Welcome to another
Pulse article! The goal of my monthly
Pulse articles is to monitor the health of DivGro, my portfolio of dividend growth stocks. These articles are
strategy focused and help me to identify undervalued stocks suitable for further investment. I also want to identify underperforming stocks, which should be monitored carefully. If a stock underperforms for a prolonged period of time, it should be removed from my portfolio.
Because of how I schedule my other monthly articles, I like to publish my pulse articles mid-month. Updating the fair values of every stock in DivGro takes several hours to complete, as I perform a multi-stage
Dividend Discount Model analysis, a
Gordon Growth Model analysis, and an analysis of dividend safety. I also consider fair value estimates and price targets available elsewhere, such as those from
finbox.io, and
S&P Capital IQ.
I hope you find my pulse articles worth the read!