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Monday, August 31, 2015

Monthly Review: July 2015

Regular readers of my blog probably have noticed a slowdown in the number of posts in August. The reason for the slowdown is that my work has required more of my time than usual. Furthermore, the little remaining free time has gone into landscaping work at our house – some hard, physical work that served as a great distraction from the mental work I do on a daily basis.

On this last day of August, I want to post my monthly review for July. It is a long overdue post, but, as they say, rather late than never!

Monday, August 17, 2015

16 Dividend Increases, August 3 To August 14, 2015

Includes: CAE • DOV • HSY • IFF • ITW • IVZ • KLAC • MAIN • MIC • MON • NDSN • PPL • RBA • RECN • SMG • WTR 


  • In the last 2 weeks, 16 companies on my watch list of dividend growth stocks announced dividend increases. 
  • I monitor dividend increases for stocks in my portfolio to track yield on cost and to update projected annual dividend income.
  • Regular dividend increases indicate an expectation of future earnings growth. I use this process to help identify candidates for further analysis.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Recent Buy: Stag Industrial Inc

Jul 29, 2015: Bought 140 shares of STAG at $18.94 per share.

Founded on July 21, 2010 and based in Boston, Massachusetts, Stag Industrial Inc (NYSE:STAG) is a real estate investment trust focused on the acquisition and operation of single-tenant, industrial properties throughout the United States. STAG’s portfolio consists of 265 properties in 37 states with 242 tenants.

STAG is not yet a CCC stock, having only paid and raised dividends for 4 consecutive years. The company pays monthly dividends of 11.5¢ per share. At my buy price, the stock yields 7.29%.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Recent Sell: Baxter and Baxalta

Aug 4, 2015: Sold 37 shares of BAX at $40.55 per share.
Aug 4, 2015: Sold 37 shares of BXLT at $37.57 per share.  

Yesterday, I reported selling all my shares of Partnerre Ltd (NYSE:PRE) because it is being acquired by Italy's Exor SpA (OTCPK:EXOSF). I sold my shares because EXOSF does not have a track record of paying dividends. PRE performed wonderfully well for me over the 27 months I owned shares, returning 58% (or 26% annualized).

Today, I'm reporting two more sells. After receiving an unsolicited takeover offer from an Ireland based competitor, the share price of drug maker Baxalta (NYSE:BXLT) jumped nearly 20% higher in early morning trading, eventually closing 12% higher after heavy trading. Furthermore, Baxter International (NYSE:BAX) announced a quarterly dividend of only 11.5¢ per share, significantly down from the 52¢ per share the company paid before the spin-off of BXLT.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Recent Sell: PartnerRe Ltd

Aug 4, 2015: Sold 27 shares of PRE at $139.03 per share.

Yesterday I sold all my shares of Partnerre Ltd (NYSE:PRE), a company that provides reinsurance services around the world.

PRE recently agreed to be acquired by Italy's Exor SpA (OTCPK:EXOSF) in a deal worth $6.9 billion (or $140.50 per share). The agreement brings to an end the takeover drama for the Pembroke, Bermuda-based company and dashes the hopes of a merger with Axis Capital Holdings Ltd (NYSE:AXS). AXS will receive a $315 million termination fee from PRE.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

6 Dividend Increases, July 27 To July 31, 2015

Includes: ARLP • BPL • CHSP • EXLP • RAI • SU 


  • I track dividend increases for stocks in my watch list to identify candidates for further analysis and possible investment. 
  • For dividend growth investors, regular dividend increases are important. Dividend increases that match or exceed the rate of inflation are preferred.
  • Last week, 6 companies on my watch list announced dividend increases.

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