February was one of those really busy months. With looming deadlines at work, I found it quite challenging to keep DivGro up to date. I have several articles in the works and I'll try to get them posted as soon as possible. Despite the "busyness", I managed to get a lot of DivGro business done!
First, I transferred my wife's traditional and Roth IRA's to
FolioInvesting, where I'll be managing our IRA's using DivGro's strategy of dividend growth investing. The account transfers were easier than expected, though I had to spend some time to assess the account holdings. In the end, I retained only four positions and I'll be reporting on those in due course.
In February I received dividend income of $736, an increase of 57% over the amount received in February 2016. Additionally, I recognized past dividend income of $733 from my wife's traditional IRA, which I'm now managing as part of DivGro. Projected annual dividend income (PADI) increased to $12,728, a year over year increase of 47%.