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Last updated: 27 March 2019

This page contains links to dividend growth investing (DGI) blogs and other blogs focusing on passive income generation and the pursuit of financial independence.

If you have a blog not listed here, please feel free to nominate it for inclusion!

I highly value blogs that include a public portfolio. With public, I mean there is a page dedicated to the portfolio, showing (at least) a list of tickers, the number of shares per ticker, the value of each position, and the total portfolio value. Unfortunately, a list of tickers and percentages does not count.

Public portfolios are linked to with this symbol: 

Honor Roll Blogs

This section contains my favorite DGI blogs. Typically, these blogs have been active for several years and contain high quality or inspirational articles.

    #1.  Passive Income Pursuit • Nov '11
    • JC of Passive Income Pursuit (PIP) writes amazing stock analysis articles, such as this one on PEP. I've learned a lot from his approach to stock valuation. We also share an interest in options trading to boost dividend income. JC visits DivGro regularly and comments frequently. Check out PIP's Learning Center with lots of links to great online tools.  
        #2.  DivHut • Apr '14
        • Keith, the author of DivHut (DH), is an internet entrepreneur that focuses on dividend growth investing and passive income generation. His blog is relatively new, but DH has investment records going back to 2007... so, in fact, he's a veteran dividend growth investor! Check out DH's portfolio – it is very impressive! 
        #3.  The Dividend Guy • Jul '05
        #4.  Dividend Diplomats • May '14
        • Bert and Lanny are the Dividend Diplomats, two dividend growth investors who together blog about investing, frugality, passive income, and financial freedom. Check out their Top 5 Lists! Unsurprisingly, the Dividend Diplomats also publish on Seeking Alpha where they regularly post stock analysis articles and a monthly series on Expected Dividend Increases.
        #5. Dividend Growth Stocks • Apr '11
        #6. Dividend Growth Investor • Jan '08
        • The blog of one of the founding members of The DIV-Net, a prolific writer! With nearly 1,800 blog articles to date, the site provides stock analyses and articles about dividend growth investing, retirement planning, financial independence, and more. The author has hinted at not continuing with the blog beyond 2017, but he's still going strong!
        #7. DennisMcCain • Aug '13
        • A truly beautiful, ad-free blog created by Dennis McCain, who combines dividend growth investing and options to boost income. Dennis and I share other interests, too: photography and hiking. His blog includes several excellent pages, including Best Ideas This Week and Dividend Increases. Also, check out his Article Index page for an archive of all articles.  

        Blogs with Public Portfolios

         Two Investing • Jul '10
         The Dividend Pig • Oct'10
         Freedom Thirty Five Blog • Nov'10
         Monsieur Dividende • Aug'12
         Average Dividend Yield • Oct'12
         1500 Days to Freedom • Jan'13
         DividendVet • Jan'13
         Investing Pursuits • Apr'13
         Dividend Hawk • Aug'13
         Alpha Target • Sep'13
         The Expat Investor • Feb'14
         A Frugal Family's Journey • Mar '14
         Passive Income Mavericks • Mar'14
         Dividend Life • Apr'14
         Dividend Diplomats • May'14
         Young Dividend • May'14
         Dividend Wisp • Jun'14
         Pollies Dividend • Jun'14
         Well Rounded Investor • Aug'14
         Journey to Total Freedom • Dec'14
         A Christian Investor • Jan'15
         Dividends Are Coming • May'15
         Stalflare • May'15
         Race2Retirement • Jun'15
         Dividend Cashflow • Sep'15
         Dividend Portfolio • Nov'15
         Passive Dividend Income • Nov'15
         Dividend Liberty • Dec'15
         Wallet Squirrel • Dec'15
         Dividend Stacker • Jun'16
         Pursuit 2 Freedom • Jul'16
         Mr. Free At 33 • Sep'16
         Dividend Daze • Nov'16
         Buy, Hold Long • Dec'16
         DGI For The DIY • Dec'16
         Othalafehu • Jan'17
         Fiscal Voyage • Mar'17
         Kody's Dividends • Jul'18
         Solid Dividend • Mar'19

        Blogs Lacking Public Portfolios

        Jason Zweig • Aug'04
        Rising Dividend Investing • Dec'04
        BiggerPockets • Apr'05
        The Dividend Girl • Aug'07
        Accumulating Assets • Sep'07
        Dividends4Life • Oct'07
        Dividend Growth Investor • Jan'08
        Hello Suckers • Aug'08
        My Journey To Millions • Aug'08
        The College Investor • Sep'09
        Financial Samurai • Nov'09
        My Own Advisor • Dec'09
        Dividend Monk • Feb'10
        Dividend Earner • May'10
        Dividend Yield – Stock, Capital, Investment • Aug'10
        Dividend Ninja • Sep'10
        Retire by 40 • Oct'10
        Dividend Warrior • Nov'10
        The Outlier Model • Jan'11
        Dividend Mantra • Mar'11
        FI Fighter • Feb'12
        Dividend Geek • Aug'12
        Done by Forty • Sep'12
        Frugal Rules • Sep'12
        Create My Independence • Dec'12
        Dividends in Hand • Dec'12
        Dividend Growth Investing & Retirement • Jan'13
        A Wealth of Common Sense • Feb'13
        Passive Income Farmer • Feb'13
        Roadmap2Retire • Apr'13
        The Conservative Income Investor • May'13
        A Dividend Dream! • Jun'13
        Finance Journey • Jun'13
        The Dividend SWAN • Jul'13
        theFIREstarter • Jul'13
        Dividend Income Stocks • Sep'13
        Retire Before Dad • Sep'13
        Dividend Driven • Jan'14
        Harvesting Dividends • Jan'14
        Million Endeavour • Jan'14
        My Dividend Pipeline • Jan'14
        Happy, Healthy and Wealthy Girl • Apr'14
        Financially Free By Forty • Mar'14
        American Dividend Dream • May'14
        My Road To Wealth And Freedom • May'14
        The Dividend Family Guy • Jun'14
        Dividend Quest • Jul'14
        Tawcan • Jul'14
        Petrusko (Swedish)  Aug'14
        Be Smart Rich • Sep'14
        DividendDreamer • Sep'14
        The Broke Dividend Investor • Nov'14
        Think Save Retire • Nov'14
        Seeking Returns • Dec'14
        our next life • Jan'15
        Dividend Samurai (Japanese) • Apr'15
        Amber Tree Leaves • May'15
        Dividend Meter • Sep'15
        Dividendniche • Sep'15
        Time in the Market • Nov'15
        Dividends Down Under • Dec'15
        Focus on Dividends  Feb'16
        All About The Dividends  Mar'16
        The Compound Investor  Mar'16
        Desidividend  Apr'16
        Screaming Little Man • May'16
        Dividend Cake • Jun'16
        Mr. All Thing Money • Jul'16
        Passive Income Dude • Jul'16
        The Dividend Life • Sep'16
        Financial Freedom is a Journey • Dec'16
        Stockles • Dec'16
        Tread Lightly, Retire Early • Jul'17
        Dividends Diversify • Sep'17
        Fully Franked Finance • Jan'18

        Subscription Blogs

        This section contains blogs with subscription-based or member-only access to some material. A few of these blogs offer trial memberships or limited access to some material.

        Dividend Value Builder
        • Free: Archive of articles.
        • $Fee: Subscribe to receive monthly dividend value builder newsletters, which uses a quantitative approach to evaluating and comparing stocks.
        • Free: Archive of articles.
        • $Fee: Subscribe to receive a monthly newsletter and access to 4 portfolios and online research tools, including dividend safety and growth scores, stock and portfolio analyzers, and a dividend stock screener.
        • Free: Archive of all articles.
        • $Fee: Subscribe to receive monthly newsletter providing systematic rankings of high-quality dividend growth stocks.

        If you have a blog not listed here, please nominate it for inclusion in the comments section below!


        1. That's a very nice and exhausting list. I like that you are marking up those bloggers who are publishing their portfolio. It is an excellent idea. So keep the list up and running as I may refer to it in my future posts. Heck, I really like that idea!

          1. Yes, and it was very exhausting to compile it :-)

            I appreciate bloggers who share their portfolios publicly! I learn a lot by seeing what others do in their portfolios. So, they get extra recognition in my blogroll!

            Thanks for stopping by, Martin!

          2. You keep amazing me a lot with this page. It's almost like: "Who needs a blogroll, just go to FerdiS page and you have it there all!"
            Great resource.

          3. Thanks Martin -- soon, I'll have to spend some time updating the blogroll again... I've been too busy lately to keep it up-to-date.

        2. wow nice list. thanks for the add. I need to look at some of the others. Thanks!!

          1. Thanks, FFdividend -- and you're quite welcome! Take care!

        3. Thanks for adding DivHut to you blogroll. Much appreciated.

          1. You're welcome, DivHut, and, likewise, thanks for adding DivGro to yours! Take care!

          2. By the way I have a portfolio link too if you want to add it.

          3. Fixed -- sorry I missed that! You have a great-looking portfolio!

        4. Hey DivGro,

          I would love to be added to your blogpost as well. Thanks! Awesome graphs and charts. They really add a lot of information and something that I need to continue to work on with my own spreadsheets.


          1. Sure, Scott, I'll add your blog! Please add DivGro to TwoInvesting's blogroll, too. I had a quick look at your blog and I noticed some interesting ideas about spreadsheet magic that would be very useful for DivGro. Check out:


            if you haven't already.

          2. You are now added also.

            Just checked out that post...excellent description on how to use REGEXextract. I never had anyone explain it that well before.

            Also, my portfolio is public as well. You can find it under the Scott tab along the top. Thanks!

          3. Hey Scott, your portfolio is now linked! Take care and visit again soon...

        5. That's a great list DivGro! Thanks for adding Dividend Hawk to your blogroll. Btw. You don't find my portfolio, it should be public!
          Regards DH

          1. Hi DividendHawk -- thanks for the kind words and the heads-up. I've added a link to your portfolio... thanks for sharing it publicly!


        6. Wow there's a lot of blogs out there that I don't know about. Thanks for sharing and special thanks for adding me to the list!


          1. Hi CD -- yes, I was surprised when I started gathering the links. At some point, I had to call it -- I'm sure there are many more out there...

            Take care!

        7. thanks for the add buddy, added u as well

        8. Hi FerdiS,

          Thanks for adding me into your blogroll. Hopefully I'll be in the "at least a year old" blog list. I'm very curious on some of your stock selection criterias, I will ask you in due time. Hope you will share your insight.


          1. You're welcome, David! Stick around and continue to share your ideas and experiences! That's how we all learn... Please feel free to ask about anything you notice or question in my blog. I'll try my best to answer!


        9. H FerdiS,

          Thanks for adding my site to your list, I feel honored! I'm adding you to my blogroll too.

          Best wishes,

          1. You're welcome, DL! And thanks for returning the favor!

            Take care!

        10. Thank you for adding me to your blogroll! I do eventually plan on adding my portfolio, I just need extra time to work on pages while still getting posts out. Hasn't happened yet :).

          1. You're welcome, Kipp! Let me know when you do and I'll add a link to you're portfolio! Thanks for making contact...

            Take care!

          2. Added a link to to your portfolio, Kipp!

            I don't know why it shows up as loading. I've seen it periodically, but lately things have been more smooth. Are you using the latest Google Sheets?

          3. I will have to check... I would have thought Google Sheets would update automatically being all online, but maybe not?

          4. I may depend on when you created the spreadsheet for the first time. I think new sheets use the latest version.

        11. Thanks for the add DivGro...appreciate your support.

        12. Thanks for including me in the blogroll. Great portfolio and great site by the way. There is lot of information including graphs and price histories... nicely maintained.

          1. Hi Dividend Growth Journey -- thanks for your kind words and I'm glad to include your blog!


        13. Oh hey DivGro, I just thought of a dividend investor blog not on your list! Surprising, isn't it?
          Living at Home:

          1. Thanks Kipp, for nominating Living at Home. I'm sure there are many more DGI blogs that I don't have in my blogroll. I'm adding it now...

        14. Thanks for adding me to the list. I like the public portfolio addition as well. This is a great list of some great blogs. I know I can't always keep track of them all.

          1. You're welcome, PIP -- Yes, it is hard to keep track of all the DGI blogs, especially the newer ones that have popped up. New blogs can become great blogs quickly; that's why I wanted to add some of the newer blogs to my blogroll...

        15. I would be honored to be added to your list. My website is named "Dividends, Derivatives and a Camera." You can find my articles at http://dennismccain.weebly.com and I am currently part of the DIV-Net, SeekingAlpha, and you can occasionally find me in the headlines sections of Yahoo! Finance. Thanks for your consideration.

          Dennis McCain

          1. Hi Dennis!

            Thanks for stopping by... Of course I'll add your website -- had a quick look at it and we have at least 4 mutual interests: apart from the things listed in your website name, I also love hiking!

            Take care

        16. Thanks for including me. I appreciate the link.

        17. Hi Divgro,
          Nice list. I publish my portfolio too. I've been blogging and using dividend growth investing as my main strategy in order to reach early retirement.
          Keep going!

          1. Oups I meant I've been blogging since sept 2013 and using dividend growth investing as my main strategy since november 2013. I'm about to reach my first 1000$ in forward dividend income. This strategy is cool and efficient.

            Have a nice day

          2. Hi Allan -- Thanks for introducing yourself and your blog. Congratulations on reaching the $1,000 mark! I've added your blog to my blogroll. Looks like you've been an active blogger since April 2014, so you have a while to go before earning an entry in the special section :-). Keep up the good work and visit often!


          3. Thanks for the add. It's much appreciated! :)

          4. Of course! You're welcome...

        18. Divgro,

          Thank you for including us on your blogroll. We recently moved websites and our new web address is www.dividenddiplomats.com! Would you mind updating your link when you get a chance?

          ~The Dividend Diplomats

          1. Done! Thanks for letting me know about the change!

        19. Hi DivGro,

          Great list! Would love to be added if possible. Thanks

        20. Awesome list (especially that my blog is the first one on the list! hahaha!). Seriously, It's interesting to see how the dividend blogger community has grown over the past few years! cheers,


          1. You've been at it longest, as far as I can tell :-)

            Thanks for commenting and being part of this interesting world of dividend blogging!

        21. DivGro,
          I am discovering your blog and lovin' it (certainly more than McDonald's :-))
          Can you consider adding my blog to the list?
          Long term-investing.com.
          I have a public portfolio.

        22. Longterm-investing.com (go to hell spell check ! Haha)

          1. Thanks for stopping by, Long Term Investing and, of course, I'll add your blog to the list! Keep up the good work!

        23. Thanks FerdiS.
          Your blog is on my list as well.
          I really appreciate your content and posts...
          All the best to you.

          1. Thanks for adding DivGro to your blogroll -- Cheers!

        24. Hey DivGro - Any chance I can get added to your blogroll?

        25. Hi from Spain,

          Congratulations for your blog i read it al weeks.
          Can you put my blog in your list?
          is also about dividends but in spanish. The name is Dividend and Trading and if you wanna learn spanish and know about spanish shares is a good site to see.
          this is the link: http://dividendosytrading.blogspot.com.es

        26. There are a few blogs I follow daily and your is one of those. Thanks for your work. This quote above from the Dividend Guy---"It's interesting to see how the dividend blogger community has grown over the past few years!" is certainly true, but many on this blogroll stopped posting a while ago and should be removed so the community is not as large as it seems.

          I don't want to appear to be telling you how to run your blog, but I am interested in new thoughts and look to blogrolls for that. If many of the linked blogs are out-of-date, or not running it is frustrating.

          I skimmed most last night and I would say almost half of the second tier blogs have not posted in 2-3 months and about 15-20% of the first tier blogs are not functioning. Those should be eliminated in my opinion. If a blogger is not posting at least weekly, especially on this subject, they are not worth following. Certainly if they have not posted in a month they should be delisted.

          1. Point well taken, and I don't see your comment as telling me how to run my blog. I'll try to work on this soon. Perhaps a third tier of links identified as "stale" or "stalled"...

        27. Thanks for compiling the list. I was able to add tons of new feeds to my RSS reader

          1. You're most welcome, HackYourFinances! Good luck and happy investing...

        28. Hi DivGro,

          I would be honoured if you could include me in your blog! I have already included yours :-)

          1. I visited your blog and did not notice DivGro on your blogroll. Of course, the quid pro quo is not a requirement for listing a blog on my site. I've added yours.

            Welcome to the DGI community! Best of luck in your journey to financial independence.

          2. Hi

            Thank you for adding me. Unfortunatly I have had some issues with caching of my webiste, så the updated list didn't apear. You have been added as promised :-)

            Best Regards
            Dividend Freedom

        29. Dear DivGro!
          Thank you for sharing your portfolio. Gives a very practical insight into your real investment philosophy.
          Best regards

          1. Thanks EternalYield -- I had a quick look at your site. Looks great; hope you keep up with blogging!

            Take care

        30. Hey FerdiS,

          Nice blogroll here... Quite a list! I just added you to mine! ;)


          1. Thanks, Adam -- and I've added yours to mine. Take care!

        31. Hi I like your Blog. I have one not sure I fit in. called Dividendoptiongogo.com .. 1 question What determines which stocks are included in your new purchases. If there I missed it. Thanks Gerry I am very new to the Blog world.

          1. Hi Gerry -- I added your blog even though my focus is more on dividend growth investing than options trading. Best of luck!

        32. Hello DivGro

          Can you add me also to your blogroll?

          Thanks in advance.

          Sharon - Divorvcedff

          1. Added -- best of luck with your journey to financial freedom.

            Take care

        33. I'd like to nominate a new blog, Dividend Meter: http://www.DividendMeter.com . I'm documenting a real-life portfolio of dividend growth stocks and provide a step-by-step tutorial for creating a dividend tracking spreadsheet in Google Sheets.

          1. Added -- great tutorial that I'm sure will be very useful for dividend growth investors wanting to track their portfolios! I like the meter and might just use it to visualize my goals progress for 2016!

            Take care!

        34. Hey DivGro!
          Me and my brother are a new dividend growth website and it might be cool to follow us from the very beginnings. (we're 18 years old)
          Can you add us to your blogroll?

          1. Added -- you're in the best possible position to make this endeavor a fantastic success! It all depends if you will stick with it. Oh, how I wish I could have started at 18!


        35. I´d like to nominate one of the spanish reference blogs for dividends in Spain. www.dondividendo.com

          1. Thanks for nominating! I've added the blog in the Active Blogs section.


        36. Please include my new blog, DividendsBuildWealth.com. Thank you and Happy New Year!

          1. Done! Thanks for nominating your blog for inclusion in my blogroll!

            Take care,

        37. Hi!

          Could you add my new started economy blog to your blogroll please?


          Have a nice day!


          1. Hi LIMG -- I've added your blog! Best of luck with your dividend investment journey!

        38. Yo DivGro!
          Thanks for including Dividend Quest on your blog roll! I've added DivGro to my site's blog roll page. Keep on investing and growing that snowball!
          - John

          1. Hi John -- thanks for adding me to your blog roll page. This is a great community and I love seeing what others are doing. You learn a lot that way!


        39. Hi DivGro!

          Been following your blog for a while, also the articles you post on SeekingAlpha. We've had some interactions on there as well, where I post as "JayWright" and the "Blue Devil" of Duke University is my avatar.

          Would greatly appreciate it if my blog could be included here! We would fall under the new list, as my wife and I have been at it for less than a year!

          Look forward to hearing back from you!

          1. Thanks for the interactions -- I remember your comments as JayWright on SeekingAlpha.

            I've added your blog to the blog roll. Happy investing!

          2. Thank you so much! I wish you much success ahead and I'll be checking in for new articles.

        40. Hi DivGro,

          I'm new to your blog. I found it after reading your interview at investment hunting. Great interview by the way.

          This is an incredible blog roll.

          1. Thanks so much for visiting, Data Lore, and for your nice comment about the interview.

            I see you just started investing.. I hope you find my blog useful as a learning tool -- I've read a lot of blogs to learn about dividend growth investing! All the best!

        41. Hey Divgro, I have a new blog for consideration at dividendten.com - Hope to stay in touch. Thanks so much for sharing, Greg

          1. Thanks for visiting, Greg -- I've added your site.

        42. Hey there FerdiS, I hope you are well.

          Take this for what it is worth---You already know I do not have a blog, and you already know I consider your blog the best DGI source (outside SA) that is available. This is also the best blogroll I have ever seen, and I use it a lot to hunt down new ideas.

          That said, I offer my humble opinions for improvement as I have done in the past.

          Suggestion - Group blogs by portfolio value rather than age (started blogging). The reason I say this is because I notice as my DGI portfolio grows, my interests, criteria, and perspective changes. I am sure that might happen to all of us. I don't necessarily care when the blog was established, I care what the blogger is dealing with at the present.

          My portfolio is now $170K, so naturally I am interested in bloggers who have been at it for a while and are at the same or HIGHER value than me (like you, PIP, AAI, DivHut). Those are my Go-to blogs.

          This would also give the up-and-coming (new) blogs a chance to ascend the ranks as they invest. I have found a few "new blogs" but they have large portfolios. For these types, I value their investing age rather than their blog creation age.

          I also think anyone showing a "portfolio" but does not show a market value of that portfolio should not get your # sign for displaying a portfolio. We can’t be expected to add the market value of 30-90 stocks to get the value of the portfolio. Make them show totals. I am not talking about return or cost basis v. value, I understand we seek increasing income not capital gain, but they should show the total value. That way we can determine if they might be aligned with our own story.

          Dividend Mantra needs to be laid to rest. The last post there was "foods of the presidential candidates". Come on, that site is dead, as are a few others. Why keep them on the list?

          In my mind, if you are not posting regularly on this topic you are not relevant. The market is fluid. Dormant blogs may have some good information, that is true, but any information would need to be revalidated as to today’s conditions. I just don’t see keeping dormant blogs on the list. There are too many new blogs that can take their place.

          Anyway, I have said my piece. I think this is the best DGI blog there is. All new bloggers should check in with FerdiS, but I would like a clean-up of the blogroll. Peace!

          1. Mike A -- Good to hear from you again!

            Thanks for your suggestions. As they say, I'll take them "under advisement" :-)

            1. I don't thing grouping by something that's dynamic (like portfolio value) is practical. Changes not under my control will quickly outdate the grouping and make it less than useful. And, certainly, I don't want to spend more than the one day a quarter-or-so to freshened up the blogroll. I'd rather spend time writing good investment articles.

            2. I like your idea of not having # link to portfolio's without values and totals. Next time I refresh the blogroll, I'll implement this idea.

            3. I don't want to play the judgement game as far as blogs like Dividend Mantra is concerned. I think there is still very useful information in the archives of that blog that new bloggers may find useful. You will note, though, that Dividend Mantra no longer appears in my top 10 list.

            4. Some bloggers take time off, then return and become active again. The reason I have the dormant section is precisely because even dormant blogs may contain good and (even timeless) information.

            While my blogroll may be comprehensive, I can't afford spending too much time maintaining it. My update frequency is quarterly for a comprehensive pass, and as-and-when bloggers ask to be added.

            Thanks again for your challenging suggestions and your continued support!

        43. You da man. I didn't really think about the practical side of updating the values and I understand about the maintenance time. Thanks for hearing me out. Great site, my favorite.

          1. Appreciate your inputs, Mike A! And thanks for the kind words.

        44. Hey FerdiS--It would be good if you could put these sites in the dormant area. Its hard to wade thru everything as it is, but these site are not posting. I checked your blogroll tonight looking for new ideas and just kept a list.

          Dormant Blogs

          Rising Dividend Investing • Dec'04
          ¶ Dividend Freedom • Dec'04
          Save Invest Give • Jan'07
          Project $3 Million • Dec'11
          ¶ Rising Returns • Oct'12
          ¶ Wallet Engineers • Jun'13
          ¶ Financial Freedom • Aug'13
          ¶ Total Return Investor • Aug'13
          ¶ Dividend Mom • Sep'13
          ¶ Dear Dividend... • May'14
          ¶ Dividend Gravy • Jul'14
          ¶ Frugality to Financial Freedom • Oct'14
          ¶ Whimsical Dividends • Jul'15
          ¶ Affinity4Investing.com • Jul'15

          1. OK, Mike A -- I cleaned up the blogroll and did some renovations. Only portfolios with values are linked now! Thanks for that sug!

        45. Very nice and much more manageable!

        46. This comment has been removed by the author.

        47. Hi.

          I write at http://comparic.com. Our goal is to help other investors so they can learn more about money and investing.

          We have section with recommended financial sites where we placed link
          to https://divgro.blogspot.com. You can find it here:

          If you find comparic.com interesting, maybe you can add it to the
          blogroll on your site? If you can that would be great :)

          Kind regards,

          1. Hi Simon -- I added comparic to a new section called Financial Blogs. Thanks for hosting a link to DivGro at comparic!

        48. Hi DivGro,

          I just found your site. Great list of blogs. I would like to add mine to the list: http://www.dividendportfolio.com

          Regardless, I'm sure I'll be checking out your blog on a regular basis.

          Great list.

          1. Sorry for the delay, Data Lore -- but I've now added your site to my blogroll. Congratulations on your blog and keep at it... take's some discipline but you'll find that it is well worth your efforts!

        49. Hey Ferdi,

          Was just checking out your site and came across your blog roll. You have quite a collection here, I had no idea there were so many blogs out there covering dividend growth investing. Someone could spend days here going through such a list!

          I'd be honored if you would consider adding mine to the group. My site went live in December of 2016 and is slowly getting built up with content. DGIfortheDIY.com is the site, and you can find my portfolio at http://dgiforthediy.com/my-portfolio/ if you would like that info.

          Thanks for consideration, and congrats on your excellent site here. You've been putting out some great content on Seeking Alpha as well!



          1. Hi, Eric -- sorry for the delay, but I've now added your site to my blogroll. I've seen some of your work on Seeking Alpha -- keep up the great work and please stop by again.


          2. Thanks Ferdi, appreciate it!


        50. My personal net worth blog has been up and running since 01/17, now at


          1. Added 5/12/17 -- thanks for visiting and all the best with your blog! If you keep at it for one year please check back and I'll promote you into the "Steady" or "Active" sections.

        51. Hi Ferdi,

          Please add my blog to your page as well. Here is the link: http://fiscalvoyage.com Thanks Ferdi!!

          1. Added 5/12/17 -- thanks for visiting and all the best with your blog! If you keep at it for one year please check back and I'll promote you into the "Steady" or "Active" sections.

        52. Thanks for including me, I shall endevor to be worthy. - OthalaFehu

        53. DivGro! Been a long time follower of your journey and would love some inclusion on this list! I probably fit in the "under 50 articles a year" category, I don't usually find myself getting around to writing much more than that.

          Awesome start to the year for you!

        54. Hey Divgro,

          Hope everything is going well. Seems to me that people enjoyed the guest post that I wrote. Would love to be added to your blogroll!

        55. Hi FerdiS,
          Would you mind adding Dividends Diversify to your blog roll. If you have a chance, check out the good reads page at Dividends Diversify. I included your blog and a few kind words. Thanks, Tom

          1. I'll be updating my blog roll soon, Tom -- thanks for alerting me to Dividends Diversify! And thanks for adding me to your's!

        56. Hi DivGro,

          I've been following you on and off for over a year now, and I finally decided to start a blog!

          When you get a chance it's www.collectingdividends.com

          It's a work in progress, but any feedback/suggestions would be appreciated!


          1. Hi, Collecting Dividends -- I'll be updating my blog roll soon and adding Collecting Dividends to it. Thanks for alerting me to you blog, and all the best with your investment/blogging journey!

        57. Hey there,

          I was poking around your site, reading your great content, and I saw you have an awesome resources page here.

          I actually have a blog on this exact topics. Check it out, lots of great stuff: https://investegies.co.

          What do you think about adding me to your list?
          (It will make my decade!)

          Talk soon!


          1. Thanks for your e-mail ... as you can see, my blog roll has been neglected for a while. I hope to revisit it again soon. Thanks for alerting me to your blog!

            Please add DivGro to your blog, too!

        58. Hey I just found your site, but definitely going to start following it! Awesome progress on your dividends. I can't wait to get there some day!

          I just started my own site to track my progress as well. I was wondering if you could add it to your blog roll?

          Check it out and let me know what you think!

          1. Congrats on starting your own blog! Keep it up and you'll be happy you did! Thanks for your e-mail! I hope to update my blog roll again soon. Thanks for alerting me to your blog!

            Please add DivGro to your blog, too!

        59. Great re-org of the blogroll FerdiS. It is funny, I was on last night culling thru the blogroll and came back today to finish and saw the new re-org. Looks like you cut away a lot of the dead wood which is great.

          1. Thanks -- still lots to do, but at least there's an improvement!

          2. Really like the divide of potfolilo v. non portfolio as its easier to go where you want. I don't even bother with those not posting a portfolio. Mike A

        60. Hey DivGro,

          I would love to be added to your blogpost as well. Thanks! I like you progress. Very organized blogroll. I have my site up for more then 4 months. Iam not so good with computers and I have a little daughter to take care. But I do my best.

          Greetings from Sweden.

          Here is my site https://swedendivin.se I will ofcourse add your site to my blogroll.

          1. Thanks, I really need to spend some time updating my blogroll. I hope to do so soon!

        61. Hi FerdiS. I love your 2017 Dividend Article on SA which eventually led me here. Would be alright if I include my blog into your blogroll as well? You can vet it first as you see fit but it would fall into the "less than 50" per year category.

          1. You would need to include a link to your blog if you want me to add it to my blogroll...

        62. Hi FerdiS,

          Could you please include https://valuestockguide.com to your "Subscription Blogs" or "Financial Blogs" category? Value Stock Guide is a subscription service for the portfolio but the articles are free. I have been publishing since 2009 and serving the value investing community.

          I have included you in my dividend investing blogroll at https://valuestockguide.com/recommended-dividend-investing-sites/

          Shailesh Kumar
          Value Stock Guide

          1. Thanks for adding DivGro! I'm hoping to update my Blogroll soon, and will add you to the relevant section then!


          2. Thank you FerdiS! Looking forward to it

        63. Hi FerdiS,

          If you don't mind, please include https://www.soliddividend.com/ to your blogroll. I write stock analysis and share my portfolio and performance. Everything is free. It's a fairly new blog, with much in the works toward the future, just like my portfolio.

          In fact, a blogroll is something I'd really like to include in my site; hopefully, I'll have the time to do that soon.

          Thanks and regards,

          1. Done -- welcome to the dividend investment world!

            Stick around and you won't be sorry you did! All the best on your journey...

          2. Thank you! I'm not sorry at all that I stumbled upon your site. Your portfolio is a beacon of inspiration; totally awesome.

        64. Hey FerdiS, thanks for including me on the list!

          Amazing hub of resources you have here, and love the detail you show with your portfolio charts and spreadsheet. Glad to have found you here!

          Cheers, Frankie

        65. Hi FerdiS,

          Would really appreciate if you could include http://digitalyse.io/ to your blogroll as well. I cover mainly alternative investments and personal finance.

          I love analyzing and researching investments that generate cash flow as there are two ways of building equity.

          Anyhow, I just landed on your website and I'll be sticking around regardless! Just signed up to follow by email. Chat again soon.


          1. Hi, Wayne -- I'll add your site to my blogroll soon!

            Thanks for reaching out.

        66. Hi, i really love your blog. I started mine about dividends of spanish market and in the future will add info about the US market aswell. I would like to add my blog in your blogroll if it is possible.

          It’s called dividendos and the url is https://www.dividendos.info

          Regards and greetings from Spain ����

        67. Hey DivGro! Would love to be included on the Blogroll. We are a Canadian financial website that focuses on a little bit of everything. Income, growth, value. We've got a couple very popular dividend articles including 35 of the top income stocks, list of dividend aristocrats etc.

          Unfortunately we don't have a blogroll so can't return the favor. However, we do send a Sunday shout out to our newsletter list (over 7000 subscribers) and I'd be happy to include a post you'd like some exposure to!

          You can visit us at www.stocktrades.ca

        68. Please consider adding me to your blogroll. See my blog at: https://proverbs27flocks.com/
          I won't be putting number of shares or total values on my holdings, as I don't want that information to be public. Let's just say our portfolio is seven figures. You can see a list and the related sectors and notes at this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qz6msgh8j5nfhr7/Proverbs27Flocks-Blog-Holdings-2019-12-23.pdf?dl=0

          You can also get to this link from my blog in "Wayne's Holdings" under Favorite Links.

        69. Great blog and amazing dividend income at end of 2019. Would you be please able to add a fellow dividend blogger to your blogroll as well ?

        70. Looks like you haven't updated this in a while, but I would be honored to be considered on your blogroll. I write mostly about strategy but I do write some theses for stock picks based on long term trends. My blog is located at https://wantfi.com/


        Please don't include links in comments. I will mark such comments as spam and the comment won't be published. To make me aware of your blog or website, comment on my Blogrole page instead.

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