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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Results of My Guest Posts Survey

Earlier this month I asked readers to express their thoughts on whether DivGro should publish guest posts.

I posed questions like Would adding guest posts be helpful? and Would other dividend growth (DG) bloggers want to write guest posts for DivGro?

Today's post answers these questions and provides a summary of the survey results.

Most respondents support the idea of allowing guest posts and believe it would be a helpful addition to DivGro. However, some readers expressed concerns about possible format and content changes. While guest posts would provide good exposure to other DG bloggers and their approaches to investing, readers want substance and not merely advertisements for other blogs.

I received 40 responses to the survey. Here are the results:

1. Do you think DivGro should host guest post?

Most respondents (67.5%) support guest posts, while 15% seem to support guest posts provisionally.

2. If DivGro hosts guest posts, which of the following topics would interest you?
  • Dividend growth investing
  • Financial independence and frugal living
  • Using options to boost dividend income

Respondents prefer the topic of dividend growth investing by a margin of two-to-one.

3. If DivGro hosts guest posts, how frequently should they be posted?

Most respondents favor guess posts at a frequency of about once a month, but certainly no more than twice a month.


Based on the survey results, I've decided to host guest posts at DivGro. Several respondents indicated that they would be interested in writing guest posts, so I'll be contacting them in due course.

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts in the survey and in comments. I really appreciate the opportunity to interact with readers, and please feel free to share additional thoughts below. 

The survey is now closed.

If you are interested in writing for DivGro, please enter you Website's URL in a comment below this post, or send me an e-mail using DivGro's Contact page.


  1. FerdiS,

    Here is my site:


    I would be happy to connect with you if you think I might be a suitable candidate re: guests posts.



    1. Thanks, Charles -- I'll take a look and get in touch with you in due time.

  2. Hey Ferdis,

    Let me know when you think I could help your audience with a guest post on options.


    1. Absolutely, Amber Tree! It will take a little time to get everything in place, but I'll get in touch with you in due time.


Please don't include links in comments. I will mark such comments as spam and the comment won't be published. To make me aware of your blog or website, comment on my Blogrole page instead.

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