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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Goals and Milestones

In October last year, I wrote my first milestones post and reported that I had reached three of my 2013 goals. I also reported on several additional milestones, including crossing $200 in projected monthly dividend income and reaching 10,000 page views. Today, I'd like to report on several recent milestones and provide a goals update.

I wrote my first post on January 10, 2013. Since then, I've written 103 posts (including this one), so I've quietly reached the milestone of 100 posts in DivGro! In the process, I've learned a tremendous amount about blogging, dividend growth investing and how to value dividend growth stocks. My portfolio has grown substantially and, if all goes well, it should reach six figures sometime in August.

In February, I wrote a post listing the most popular dividend growth stocks based on the holdings of portfolios of 20 fellow dividend growth bloggers. The post is, by far, the most popular one I've written for DivGro. Today, the number of page views stands at 1,157, whereas the second-most popular post has a page view count of 'only' 430. The milestone here, of course, is DivGro's first and (so far) only 1,000 page view post!

 October 17, 2013
 daily average: 36 page views 
 January 10, 2014
 daily average: 55 page views
 February 25, 2014
 daily average: 73 page views
 March 28, 2014
 daily average: 90 page views
    Speaking of page views, I've been keeping
    track of milestones reached in total page
    views. It is interesting to see how the page
    views keep ticking over and are accelerating
    over time. Yesterday, I reached the 40,000
    page view milestone.

    Interestingly, since the inception of DivGro,
    the number of daily page views now
    average 90! I'm happy that my blog is
    generating this level of interest. I've
    certainly learned a lot by reading the blogs
    of fellow dividend growth investors.
    Hopefully, I'm returning the favor...

Of course, there are more important milestones to strive for than page views. Looking at my goals for 2014, I'm hoping to earn $3,600 in dividend income in 2014. In the first three months of this year, I've earned about $540. That is well short of the required average of $300 per month. With DivGro's current projected monthly dividend income at $292, I cannot (yet) keep pace with the required monthly average. Crossing $300 in projected monthly dividend income represents an important milestone, one which I hope to reach with my next stock purchase. My other goal of increasing DivGro's projected annual dividend income to $4,800 (or $400 monthly) still feels very far away. 

On a more positive note, I'm well ahead of my goal to write at least 72 posts this year. This is my 26th
post of 2014. Also, I'm very happy with the progress I've made in diversifying DivGro across all 10 sectors in my watch list.

With one quarter of 2014 nearly behind us, how are you doing with regards to your 2014 goals? Are you on track?


  1. Congrats on 40k page views! As a blogger who just starting 3-weeks ago, I can appreciate the milestones and will probably document the same for myself. Currently, in 3-weeks, I'm averaging about 10 page views a day. Any pointers you can provide to improve would be greatly appreciated. ☺

    1. Welcome to the world of blogging and good luck with your journey! As far as actions to take to increase traffic, I haven't done much more than comment on other blogger's posts and on occasion mention DivGro (when appropriate). My philosophy has been "build it and they will come". Bottom line, I believe you'll get repeat traffic if you have great content and gain a reputation for writing good posts. Good luck!

  2. Congrats on 40k pageviews and your first 1k pageview post. I'm behind both of my dividend goals right now but with the capital I've already put to work and plan to put to work throughout the rest of the year I think it should be a pretty good year for dividends. All the best and keep up the good work. I really liked that most popular dividend growth stocks post.

    1. Thanks! Although I'm quite far behind in two of my goals, like you, I have plans to put enough capital to work in the remaining 9 months to make up the shortfall. Thanks for your support and regular comments -- I appreciate it!

  3. Congratulations on the milestones; looks like you've accelerated quite a bit of late and are pretty much at the 10,000 pageviews per month level! My progress towards my 2014 goals is progressing nicely, and should accelerate even faster this summer once some additional capital is freed up for more consistent investing.

    1. Thanks! 10k per month means some 333 hits per day, which is... wow! And, as you point out, there is some acceleration that's happening.

      Its great that you're making good progress on your 2014 goals, with plans to invest more capital. I'm hoping to do the same. I'll need to in order to make my goals!


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