DivGro is now DivGro 2.0!

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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Dividend Aristocrats In The Defensive Sectors

The S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats Index is a list of companies in the S&P 500 that have increased their dividends for at least 25 consecutive years. 

Recently, I ranked the 65 Dividend Aristocrats using DVK Quality Snapshots and tie-breaking metrics. This article presents the rankings of 21 Dividend Aristocrats in the defensive sectors: Consumer Staples, Health Care, and Utilities. 

Upcoming articles will present the rankings of 44 additional Dividend Aristocrats in other sectors.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Dividend Changes: September 19-25, 2020

This article series provides a weekly summary of dividend changes.
A summary table provides relevant data and key statistics of dividend increases. We also include a table of ex-dividend dates for the next two weeks and highlight an interesting candidate.

I co-produce this article series with James Marino Sr of Portfolio Insight, who helps with compiling the ex-dividend dates for the next two weeks.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Dividend Changes: September 12-18, 2020

This article series provides a weekly summary of dividend changes.
A summary table provides relevant data and key statistics of dividend increases. We include a table of ex-dividend dates for the next two weeks, and we highlight an interesting candidate.

I co-produce this article series with James Marino Sr of Portfolio Insight, who helps with compiling the ex-dividend dates for the next two weeks.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Expired Options (September 2020)

I had several options that expired on Friday, 18 September. After options expire, I post an article to summarize the expirations and I discuss any actions I took. If relevant, I also present potential replacement trades for expired options.

Earlier last week, one of the in the money put options I'd sold got assigned. While an early exercise is surprising, I'm happy with the outcome. I now own 100 shares of Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated (PEG).

As usual, I'll report on my other options trades in an upcoming article.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

10 Dividend Growth Stocks For September 2020

Welcome to another edition of my monthly series of 10 Dividend Growth Stocks, in which I rank a selection of dividend growth stocks in Dividend Radar and present the 10 top-ranked stocks for consideration. 

To rank stocks, I use DVK Quality Snapshots to obtain quality scores and sort them in descending order, breaking ties with additional metrics. 

This month, I'm presenting investment-grade stocks whose current dividend yield is above the 5-year average dividend yield by at least 5%. Additionally, I limited my search to stocks with dividend increase streaks of at least 10 years, and I screened for stocks with yields of at least 3% and with 5-year dividend growth rates of at least 7%.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Dividend Changes: September 5-11, 2020

This weekly article series covers dividend changes. We provide a summary table with relevant data and key statistics of dividend increases. We also provide a table of ex-dividend dates for the next two weeks and highlight an interesting candidate for your consideration. 

I co-produce this article series with James Marino Sr of Portfolio Insight, who helps with compiling the ex-dividend dates for the next two weeks.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Options Update: August 2020

Welcome to the another Options Update article, a monthly series in which I summarize my options trades and keep track of DivGro's total options income. 

When selling covered calls and put options, I receive options income that I redeploy to buy dividend growth stocks. My options trading activity indirectly boosts DivGro's ability to generate dividend income. 

I had another great month in August. While the options income I collected is a welcome addition to my portfolio, unfortunately, I'm still very far from achieving my 2020 goal of collecting at least $24,000 in options income.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Dividend Changes: August 29-September 4, 2020

This weekly article series covers dividend changes. We provide a summary table with relevant data and key statistics of dividend increases. We also provide a table of ex-dividend dates for the next two weeks and highlight an interesting candidate for your consideration. 

I co-produce this article series with James Marino Sr of Portfolio Insight, who helps with compiling the ex-dividend dates for the next two weeks.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Monthly Review Of DivGro: August 2020

Welcome to the monthly review of DivGro, my portfolio of dividend growth stocks. The goal of these monthly reviews is to share updates I've made to the portfolio and to provide a summary of dividends collected. I also consider the impact on DivGro's projected annual dividend income (PADI).

In August, I opened one new position and added shares to four existing positions. Four DivGro stocks announced dividend increases in August. The net result of these changes is that PADI increased by about 1.9% in August. Year over year, PADI increased by 20.5%.

As for dividend income, in August I received dividends totaling $1,674 from 21 stocks in my portfolio, a year over year increase of 4%. So far in 2020, I've collected $17,565 in dividends or about 65% of my 2020 goal of $27,000.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Dividend Changes: August 22-28, 2020

This article series provides a weekly summary of dividend changes.
A summary table provides relevant data and key statistics of dividend increases.

We include a table of ex-dividend dates for the next two weeks, and we highlight an interesting candidate.

I co-produce this article series with James Marino Sr of Portfolio Insight, who helps with compiling the ex-dividend dates for the next two weeks.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

5 High-Quality Dividend Growth Stocks I Don't Own

Using DVK Quality Snapshots, I assess the quality of dividend growth stocks in Dividend Radar, a weekly auto-generated spreadsheet of stocks with dividend increase streaks of at least five years.

Stocks with quality scores of 23-25 are high-quality stocks and I rate them Excellent (23-24) and Exceptional (25). There are 31 Excellent and 7 Exceptional stocks in Dividend Radar.

I own all but 5 of these high-quality stocks. This article explains why I don't own these stocks and what would need to happen before I would consider opening positions.

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