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Saturday, March 1, 2014

Monthly Review: February 2014

This month was an exciting one for DivGro! I had a (surprisingly) popular post that received many more page views and comments than normal, propelling the total page views of this blog above the 30,000 mark. My blog is still young, but I sense some acceleration happening now!

In February, I reworked the Performance page to show an overview of DivGro's holdings and performance in a visually pleasing way. I wrote about the inspiration for the radial charts I created – a logo my dad designed many years ago for a real estate agency. This week, my brother took a photo of a billboard containing the logo. It is great to see the business is still operational, after 38 years!

This month, I bought shares of Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), adding one more holding to DivGro in the Health Care sector. Given DivGro's market value of $80,217, projected annual dividend income of $3,112 represents a simple yield of 3.88%.

I received $101 in dividends from 5 stocks this month, an increase of 13% over dividends received in February 2013. This month, projected monthly dividend income increased to $259, slightly up from $252 last month.


  • Purchases
  • Dividends
    • 2014-02-07: Cash Dividend Receipt GD:  $19.60
    • 2014-02-14: Cash Dividend Receipt VNR:  $37.35
    • 2014-02-20: Cash Dividend Receipt CAT:  $18.00
    • 2014-02-27: Cash Dividend Receipt SJR:  $8.01
    • 2014-02-28: Cash Dividend Receipt PRE:  $18.09
  • Deposits
    • 2014-02-28: MAR Cash Deposit: $2,500

New Dividends and Dividend Increases:
  • The purchase of JNJ added $79.20 of projected annual dividend income.
  • NU's dividend increase added $6 of projected annual dividend income.
  • Projected annual dividend income: $3,111.78

Dividend Summary:
  • Dividend income last month: $120.65
  • Dividend income this month: $101.05
  • Total dividend income year-to-date: $221.70

Jan 31, 2014
DOW: 15,698.85 S&P 500: 1,782.59 10-YR BOND: 2.67%
Feb 28, 2014
DOW: 16,321.71 S&P 500: 1,859.45 10-YR BOND: 2.66%

After the large drop in the markets in January, things turned around this month. DivGro experienced a strong recovery of 4.83%, compared with the S&P 500 (+4.31%) and the Dow Jones (+3.97%).

Portfolio: The following spreadsheet shows the state of DivGro on February 28, 2014:

Looking Ahead: I'll be looking for 10 new dividend growth candidates for March, one for each sector in my watch list. I have enough funds for one purchase.


  1. Great month, and love the detailed spreadsheet (I'm a spreadsheet nerd through and through). May or may not steal a couple of columns for my own personal use!

    1. Yes, writing2reality -- I'm a spreadsheet nerd, too (though think I'm a bigger graphics nerd). You're most welcome to copy columns as needed...

  2. Ferdi,

    Congrats on another solid month. And I think the JNJ purchase was great. I can't see how you go wrong with that one over the long haul.

    Best wishes!

    1. Thanks Dividend Mantra!

      Looking back, I look like a genius having bought JNJ at $87.10! Its now back above $92. Nice Yield on Cost benefit there...

      Take care!

  3. I love your spreadsheet. Is there anyway I could get a copy of the spreadsheet for use with my own portfolio? I've started my own DGI portfolio with a large 401k rollover about 6 months ago but I don't have any experience with building spreadsheets. I've been following your blog as well as many others for the past year and really appreciate the info. Thanks and keep the great articles coming. Great job on the portfolio!


    1. Hi Wayne -- thanks for stopping by. Glad you find my blog useful. I've put a version of the spreadsheet on Google docs for you or anyone else that may be interested:



  4. Thanks a million! It will come in handy. I check your blog daily for new info!

    1. You're welcome, Wayne -- good luck with your DGI portfolio!


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