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Guest Posts

In May 2017, I surveyed readers to determine if DivGro should publish guest posts. Most respondents supported the idea and I decided to start hosting guest posts in July 2017.

This page provides guidelines for prospective guest authors and explains the submission process. If you're interested in writing a guest post for DivGro, feel free to contact me.


DivGro welcomes articles related to Dividend Growth and Value Investing, Financial Independence and Frugal Living, and Using Options to Boost Dividend Income. If you have an idea for an interesting article that does not quite fit any of these categories, feel free to pitch it!

DivGro does not compensate authors, nor do we accept payment for publishing guest posts.

Guest posts must be the author's own, original, and unpublished work. Articles should contain at least 500 words and we prefer material with a healthy mix of text and related images. Please be sure to cite sources properly and include links where appropriate. 

Submissions will be reviewed by DivGro and we reserve the right to refuse publication. If a submission needs improvements before it can be selected for publication, we'll provide timely and specific feedback.

When selected, we'll do a light editorial pass using Grammarly and format the submission for publication on DivGro, then schedule the guest post for publication.

Once published, guest posts may be republished by the author or by affiliate sites, provided the author is acknowledged and the guest post on DivGro is cited with the following header line:
The following article originally appeared on [link to guest post on DivGro] on [date of publication].

How to Submit an Article

To submit an article for publication on DivGro as a guest post, please follow these instructions:
  1. Write the article as you normally would on your blog, but don't publish it!
    DivGro only publishes original and previously unpublished work.
  2. Include a short introduction of 50-70 words, appropriate for DivGro's header page.
    This is like a teaser for a movie... readers see this first and decide if they want to read the rest of the article!
  3. Conclude the article with one of the following footers:
           This article was written by [Your Name].
           This article was written by [link to Your Blog].
           This article was written by [Your Name] of [link to Your Blog].
    Feel free to add a short blurb about your blog, portfolio, or interests.
    You can also add links to your Facebook, Twitter, StockTwits, Pinterest, or other social media accounts if you want.
  4. Save the article as an HTML text file and remember to include a title!
    If you prefer to use Microsoft Word, save the article as an XML format document file (.docx)
  5. Email the file as an attachment to FerdiS dot DivGro at gmail dot com. Include the following in the email body:
           Title: [Title of article]
           Category: [Submission category]
           Bio: [Short biographical statement]
           Notes: [Notes or special requests]
    See the first paragraph of Guidelines for submission categories. 

The Review Process

DivGro will acknowledge receipt of a submission as soon as possible.

You'll be notified within seven days if we select your article for publication, in which case we'll tell you when it is scheduled to be posted. 

In some cases, we may provisionally accept your article, in which case we'll provide specific and timely feedback on ways to improve the article before it can be selected for publication. You'll need to resubmit the updated article for review.

We may decline your article if we think it is not appropriate for publication as a guest post on DivGro. We'll tell you the reason(s) for declining your article.


Following are some ideas for articles in each of the focus categories for guest posts:

Dividend Growth and Value Investing
My Dividend Growth Investment Plan
The Risks Of Dividend Growth Investing
Stock Valuation To Avoid Overpaying For Stocks
Are Dividend ETFs Worth Considering?
High Yield Or High Growth?
Resources For DIY Dividend Growth Investors
My Dividend Growth Stock Selection Criteria
Quality Vs Value Assessment
Core Dividend Growth Stocks
Building A Core Dividend Growth Portfolio
Why Diversification Matters
When To Sell Dividend Growth Stocks
Tools To Track Your Stock Portfolio
Qualitative Stock Selection Criteria
Quantitative Stock Selection Criteria
Taxable Vs Tax-Deferred Accounts
The Best Broker For Dividend Growth Investors
Misconceptions About Dividend Growth Investing
The Keys To Successful Dividend Growth Investing
How To Build Your Own Perpetual Income Machine
How To Become A Successful Dividend Growth Investor
Diversification: How Many Individual Stocks To Own
Is Investing In MLPs Worth The Tax-Time Complications
The Pros And Cons Of Investing In REITs
The Pros And Cons Of Investing In MLPs
The Pros And Cons Of Investing In BDCs
Investing Lessons I’ve Learned The Hard Way
Risk Mitigation for The Dividend Growth Investor
Should Dividend Growth Investors Rebalance Portfolios?
How To Value Dividend Growth Stocks
The Value of Dividend Growth
Why Earnings Growth Is So Important
Should Taxes Influence Your Investment Decisions?
International Dividend Growth Stocks
Is Yield On Cost Important?
Sleeping Well At Night: One Benefit Of Dividend Growth Investing
How To Monitor Your Dividend Growth Investments
How To Redeploy New Cash From Dividend Payments
Should Dividend Growth Investors Hold Non-Dividend Paying Stocks?
The Tradeoff Between Dividend Growth and Dividend Yield
Is Dividend Growth Investing Appropriate For Younger Investors?
The Most Widely Held Dividend Growth Stocks

Financial Independence and Frugal Living
My Plan To Reach Financial Independence
Passive Income Generation
Ways To Generate Extra Income
Renting Vs Buying: How To Decide Which Is Best For You
Frugal Ways To Accumulate Wealth
How Much Savings Do You Need To Retire?
The Best Financial Decision I Ever Made
How I Plan To Retire Before I’m Old
Buying New Or Used: What To Consider When Buying A Car
What Is Enough?
The Importance Of Multiple Income Streams
The Benefits Of Automatic Investing
Investing in Rental Properties
Life After Financial Independence
Resources For Frugal Living
Do You Need An Emergency Fund?
Simple Investing Principles Worth Following
How To Never Run Out Of Money In Retirement
The Road To Financial Independence: How To Stay Motivated

Using Options to Boost Dividend Income
Trading Options on Dividend Growth Stocks
Covered Call Options Trading
Covered Calls For Additional Income
The Benefits and Risks of Put Options Selling
Learning About Options Trading
Resources For Options Traders
Is Selling Options Risky?
The Best Broker for Options Trading
How To Get Started In Options Trading
Learn To Sell Options For Extra Income

Feel free to suggest additional ideas for article topics in the comments section below.


If you have questions about the guidelines or submission and review processes, please let me know in the comments section below. 


  1. I love the blog that you have here! I've been looking for a place that follows dividends like i do. I feel that there are so many different ways to look at the positives and negatives of each stock. I'm pretty new to investing(3 yrs) but I see that I've been following a lot of the same sources as you. I'm really interested to check out the write up on the sectors. I have a google sheet outlining each sector and industry with the top performers of each.

    Keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks for your comment and kind words, Bill H -- all the best and happy investing!

  2. Thanks, I appreciate your comment BW! Take care and I hope to continue doing so!

  3. Is there anyway you could create what you think is best for a 401k dividend/growth portfolio?

    1. Depending on the 401k offerings, this could be very different from person to person. For example, my 401k only offers a handful of mutual funds (which I find annoying!).


Please don't include links in comments. I will mark such comments as spam and the comment won't be published. To make me aware of your blog or website, comment on my Blogrole page instead.

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