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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Quarterly Review, Q3-2013

The third quarter of DivGro has ended and its time again to look at the portfolio's performance.

In Q3, I contributed $3,000 in capital funds to DivGro. Dividend income for the quarter was $385.89, up from $235.34 received in Q2. This is the second consecutive quarterly increase in dividend income.

I purchased shares in five new dividend growth stocks, adding $617.38 to DivGro's projected annual dividend income, which now totals $1,766.19.

On September 30, the market value of DivGro was $46,020.17. This represents a simple profit of 9.57% and an annualized personal rate of return (PRR) of 21.06%.

Jul 1, 2013
DOW: 15,053.59S&P 500: 1,623.2810-YR BOND: 2.48%
Sep 30, 2013
DOW: 15,129.67S&P 500: 1,681.5510-YR BOND: 2.62%

In the quarter ending September 2013, the Dow Jones Industrial Average increased 0.51% and the S&P 500 increased 3.59%. In comparison, DivGro's value increased by 11.92% (when measured by PRR for the third quarter).

Here is a spreadsheet summarizing DivGro's performance for Q3-2013:
Dividend Adjustments:
  • NTT pays semi-annual dividends. The company decreased its first semi-annual dividend (payable in March) from 43.94¢ to 40.93¢ per share. Effectively, the decrease is from 92.47¢ to 89.46¢ per share, or -3.26%. The decrease reduces DivGro's projected annual dividend income by $3.11. Yield on Cost for NTT is now 3.99%.
  • COP increased its quarterly dividend from 66¢ to 69¢ per share, or 4.54%. This increase adds $4.56 to DivGro's projected annual dividend income. Yield on Cost for COP is now 4.26%.
  • TGH increased its quarterly dividend from 46¢ to 47¢, adding $3.00 to DivGro's projected annual dividend income. Yield on cost for TGH is now 5.53%.
  • BBL pays semi-annual dividends. The company increased its second semi-annual dividend (payable in September) from $1.14 to $1.18 per share. The new annual dividend of $2.32 represents a yield on cost for BBL of 3.97%. The increase adds $1.72 to DivGro's projected annual dividend income.
  • CHL pays semi-annual dividends. It recently increased its second semi-annual dividend (payable in September) from 94.74¢ to 98.4¢ per share. The new annual dividend is $2.02. The increase adds $1.72 to DivGro's projected annual dividend income. Yield on cost for CHL is now 3.78%.
Dividends Received:
  • 2013-07-03: Cash Dividend Receipt NTT:  $45.02
  • 2013-08-01: Return of Capital ETP:  $89.38
  • 2013-08-09: Cash Dividend Receipt GD:  $19.60
  • 2013-08-27: Cash Dividend Receipt TGH:  $35.25
  • 2013-08-30: Cash Dividend Receipt PRE:  $17.28
  • 2013-09-03: Cash Dividend Receipt AFL:  $17.50
  • 2013-09-03: Cash Dividend Receipt COP:  $26.22
  • 2013-09-03: Cash Dividend Receipt INTC:  $27.00
  • 2013-09-10: Cash Dividend Receipt CVX:  $25.00
  • 2013-09-12: Cash Dividend Receipt MSFT:  $18.40
  • 2013-09-25: Cash Dividend Receipt BBL:  $50.74
  • 2013-09-30: Cash Dividend Receipt TRV:  $14.50
  • Total for Q3 of 2013: $385.89 (up from $235.34 for Q2 of 2013)
  • Total year-to-date: $760.11
Outlook For Q4-2013: As this post is my 52nd since January, I've reached one of my goals for 2013, namely to average one blog post per week. My only remaining goal is to exceed the performance of the S&P 500 in total returns. As of Sep 30, 2013, the S&P 500 is up 14.98% year-to-date. In comparison, DivGro's annualized PRR is 21.06%. So far, so good! I'm looking forward to reporting on DivGro's fourth quarter results and, hopefully, that I've outperformed the S&P 500...

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