. 

#6492021-04-16:-3×AFL 20 Aug 2021 $45.00 P $       142.00 ( $          -2.26 )
#6152021-01-15:-3×AFL 21 May 2021 $40.00 P $       330.00 ( $        -22.06 )→ #649

On 16 April, Aflac Incorporated (AFL) traded above $53 per share, well above the $40 puts I'd sold. With much of the available options income secured, I decided to roll forward the put options to the 20 August expiration date, simultaneously increasing the strike price to $45. The trade cost only about $22 to execute and I collected about $140 for selling the $45 puts. Furthermore, I secured $330 of options income by buying back the May puts.

#6502021-04-16:-2×CL 20 Aug 2021 $70.00 P $       165.00 ( $          -0.13 )
#5822020-12-18:-2×CL 21 May 2021 $65.00 P $       140.00 ( $        -36.00 )→ #650

Also on 16 April, Colgate-Palmolive Company (CL) traded above $80 per share, well above the $65 puts I'd sold. With much of the available options income secured, I decided to roll forward the put options to the 20 August expiration date, simultaneously increasing the strike price to $70. The trade cost only about $36 to execute and I collected about $165 for selling the $70 puts. And, I secured options income of $140 by buying back the May puts.

#6512021-04-16:-3×INTC 20 Aug 2021 $50.00 P $       201.00 ( $          -1.04 ) 
#5902020-12-18:-3×INTC 18 Jun 2021 $32.50 P $       150.00 ( $        -14.29 )→ #651

On 16 April, Intel Corporation (AFL) traded above $64 per share, well above the $32.50 puts I'd sold. With most of the available options income secured, I decided to roll forward the put options to the 20 August expiration date, simultaneously increasing the strike price to $50. The trade cost only about $14 to execute and I collected about $200 for selling the $50 puts. Furthermore, I secured $150 in options income by buying back the June puts.

#6522021-04-16:-2×JNJ 17 Sep 2021 $130.00 P $       190.00 ( $          -0.69 )
#5922020-12-18:-2×JNJ 18 Jun 2021 $110.00 P $       192.00 ( $        -27.57 )→ #652

Finally, on 16 April, Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) traded above $162 per share, well above the $110 puts I'd sold. With much of the available options income secured, I decided to roll forward the put options to the 17 September expiration date, simultaneously increasing the strike price to $130. The trade cost only about $28 to execute and I collected about $189 for selling the $130 puts. Moreover, I secured options income of $192 by buying back the May puts.

Closed Options

When an out-of-the-money option goes further out of the money, you can close the option early and secure most of the options income. In the case of covered calls, you must close the calls if you want to sell the underlying shares before expiration. 

I closed the following options early in April.

#6332021-03-16:-3×VZ 18 Jun 2021 $50.00 P $       168.00 ( $        -30.04 )
#5982020-12-18:-2×MDT 21 May 2021 $85.00 P $       150.00 ( $        -19.44 ) 
#5782020-12-18:-1×ADP 21 May 2021 $130.00 P $       155.00 ( $          -6.36 ) 
#572b2020-12-11:-1×T 18 Jun 2021 $37.00 C $         39.00 ( $          -7.57 ) 

On 21 April, Verizon Communications Inc (VZ) traded above $58, so the $50 puts I'd sold were deep out-of-the-money. I decided to close the $50 put options early rather than roll forward the options and secured about $138 in the process. My VZ position is just about where I need it to be according to my newly adopted portfolio target weights and I'm no longer interested in expanding my VZ position. 

Medtronic plc (MDT) traded above $126 on 19 April, well above the $85 put options I'd sold. While I need about 65 to turn MDT into a full position, the stock price is uncomfortably high now, so I don't want to be short two options anymore. Perhaps I'll sell another MDT put soon but, for now, I bought back the $85 puts to secure about $131 in options income. 

Also on 19 April, Automatic Data Processing, Inc (ADPtraded above $192, well above the $130 put option I'd sold. My ADP position is appropriately sized, so I no longer want to be short the put option. Closing the $130 put secured $149 in options income. 

Finally, I trimmed my AT&T (T) position by 100 shares and needed to buy back one of the $37 covered calls I'd sold. Closing the $37 call option secured about $31 in options income.

In all, closing these covered calls early cost $63, while I secured about $449 in options income. Again, secured means I no longer have any obligations to buy or sell the underlying shares.

Covered Calls

Selling covered calls is a way to collect extra income on stocks you already own.

I did not sell any covered calls in April.

New Put Contracts

Selling put options allows me to set the price I'm willing to pay for a stock I want to buy. In effect, I get paid while waiting for the share price to drop!

I sold the following put contracts in April:

#6592021-04-20:-2×WEC 15 Oct 2021 $75.00 P $       120.00 ( $          -0.03 ) 
#6582021-04-20:-1×PSX 20 Aug 2021 $65.00 P $       250.00 ( $          -0.34 ) 
#6572021-04-20:-1×IDA 20 Aug 2021 $85.00 P $       100.00 ( $          -0.24 ) 
#6562021-04-20:-3×ENB 15 Oct 2021 $35.50 P $       195.00 ( $          -0.34 )
#6552021-04-20:-2×AXP 15 Oct 2021 $110.00 P $       292.00 ( $          -0.88 )
#6542021-04-20:-1×AMT 16 Jul 2021 $210.00 P $       130.00 ( $          -1.09 ) 
#6482021-04-15:-2×XOM 16 Jul 2021 $50.00 P $       216.00 ( $          -1.47 ) 
#6472021-04-15:-2×TSN 16 Jul 2021 $65.00 P $       114.00 ( $          -1.33 ) 
#6462021-04-15:-2×PFE 16 Jul 2021 $35.00 P $       114.00 ( $          -1.07 ) 
#6452021-04-15:-1×NKE 16 Jul 2021 $115.00 P $       141.00 ( $          -0.79 ) 
#6432021-04-15:-1×MO 18 Jun 2021 $50.00 P $       132.00 ( $          -1.09 ) 
#6422021-04-15:-2×GILD 18 Jun 2021 $57.50 P $       126.00 ( $          -0.87 ) 
#6412021-04-15:-1×BMY 18 Jun 2021 $65.00 P $       236.00 ( $          -0.79 ) 
#6402021-04-15:-4×BEN 16 Jul 2021 $25.00 P $       136.00 ( $          -0.46 ) 
#6392021-04-15:-2×AAPL 18 Jun 2021 $105.00 P $       110.00 ( $          -0.63 ) 
#6382021-04-07:-1×VLO 18 Jun 2021 $70.00 P $       358.00 ( $          -1.09 )

#659 : 2021-04-20: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option WEC Oct 15 2021 75.00 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of WEC Energy Group, Inc (WEC) for $75.00 per share on or before 15 October. WEC closed at $99.15 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-04-20  
Expiration Date :  2021-10-15    Number of Days in Trade : 178
Price at Close :  $99.15 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 24.36%
Strike Price :  $75.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $0.60 per shareOptions Income : $120.00
  Commission : -$0.03
Net Premium :  $0.600 per shareNet Options Income : $119.97
Options Yield :  0.60%Annualized Options Yield : 1.24%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $74.40Discount if Exercised : 24.96%

This put option trade yields 0.60%, or 1.24% on an annualized basis. At $99.15 per share, WEC yields 2.74%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 0.45. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $74.40 per share, a discount of 24.96%.

#658 : 2021-04-20: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option PSX Aug 20 2021 65.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Phillips 66 (PSX) for $65.00 per share on or before 20 August. PSX closed at $75.42 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-04-20  
Expiration Date :  2021-08-20    Number of Days in Trade : 122
Price at Close :  $75.42 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 13.82%
Strike Price :  $65.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $2.50 per shareOptions Income : $250.00
  Commission : -$0.34
Net Premium :  $2.497 per shareNet Options Income : $249.66
Options Yield :  3.31%Annualized Options Yield : 9.91%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $62.50Discount if Exercised : 17.14%

This put option trade yields 3.31%, or 9.91% on an annualized basis. At $75.42 per share, PSX yields 4.77%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 2.08. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $62.50 per share, a discount of 17.14%.

#657 : 2021-04-20: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option IDA Aug 20 2021 85.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of IDACORP, Inc (IDA) for $85.00 per share on or before 20 August. IDA closed at $102.28 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-04-20  
Expiration Date :  2021-08-20    Number of Days in Trade : 122
Price at Close :  $102.28 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 16.89%
Strike Price :  $85.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.00 per shareOptions Income : $100.00
  Commission : -$0.24
Net Premium :  $0.998 per shareNet Options Income : $99.76
Options Yield :  0.98%Annualized Options Yield : 2.92%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $84.00Discount if Exercised : 17.87%

This put option trade yields 0.98%, or 2.92% on an annualized basis. At $102.28 per share, IDA yields 2.78%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 1.05. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $84.00 per share, a discount of 17.87%.

#656 : 2021-04-20: Sold to Open 3 Contracts of Option ENB Oct 15 2021 35.50 P

I'm willing to buy 300 shares of Enbridge Inc (ENB) for $35.50 per share on or before 15 October. ENB closed at $36.80 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-04-20  
Expiration Date :  2021-10-15    Number of Days in Trade : 178
Price at Close :  $36.80 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 3.53%
Strike Price :  $35.50 per share
Number of Contracts : 3Number of Shares :300
Put Premium :  $0.65 per shareOptions Income : $195.00
  Commission : -$0.34
Net Premium :  $0.649 per shareNet Options Income : $194.66
Options Yield :  1.76%Annualized Options Yield : 3.62%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $34.85Discount if Exercised : 5.30%

This put option trade yields 1.76%, or 3.62% on an annualized basis. At $36.80 per share, ENB yields 7.17%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 0.50. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 300 shares at a cost basis of $34.85 per share, a discount of 5.30%.

#655 : 2021-04-20: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option AXP Oct 15 2021 110.00 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of American Express Company (AXP) for $110.00 per share on or before 15 October. AXP closed at $145.10 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-04-20  
Expiration Date :  2021-10-15    Number of Days in Trade : 178
Price at Close :  $145.10 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 24.19%
Strike Price :  $110.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $1.46 per shareOptions Income : $292.00
  Commission : -$0.88
Net Premium :  $1.456 per shareNet Options Income : $291.12
Options Yield :  1.00%Annualized Options Yield : 2.06%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $108.54Discount if Exercised : 25.20%

This put option trade yields 1.00%, or 2.06% on an annualized basis. At $145.10 per share, AXP yields 1.19%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 1.74. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $108.54 per share, a discount of 25.20%.

#654 : 2021-04-20: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option AMT Jul 16 2021 210.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of American Tower Corporation (AMT) for $210.00 per share on or before 16 July. AMT closed at $252.67 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-04-20  
Expiration Date :  2021-07-16    Number of Days in Trade : 87
Price at Close :  $252.67 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 16.89%
Strike Price :  $210.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.30 per shareOptions Income : $130.00
  Commission : -$1.09
Net Premium :  $1.289 per shareNet Options Income : $128.91
Options Yield :  0.51%Annualized Options Yield : 2.14%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $208.69Discount if Exercised : 17.41%

This put option trade yields 0.51%, or 2.14% on an annualized basis. At $252.67 per share, AMT yields 1.96%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 1.09. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $208.69 per share, a discount of 17.41%.

#648 : 2021-04-15: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option XOM Jul 16 2021 50.00 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM) for $50.00 per share on or before 16 July. XOM closed at $56.98 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-04-15  
Expiration Date :  2021-07-16    Number of Days in Trade : 92
Price at Close :  $56.98 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 12.25%
Strike Price :  $50.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $1.08 per shareOptions Income : $216.00
  Commission : -$1.47
Net Premium :  $1.073 per shareNet Options Income : $214.53
Options Yield :  1.88%Annualized Options Yield : 7.47%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $48.91Discount if Exercised : 14.16%

This put option trade yields 1.88%, or 7.47% on an annualized basis. At $56.98 per share, XOM yields 6.11%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 1.22. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $48.91 per share, a discount of 14.16%.

#647 : 2021-04-15: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option TSN Jul 16 2021 65.00 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of Tyson Foods, Inc (TSN) for $65.00 per share on or before 16 July. TSN closed at $78.30 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-04-15  
Expiration Date :  2021-07-16    Number of Days in Trade : 92
Price at Close :  $78.30 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 16.99%
Strike Price :  $65.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $0.57 per shareOptions Income : $114.00
  Commission : -$1.33
Net Premium :  $0.563 per shareNet Options Income : $112.67
Options Yield :  0.72%Annualized Options Yield : 2.86%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $64.42Discount if Exercised : 17.72%

This put option trade yields 0.72%, or 2.86% on an annualized basis. At $78.30 per share, TSN yields 2.30%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 1.24. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $64.42 per share, a discount of 
#646 : 2021-04-15: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option PFE Jul 16 2021 35.00 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of Pfizer Inc (PFE) for $35.00 per share on or before 16 July. PFE closed at $37.60 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-04-15  
Expiration Date :  2021-07-16    Number of Days in Trade : 92
Price at Close :  $37.60 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 6.91%
Strike Price :  $35.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $0.57 per shareOptions Income : $114.00
  Commission : -$1.07
Net Premium :  $0.565 per shareNet Options Income : $112.93
Options Yield :  1.50%Annualized Options Yield : 5.96%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $34.42Discount if Exercised : 8.45%

This put option trade yields 1.50%, or 5.96% on an annualized basis. At $37.60 per share, PFE yields 4.15%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 1.44. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $34.42 per share, a discount of 8.45%.

#645 : 2021-04-15: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option NKE Jul 16 2021 115.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of NIKE, Inc (NKE) for $115.00 per share on or before 16 July. NKE closed at $133.67 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-04-15  
Expiration Date :  2021-07-16    Number of Days in Trade : 92
Price at Close :  $133.67 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 13.97%
Strike Price :  $115.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.41 per shareOptions Income : $141.00
  Commission : -$0.79
Net Premium :  $1.402 per shareNet Options Income : $140.21
Options Yield :  1.05%Annualized Options Yield : 4.16%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $113.58Discount if Exercised : 15.03%

This put option trade yields 1.05%, or 4.16% on an annualized basis. At $133.67 per share, NKE yields 0.84%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 4.97. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $113.58 per share, a discount of 15.03%.

#643 : 2021-04-15: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option MO Jun 18 2021 50.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Altria Group, Inc (MO) for $50.00 per share on or before 18 June. MO closed at $51.61 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-04-15  
Expiration Date :  2021-06-18    Number of Days in Trade : 64
Price at Close :  $51.61 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 3.12%
Strike Price :  $50.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.32 per shareOptions Income : $132.00
  Commission : -$1.09
Net Premium :  $1.309 per shareNet Options Income : $130.91
Options Yield :  2.54%Annualized Options Yield : 14.48%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $48.67Discount if Exercised : 5.70%

This put option trade yields 2.54%, or 14.48% on an annualized basis. At $51.61 per share, MO yields 6.67%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 2.17. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $48.67 per share, a discount of 5.70%.

#642 : 2021-04-15: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option GILD Jun 18 2021 57.50 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of Gilead Sciences, Inc (GILD) for $57.50 per share on or before 18 June. GILD closed at $65.77 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-04-15  
Expiration Date :  2021-06-18    Number of Days in Trade : 64
Price at Close :  $65.77 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 12.57%
Strike Price :  $57.50 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $0.63 per shareOptions Income : $126.00
  Commission : -$0.87
Net Premium :  $0.626 per shareNet Options Income : $125.13
Options Yield :  0.95%Annualized Options Yield : 5.43%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $56.87Discount if Exercised : 13.54%

This put option trade yields 0.95%, or 5.43% on an annualized basis. At $65.77 per share, GILD yields 4.32%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 1.26. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $56.87 per share, a discount of 13.54%.

#641 : 2021-04-15: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option BMY Jun 18 2021 65.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (BMY) for $65.00 per share on or before 18 June. BMY closed at $64.44 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-04-15  
Expiration Date :  2021-06-18    Number of Days in Trade : 64
Price at Close :  $64.44 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : -0.87%
Strike Price :  $65.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $2.36 per shareOptions Income : $236.00
  Commission : -$0.79
Net Premium :  $2.352 per shareNet Options Income : $235.21
Options Yield :  3.65%Annualized Options Yield : 20.83%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $62.63Discount if Exercised : 2.81%

This put option trade yields 3.65%, or 20.83% on an annualized basis. At $64.44 per share, BMY yields 3.04%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 6.85. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $62.63 per share, a discount of 2.81%.

#640 : 2021-04-15: Sold to Open 4 Contracts of Option BEN Jul 16 2021 25.00 P

I'm willing to buy 400 shares of Franklin Resources, Inc (BEN) for $25.00 per share on or before 16 July. BEN closed at $30.29 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-04-15  
Expiration Date :  2021-07-16    Number of Days in Trade : 92
Price at Close :  $30.29 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 17.46%
Strike Price :  $25.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 4Number of Shares :400
Put Premium :  $0.34 per shareOptions Income : $136.00
  Commission : -$0.46
Net Premium :  $0.339 per shareNet Options Income : $135.54
Options Yield :  1.12%Annualized Options Yield : 4.44%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $24.66Discount if Exercised : 18.59%

This put option trade yields 1.12%, or 4.44% on an annualized basis. At $30.29 per share, BEN yields 3.70%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 1.20. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 400 shares at a cost basis of $24.66 per share, a discount of 18.59%.

#639 : 2021-04-15: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option AAPL Jun 18 2021 105.00 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of Apple Inc (AAPL) for $105.00 per share on or before 18 June. AAPL closed at $134.50 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-04-15  
Expiration Date :  2021-06-18    Number of Days in Trade : 64
Price at Close :  $134.50 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 21.93%
Strike Price :  $105.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $0.55 per shareOptions Income : $110.00
  Commission : -$0.63
Net Premium :  $0.547 per shareNet Options Income : $109.37
Options Yield :  0.41%Annualized Options Yield : 2.32%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $104.45Discount if Exercised : 22.34%

This put option trade yields 0.41%, or 2.32% on an annualized basis. At $134.50 per share, AAPL yields 0.65%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 3.55. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $104.45 per share, a discount of 22.34%.

#638 : 2021-04-07: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option VLO Jun 18 2021 70.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Valero Energy Corporation (VLO) for $70.00 per share on or before 18 June. VLO closed at $74.41 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2021-04-07  
Expiration Date :  2021-06-18    Number of Days in Trade : 72
Price at Close :  $74.41 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 5.93%
Strike Price :  $70.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $3.58 per shareOptions Income : $358.00
  Commission : -$1.09
Net Premium :  $3.569 per shareNet Options Income : $356.91
Options Yield :  4.80%Annualized Options Yield : 24.33%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
  Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $66.41Discount if Exercised : 10.75%

This put option trade yields 4.80%, or 24.33% on an annualized basis. At $74.41 per share, VLO yields 5.27%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 4.62. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $66.41 per share, a discount of 10.75%.

For selling puts, I like to see a dividend boost factor of 5.00 or more unless I can buy shares at a discount of at least 10%. Except for the put trades on ENB and PFE, all these put trades measure up to that criterium!

Options Income Tally

Here is a running tally of the total amount received from options trades and the options premiums secured due to options that expired or are closed. Secured means I no longer have related obligations and "own" the corresponding options income, free and clear. 

#6592021-04-20:-2×WEC 15 Oct 2021 $75.00 P $       120.00 ( $          -0.03 )$    91,706.65 ➤ $    71,807.65 
#6582021-04-20:-1×PSX 20 Aug 2021 $65.00 P $       250.00 ( $          -0.34 )$    91,586.68 ➤ $    71,807.68 
#6572021-04-20:-1×IDA 20 Aug 2021 $85.00 P $       100.00 ( $          -0.24 )$    91,337.02 ➤ $    71,808.02 
#6562021-04-20:-3×ENB 15 Oct 2021 $35.50 P $       195.00 ( $          -0.34 )$    91,237.26 ➤ $    71,808.26 
#6552021-04-20:-2×AXP 15 Oct 2021 $110.00 P $       292.00 ( $          -0.88 )$    91,042.60 ➤ $    71,808.60 
#6542021-04-20:-1×AMT 16 Jul 2021 $210.00 P $       130.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    90,751.48 ➤ $    71,809.48 
#6532021-04-16:-2×PEG 17 Sep 2021 $55.00 P $       208.00 ( $          -1.92 )$    90,622.57 ➤ $    71,810.57 
#6522021-04-16:-2×JNJ 17 Sep 2021 $130.00 P $       190.00 ( $          -0.69 )$    90,416.49 ➤ $    71,812.49 
#6512021-04-16:-3×INTC 20 Aug 2021 $50.00 P $       201.00 ( $          -1.04 )$    90,227.18 ➤ $    71,813.18 
#6502021-04-16:-2×CL 20 Aug 2021 $70.00 P $       165.00 ( $          -0.13 )$    90,027.22 ➤ $    71,814.22 
#6492021-04-16:-3×AFL 20 Aug 2021 $45.00 P $       142.00 ( $          -2.26 )$    89,862.35 ➤ $    71,814.35 
#6482021-04-15:-2×XOM 16 Jul 2021 $50.00 P $       216.00 ( $          -1.47 )$    89,722.61 ➤ $    71,816.61 
#6472021-04-15:-2×TSN 16 Jul 2021 $65.00 P $       114.00 ( $          -1.33 )$    89,508.08 ➤ $    71,818.08 
#6462021-04-15:-2×PFE 16 Jul 2021 $35.00 P $       114.00 ( $          -1.07 )$    89,395.41 ➤ $    71,819.41 
#6452021-04-15:-1×NKE 16 Jul 2021 $115.00 P $       141.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    89,282.48 ➤ $    71,820.48 
#6442021-04-15:-2×MO 21 Jan 2022 $60.00 C $       214.00 ( $          -0.73 )$    89,142.27 ➤ $    71,821.27 
#6432021-04-15:-1×MO 18 Jun 2021 $50.00 P $       132.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    88,929.00 ➤ $    71,822.00 
#6422021-04-15:-2×GILD 18 Jun 2021 $57.50 P $       126.00 ( $          -0.87 )$    88,798.09 ➤ $    71,823.09 
#6412021-04-15:-1×BMY 18 Jun 2021 $65.00 P $       236.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    88,672.96 ➤ $    71,823.96 
#6402021-04-15:-4×BEN 16 Jul 2021 $25.00 P $       136.00 ( $          -0.46 )$    88,437.75 ➤ $    71,824.75 
#6392021-04-15:-2×AAPL 18 Jun 2021 $105.00 P $       110.00 ( $          -0.63 )$    88,302.21 ➤ $    71,825.21 
#6382021-04-07:-1×VLO 18 Jun 2021 $70.00 P $       358.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    88,192.84 ➤ $    71,825.84 
#6372021-04-07:-2×CSCO 16 Jul 2021 $45.00 P $       116.00 ( $          -2.43 )$    87,835.93 ➤ $    71,826.93 
#6362021-04-01:-2×BNS 17 Sep 2021 $60.00 C $       767.00 ( $          -0.29 )$    87,722.36 ➤ $    71,829.36 
#6352021-03-16:-3×XEL 18 Jun 2021 $55.00 P $       195.00 ( $          -0.34 )$    86,955.65 ➤ $    71,829.65 
#6342021-03-16:-1×WEC 16 Jul 2021 $80.00 P $       210.00 ( $          -0.34 )$    86,760.99 ➤ $    71,829.99 
#6332021-03-16:-3×VZ 18 Jun 2021 $50.00 P $       168.00 ( $        -30.04 )$    86,551.33 ➤ $    71,830.33 
#6322021-03-16:-1×SYK 18 Jun 2021 $200.00 P $       220.00 ( $          -0.24 )$    86,413.37 ➤ $    71,692.37 
#6312021-03-16:-1×RTX 18 Jun 2021 $75.00 P $       340.00 ( $          -0.66 )$    86,193.61 ➤ $    71,692.61 
#6302021-03-16:-2×QCOM 18 Jun 2021 $100.00 P $       208.00 ( $          -0.88 )$    85,854.27 ➤ $    71,693.27 
#6292021-03-16:-1×NOC 21 May 2021 $270.00 P $       330.00 ( $          -0.24 )$    85,647.15 ➤ $    71,694.15 
#6282021-03-16:-3×NNN 18 Jun 2021 $35.00 P $       120.00 ( $          -0.34 )$    85,317.39 ➤ $    71,694.39 
#6272021-03-16:-2×NEE 18 Jun 2021 $65.00 P $       210.00 ( $          -0.22 )$    85,197.73 ➤ $    71,694.73 
#6262021-03-16:-1×KMB 16 Jul 2021 $120.00 P $       215.00 ( $          -0.29 )$    84,987.95 ➤ $    71,694.95 
#6252021-03-16:-2×ICE 18 Jun 2021 $95.00 P $       150.00 ( $          -0.03 )$    84,773.24 ➤ $    71,695.24 
#6242021-03-16:-1×HSY 21 May 2021 $140.00 P $       155.00 ( $          -0.29 )$    84,623.27 ➤ $    71,695.27 
#6232021-03-16:-1×HRL 18 Jun 2021 $45.00 P $       120.00 ( $          -0.34 )$    84,468.56 ➤ $    71,695.56 
#6222021-03-16:-1×EMR 18 Jun 2021 $85.00 P $       320.00 ( $          -0.66 )$    84,348.90 ➤ $    71,695.90 
#6212021-03-16:-1×ECL 16 Jul 2021 $190.00 P $       265.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    84,029.56 ➤ $    71,696.56 
#6202021-03-16:-1×CAT 21 May 2021 $180.00 P $       136.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    83,765.65 ➤ $    71,697.65 
#6192021-03-16:-1×ATO 16 Jul 2021 $80.00 P $       170.00 ( $          -0.24 )$    83,630.44 ➤ $    71,698.44 
#6182021-03-16:-1×APD 18 Jun 2021 $240.00 P $       450.00 ( $          -0.25 )$    83,460.68 ➤ $    71,698.68 
#6172021-01-15:-2×TJX 16 Jul 2021 $70.00 C $       985.00 ( $          -0.74 )$    83,010.93 ➤ $    71,698.93 
#6162021-01-15:-1×LOW 19 Mar 2021 $180.00 C $       453.00 ( $          -0.65 )$    82,026.67 ➤ $    71,699.67 
#6152021-01-15:-3×AFL 21 May 2021 $40.00 P $       330.00 ( $        -22.06 )→ #649$    81,574.32 ➤ $    71,247.32 
#6142021-01-05:-1×DIS 21 Jan 2022 $170.00 C $    2,401.00 ( $          -0.69 )$    81,266.38 ➤ $    70,939.38 
#6132020-12-30:-1×HRL 18 Jun 2021 $52.50 C $         83.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    78,866.07 ➤ $    70,940.07 
#6122020-12-18:-3×XEL 19 Mar 2021 $55.00 P $       135.00 ( $          -0.04 )$    78,784.16 ➤ $    70,941.16 
#6112020-12-18:-1×WMT 18 Jun 2021 $120.00 P $       224.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    78,649.20 ➤ $    70,806.20 
#6102020-12-18:-3×WFC 19 Feb 2021 $25.00 P $       147.00 ( $          -1.61 )$    78,425.99 ➤ $    70,806.99 
#6092020-12-18:-1×V 18 Jun 2021 $160.00 P $       260.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    78,280.60 ➤ $    70,661.60 
#6082020-12-18:-2×TROW 17 Dec 2021 $175.00 C $    1,443.00 ( $          -1.40 )$    78,021.39 ➤ $    70,662.39 
#6072020-12-18:-2×SPG 19 Feb 2021 $70.00 P $       260.00 ( $          -0.88 )$    76,579.79 ➤ $    70,663.79 
#6062020-12-18:-1×RY 16 Jul 2021 $90.00 C $       125.00 ( $          -0.69 )$    76,320.67 ➤ $    70,404.67 
#6052020-12-18:-1×PM 19 Mar 2021 $90.00 C $       193.00 ( $          -0.64 )$    76,196.36 ➤ $    70,405.36 
#6042020-12-18:-2×PG 18 Jun 2021 $100.00 P $       146.00 ( $          -0.87 )$    76,004.00 ➤ $    70,213.00 
#6032020-12-18:-3×PFE 19 Mar 2021 $50.00 C $       108.00 ( $          -2.21 )$    75,858.87 ➤ $    70,213.87 
#6022020-12-18:-2×PEG 18 Jun 2021 $45.00 P $       200.00 ( $        -23.94 )→ #653$    75,753.08 ➤ $    70,108.08 
#6012020-12-18:-2×O 19 Feb 2021 $55.00 P $       180.00 ( $          -0.22 )$    75,577.02 ➤ $    69,932.02 
#6002020-12-18:-2×NKE 16 Apr 2021 $95.00 P $       130.00 ( $          -0.87 )$    75,397.24 ➤ $    69,752.24 
#5992020-12-18:-2×MRK 19 Feb 2021 $70.00 P $       100.00 ( $          -0.87 )$    75,268.11 ➤ $    69,623.11 
#5982020-12-18:-2×MDT 21 May 2021 $85.00 P $       150.00 ( $        -19.44 )$    75,168.98 ➤ $    69,523.98 
#5972020-12-18:-1×MCD 19 Mar 2021 $180.00 P $       145.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    75,038.42 ➤ $    69,393.42 
#5962020-12-18:-2×LYB 19 Mar 2021 $65.00 P $       190.00 ( $          -0.12 )$    74,894.21 ➤ $    69,249.21 
#5952020-12-18:-1×LOW 19 Feb 2021 $140.00 P $       155.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    74,704.33 ➤ $    69,059.33 
#5942020-12-18:-2×LLY 16 Jul 2021 $110.00 P $       190.00 ( $          -0.88 )$    74,550.12 ➤ $    68,905.12 
#5932020-12-18:-3×KO 19 Mar 2021 $60.00 C $         99.00 ( $          -1.31 )$    74,361.00 ➤ $    68,906.00 
#5922020-12-18:-2×JNJ 18 Jun 2021 $110.00 P $       192.00 ( $        -27.57 )→ #652$    74,263.31 ➤ $    68,808.31 
#5912020-12-18:-2×ITW 19 Mar 2021 $145.00 P $       150.00 ( $          -0.13 )$    74,098.88 ➤ $    68,643.88 
#5902020-12-18:-3×INTC 18 Jun 2021 $32.50 P $       150.00 ( $        -14.29 )→ #651$    73,949.01 ➤ $    68,494.01 
#5892020-12-18:-2×HRL 19 Feb 2021 $44.00 P $       144.00 ( $          -0.23 )$    73,813.30 ➤ $    68,358.30 
#5882020-12-18:-1×HD 16 Apr 2021 $215.00 P $       180.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    73,669.53 ➤ $    68,214.53 
#5872020-12-18:-2×EMR 19 Mar 2021 $60.00 P $         94.00 ( $          -0.87 )$    73,490.32 ➤ $    68,035.32 
#5862020-12-18:-1×CVX 19 Feb 2021 $80.00 P $       282.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    73,397.19 ➤ $    67,942.19 
#5852020-12-18:-3×CSCO 16 Apr 2021 $35.00 P $       129.00 ( $          -7.15 )→ #637$    73,116.28 ➤ $    67,661.28 
#5842020-12-18:-2×CMCSA 18 Jun 2021 $60.00 C $       196.00 ( $          -0.73 )$    72,994.43 ➤ $    67,539.43 
#5832020-12-18:-2×CMCSA 18 Jun 2021 $60.00 C $       198.00 ( $          -0.73 )$    72,799.16 ➤ $    67,540.16 
#5822020-12-18:-2×CL 21 May 2021 $65.00 P $       140.00 ( $        -36.00 )→ #650$    72,601.89 ➤ $    67,540.89 
#5812020-12-18:-2×BNS 18 Jun 2021 $55.00 C $       400.00 ( $   -1,547.95 )→ #636$    72,497.89 ➤ $    67,436.89 
#5802020-12-18:-3×BEN 16 Apr 2021 $20.00 P $       144.00 ( $          -0.34 )$    73,645.84 ➤ $    68,584.84 
#5792020-12-18:-1×AFL 21 May 2021 $50.00 C $       115.00 ( $          -0.69 )$    73,502.18 ➤ $    68,441.18 
#5782020-12-18:-1×ADP 21 May 2021 $130.00 P $       155.00 ( $          -6.36 )$    73,387.87 ➤ $    68,441.87 
#5772020-12-18:-1×ADP 20 Aug 2021 $200.00 C $       595.00 ( $          -0.70 )$    73,239.23 ➤ $    68,293.23 
#5762020-12-18:-3×ADM 18 Jun 2021 $60.00 C $       156.00 ( $          -1.84 )$    72,644.93 ➤ $    68,293.93 
#5752020-12-18:-2×ABBV 21 Jan 2022 $120.00 C $       857.00 ( $          -0.74 )$    72,490.77 ➤ $    68,295.77 
#5742020-12-11:-2×XOM 16 Apr 2021 $37.50 P $       327.00 ( $          -0.73 )$    71,634.51 ➤ $    68,296.51 
#5732020-12-11:-3×TJX 16 Apr 2021 $50.00 P $       248.00 ( $          -1.84 )$    71,308.24 ➤ $    67,970.24 
#572b2020-12-11:-1×T 18 Jun 2021 $37.00 C $         39.00 ( $          -7.57 )$    71,062.08 ➤ $    67,724.08 
#5722020-12-11:-4×T 18 Jun 2021 $37.00 C $       156.00 ( $          -1.94 )$    71,030.64 ➤ $    67,692.64 
#5712020-12-11:-2×SBUX 19 Mar 2021 $85.00 P $       214.00 ( $          -1.28 )$    70,876.59 ➤ $    67,694.59 
#5702020-12-11:-2×PSX 19 Feb 2021 $60.00 P $       544.00 ( $          -0.28 )$    70,663.87 ➤ $    67,481.87 
#5692020-12-11:-2×MO 18 Jun 2021 $50.00 C $       161.00 ( $      -563.46 )→ #644$    70,120.15 ➤ $    66,938.15 
#5682020-12-11:-1×MMM 19 Mar 2021 $150.00 P $       260.00 ( $          -0.64 )$    70,522.61 ➤ $    67,340.61 
#5672020-12-11:-1×JNJ 19 Mar 2021 $130.00 P $       155.00 ( $          -0.64 )$    70,263.25 ➤ $    67,081.25 
#5662020-12-11:-1×INTC 18 Jun 2021 $60.00 C $       143.00 ( $          -0.64 )$    70,108.89 ➤ $    66,926.89 
#5652020-12-11:-2×ICE 19 Mar 2021 $95.00 P $       316.00 ( $          -1.38 )$    69,966.53 ➤ $    66,927.53 
#5642020-12-11:-1×HRL 18 Jun 2021 $52.50 C $       108.00 ( $          -0.69 )$    69,651.91 ➤ $    66,612.91 
#5632020-12-11:-2×CMCSA 19 Mar 2021 $45.00 P $       216.00 ( $          -0.73 )$    69,544.60 ➤ $    66,613.60 
#5622020-12-11:-4×AAPL 19 Mar 2021 $85.00 P $       269.00 ( $          -1.50 )$    69,329.33 ➤ $    66,398.33 
#5612020-11-30:-2×XOM 15 Jan 2021 $35.00 P $       128.00 ( $        -42.19 )→ #574$    69,061.83 ➤ $    66,130.83 
#5602020-11-30:-1×TXN 19 Mar 2021 $125.00 P $       164.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    68,976.02 ➤ $    66,045.02 
#5592020-11-30:-1×ORCL 19 Feb 2021 $52.50 P $       103.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    68,812.81 ➤ $    65,881.81 
#5582020-11-30:-1×LOW 15 Jan 2021 $170.00 C $       120.00 ( $        -93.42 )→ #616$    68,710.60 ➤ $    65,779.60 
#5572020-11-30:-1×LLY 15 Jan 2021 $130.00 P $       140.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    68,684.02 ➤ $    65,753.02 
#5562020-11-30:-1×IBM 18 Mar 2021 $140.00 C $       155.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    68,544.81 ➤ $    65,613.81 
#5552020-11-30:-2×GILD 19 Feb 2021 $70.00 C $       114.00 ( $        -56.74 )$    68,390.90 ➤ $    65,459.90 
#5542020-11-30:-1×D 16 Apr 2021 $67.50 P $       112.00 ( $          -0.24 )$    68,333.64 ➤ $    65,402.64 
#5532020-11-30:-2×CSCO 19 Mar 2021 $45.00 C $       270.00 ( $          -0.64 )$    68,221.88 ➤ $    65,290.88 
#5522020-11-27:-3×AFL 19 Feb 2021 $35.00 P $       105.00 ( $        -30.59 )→ #615$    67,952.52 ➤ $    65,021.52 
#5512020-11-19:-2×BEN 18 Dec 2020 $20.00 P $         91.00 ( $          -0.27 )$    67,878.11 ➤ $    64,947.11 
#5502020-10-21:-2×O 18 Dec 2020 $60.00 P $       670.00 ( $          -0.69 )$    67,787.38 ➤ $    64,856.38 
#5492020-10-21:-2×AFL 20 Nov 2020 $37.00 P $       344.00 ( $          -0.68 )$    67,118.07 ➤ $    64,187.07 
#5482020-10-19:-2×SPG 18 Dec 2020 $50.00 P $       162.00 ( $          -0.88 )$    66,774.75 ➤ $    63,843.75 
#5472020-10-19:-1×RY 18 Dec 2020 $75.00 C $       160.00 ( $      -651.02 )→ #606$    66,613.63 ➤ $    63,682.63 
#5462020-10-19:-1×MCD 18 Dec 2020 $200.00 P $       215.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    67,104.65 ➤ $    64,173.65 
#5452020-10-19:-1×LOW 18 Dec 2020 $150.00 P $       220.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    66,890.74 ➤ $    63,959.74 
#5442020-10-19:-1×D 18 Dec 2020 $85.00 C $       115.00 ( $      -172.42 )$    66,671.53 ➤ $    63,740.53 
#5432020-10-19:-2×CMCSA 15 Jan 2021 $40.00 P $       190.00 ( $        -23.60 )→ #563$    66,728.95 ➤ $    63,797.95 
#5422020-10-16:-2×PSX 15 Jan 2021 $50.00 P $       890.00 ( $        -57.96 )→ #570$    66,562.55 ➤ $    63,631.55 
#5412020-10-16:-1×CVX 18 Dec 2020 $70.00 P $       352.00 ( $          -0.64 )$    65,730.51 ➤ $    62,799.51 
#5402020-10-16:-2×CMCSA 18 Dec 2020 $50.00 C $       140.00 ( $      -253.44 )→ #584$    65,379.15 ➤ $    62,448.15 
#5392020-10-16:-2×CMCSA 18 Dec 2020 $47.50 C $       202.00 ( $      -747.60 )→ #583$    65,492.59 ➤ $    62,561.59 
#5382020-10-14:-2×WBA 15 Jan 2021 $35.00 P $       515.00 ( $          -0.73 )$    66,038.19 ➤ $    63,107.19 
#5372020-09-29:-1×LOW 20 Nov 2020 $170.00 C $       575.00 ( $          -0.67 )$    65,523.92 ➤ $    62,592.92 
#5362020-09-29:-2×KO 18 Dec 2020 $55.00 C $         98.00 ( $          -0.87 )$    64,949.59 ➤ $    62,018.59 
#5352020-09-29:-1×INTC 15 Jan 2021 $60.00 C $       102.00 ( $        -11.72 )→ #566$    64,852.46 ➤ $    61,921.46 
#5342020-09-29:-1×IBM 20 Nov 2020 $135.00 C $       105.00 ( $          -1.09 )$    64,762.18 ➤ $    61,831.18 
#5332020-09-29:-2×GILD 20 Nov 2020 $70.00 C $       154.00 ( $          -0.88 )$    64,658.27 ➤ $    61,727.27 
#5322020-09-29:-2×CSCO 20 Nov 2020 $42.00 C $       162.00 ( $          -2.48 )$    64,505.15 ➤ $    61,574.15 
#5312020-09-29:-2×BNS 18 Dec 2020 $45.00 C $       100.00 ( $   -1,670.70 )→ #581$    64,345.63 ➤ $    61,414.63 
#5302020-09-29:-1×BMY 18 Dec 2020 $65.00 C $       115.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    65,916.33 ➤ $    62,985.33 
#5292020-09-29:-1×AFL 15 Jan 2021 $40.00 C $       100.00 ( $      -456.77 )→ #579$    65,802.12 ➤ $    62,871.12 
#5282020-09-29:-1×ADP 15 Jan 2021 $160.00 C $       185.00 ( $   -1,886.77 )→ #577$    66,158.89 ➤ $    63,227.89 
#5272020-09-29:-3×ADM 18 Dec 2020 $50.00 C $       300.00 ( $        -18.59 )→ #576$    67,860.66 ➤ $    64,929.66 
#5262020-09-21:-2×WFC 18 Dec 2020 $20.00 P $       136.00 ( $          -0.87 )$    67,579.25 ➤ $    64,648.25 
#5252020-09-21:-2×PSX 15 Jan 2021 $75.00 C $       164.00 ( $      -167.10 )$    67,444.12 ➤ $    64,513.12 
#5242020-09-21:-1×PM 18 Dec 2020 $80.00 C $       230.00 ( $      -568.42 )→ #605$    67,447.22 ➤ $    64,516.22 
#5232020-09-21:-2×PEG 18 Dec 2020 $45.00 P $       230.00 ( $          -0.22 )$    67,785.64 ➤ $    64,854.64 
#5222020-09-21:-1×ORCL 20 Nov 2020 $55.00 P $       118.00 ( $          -0.79 )$    67,555.86 ➤ $    64,624.86 
#5212020-09-21:-1×LYB 18 Dec 2020 $65.00 P $       400.00 ( $          -0.24 )$    67,438.65 ➤ $    64,507.65 
#5202020-08-31:-2×EMR 18 Dec 2020 $57.50 P $       284.00 ( $          -0.66 )$    67,038.89 ➤ $    64,107.89 
#5192020-08-27:-2×LLY 20 Nov 2020 $125.00 P $       365.00 ( $          -1.60 )$    66,755.55 ➤ $    63,824.55 
#5182020-08-24:-2×CMCSA 16 Oct 2020 $40.00 P $       112.00 ( $          -0.89 )$    66,392.15 ➤ $    63,461.15 
#5172020-08-24:-2×AFL 20 Nov 2020 $32.50 P $       180.00 ( $        -74.87 )→ #549$    66,281.04 ➤ $    63,350.04 
#5162020-08-21:-2×XOM 20 Nov 2020 $35.00 P $       218.00 ( $          -0.90 )$    66,175.91 ➤ $    63,244.91 
#5152020-08-21:-2×XEL 18 Dec 2020 $60.00 P $       266.00 ( $          -1.40 )$    65,958.81 ➤ $    63,027.81 
#514b2020-08-21:-1×WBA 16 Oct 2020 $37.50 P $       105.67 ( $          -0.73 )$    65,694.21 ➤ $    62,763.21 
#514a2020-08-21:-2×WBA 16 Oct 2020 $37.50 P $       211.33 ( $      -427.17 )→ #538$    65,589.27 ➤ $    62,658.27 
#5132020-08-21:-1×TXN 20 Nov 2020 $105.00 P $       125.00 ( $          -0.65 )$    65,805.11 ➤ $    62,874.11 
#5122020-08-21:-1×SPG 16 Oct 2020 $60.00 P $       420.00 ( $          -0.68 )$    65,680.76 ➤ $    62,749.76 
#5112020-08-21:-2×PSX 16 Oct 2020 $55.00 P $       370.00 ( $      -730.87 )→ #542$    65,261.44 ➤ $    62,330.44 
#5102020-08-21:-1×O 18 Dec 2020 $50.00 P $       135.00 ( $        -55.69 )→ #550$    65,622.31 ➤ $    62,691.31 
#5092020-08-21:-1×O 18 Dec 2020 $50.00 P $       132.00 ( $        -56.04 )→ #550$    65,542.99 ➤ $    62,611.99 
#5082020-08-21:-1×NKE 16 Oct 2020 $95.00 P $       117.00 ( $          -1.59 )$    65,467.03 ➤ $    62,536.03 
#5072020-08-21:-2×MSFT 15 Jan 2021 $155.00 P $       558.00 ( $          -0.90 )$    65,351.62 ➤ $    62,420.62 
#5062020-08-21:-1×JNJ 15 Jan 2021 $120.00 P $       136.00 ( $        -10.43 )→ #567$    64,794.52 ➤ $    61,863.52 
#5052020-08-21:-1×CVX 16 Oct 2020 $75.00 P $       159.00 ( $      -153.73 )→ #541$    64,668.95 ➤ $    61,737.95 
#5042020-08-21:-4×AAPL 15 Jan 2021 $75.00 P $       371.00 ( $        -47.14 )→ #562$    64,663.68 ➤ $    61,732.68 
#5032020-08-21:-8×AAPL 15 Jan 2021 $75.00 P $       731.00 ( $        -91.72 )$    64,339.82 ➤ $    61,408.82 
#5022020-07-24:-5×T 15 Jan 2021 $35.00 C $       232.00 ( $        -64.90 )→ #572$    63,700.54 ➤ $    60,769.54 
#5012020-07-24:-1×RY 16 Oct 2020 $75.00 C $       110.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    63,533.44 ➤ $    60,602.44 
#5002020-07-24:-2×PSX 20 Nov 2020 $85.00 C $       190.00 ( $        -24.67 )→ #525$    63,424.54 ➤ $    60,493.54 
#4992020-07-24:-1×PM 18 Sep 2020 $80.00 C $       162.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    63,259.21 ➤ $    60,328.21 
#4982020-07-24:-3×PFE 18 Dec 2020 $45.00 C $       210.00 ( $          -1.34 )$    63,098.31 ➤ $    60,167.31 
#4972020-07-24:-2×MO 15 Jan 2021 $50.00 C $       130.00 ( $        -12.31 )→ #569$    62,889.65 ➤ $    59,958.65 
#4962020-07-24:-1×MCD 16 Oct 2020 $165.00 P $       162.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    62,771.96 ➤ $    59,840.96 
#4952020-07-23:-2×WFC 15 Jan 2021 $32.50 C $       220.00 ( $        -59.97 )$    62,610.76 ➤ $    59,679.76 
#4942020-07-23:-2×TJX 15 Jan 2021 $65.00 C $       310.00 ( $      -607.12 )→ #617$    62,450.73 ➤ $    59,519.73 
#4932020-07-23:-1×SPG 15 Jan 2021 $100.00 C $       232.00 ( $        -31.88 )$    62,747.85 ➤ $    59,816.85 
#4922020-07-23:-1×ROST 15 Jan 2021 $120.00 C $       150.00 ( $      -155.18 )$    62,547.73 ➤ $    59,616.73 
#4912020-07-23:-1×PEG 18 Sep 2020 $55.00 P $       360.00 ( $          -0.30 )$    62,552.91 ➤ $    59,621.91 
#4902020-07-23:-1×LYB 18 Sep 2020 $60.00 P $       225.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    62,193.21 ➤ $    59,262.21 
#4892020-07-23:-1×LOW 16 Oct 2020 $125.00 P $       222.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    61,968.56 ➤ $    59,037.56 
#488b2020-07-23:-1×DIS 15 Jan 2021 $150.00 C $       195.00 ( $   -2,182.08 )→ #614$    61,747.36 ➤ $    58,816.36 
#488a2020-07-23:-1×DIS 15 Jan 2021 $150.00 C $       195.00 ( $   -2,858.53 )$    63,734.44 ➤ $    60,803.44 
#4872020-07-23:-1×D 16 Oct 2020 $85.00 C $       164.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    66,397.97 ➤ $    63,466.97 
#4862020-07-23:-2×CMCSA 16 Oct 2020 $47.50 C $       108.00 ( $          -2.89 )→ #539$    66,235.07 ➤ $    63,304.07 
#4852020-07-16:-2×TROW 15 Jan 2021 $135.00 C $    2,202.00 ( $   -3,154.71 )→ #608$    66,129.96 ➤ $    63,198.96 
#4842020-06-30:-1×PEG 17 Jul 2020 $50.00 P $       185.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    67,082.67 ➤ $    64,151.67 
#4832020-06-25:-2×PEG 21 Aug 2020 $45.00 P $       380.00 ( $          -0.20 )$    66,898.02 ➤ $    63,967.02 
#4822020-06-25:-1×LYB 17 Jul 2020 $61.00 P $       335.00 ( $          -0.25 )$    66,518.22 ➤ $    63,587.22 
#4812020-06-23:-2×WFC 18 Sep 2020 $22.50 P $       188.00 ( $          -0.90 )$    66,183.47 ➤ $    63,252.47 
#4802020-06-23:-3×WBA 21 Aug 2020 $40.00 P $       489.00 ( $      -110.52 )→ #514$    65,996.37 ➤ $    63,065.37 
#4792020-06-23:-3×CMCSA 21 Aug 2020 $32.50 P $       132.00 ( $          -1.34 )$    65,617.89 ➤ $    62,686.89 
#4782020-06-23:-2×AFL 21 Aug 2020 $35.00 P $       390.00 ( $          -0.90 )$    65,487.23 ➤ $    62,556.23 
#4772020-06-22:-2×XEL 16 Oct 2020 $55.00 P $       260.00 ( $        -47.59 )→ #515$    65,098.13 ➤ $    62,167.13 
#4762020-06-22:-1×WMT 18 Dec 2020 $100.00 P $       240.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    64,885.72 ➤ $    61,954.72 
#4752020-06-22:-1×ORCL 18 Sep 2020 $50.00 P $       148.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    64,646.52 ➤ $    61,715.52 
#4742020-06-22:-1×O 18 Sep 2020 $50.00 P $       180.00 ( $        -17.94 )→ #510$    64,499.32 ➤ $    61,568.32 
#4732020-06-22:-1×HRL 18 Dec 2020 $40.00 P $       105.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    64,337.26 ➤ $    61,406.26 
#4722020-06-16:-2×MSFT 16 Oct 2020 $145.00 P $       462.00 ( $        -88.37 )→ #507$    64,232.61 ➤ $    61,301.61 
#4712020-06-16:-2×AAPL 18 Sep 2020 $250.00 P $       560.00 ( $        -31.09 )→ #503$    63,858.98 ➤ $    60,927.98 
#4702020-05-28:-3×CMCSA 17 Jul 2020 $35.00 P $       150.00 ( $          -2.21 )$    63,330.07 ➤ $    60,399.07 
#4692020-04-17:-1×TXN 18 Sep 2020 $95.00 P $       660.00 ( $          -6.30 )→ #513$    63,182.28 ➤ $    60,251.28 
#4682020-04-17:-1×LOW 17 Jul 2020 $90.00 P $       702.00 ( $          -0.66 )$    62,528.58 ➤ $    59,597.58 
#4672020-03-19:-1×SPG 15 May 2020 $40.00 P $       560.00 ( $          -0.81 )$    61,827.24 ➤ $    58,896.24 
#4662020-03-19:-1×O 19 Jun 2020 $37.50 P $       350.00 ( $          -0.30 )$    61,268.05 ➤ $    58,337.05 
#4652020-03-19:-1×NNN 19 Jun 2020 $22.50 P $       190.00 ( $          -0.30 )$    60,918.35 ➤ $    57,987.35 
#4642020-03-19:-2×MAIN 17 Apr 2020 $15.00 P $       380.00 ( $            0.00 )$    60,728.65 ➤ $    57,797.65 
#4632020-03-18:-1×HRL 15 Jan 2021 $52.50 C $       520.00 ( $          -7.93 )→ #564$    60,348.65 ➤ $    57,417.65 
#4622020-03-16:-3×TJX 15 Jan 2021 $45.00 P $    2,450.00 ( $        -46.66 )→ #573$    59,836.58 ➤ $    56,905.58 
#4612020-03-16:-2×SBUX 15 Jan 2021 $65.00 P $    2,603.00 ( $        -10.62 )→ #571$    57,433.24 ➤ $    54,502.24 
#4602020-03-16:-1×MMM 15 Jan 2021 $130.00 P $    2,344.00 ( $        -15.33 )→ #568$    54,840.86 ➤ $    51,909.86 
#4592020-03-16:-2×ICE 15 Jan 2021 $75.00 P $    2,235.00 ( $        -38.00 )→ #565$    52,512.19 ➤ $    49,581.19 
#4582020-03-09:-1×LYB 15 Jan 2021 $70.00 P $    1,590.00 ( $   -3,100.61 )$    50,315.19 ➤ $    47,384.19 
#4572020-03-09:-1×HRL 19 Jun 2020 $40.00 P $       155.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    51,825.80 ➤ $    48,894.80 
#456b2020-03-09:-2×BEN 20 Nov 2020 $22.50 P $       910.67 ( $      -352.23 )→ #551$    51,671.15 ➤ $    48,740.15 
#456a2020-03-09:-1×BEN 20 Nov 2020 $22.50 P $       455.33 ( $          -0.48 )$    51,112.71 ➤ $    48,181.71 
#4552020-03-02:-1×UNP 15 May 2020 $145.00 P $       535.00 ( $          -0.81 )$    50,657.86 ➤ $    47,726.86 
#4542020-03-02:-1×SBUX 17 Apr 2020 $70.00 P $       111.00 ( $      -978.44 )→ #461$    50,123.67 ➤ $    47,192.67 
#4532020-02-11:-1×MSFT 15 Jan 2021 $155.00 P $       633.00 ( $          -1.11 )$    50,991.11 ➤ $    48,060.11 
#4522020-02-11:-1×INTC 15 Jan 2021 $50.00 P $       139.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    50,359.22 ➤ $    48,061.22 
#4512020-02-11:-1×AAPL 15 Jan 2021 $255.00 P $       865.00 ( $      -221.74 )→ #504$    50,221.02 ➤ $    47,923.02 
#4502020-01-21:-1×TXN 17 Apr 2020 $115.00 P $       128.00 ( $      -306.44 )→ #469$    49,577.76 ➤ $    47,279.76 
#4492020-01-21:-2×TJX 17 Apr 2020 $67.50 C $       110.00 ( $          -0.01 )$    49,756.20 ➤ $    47,458.20 
#4482020-01-21:-2×ORCL 19 Jun 2020 $47.50 P $       150.00 ( $          -1.49 )$    49,646.21 ➤ $    47,348.21 
#4472020-01-21:-2×GILD 15 May 2020 $55.00 P $       162.00 ( $          -0.89 )$    49,497.70 ➤ $    47,199.70 
#4462020-01-21:-2×CSX 15 May 2020 $67.50 P $       240.00 ( $   -3,201.79 )$    49,336.59 ➤ $    47,038.59 
#4452020-01-15:-2×KO 18 Sep 2020 $55.00 C $       717.00 ( $          -9.85 )$    52,298.38 ➤ $    50,000.38 
#4442020-01-15:-1×D 17 Jul 2020 $82.50 C $       267.00 ( $          -0.30 )$    51,591.23 ➤ $    49,293.23 
#4432020-01-15:-2×CMCSA 17 Jul 2020 $47.50 C $       402.00 ( $          -1.50 )$    51,324.53 ➤ $    49,026.53 
#4422020-01-15:-3×BEN 17 Jul 2020 $27.50 P $       978.00 ( $   -2,502.74 )→ #456$    50,924.03 ➤ $    48,626.03 
#4412020-01-08:-5×T 21 Jan 2022 $40.00 C $    1,452.00 ( $      -289.58 )→ #502$    52,448.77 ➤ $    50,150.77 
#4402019-12-18:-2×XEL 19 Jun 2020 $55.00 P $       150.00 ( $          -0.21 )$    51,286.35 ➤ $    48,988.35 
#4392019-12-18:-1×TSM 21 Jan 2022 $60.00 C $       808.00 ( $          -0.31 )$    51,136.56 ➤ $    48,838.56 
#4382019-12-18:-2×TJX 17 Apr 2020 $55.00 P $       174.00 ( $   -2,476.67 )→ #462$    50,328.87 ➤ $    48,838.87 
#4372019-12-18:-1×SBUX 21 Feb 2020 $85.00 P $       187.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    52,631.54 ➤ $    51,141.54 
#4362019-12-18:-1×PSX 21 Feb 2020 $110.00 P $       270.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    52,445.34 ➤ $    50,955.34 
#4352019-12-18:-1×LYB 20 Mar 2020 $80.00 P $       120.00 ( $   -1,755.58 )→ #458$    52,175.69 ➤ $    50,685.69 
#4342019-12-18:-1×ICE 19 Jun 2020 $85.00 P $       195.00 ( $   -1,285.58 )→ #459$    53,811.27 ➤ $    52,321.27 
#4332019-12-18:-2×HRL 20 Mar 2020 $40.00 P $       104.00 ( $        -19.90 )$    54,901.85 ➤ $    53,411.85 
#4322019-12-18:-1×AMT 17 Apr 2020 $180.00 P $       200.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    54,817.75 ➤ $    53,327.75 
#4312019-12-18:-1×ABT 15 May 2020 $75.00 P $       117.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    54,618.10 ➤ $    53,128.10 
#4302019-12-12:-2×TROW 17 Jul 2020 $120.00 C $    2,209.00 ( $   -2,601.93 )→ #485$    54,501.90 ➤ $    53,011.90 
#4292019-11-27:-1×SBUX 17 Apr 2020 $77.50 P $       158.00 ( $   -1,543.17 )→ #461$    54,894.83 ➤ $    53,404.83 
#4282019-11-26:-1×WMT 19 Jun 2020 $100.00 P $       158.00 ( $          -0.65 )$    56,280.00 ➤ $    54,790.00 
#4272019-11-26:-1×V 20 Mar 2020 $155.00 P $       127.00 ( $        -11.19 )$    56,122.65 ➤ $    54,632.65 
#4262019-11-26:-1×UNP 21 Feb 2020 $160.00 P $       217.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    56,006.84 ➤ $    54,516.84 
#4252019-11-26:-1×NKE 17 Apr 2020 $77.50 P $       102.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    55,790.64 ➤ $    54,300.64 
#4242019-11-26:-1×MSFT 20 Mar 2020 $130.00 P $       119.00 ( $          -8.37 )$    55,689.74 ➤ $    54,199.74 
#4232019-11-26:-1×MRK 17 Apr 2020 $75.00 P $       107.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    55,579.11 ➤ $    54,089.11 
#4222019-11-26:-1×MMM 17 Apr 2020 $160.00 P $    3,441.00 ( $          -1.45 )→ #460$    55,472.91 ➤ $    53,982.91 
#4212019-11-26:-1×MCD 20 Mar 2020 $170.00 P $       126.00 ( $        -10.32 )$    52,033.36 ➤ $    50,543.36 
#4202019-11-26:-1×LOW 17 Apr 2020 $95.00 P $       111.00 ( $        -41.44 )→ #468$    51,917.68 ➤ $    50,427.68 
#4192019-11-26:-1×LLY 17 Apr 2020 $100.00 P $       140.00 ( $        -10.74 )$    51,848.12 ➤ $    50,358.12 
#4182019-11-26:-1×JNJ 20 Mar 2020 $120.00 P $       115.00 ( $          -9.89 )$    51,718.86 ➤ $    50,228.86 
#4172019-11-26:-1×ICE 19 Jun 2020 $80.00 P $       133.00 ( $   -1,000.59 )→ #459$    51,613.75 ➤ $    50,123.75 
#4162019-11-13:-2×XOM 17 Apr 2020 $75.00 C $       194.00 ( $        -11.74 )$    52,481.34 ➤ $    50,991.34 
#4152019-11-13:-1×WFC 19 Jun 2020 $60.00 C $       112.00 ( $        -10.19 )$    52,299.08 ➤ $    50,809.08 
#4142019-11-13:-1×TXN 17 Jan 2020 $110.00 P $       144.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    52,197.27 ➤ $    50,707.27 
#4132019-11-13:-5×SKT 19 Jun 2020 $20.00 C $       120.00 ( $        -30.70 )$    52,054.37 ➤ $    50,564.37 
#4122019-11-13:-1×PM 19 Jun 2020 $100.00 C $       102.00 ( $          -0.65 )$    51,965.07 ➤ $    50,475.07 
#4112019-11-13:-1×JNJ 20 Mar 2020 $140.00 C $       163.00 ( $          -0.65 )$    51,863.72 ➤ $    50,373.72 
#4102019-11-13:-1×IBM 17 Apr 2020 $120.00 P $       269.00 ( $        -10.59 )$    51,701.37 ➤ $    50,211.37 
#4092019-11-13:-2×ABBV 15 Jan 2021 $90.00 C $    1,310.00 ( $   -2,759.24 )→ #575$    51,442.96 ➤ $    49,952.96 
#4082019-10-18:-2×TSM 15 Jan 2021 $50.00 C $    1,083.00 ( $            0.00 )$    52,892.20 ➤ $    51,402.20 
#4072019-10-18:-2×TROW 20 Dec 2019 $115.00 C $       339.00 ( $   -2,090.59 )→ #430$    51,809.20 ➤ $    50,319.20 
#4062019-10-18:-2×TJX 17 Jan 2020 $65.00 C $       188.00 ( $            0.00 )$    53,560.79 ➤ $    52,070.79 
#4052019-10-18:-1×ADM 20 Mar 2020 $45.00 C $         53.00 ( $          -1.10 )$    53,372.79 ➤ $    51,882.79 
#4042019-10-01:-1×TJX 17 Apr 2020 $50.00 P $       180.00 ( $      -802.24 )→ #462$    53,320.89 ➤ $    51,830.89 
#4032019-10-01:-1×SNA 15 Nov 2019 $145.00 P $       260.00 ( $          -0.35 )$    53,943.13 ➤ $    52,453.13 
#4022019-10-01:-3×PFE 20 Mar 2020 $40.00 C $       132.00 ( $          -1.13 )$    53,683.48 ➤ $    52,193.48 
#4012019-10-01:-1×MRK 15 Nov 2019 $80.00 P $       127.00 ( $          -1.58 )$    53,552.61 ➤ $    52,062.61 
#4002019-10-01:-1×MDT 17 Jan 2020 $100.00 P $       196.00 ( $          -0.80 )$    53,427.19 ➤ $    51,937.19 
#3992019-10-01:-1×HRL 20 Mar 2020 $47.50 C $       125.00 ( $      -280.83 )→ #463$    53,231.99 ➤ $    51,741.99 
#3982019-10-01:-2×ADM 20 Mar 2020 $45.00 C $       160.00 ( $          -0.99 )$    53,387.82 ➤ $    51,897.82 
#3972019-10-01:-2×ADM 15 Nov 2019 $40.00 P $       228.00 ( $          -1.00 )$    53,228.81 ➤ $    51,738.81 
#3962019-09-20:-1×ORCL 17 Jan 2020 $52.50 P $       213.00 ( $          -1.59 )$    53,001.81 ➤ $    51,511.81 
#3952019-09-20:-1×MSFT 21 Jan 2022 $155.00 C $    1,490.00 ( $          -0.68 )$    52,790.40 ➤ $    51,300.40 

key:  expired  •  closed  •  rolled  •  assigned  •  open 

Options Expiring Soon

Below I'm listing options expiring in the next two months. On expiration day, in the money options will result in options assignment, which I'd like to avoid in some cases, if possible.

May 2021:

#6292021-03-16:-1×NOC 21 May 2021 $270.00 P $       330.00 ( $          -0.24 )
→ Out of the money with a  38% safety margin 
#6242021-03-16:-1×HSY 21 May 2021 $140.00 P $       155.00 ( $          -0.29 )
→ Out of the money with a  23% safety margin 
#6202021-03-16:-1×CAT 21 May 2021 $180.00 P $       136.00 ( $          -0.79 )
→ Out of the money with a  35% safety margin 
#5792020-12-18:-1×AFL 21 May 2021 $50.00 C $       115.00 ( $          -0.69 )→ In the money by  12% — caution!  

June 2021:

#6432021-04-15:-1×MO 18 Jun 2021 $50.00 P $       132.00 ( $          -1.09 )
→ At the money  — caution!  
#6422021-04-15:-2×GILD 18 Jun 2021 $57.50 P $       126.00 ( $          -0.87 )
→ Out of the money with a  19% safety margin 
#6412021-04-15:-1×BMY 18 Jun 2021 $65.00 P $       236.00 ( $          -0.79 )
→ At the money  — caution!  
#6392021-04-15:-2×AAPL 18 Jun 2021 $105.00 P $       110.00 ( $          -0.63 )
→ Out of the money with a  21% safety margin 
#6382021-04-07:-1×VLO 18 Jun 2021 $70.00 P $       358.00 ( $          -1.09 )
→ Out of the money with a  16% safety margin 
#6352021-03-16:-3×XEL 18 Jun 2021 $55.00 P $       195.00 ( $          -0.34 )
→ Out of the money with a  30% safety margin 
#6322021-03-16:-1×SYK 18 Jun 2021 $200.00 P $       220.00 ( $          -0.24 )
→ Out of the money with a  26% safety margin 
#6312021-03-16:-1×RTX 18 Jun 2021 $75.00 P $       340.00 ( $          -0.66 )
→ Out of the money with a  15% safety margin 
#6302021-03-16:-2×QCOM 18 Jun 2021 $100.00 P $       208.00 ( $          -0.88 )
→ Out of the money with a  30% safety margin 
#6282021-03-16:-3×NNN 18 Jun 2021 $35.00 P $       120.00 ( $          -0.34 )
→ Out of the money with a  29% safety margin 
#6272021-03-16:-2×NEE 18 Jun 2021 $65.00 P $       210.00 ( $          -0.22 )
→ Out of the money with a  12% safety margin 
#6252021-03-16:-2×ICE 18 Jun 2021 $95.00 P $       150.00 ( $          -0.03 )
→ Out of the money with a  19% safety margin 
#6232021-03-16:-1×HRL 18 Jun 2021 $45.00 P $       120.00 ( $          -0.34 )
→ Out of the money with a  3% safety margin 
#6222021-03-16:-1×EMR 18 Jun 2021 $85.00 P $       320.00 ( $          -0.66 )
→ Out of the money with a  13% safety margin 
#6182021-03-16:-1×APD 18 Jun 2021 $240.00 P $       450.00 ( $          -0.25 )
→ Out of the money with a  25% safety margin 
#6132020-12-30:-1×HRL 18 Jun 2021 $52.50 C $         83.00 ( $          -1.09 )
→ Out of the money with an  11% safety margin 
#6112020-12-18:-1×WMT 18 Jun 2021 $120.00 P $       224.00 ( $          -0.79 )
→ Out of the money with a  16% safety margin 
#6092020-12-18:-1×V 18 Jun 2021 $160.00 P $       260.00 ( $          -0.79 )
→ Out of the money with a  41% safety margin 
#6042020-12-18:-2×PG 18 Jun 2021 $100.00 P $       146.00 ( $          -0.87 )
→ Out of the money with a  38% safety margin 
#5842020-12-18:-2×CMCSA 18 Jun 2021 $60.00 C $       196.00 ( $          -0.73 )→ Out of the money with a  2% safety margin 
#5832020-12-18:-2×CMCSA 18 Jun 2021 $60.00 C $       198.00 ( $          -0.73 )
→ Out of the money with a  2% safety margin 
#5762020-12-18:-3×ADM 18 Jun 2021 $60.00 C $       156.00 ( $          -1.84 )→ In the money by  12% — caution!  
#5722020-12-11:-4×T 18 Jun 2021 $37.00 C $       156.00 ( $          -1.94 )
→ Out of the money with a  13% safety margin 
#5662020-12-11:-1×INTC 18 Jun 2021 $60.00 C $       143.00 ( $          -0.64 )→ Out of the money with a  8% safety margin 
#5642020-12-11:-1×HRL 18 Jun 2021 $52.50 C $       108.00 ( $          -0.69 )→ Out of the money with a  11% safety margin 

Many of these options are out-of-the-money by large margins. But I'll soon have to pay attention to the $50 covered call on Aflac Incorporated (AFL) expiring on 21 May. Additionally, there are several options expiring in June that would need careful monitoring. In particular, the $50 covered call on Archer-Daniels-Midland Company (ADM) is deep in the money.

Concluding Remarks

April turned out to be another good month for options trading! I'm making progress towards my annual options income goal for 2021. To achieve my goal, I'd have to collect $24,000 – $4,675 = $19,325 in options income in the 8 remaining months of 2021. That's an average of $2,416 per month. 

April 2021

Options Income
Options Income
End of Month:
$ 91,707
$ 71,808
Previous Month:
This Month:
$  2,458
$  1,040

In 58 months of options trading, I've collected options income totaling $91,707.

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 Soon, sections of my blog will only be available to subscribers, so I encourage you to sign up now!

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