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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Dividend Increases: March 28-April 3, 2020

This weekly article series covers dividend increase announcements. I monitor dividend increases for stocks in the Dividend Champions List [CCC list] and provide a summary for my readers.

Last week, three companies in the CCC list announced dividend increases.

One of the companies announced a double-digit percentage increase!

This week's top increase is from Watsco (WSO), a company that distributes air conditioning, heating, and refrigeration equipment in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Puerto Rico.  WSO announced a solid increase of about 11% and now yields 4.49% at $147.32 per share.

To see details of the increases announced in the last few weeks, please read this article at Seeking Alpha.

As a bonus, I'm including a summary of ex-dividend dates for the next two weeks. Scan the list of stocks to see if there's a stock you want to pick up before the ex-dividend date so you can grab the next dividend. 

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  1. Hi DivGro.
    I´m Bernard from Spain. (I've started to follow recently)
    I like your investment criteria and I try to do something similar in my country.
    But there are no high quality companies, so I've signed up in IB for investing in USA/UK Aristocrat and DGI.
    But I would like to split my budget in invidual shares and in a index/ETF/fund focused in this kind of shares. I think dividents must be included inside the fund.

    I found NOBL = https://www.proshares.com/funds/nobl.html
    I wonder if you could give me a peace of advice regarding this issue.
    Do you know a good etf/fund? Is that kind of alternative used in the DGI comunity?
    Thanks a lot.


    1. Hi, Bernard -- thanks for your comment for following my blog!

      My focus is mostly on dividend growth stocks, although I also own two closed-end-funds (CEFs), ETO and NIE. I used to own a few dividend-paying ETFs, but no longer do. It takes quite a bit of time to research and analyze individual stocks, so I just don't have time to do proper due diligence with ETFs also.

      One reason for owning ETFs is for diversification, especially before one owns a good number of stocks from different sectors. That's why I owned a couple of ETFs a few years ago. But now my portfolio is diversified enough that I don't see much benefit in owning ETFs.

      Still, it is good to look at what stocks ETFs own, as I frequently do:


  2. Thank´s a lot for your reply.

    I've discovered in your link a set of ETF including NOBL and I've found that they give dividents as singles stocks do. This could be convenient for taking profits after retirement.
    But I´ve have to pay two taxes (1st in USA and 2nd in Spain), and I´m going to take the leftovers for buying more stocks...
    There are two reasons for bying a fund/etf with accumulation of dividents:
    - Diversify. Especially at the begining.
    - Re-Invert dividents in more aristocrat stocks, before paying taxes.

    I´m going to continue learning about aristocrats (and cheap acumulation ETF/FUNDs)

    I'll stay tunned. !!!


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