DivGro is now DivGro 2.0!

DivGro moved to another platform and is now DivGro 2.0!

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Complimentary access includes my monthly newsletter and articles like
 How to Assess Dividend Quality and The Chowder Ruleand a live spreadsheet of my DivGro Portfolio.

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Thursday, April 29, 2021

Dividend Increases: April 17-23, 2021

This article series provides a weekly summary of dividend changes. 

We monitor dividend announcements for stocks in Dividend Radar, a spreadsheet of stocks with dividend streaks of five years or more. Readers are invited to download the spreadsheet for free. The Dividend Radar spreadsheet separates stocks into categories based on the length of the streak: Champions (25+ years), Contenders (10- 24 years), and Challengers (5-9 years).

Recently, 21 companies in Dividend Radar declared dividend increases. There were no dividend cuts or suspensions announced for Dividend Radar stocks during this period.                      

Monday, April 26, 2021

Ex-Dividend Dates: April 27-May 10, 2021

This article series provides a summary of upcoming ex-dividend dates of stocks in Dividend Radar, a weekly automatically generated spreadsheet listing dividend growth stocks with dividend streaks of five years or more.

We present a summary table with relevant data and key statistics, including the next payout and pay date. Additionally, we screen for high-quality candidates using DVK Quality Snapshots and highlight one interesting candidate.

I co-produce this article series with James Marino Sr. of Portfolio Insight.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

The Top-Ranked Dividend Challengers

This article presents the top-ranked Dividend Challengers, which are companies listed on U.S. exchanges that have dividend increase streaks of 5-9 years. In previous articles, I presented the top-ranked Dividend Champions (25+ years) and the top-ranked Dividend Contenders (10-24 years).

I use DVK Quality Snapshots to assess the quality of dividend growth [DG] stocks. The system scores each of five quality indicators to determine a quality score out of 25 points. To rank DG stocks, I sort them by quality scores and use tie-breaking metrics, including, in order, dividend safety, credit rating, and dividend yield. 

The article presents the 31 top-ranked Dividend Challengers and presents key metrics, quality indicators, and fair value estimates.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Expired Options (April 2021)

After options expiration, I post an article to report on expired options and any actions I took in the week before options expiration. 

I used to write only one options article every month, but with the increase of my options trading in the last few years, those articles became unwieldy. So I've split my reporting up into two monthly articles, one shortly after options expiration day, covering expired options, and one after month's end, covering the remaining options trades. 

This article covers the options that were scheduled to expire on 16 April. 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Dividend Increases: April 3-16, 2021

This weekly article series covers dividend changes. I monitor dividend changes of stocks in Dividend Radar, a weekly automatically generated spreadsheet listing stocks with dividend streaks of five years or more. 

I provide a summary table with relevant data and key statistics of dividend increases and highlight one of the stocks, presenting performance, valuation, and earnings charts.
In this period, fourteen companies in Dividend Radar announced dividend increases. There were no dividend cuts or suspensions announced for Dividend Radar stocks during this period.                             

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Upcoming Ex-Dividend Dates: April 20-May 5, 2021

This article series provides a summary of upcoming ex-dividend dates of stocks in Dividend Radar, a weekly automatically generated spreadsheet listing dividend growth stocks with dividend streaks of five years or more.

I co-produce this article series with James Marino Sr. of Portfolio Insight.

We present a summary table with relevant data and key statistics, including the next payout and pay date. Additionally, we screen for high-quality candidates using DVK Quality Snapshots and highlight one interesting candidate.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

10 Dividend Growth Stocks For April 2021

In my monthly series of 10 Dividend Growth Stocks, I rank a selection of dividend growth stocks in Dividend Radar and present the 10 top-ranked stocks for consideration. 

To rank stocks, I use DVK Quality Snapshots to determine quality scores and sort those in descending order, breaking ties with additional metrics.

This month, I screened for defensive stocks trading at favorable valuations based on my recently adopted quality/valuation screen. 

Monday, April 12, 2021

Upcoming Ex-Dividend Dates: April 13-26, 2021

This article series provides a summary of upcoming ex-dividend dates of stocks in Dividend Radar, a weekly automatically generated spreadsheet listing dividend growth stocks with dividend streaks of five years or more.

The ex-dividend date of stocks is usually set one business day before the record date, the cut-off date for determining which shareholders will receive the next dividend payment. If you buy a stock on its ex-dividend date or after, you will not receive the next dividend payment. Instead, the seller will receive the next dividend. If you buy the stock before the ex-dividend date, you will receive the dividend.

I co-produce this article series with James Marino Sr. of Portfolio Insight.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Quarterly Review Of DivGro: Q1-2021

Welcome to my 33rd quarterly review of my portfolio of DivGro, my portfolio of dividend growth stocks! 

In quarterly reviews, I provide a summary of dividend income, dividend changes, and transactions executed in the past quarter. I also provide some charts showing various portfolio statistics. These reviews are mostly informational and help me to track progress over time.

This quarter, DivGro generated $8,887 in dividend income this quarter, or about 26% of my 2021 goal of $34,500, and I'm projecting dividend income of at least $9,030 per quarter going forward.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Options Update: March 2021

Welcome to my Options Update for March! I've been quite busy at work, but the project I've been working on is wrapping up! So I'll have a little more time to write blog articles again...

I posted my February update just a few weeks ago and reported another poor start to my options trading endeavors in 2021. January "delivered" -$1,756 in options income and February delivered a goose egg! At least I did not dig the hole I'm in even deeper in February!

I'm happy to report that March turned out to be much better! In fact, I managed to fill up the hole and build a little mound! It feels nice to make some positive strides towards my annual options goal for 2021, namely to collect at least $24,000 in options income. We'll see how it goes!

Friday, April 9, 2021

Dividend Increases: March 27-April 2, 2021

We monitor dividend changes of stocks in Dividend Radar, a weekly automatically generated spreadsheet listing stocks with dividend streaks of five years or more. The Dividend Radar spreadsheet separates stocks into categories based on the length of the streak: Champions (25+ years), Contenders (10- 24 years), and Challengers (5-9 years).

The article provides a summary table presenting relevant data and key statistics of dividend increases. We highlight one of the stocks and present performance, valuation, and earnings charts.

This past week, five companies in Dividend Radar announced dividend increases. There were no dividend cuts or suspensions announced for Dividend Radar stocks during this period.                             

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Upcoming Ex-Dividend Dates: April 9-19, 2021

This article series provides a summary of upcoming ex-dividend dates of stocks in Dividend Radar, a weekly automatically generated spreadsheet listing dividend growth stocks with dividend streaks of five years or more.

We present a summary table with relevant data and key statistics, including the next payout and pay date. Additionally, we screen for high-quality candidates using DVK Quality Snapshots and highlight one interesting candidate.

I co-produce this article series with James Marino Sr. of Portfolio Insight.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Monthly Review Of DivGro: March 2021

In my monthly DivGro reviews, I provide a summary of transactions and explain how those transactions affect projected annual dividend income.

In March, I added shares to one existing position and reduced my holdings in two positions. Additionally, I opened a new position in a growth stock that does not pay dividends. Four DivGro stocks announced dividend increases in March. The net result of these changes is that PADI decreased by about 1.4% in March. Year over year, PADI increased by 17.9%.

As for dividend income, in March I received dividends totaling $4,459 from 46 stocks in my portfolio, a year over year increase of 29%. This is a new record for monthly dividend income! So far in 2021, I've collected $8,887 in dividends, or about 26% of my 2021 goal of $34,500.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

The Top-Ranked Dividend Contenders

This article presents the top-ranked Dividend Contenders, which are companies listed on U.S. exchanges that have dividend increase streaks of 10-24 years. In a previous article, I presented the top-ranked Dividend Champions (25+ years), and a subsequent article will present the top-ranked Dividend Challengers (5-9 years).

I use DVK Quality Snapshots to assess the quality of dividend growth [DG] stocks. The system scores each of five quality indicators to determine a quality score out of 25 points. To rank DG stocks, I sort them by quality scores and use tie-breaking metrics, including, in order, dividend safety, credit rating, and dividend yield. 

The article presents the 74 top-ranked Dividend Contenders and presents key metrics, quality indicators, and fair value estimates.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Expired Options (March 2020)

I'm trying to catch up on my options articles. I just posted an update covering February's trades and hope to post one for March soon.  

Because my options trading has increased over the last year or so, I've split my reporting up into two monthly articles, one shortly after options expiration day, covering expired options, and one after month's end, covering the remaining options trades. 

This article covers the options that were scheduled to expire on 19 March. Most of them expired, but two were assigned just prior to or on options expiration day. 

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