Well, the markets are going nuts and volatility is back big time! As I write this, the CBOE Volatility Index (
VIX) is at 42.84, way up from the sub-15 levels it has been at for most of 2017.
Stock prices are see-sawing furiously, so I'm questioning the value of writing this article while things are so volatile. But I'm doing it anyway to keep up-to-date with DivGro's
home runs.
Recall that I use the term
home run to describe any position in DivGro that has crossed the 100% mark in total returns. Once a position reaches home run status, it retains that status, even if the share price drops. And that's the case with the home runs I'm reporting today. All three of them reached home run status on Friday, 26 January, but now they're trading below the 100% level.