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Friday, December 4, 2015

Monthly Review, November 2015

In my Q3-2015 quarterly review, I wrote that I have some big plans for the coming months.

Foremost, I started merging the holdings in my Scottrade account with my DivGro holdings, an ongoing process that will continue throughout December and into the new year. This is an exciting endeavor, as I'm adding some solid dividend paying stocks and increasing DivGro's projected annual dividend income in the process.

Also, I got rid of some stocks that no longer belong in my portfolio. I sold all my shares of PennyMac (PMT) and Textainer (TGH) after both companies announced dividend cuts. In December, I plan to sell more stocks that I believe no longer should be in my portfolio.

November Highlights

This month, I transferred 5 stocks from my Scottrade account to DivGro. These are Coca Cola (KO), Proctor & Gamble (NYSE:PG), Kimberly-Clark (NYSE:KMB), AbbView (NYSE:ABBV), and Dominion Resources (NYSE:D). As a result, DivGro's projected annual income increased by $445.

As mentioned earlier, I sold PMT and TGH. With the extra cash, I initiated a new position in HCP (HCP) and I added to my Qualcomm (QCOM) position with the intent to harvest some tax losses. Along with McDonald's (MCD) dividend increase, the net effect is that my projected annual dividend income now stands at $7,474 – just $26 shy of my 2015 goal of $7,500. 

Dividend income in November topped $1,000 for the first time, although only $587 of the $1,121 received comes from dividends paid in November. The rest are past dividends from transferred stocks. Total dividends received in 2015 is $6,322, which is well above my 2015 goal of $6,000!

Here is a chart showing dividends received by month and DivGro's projected monthly dividend income:

  • Purchases
  • Transfers
  • Sales
  • Dividends
    • 2015-11-02: Cash Dividend Receipt DE: $18.00
    • 2015-11-02: Cash Dividend Receipt T: $70.50
    • 2015-11-12: Cash Dividend Receipt AAPL: $22.88
    • 2015-11-13: Cash Dividend Receipt GD: $24.15
    • 2015-11-13: Cash Dividend Receipt VNR: $21.15
    • 2015-11-16: Cash Dividend Receipt PG: $21.21
    • 2015-11-16: Return of Capital ETP: $105.50
    • 2015-11-16: Cash Dividend Receipt O: $19.05
    • 2015-11-16: Cash Dividend Receipt OHI: $78.40
    • 2015-11-16: Cash Dividend Receipt STAG: $16.10
    • 2015-11-18: Return of Capital APU: $110.40
    • 2015-11-18: Cash Dividend Receipt MIC: $33.30
    • 2015-11-20: Cash Dividend Receipt CAT: $46.20
  • Past Dividends
    • 2015-11-14: Transfer Past Dividends KO: $100.20
    • 2015-11-15: Transfer Past Dividends PG: $102.14
    • 2015-11-19: Transfer Past Dividends KMB: $217.92
    • 2015-11-22: Transfer Past Dividends ABBV: $18.36
    • 2015-11-24: Transfer Past Dividends D: $95.67
  • Deposits
    • 2015-11-19: Passive Income Cash Deposit: $226.77
    • 2015-11-30: December Cash Deposit: $2,500.00
  • Past Deposits
    • 2015-11-14: Transfer Past Cash Deposit: $2,530.85
    • 2015-11-15: Transfer Past Cash Deposit: $2,543.02
    • 2015-11-19: Transfer Past Cash Deposit: $2,535.35
    • 2015-11-22: Transfer Past Cash Deposit: $2,516.20
    • 2015-11-24: Transfer Past Cash Deposit: $2,498.83
Changes in Projected Annual Dividend Income:
  • From Purchases
    • The purchase of 75 HCP shares added $169.50.
    • The purchase of 90 QCOM shares added $172.80.
  • From Sales
    • The sale of 120 PMT shares removed $-225.60
    • The sale of 75 TGH shares removed $-141.00
  • From Transfers
    • The transfer of 65 KO shares added $85.80
    • The transfer of 32 PG shares added $84.85
    • The transfer of 28 KMB shares added $98.56
    • The transfer of 36 ABBV shares added $82.08
    • The transfer of 36 D shares added $93.24
  • From Increases
    • MCD's dividend increase added $4.32
  • Projected annual dividend income increased by $425.55 to $7,471.44
Dividend Summary:
  • Dividend income last month: $364.26
  • Dividend income this month: $1,121.13
  • Total dividend income year-to-date: $6,321.60
  • Total dividend income all-time: $11,616.55

Oct 31, 2015
DOW: 17,663.54S&P 500: 2,079.3610-YR BOND: 2.15%
Nov 30, 2015
DOW: 17,719.92S&P 500: 2,096.9310-YR BOND: 2.21%

In November, the Dow gained 0.32% and the S&P 500 gained 0.84%. In comparison, DivGro dropped 2%.

Portfolio: click on the triangle to see a snapshot of DivGro's state on 30 November 2015.

Goals Progress:
Below is a chart showing the progress I'm making on my 2015 goals. I've completed 3 goals and I'm on pace to complete 2 more. Writing 2 DivNet articles before year's end is within reach and, with some extraordinary effort I should be able to complete my hike to Seattle and back just in time. Unfortunately, my weight loss goal is going to be a big fail. Not even a hail Mary is going to help with that...

November Posts

I wrote a total of 16 articles in November. In case you missed any of those articles, here they are:

Looking Ahead: I'll continue transferring stocks from my Scottrade account to DivGro. Futhermore, I'll be closing some positions I no longer want in my Porfolio.

I've updated my Performance page with the latest results. It provides a central place for reviewing DivGro's status and performance relative to the markets and to prior months.

Thanks for reading and take care, everybody!


  1. Nice job on your goals and income for november! Great month for you. Looks very promising in the future too. Keep up the nice work.


    1. Thanks, Adam -- November was a busy one as I started working on merging my Scottrade holdings into DivGro. Pretty exciting, though I hope to get back to writing some more interesting articles in the near future.

  2. Always nice to see projected dividend income rising. Keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks Ben -- the rising dividend income stream is what its all about!

  3. Wow...congrats on a four digit month! You are rockin 2015 receiving more than half of your all-time dividends already and still have one more month to do. Your forward dividends are humming along and just given a nice boost from your recent transfers that are providing you another $445 in dividends.

    Keep up the great progress. Best wishes and continued success! AFFJ

    1. Thanks, AFFJ -- I'm hoping that December will be an ever bigger month! These end-of-quarter months usually are huge for dividends! With more transfers to come, my portfolio is getting quite a boost.

      Thanks for the encouraging wishes and I hope you're making great progress, too!

  4. Congrats on a $1k month! I'm still searching for that one. Also great job increasing your forward dividend income up to just shy of $7k. That's an impressive annual total that will just continue to grow with increases and new investments.

    1. You'll get there soon enough, I'm sure! This journey has been pretty exciting and I'm almost 3 years into it now. I'm looking forward to setting some new goals for 2016, including ones that will continue growing the dividend income stream.

  5. Great job on the income Ferdis. Great month and way to contribute to the blog. Thanks for all the articles and keep it up. Way to stay focus. Keep hustling it up to greater heights and prove to your sons it's an amazing ride. Cheers buddy.

    1. Thanks, Dividend Hustler -- I'll keep on hustling as you say 'cause it certainly is an exhilarating journey! I'm happy to say my sons are still buying stocks for their Loyal3 accounts... not sure how much but I'll see if I can get them to give me an update for another blog article at year's end.


  6. DivGro

    You made great job this year when you got your 2015 goal.

    Hope I will get my 2022 goal - be Financial Freedom from Alimony.

    Keep the snowball rolling

    Sharon - Divorcedff

    1. Hi Sharon -- thanks for visiting and commenting! You seem to be on the right track! Keep it up and I'm sure you'll reach your 2022 goal. Best of luck to you!


  7. Great review of your dividend portfolio. When I saw your updated list of stocks, I was meaning to ask you if you track the beta of your portfolio and individual stocks. I was curious to see if you ever factor the beta of individual stocks when you purchase more shares of already owned stocks in your portfolio.

    I am in the process of building an analyzer for ModernCents dividend portfolio that determines which of the 24 stocks should be bought each month, based on market conditions. Basically applying technical and fundamental analysis to pick short term winners of the portfolio, when adding more shares of already owned stock. And I am considering beta as being one of the significant weights in the analyzer...thoughts?

    1. Hi Derek -- thanks for the kind words and sorry for the delayed response.

      I do not track beta for individual stocks, nor for my portfolio, and beta is not a consideration when I look to purchase shares. I'd be interested to see how you end up weighting beta.

      Beta measures volatility relative to the overall market. I'm not sure how quickly it changes, or if changes would be helpful in stock selection. Worth pursuing, perhaps...

      Take care!


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