DivGro is now DivGro 2.0!

DivGro moved to another platform and is now DivGro 2.0!

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Complimentary access includes my monthly newsletter and articles like
 How to Assess Dividend Quality and The Chowder Ruleand a live spreadsheet of my DivGro Portfolio.

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Sunday, January 30, 2022

10 Dividend Growth Stocks For January 2022

I'm a little late with the January edition of my 10 Dividend Growth Stocks series, though earlier this month I did publish an article presenting my top 16 dividend growth stocks for 2022.

For this article, I screened dividend growth stocks in Dividend Radar for discounted Investment Grade stocks with a double-digit 5-year trailing total return. In all, 59 stocks passed these screens. 

I ranked the candidates using quality scores obtained from DVK Quality Snapshots and present the top 10 for further analysis and possible investment.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Upcoming Ex-Dividend Dates: January 27-February 9, 2022

Welcome to another article in our series that provides a summary of upcoming ex-dividend dates of stocks in Dividend Radar

The ex-dividend date of stocks is usually set one business day before the record date, the cut-off date for determining which shareholders will receive the next dividend payment. 

If you buy a stock on its ex-dividend date or after, you will not receive the next dividend payment. Instead, the seller will receive the next dividend. If you buy the stock before the ex-dividend date, you will receive the dividend.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Dividend Increases: January 15-21, 2022

This weekly article series covers dividend changes.

We monitor dividend changes of stocks in Dividend Radar, a weekly automatically generated spreadsheet listing stocks with dividend streaks of five years or more. The Dividend Radar spreadsheet separates stocks into categories three categories: Champions (with increase streaks of 25+ years), Contenders (10-24 years), and Challengers (5-9 years).

In the past week, eleven companies in Dividend Radar decided to increase their dividends. There were no dividend cuts or suspensions announced for Dividend Radar stocks during this period.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

3 Million

Today I'm celebrating a few milestones at DivGro!

I posted my first DivGro article on 10 January 2013. After blogging for 3,295 days, on 17 January 2022, my articles on DivGro have seen more than 3 million page views! 

Since this is article #1,264, I'm averaging an article every 2.61 days or about 11.7 articles every month...

The last time I wrote a Milestones article such as this one was 16 September 2018. That article was number 700 and my page views totaled 1.23 million at an average of about 594 page views per day. 

Now I'm averaging about 911 page views per day. In the past month or so, DivGro averaged about 2,161 page views per day.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Expired Options (January 2022)

I skipped posting articles about my options trading in December, choosing to take a break and reset things in 2022. 

Having failed to achieve my options income goal for 2021, I set a more modest options income goal for 2022, aiming to collect a total of $12,000 in options income by year's end. 

The market is quite volatile, with inflation concerns, upcoming interest rate hikes, and geopolitical tensions cycling as reasons for concern. Selling options can be quite lucrative in a volatile environment, but the accompanying risk should be managed carefully. 

In this article, I'm covering the options that were scheduled to expire on 21 January 2022. 

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Upcoming Ex-Dividend Dates: January 20-February 2, 2022

This article series provides a summary of upcoming ex-dividend dates of stocks in Dividend Radar, an automatically-generated spreadsheet of dividend growth stocks with dividend increase streaks of five years or more. 

The ex-dividend date of stocks is usually set one business day before the record date, the cut-off date for determining which shareholders will receive the next dividend payment. 

If you buy a stock on its ex-dividend date or after, you will not receive the next dividend payment. Instead, the seller will receive the next dividend. If you buy the stock before the ex-dividend date, you will receive the dividend.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

7 Dividend Growth Stocks For January 2022

My monthly 7 Dividend Growth Stocks series present seven high-quality dividend growth stocks for further analysis and possible investment.

I apply different screens every month to narrow down my watch list of more than 700 dividend growth stocks, Dividend Radar. Changing the screens from month to month highlights various aspects of dividend growth [DG] investing. For example, income investors prefer higher-yielding stocks, growth-oriented investors favor higher DG rates, and value investors look for deep discounts.

I screened for discounted stocks yielding at least 3% to compile this month’s candidates. I also required stocks to have Chowder Numbers (C#’s) that indicate some likelihood of delivering annualized returns of 8% or higher.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Dividend Increases: December 25, 2021-January 14, 2022

In this article series, I cover dividend changes announced in the past week or so. 

We monitor dividend announcements for stocks in Dividend Radar, a spreadsheet we update and publish every Friday as a free resource for Dividend Growth Investors. The spreadsheet provides key data of stocks with dividend streaks of five years or more.

In the past few weeks, nine companies in Dividend Radar announced dividend increases, including one of my DivGro holdings. Note there were no dividend cuts or suspensions announced for Dividend Radar stocks during this period.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Upcoming Ex-Dividend Dates: January 13-26, 2021

Welcome to another article in our series that provides a summary of upcoming ex-dividend dates of stocks in Dividend Radar

The ex-dividend date of stocks is usually set one business day before the record date, the cut-off date for determining which shareholders will receive the next dividend payment. 

If you buy a stock on its ex-dividend date or after, you will not receive the next dividend payment. Instead, the seller will receive the next dividend. If you buy the stock before the ex-dividend date, you will receive the dividend.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

DivGro's Best and Worst Performers in 2021

Every January, I write a short review article to announce DivGro's best worst performers of the prior year. 

For this review, I considered only positions I owned throughout 2021. These include dividend growth stocks, dividend-paying stocks, growth stocks, and closed-end funds. 

Of the 83 positions I've owned throughout the year, ten stocks had negative returns for the year. On average, these positions are up 22.11% for the year, though if I use a weighted average instead of an arithmetic average, the return is slightly better at 23.10%! These returns exclude dividends. 

My worst performer was Pinnacle West Capital (PNW), down 11.71% since 1 January 2021. This year's best performer is Alphabet (GOOG), whose stock price increased by 65.17% in 2021!

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Quarterly Review Of DivGro: Q4-2021

Welcome to the Q4-2021 review of DivGro, my portfolio of dividend growth stocks.

This is my 36th quarterly review, which concludes nine years of dividend growth investing and blogging! 

In my quarterly reviews, I summarize dividend income, dividend changes, and transactions executed in the past quarter. Additionally, I  include charts showing various portfolio statistics. The reviews are mostly informational and help me to track progress over time.

My portfolio generated more than $9,950 of dividend income this quarter and I'm projecting dividend income of at least $10,230 per quarter going forward.

Friday, January 7, 2022

Goals for 2022

I like setting challenging but doable goals. Such goals demand extra effort and focus. They require commitment, patience, and constant monitoring. Sometimes, when progress is not sufficient, they require a course correction.

It is not beneficial to set goals that are easily achievable. Such goals are uninspiring and won't deliver a special sense of accomplishment. On the other hand, it doesn't make sense to set goals that are impossible to achieve. 

In this article, I'm presenting my goals for 2022. 

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Monthly Review Of DivGro: December 2021

Every month, I write a review of my portfolio of dividend growth stocks, DivGro. My goal with these reviews is to share updates to my portfolio and to detail the dividends I received during the month. I also consider the impact on DivGro's projected annual dividend income (PADI).

In December, I added shares to one existing position and twelve DivGro stocks announced dividend increases. The net result of these changes is that PADI increased by about 1.4% in December. Year over year, PADI increased by 20.0%.

As for dividend income, in December I received dividends totaling $4,756 from 51 stocks in my portfolio, a year over year increase of 16%. In 2021, I collected $37,716 in dividends or about 109% of my 2021 goal of $34,500.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Upcoming Ex-Dividend Dates: January 6-17, 2022

Welcome to another article in our series that provides a summary of upcoming ex-dividend dates of stocks in Dividend Radar. We write these articles to alert readers of upcoming ex-dates so they could buy shares before the cut-off date. Doing so ensures that you'll get the next dividend payout, just-in-time!

The ex-dividend date of stocks is usually set one business day before the record date, the cut-off date for determining which shareholders will receive the next dividend payment. If you buy a stock on its ex-dividend date or after, you will not receive the next dividend payment. Instead, the seller will receive the next dividend. If you buy the stock before the ex-dividend date, you will receive the dividend.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

My Top 16 Dividend Growth Stock Picks for 2022

This article presents my top 16 dividend growth [DG] stock picks for 2022. Nine of the eleven GICS sectors are represented, so my picks are quite diverse! I don't have any picks in the Consumer Staples and Real Estate sectors, unfortunately.

To find candidates, I applied several screens. The first set of screens is based on selection criteria I identified earlier this year. The criteria consider Stock QualityDividend Safety, Growth OutlookIncome Outlook, and Stock Valuation metrics.  Additionally, I'm interested in stocks with established dividend histories and stocks that have performed well over the past five years. 

Monday, January 3, 2022

My Top 7 Dividend Growth Stock Picks for 2022

As a dividend growth investor, I look to invest in high-quality and safe dividend growth [DG] stocks trading at reasonable valuations. My watchlist is Dividend Radar, an automatically generated spreadsheet listing stocks with dividend increase streaks of five or more years. The latest edition (December 24, 2021) contains 731 DG stocks.

I usually consider five stock selection criteria before buying DG stocks for my DivGro portfolio: The criteria are Stock Quality, Stock Valuation, Growth Outlook, Income Outlook, and Dividend Safety. 

The article briefly describes these criteria and two additional screens I used to pick my top 7 DG stocks for 2022.

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