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Friday, November 30, 2018

10 Dividend Growth Stocks For November 2018

In a recent article, I presented the top 10 holdings of Dividend ETFs in each GICS sector along with F.A.S.T. Graph charts of a selection of stocks I consider worthy of further analysis and possible investment.

For this month's top 10 list, I decided to rank these stocks and present the top 10 stocks along with my fair value estimates and other key metrics.

I'm still tweaking the new ranking system and I hope to return to ranking an entire GICs sector next month.

In time, I want to use the sector averages to calibrate the ranking system so it does a better job ranking stocks from different sectors.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Top Holdings Of Dividend ETFs (Part 2: The Top 10 By Sector)

In Part 1 of this article, I presented a virtual portfolio of the top holdings of 47 dividend ETFs. Using a proportional scoring system that favors larger investments and larger ETFs, I calculate dan aggregate score for each ticker in the top 25 holdings of the dividend ETFs. Sorting the aggregate scores in descending order determined the rank of each stock (ticker).

The top 50 holdings are not distributed evenly among the 11 GICS sectors. For example, not a single Materials sector stock is present in the top 50 holdings. For dividend growth investors interested in diversifying their portfolios, this is not very helpful.

So in Part 2, I'm showcasing the top 10 stocks in each GICS sector. Seeing the top 10 stocks in each sector, along with key ratings and metrics, is quite useful, in my view, and should give readers additional insight into the holdings of dividend ETFs.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

20 Dividend Increases: November 12-23, 2018 (Part 2: Remaining Sectors)

Companies that regularly increase dividends show confidence in future earnings growth potential. Monitoring dividend increases for stocks on my watch is one way to identify candidates for further analysis.

Recently, 20 companies announced dividend increases, including 3 of my DivGro holdings. Part 1 of this article covered increases from the Consumer Discretionary, Consumer Staples, and Utilities sectors. This is Part 2, which covers the remaining sectors.

Two of the 9 stocks covered in Part 2 announced double-digit percentage increases and the top increase is a spectacular 29%!

Monday, November 26, 2018

20 Dividend Increases: November 12-23, 2018 (Part 1: Consumer Discretionary, Consumer Staples, And Utilities)

I monitor dividend increases for stocks on my watch list to identify candidates for further analysis and possible investment. Recently, 20 companies announced dividend increases, including 3 of my DivGro holdings.

Part 1 of this article covers dividend increases from stocks in the Consumer Discretionary, Consumer Staples, and Utilities sectors.  Part 2 will cover the remaining sectors.

Of the 11 stocks covered in Part 1, three announced double-digit percentage increases and the top increase is 25%! I'm happy to say two of my dividend increases are double-digit increases, too!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Top Holdings Of Dividend ETFs (Part 1: The Top 50)

From time to time, I compile a virtual portfolio consisting of the top 50 holdings of dividend ETFs. To compile the portfolio, I analyze the top 25 holdings in each ETF and assign scores proportional to the size of each holding. Summing the scores of individual holdings allow me to rank them by popularity, and so to find the top holdings of these dividend ETFs.

For this edition, I analyzed 47 dividend ETFs. Of the 1,154 tickers found in the top 25 holdings of these ETFs, 389 are unique. Pfizer (PFE) and Verizon Communications (VZ) appear in 25 of the 47 dividend ETFs, the most of any stocks. However, Exxon Mobil (XOM) tops the list by aggregate score and Apple (AAPL) is the  runner-up, replacing Microsoft (MSFT) which drops to third place.

Dividend growth investors can compare their own portfolios to the top 50 and identify candidates for analysis and possible investment.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

22 Dividend Increases: November 5-9, 2018 (Part 2: Remaining Sectors)

Companies that regularly increase their dividends show confidence in future earnings growth potential. I monitor dividend increases for stocks on my watch list of dividend growth stocks to identify candidates for further analysis.

Last week, 22 companies announced dividend increases. Part 1 of this article covered increases from the Industrials, Health Care, and Utilities sectors. This is Part 2, which covers the remaining sectors.

Four of the 11 stocks covered in Part 2 announced double-digit percentage increases!

Monday, November 12, 2018

22 Dividend Increases: November 5-9, 2018 (Part 1: Industrials, Health Care, And Utilities

One way to identify dividend growth stocks for further analysis is to monitor dividend increases. Companies that regularly increase their dividends show confidence in future earnings growth potential.

This week, 22 companies declared dividend increases. Part 1 of this article covers increases from the Industrials, Health Care, and Utilities sectors. Part 2 will cover the remaining sectors.

Of the 11 stocks covered in Part 1, three announced double-digit percentage increases and the top increase is 30%!

Friday, November 9, 2018

Monthly Review of DivGro: October 2018

The stock market had a spooky month in October, with volatility as measured by the CBOE VIX increasing by about 75%, from 12 to 21. The DOW 30 dropped 5.1%, the S&P 500 dropped 6.9%, and the NASDAQ dropped 9.2%.

When stock prices fall like that, dividend growth investors get a chance to buy stocks at lower prices and higher yields. I took the opportunity to add several positions and simultaneously to improve my portfolio's risk profile.

In this article, I'll present details of these buys (and a few sells) and the resulting impact on DivGro's projected annual dividend income (PADI). Also, I'll present details of dividends received and dividend increases announced in October.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Why Diversification Matters!

By James Pattersenn Jr

Regardless of whether you consider yourself a value investor, dividend investor (income), growth investor, or dividend growth investor, diversification should be an integral part of your investment program because it does matter.

Here’s why.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

16 Dividend Increases: October 29-November 2, 2018

One way to identify dividend growth stocks for further analysis is to monitor dividend increases. Companies that regularly increase their dividends show confidence in future earnings growth potential.

Recently, 16 companies announced dividend increases, including one of the stocks I own.

Six of these increases are double-digit percentage increases!

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Options Update: October 2018 (Part 2)

Part 1 of my monthly options update presented October's assigned, expired, closed and rolled options. Also, I reviewed options that expire in the next two months and discussed the progress I've made related to my secured options income goal.

In Part 2, I'm providing details on covered calls and put contracts sold in October, as well as a spread trade I executed. I'm also providing the usual snapshot of recent options trades showing a running tally of options income and secured options income.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Options Update: October 2018 (Part 1)

DivGro's focus is dividend growth investing and most of my articles discuss how I use the strategy of dividend growth investing to manage my portfolio.

I added options trading to leverage the equity in my portfolio and to generate more income. Through monthly options update articles, I report on these options trades and I track the options income so generated.

With lots of trading activity in October, I decided to split this update into two parts. Part 1 provides the usual recap and a snapshot of October's trades. I report on expired, closed, and rolled options, and review a list of options expiring soon. Part 1 concludes with a look at how I'm doing with regards to my secured options income goal.

Part 2 will provide details on new covered call and put contracts, as well as a spread trade I executed last month. I'll also provide the usual snapshot of recent options trades.

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