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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Top Holdings Of Dividend ETFs (Part 1: The Top 50 In June 2020)

Compiling a list of the top holdings of Dividend ETFs is insightful. It helps me to identify candidates for further analysis and possible investment.

When I compare my portfolio to the top holdings of Dividend ETFs, I first notice stocks I don't (yet) own. Perhaps I've considered them before and decided not to invest at the time, or perhaps I've never even taken a detailed look. Invariably, I ask the question: if these stocks are so popular, why don't I own them?

The compilation is interesting in another way, too. The top holdings are not distributed evenly among the 11 GICS sectors. For example, the Information Technology sector has 11 representatives in the top 50 holdings, whereas the Materials sector has none. For investors looking to build a diversified portfolio, an uneven distribution is not very helpful. That's why I'll present the top 7 stocks in each GICS sector in Part 2 of this article, regardless of ranking.

In Part 3, I'll showcase high-quality stocks not covered in Part 1 and Part 2 of this article. I consider such stocks to be hidden gems. They may be of interest to contrarian investors who seek investment opportunities outside the prevailing sentiment of the time.

To see the top 50 holdings of dividend ETFs for June 2020, please read this article at Seeking Alpha.

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  1. Thanks Ferdi! I always look forward to the top holdings of ETF analyses you publish <3

    1. Thanks for commenting! Hope you enjoyed this "episode" !


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