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Sunday, February 28, 2021

Dividend Increases: February 20-26, 2021

This weekly article series covers dividend changes announced for stocks in Dividend Radar, a weekly automatically generated spreadsheet listing stocks with dividend streaks of five years or more. 

We present a summary table with relevant data and key statistics of all dividend increases. Additionally, we highlight one of the stocks and present performance, valuation, and earnings charts.

In the past week, 38 companies in Dividend Radar announced dividend increases, including two of the stocks I own. One company announced a dividend cut during this time period.

Friday, February 26, 2021

10 Dividend Growth Stocks For February 2021

Welcome to the February edition of my monthly series of 10 Dividend Growth Stocks. In this series, I rank a selection of dividend growth stocks in Dividend Radar and present the 10 top-ranked stocks for consideration. 

To rank stocks, I use DVK Quality Snapshots to obtain quality scores and sort them in descending order, breaking ties with additional metrics.

This month, I screened for stocks with dividend increase streaks of at least 10 years, dividend yields of at least 4%, and 5-year dividend growth rates of at least 6%. The suggestion for this screen comes from Tsettles, who commented on one of my recent Seeking Alpha articles. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Dividend Increases: February 13-19, 2021

We monitor dividend changes of stocks in Dividend Radar, a weekly automatically generated spreadsheet listing stocks with dividend streaks of five years or more. 

This week, 26 companies in Dividend Radar decided to increase their dividends and the list includes three of the stocks I hold in my portfolio.

A new feature of these articles is that I highlight one of the stocks that announced a dividend increase, providing a quality assessment and performance, earnings, and valuation charts.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Upcoming Ex-Dividend Dates: February 22-March 4, 2021

In this article series, we provide a summary of upcoming ex-dividend dates, specifically for dividend growth stocks as defined and maintained in the Dividend Radar spreadsheet.

A summary table provides relevant data and key statistics, including the next payout and pay date. We screen for high-quality candidates using DVK Quality Snapshots and highlight one interesting candidate.

I co-produce this article series with James Marino Sr. of Portfolio Insight.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Dividend Aristocrats Ranked By Quality Scores

This article updates an article I wrote in October 2020.

Since the October article, the S&P Dow Jones Indices announced the annual rebalancing of the S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats index. Three stocks were added to the index, while three spin-offs were removed because their combined dividends as three separate entities decreased. So there are still 65 Dividend Aristocrats, but their sector distribution changed. 

This article again ranks the Dividend Aristocrats using DVK Quality Snapshots, providing updated key metrics, quality indicators, and fair value estimates. Additionally, I provide a downloadable spreadsheet with fundamental and added value data for all Dividend Aristocrats.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Upcoming Ex-Dividend Dates: February 17-March 1, 2021

In this article series, we provide a summary of upcoming ex-dividend dates, specifically for dividend growth stocks as defined and maintained in the Dividend Radar spreadsheet.

We provide a summary table of ex-dividend dates with relevant data and key statistics, including the next payout and pay date.

Additionally, we screen the stocks with upcoming ex-dividend dates for high-quality candidates worth considering and highlight one of them as a possible buy (or at least as a stock to add to your watchlist).

I co-produce this article series with James Marino Sr. of Portfolio Insight.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Dividend Increases: February 6-12, 2021

We monitor dividend changes of stocks in Dividend Radar, a weekly automatically generated spreadsheet listing stocks with dividend streaks of five years or more. 

This week, 26 companies in Dividend Radar decided to increase their dividends, including four of the stocks I hold in my portfolio. One of my DivGro stocks is awarding me with a spectacular 20% increase!

The article highlights one of the stocks that announced a dividend increase. We provide a quality assessment and performance, earnings, and valuation charts.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Dividend Increases: January 30-February 5, 2021

This weekly article series provides a summary of dividend changes. I monitor such announcements to stay informed about stocks in my watchlist of dividend growth stocks, the Dividend Radar

In addition to providing a summary of dividend increases, I highlight one of those stocks, providing a quality assessment and presenting performance, earnings, and valuation charts.

This week's article covers no fewer than 25 stocks that will soon pay a higher dividend! One of my DivGro stocks is included in this list and is awarding me with a welcome 10% increase!

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Monthly Review Of DivGro: January 2021

Welcome to the monthly review of DivGro, my portfolio of dividend growth stocks. I provide a summary of transactions and dividends received in the past month. I also look at how DivGro's projected annual dividend income (PADI) has changed.

In January, I closed one position and reduced my holdings in another position. Eight DivGro stocks announced dividend increases in January. The net result of these changes is that PADI increased by about 0.6% in January. Year over year, PADI increased by 24.1%.

As for dividend income, in January I received dividends totaling $2,277 from 23 stocks in my portfolio, a year over year increase of 20%. The dividends I collected in January represent about 7% of my 2021 goal of collecting $34,500 in dividends.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Home Run Number 34

Yesterday, I noted that DivGro hit two more home runs thanks to record-setting market highs on Monday. I reported that The Walt Disney Company (DIS) became DivGro's 33rd home run stock with respectable annualized returns of 18%.

Today, I'm reporting DivGro's 34th home run stock, one with very impressive annualized returns of 34%! I opened this position in April 2016, so the stock doubled my original capital outlay in just less than three years!

It appears that this recent string of home runs is over now. The closest contender has total returns of 80%, so it has some ways to go before hitting a home run!

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Home Run Number 33

Thanks to record-setting market highs on Monday, I have two new home runs to report! Technically, I don't know which of these stocks reached home run status first, so I'm simply announcing them in alphabetical order by ticker. 

The home run I'm reporting first is by a company that's near and dear to my heart, as it owns the company I work for and that puts food on our table, so to speak. 

Unfortunately, the company suspended its dividend due to the bottom-line impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a consequence, I halved my position in January with the view of reinvesting the proceeds in a dividend growth stock. My decision to keep half of my position for its growth prospects was justified, as today's announcement shows!

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Recent Dividend Changes: January 23-29, 2021

This article series covers announcements of dividend increases, suspensions, and cuts. I monitor such announcements to stay informed about stocks in my watchlist of dividend growth stocks, the Dividend Radar

The last edition of this series introduced a new format in which I highlight one of the stocks that announced a dividend increase. Hopefully, refreshing the article series in this will provide more value to readers.  

This week's article covers no fewer than 48 stocks that will soon pay a higher dividend! Five of my DivGro stocks are included in this list, and I'm always excited to hear that I'll be receiving multiple raises! 

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Home Run Number 32

Perhaps this is getting a little boring for you, dear readers!

But, wow! Two new home runs in consecutive blog posts! And this after I thought it would be a while before I report on another home run!

Today,  one of the growth stocks I own exploded higher after an earnings beat and so becomes DivGro's 32nd home run stock. Because the stock doesn't pay dividends, it means the stock price doubled up on my average cost basis. I first invested in this stock in June 2017 and added shares in 2018 and 2019. With annualized returns of 33%, there's nothing to complain about concerning this stock's performance!

Can you guess which growth stock I'm talking about?

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Home Run Number 31

The fun continues! (Though it appears it'll be a while before I get to do this again...)

On 28 January, I reported Home Run Number 30, and here I'm back announcing another home run stock! 

I like celebrating these milestones because it somewhat validates my original investment thesis! The stock I selected and invested in has produced total returns that exceeded my initial outlay of capital!

Today's home run stock took just more than three years to achieve home run status. I first invested in September 2017 and added shares on two more occasions. I'm happy to note that it has produced annualized returns of about 31%! 

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Upcoming Ex-Dividend Dates: February 2-12, 2021

This article is the first in a new weekly series that will provide a summary of upcoming ex-dividend dates of stocks in Dividend Radar.

As before, we'll provide a summary table of ex-dividend dates with relevant data and key statistics, including the next payout and pay date.

Additionally, we'll screen the stocks with upcoming ex-dividend dates for high-quality candidates worth considering, and highlight one of them as a possible buy (or at least as a stock to add to your watchlist).

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