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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Bloggers' Dividend Growth Portfolio

Includes: AFL • APD • AVA • BAX • BBL • BMS • CAT • CLX • COP • CSX • CVX • DE • DLR • EMR • GIX • HCP • HRS • IBM • ITW • JNJ • KMB
• KMP • KO • LEG • LMT • LO • MAT • MCD • MDT • MO • MSFT • NSC • O • OHI • PEP • PG • PM • PSEC • QCOM • RTN • SO • T • TGT • V
• VZ • WAG • WM • WMT • XOM • YUM 

Today, Seeking Alpha published my first premium article! Here is an excerpt of the introduction:
A while ago, I expanded DivGro's blogroll to include nearly 100 blogs. There is a special section highlighting active blogs that are at least one year old. I provide short descriptions to tell readers what each blog is about. Additionally, I include links to the public portfolios of blogs in my blogroll. These links are marked with a ¶. 
With a little work it is possible to get an interesting, composite view of dividend growth investing from public DGI portfolios. Earlier this year, I used 20 different portfolios to create a list of popular dividend growth stocks. On that occasion, the four most popular dividend growth stocks were McDonald's (NYSE:MCD), Chevron (NYSE:CVX), Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) and Coca-Cola (NYSE:KO). 
The purpose of this article is to repeat the exercise, but this time with the much more comprehensive list of blogs in my blogroll.
Please head on over to Seeking Alpha to read The Bloggers' Dividend Growth Portfolio: Popular Dividend Growth Stocks Trading On U.S. Exchanges.


  1. Congrats on the premium article posting on SA. Good job!

  2. Ha, I just read this on there! Fantastic article, already one of my favorites. Bookmarked for sure, because there's a lot of companies on that list I still want to analyze and own. You did an especially great job on the graphs. Heh, I feel oddly proud of myself that I was one of the two who own HSY.

    1. Thanks for your kind words, DividendDeveloper!

      I can appreciate how you feel about HSY -- I feel likewise proud of my investments in NU, PRE, and TRV, none of which is held by any of the other bloggers... They've all done splendidly since I've purchased my shares.

  3. Tremendous job on that summary! Truly an impressive piece of work and there is a lot to be gleaned from your findings. In particular, it is interesting to see the portfolio breakdown between various industries. I certainly hope you pick up some strong pageviews to compensate you for the level of work you've done here.

    1. Thanks, writing2reality! The sector breakdown was interesting because that's one thing I've been working hard at on my own portfolio this year. I was surprised to see how similar the distributions were, even though there were some outliers as I pointed out in the article. I hope I get some strong pageviews, too :-)

  4. I'll definitely go and check this out later today. Should be very interesting.

    1. Thanks, Passive IncomePursuit! I think you'll find it quite interesting...

  5. Congrats on the post in SA. A very unique thoughts and sharing. Thanks for your sharing....

    1. Thanks, David Tan! You're welcome and thanks for commenting...


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