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Sunday, July 17, 2016


Yow'zah!an exclamation indicating excitement, usually associated with the observation of an event or object that greatly exceeds the ordinary
      Urban Dictionary

After blogging for nearly 1,300 days since the start of DivGro, today I crossed the half million page view milestone! What a journey it has been! With this post, as with my previous milestone post, I'd like to celebrate a little and hopefully encourage other dividend growth investment (DGI) bloggers to keep going and help this wonderful community go from strength to strength!

The last time I wrote a milestones article, I reported reaching 200,000 page views (pv's) at a daily average of 249 pv's. That article was the 201st one posted on DivGro. At the time, my most popular article was Popular Dividend Growth Stocks, with 2,640 pv's.  The runner-up, Tracking your DGI Portfolio, had 2,140 pv's. And, at the time of writing that article, I had four articles with at least 1,000 pv's.

Today, I'd like to give updates on these milestones and report a few more...

I posted my first DivGro article on 10 January 2013. The post you're reading is number 370!
The journey has been exhilarating and I've learned a tremendous amount since my first post. The research I've done while preparing to write articles has been the primary source for learning. But the interaction with readers and fellow DGI bloggers has been a great source for learning, too. I want to thank all my readers for your support!

As mentioned, today DivGro's pageview counter crossed the 500,000 mark:

 25 March 2015
 average since inception: 246 pv's  
 14 February 2016
 average since inception: 351 pv's  
  13 June 2015
 average since inception: 280 pv's  
 29 April 2016
 average since inception: 370 pv's  
   3 September 2015
 average since inception: 307 pv's  
 17 July 2016
 average since inception: 386 pv's 
   5 December 2015
 average since inception: 327 pv's  

In the past month, DivGro averaged 559 pv's per day.

As for the most popular articles, here are the top 10 by pv's:
  1. Tracking Your DGI Portfolio – 6,214 pv's to date (published 20 June 2014)
  2. Popular Dividend Growth Stocks – 3,533 pv's to date (published 24 February 2014)
  3. Recent Buy: VNR  – 1,485 pv's to date (published 21 October 2013)
  4. My New Watch List Of Dividend Growth Stocks – 1,450 pv's to date (published 27 April 2014)
  5. Updated Blogroll Page – 1,388 pv's to date (published 4 April 2014)
  6. 10 Dividend Growth Stocks For September 2014 – 1,285 pv's to date (published 1 September 2014)
  7. Blogroll Page Reoganized – 1,257 pv's to date (published 29 November 2015)
  8. Dividend Increases, January 2-16, 2015 – 1,202 pv's to date (published 14 April 2015)
  9. Baxter Spins-Off Baxalta – 1,172 pv's to date (published 15 July 2015)
  10. 10 Dividend Growth Stocks For November 2014 – 1,141 pv's to date (published 3 November 2014)
I now have 14 articles with at least 1,000 pv's each.

My article, Tracking Your DGI Portfolio, is by far the most popular one on DivGro. I'm thinking of writing an updated version. If you like the idea, let me know in the comments section below!

As most of my readers know, I publish many of my articles at Seeking Alpha. In addition to generating some additional income, I appreciate the wider readership and there's no doubt that my exposure at Seeking Alpha is generating additional traffic on my blog. The site has more than 10,000 contributing authors and more than 280,000 commenters. The registered user base is 4 million.

So far, my articles on Seeking Alpha have generated nearly 410,000 pv's. These do not include so-called mobile pv's, which Seeking Alpha do not count in their compensation scheme. I've published 131 articles at Seeking Alpha, 79 of which are exclusive articles. For comparison, my most popular article on Seeking Alpha has generated 9,381 pv's. At the time of writing this article, I have 1,915 followers on Seeking Alpha.

Here are the 10 most popular articles published over the last 12 months:
  1. 10 Dividend Growth Stocks For January 2016 – 9,381 pv's to date (published 24 January, 2016)
  2. Recent Buy: Exxon Mobil8,216 pv's to date (published 18 October 2015)
  3. 7 Dividend Increases: April 11-15, 2016 – 7,243 pv's to date (published 17 April 2016)
  4. Recent Buy: Ford Motor Company – 7,141 pv's to date (published 5 February 2016)
  5. 10 Dividend Growth Stocks For March 2016 – 6,818 pv's to date (published 25 March 2016)
  6. Recent Buy: HCP, Inc. – 4,936 pv's to date (published 6 December 2015)
  7. Recent Buy: Wells Fargo – 4,461 pv's to date (published 16 July 2016)
  8. 10 Dividend Growth Stocks For April 2016 – 4,433 pv's to date (published 25 April 2016)
  9. Boosting Dividend Income With Covered Calls – 4,309 pv's to date (published 7 June 2016)
  10. 10 Dividend Growth Stocks For February 2016 – 4,082 pv's to date (published 25 February 2016)
Of course, there are more important milestones to strive for than page views.

Looking at my goals for 2016, I'm progressing nicely with my goal to earn $10,800 in dividend income this year. So far, I've recorded dividend income totaling $10,263. Note that some of that income is due to dividends I transferred during portfolio consolidation. Without those transferred dividends, my cumulative dividend income for 2016 is $5,572, or 52% of my goal. Even when excluding my transferred dividends, I'm on track to attain my total dividend income goal.

My projected annual dividend income (PADI) goal has taken a bit of a hit with my recent sells, reported here, here, and here. In total, I gave up $1,700 in PADI, which now stands at $9,962. Having started with PADI at $6,776 at the beginning of 2016, I'm now at 61% towards my goal of reaching $12,000 at year's end. So far, so good...

Thanks for reading and for your continued support! Here's to the next half million pv's!


  1. Congrats on reaching 500k pageviews! That's awesome stuff.

    1. Thanks, PiP -- also for you encouragement and support these past dew years!

  2. Cool stats! I really need to look into Seeking Alpha more... but time is at a premium at my house with 2 small kids and another on the way. Maybe once things settle down. Thanks for sharing your stats!

    1. Thanks, Adam -- congrats on the 3rd one being on the way! I have 3 boys, but they're not small anymore! Cheers, FerdiS

  3. Congrats Ferdi. You deserve the increased page views. 500,000k is a nice accomplishment.

    1. Thanks, Investment Hunting -- I don't know about "deserve" but I really appreciate the support! This community is amazing and I've learned so much from everyone! Just hoping to contribute in my own way...

  4. Congrats Ferdi! Love your blog and look forward to continue reading :)

    1. Thanks, Matt -- I appreciate your support (and our association through finbox.io!) very much.

  5. This is awesome. I have been reading your blog and am really taking this post as inspiration as I started my own this month. Hopefully in a year I will see some results that you are seeing. Good Luck in the future.

    1. Hi HiLoDividends! Thanks so much for your comment. Congratulations on starting your own blog! I'm glad that my blog could serve as some inspiration to you... It is hard work and you need a lot of tenacity to stick it out, but I can tell you it is amazingly gratifying! Best of luck and let me know how it goes!


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