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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Dividend Increases, Jun/Jul 2013

Once every month I update my watch list of dividend growth stocks to reflect current yields. Current yields rise when dividends increase or when prices decrease. Conversely, current yields fall when dividends fall or prices increase. 

When stocks in my watch list decrease their dividend payments, I generally remove them from my watch list. I'm not really interested in tracking stocks that decrease their dividends. This blog is about dividend growth stocks, not dividend shrink stocks!

I've removed the following stocks from my watch list due to recent dividend decreases: DCM, LINE, and MTGE. 

The following table provides a summary of recent dividend increases for stocks in my watch list, sorted by the last column, %Increase. Dividend amounts are annualized. 

Dividend Increases: Jun 15 - Jul 15, 2013


(Jul 14)

Cummins Inc.
117.29 2.00 2.50 2.13% +25.00
Walgreen Company
49.27 1.10 1.26 2.56%+14.55
The J.M. Smucker Company
106.66 2.08 2.32 2.18% +11.54
Darden Restaurants, Inc.
51.15 2.00 2.20 4.30% +10.00
Baxter International Inc.
72.68 1.80 1.96 2.70% +8.89
Medtronic, Inc.
53.69 1.04 1.12 2.09% +7.69
64.57 2.64 2.76 4.27% +4.55
National Retail Properties
37.36 1.58 1.62 4.34% +2.53
Duke Energy Corp
71.01 3.06 3.12 4.39% +1.96
Reality Income Crop
45.19 2.17 2.18 4.82% +0.17
Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp
26.58 0.97 0.82 3.08% -15.66

Highlighted in the table is are COP and NTT, stocks in DivGro

COP's 4.55% dividend increase is the 13th consecutive annual dividend increase authorized by the board of ConocoPhillips. The next quarterly dividend of 69 cents per share will be payed on September 3, to shareholders of record on July 18.

Notice that NTT decreased its dividend payment. It pays dividends semi-annually and has a pattern of paying a smaller dividend in the first half of the year, followed by a larger dividend in the second half of the year. I'll decide later this year if I want to continue to be invested in NTT. My decision would depend on NTT's second dividend payment...

Full Disclosure: Long COP, NTT 

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