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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Top Holdings of Dividend Growth Bloggers, 2017 Edition

This article presents the top dividend growth stocks held by established dividend growth bloggers with public portfolios. An analysis of stocks in these portfolios reveals Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) to be the most popular holding. I rank stocks by appearance frequency and by proportional weight, taking the relative size of each holding into account. Readers that manage their own dividend growth portfolios may find it interesting to compare their portfolios to the Top Holdings of Dividend Growth Bloggers.

In January 2013, I joined a growing community of dividend growth (DG) bloggers when I created DivGro. As a rookie blogger, I learned a lot by reading other DG blogs and scouring them for good ideas. For me, the best learning came from reviewing the public portfolios of DG bloggers.

To facilitate quick access, I compiled a comprehensive blogroll of well over 100 DG blogs as well as special links to public portfolios. With public, I mean there is a page dedicated to the portfolio that shows (at least) a list of tickers, the number of shares per ticker, the value of each position, and the total portfolio value.

In my blogroll, I feature established blogs more prominently. These are blogs that are at least one year old. I also have an Honor Roll containing well-known and popular blogs with high quality and inspirational content. For reasons that will become apparent in this article, I highly value established blogs with public portfolios.

To see my analysis and view the Top Holdings of Dividend Growth Bloggers for 2017, please read this article at Seeking Alpha.

Feel free to comment on this article either here or at Seeking Alpha.


  1. "To see my analysis and view the Top Holdings of Dividend Growth Bloggers for 2017, please read this article at Seeking Alpha." This link doesn't work for me.

  2. Dividend investing is something that i will explore in the new year as opposed to trading non-dividend stocks. Thanks for the link!

    1. I switched 4 years ago and haven't looked back. All the best and I hope you find great success!

  3. That's absolutely incredible.

    I can't even imagine how long it takes to put all that together and analyze it like that. Nice work!

    1. Hi Lyn -- thanks for reading and commenting. The research, analysis, and writing took quite a while, but I think it is worth the effort... certainly I like to reference these articles when I look for candidates. Hope you find value in it!


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