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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

10 Dividend Growth Stocks for January 2015

Includes: AVA • BBL • CAT • DOV • DOW • HP • IBM • JNJ • MO • PM • STWD • T • TAL • TGH • TUP 

David Fish's CCC list is a wonderful resource for dividend growth investors. The list is updated every month and contains all U.S.-listed stocks that have raised their dividends for at least five consecutive years. I use a series of filters, presented in a previous article in this series, to reduce the CCC list to a more manageable number of candidates. Out of 611 stocks in the latest list (12/31/14), 49 stocks made the cut.

I ranked these stocks using a proprietary ranking system and assigned a star-rating to each stock (out of a maximum of 7 stars).

To see the top ten stocks and the ten sector winners, please read this article at Seeking Alpha


  1. Hi, DivGro.
    Nice article. I really like HP & DOV at the current levels. I'm going to do a little more due diligence and keep my eyes open for an opportunity to pounce. The free fall in oil prices is a little concerning. I'm hoping that the bottom is near. Take care.

    Goosemann Jones
    Flight to Dividends Blog

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Goosemann! I agree, I like both those. Of course, I already own HP at a higher entry point. I'm still considering whether to add shares and cut my overall cost basis, or to invest in something else and wait for the crude oil price to bottom out. Good luck and keep in touch!

  2. I use the list on a regular basis, both for US and Canadian stocks. The information on the Excel sheets are so valuable. So glad someone's spending the time to generate these useful data.

    1. I agree! I don't know what I would do without the CCC list and the regular updates.


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