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Thursday, March 3, 2016

Monthly Review: February 2016

In February, I continued to transfer holdings from my Scottrade account to DivGro. Except for a couple of closed-end funds (CEFs), the transfer process is almost complete. In the process, I've added some solid dividend paying stocks, increasing DivGro's projected annual dividend income (PADI) to boot.

I'm also planning to transfer stocks from a couple of IRA accounts in a similar fashion. As with my Scottrade transfers, I'm not actually moving the holdings from one account to the other. (I'm not allowed to do that with IRA holdings anyway!). Instead, I'll just be managing these accounts using my DivGro investment strategies.

In this post, I'd like to review DivGro's performance in the month of February 2016. As always, I'm updating DivGro's Performance page at the same time.

February Highlights

Due to a rather significant transfer from my Scottrade account, February turned out to be another record-setting dividend income month! I recorded $2,242 of dividend income, of which $1,772 is from transferred dividends and $470 is from dividends collected in February.

Here is DivGro's projected monthly dividend income (red line) plotted against monthly dividends:

The graph looks very exciting, but most of the recent spike is due to transfer of past dividends to DivGro. Comparing dividend income by month is another way to see progress:

This month, I transferred one stock and one closed-end fund from my Scottrade account to DivGro. These are Main Street Capital Corporation (MAIN) and Nuveen Premium Income Municipal Fund 2, Inc (NPM). Additionally, I added shares to 3 holdings, The Walt Disney Company (DIS), Cummins Inc (CMI), and HCP, Inc (HCP).

  • Purchases
  • Transfers
  • Sales
  • Dividends
    • 2016-02-01: Cash Dividend Received TD: $147.00
    • 2016-02-01: Cash Dividend Received DE: $18.00
    • 2016-02-01: Cash Dividend Received T: $102.00
    • 2016-02-05: Cash Dividend Received TXN: $22.80
    • 2016-02-05: Cash Dividend Received GD: $24.15
    • 2016-02-11: Cash Dividend Received AAPL: $22.88
    • 2016-02-16: Cash Dividend Received ABBV: $20.52
    • 2016-02-16: Cash Dividend Received PG: $21.21
    • 2016-02-16: Cash Dividend Received OHI: $4.20
    • 2016-02-16: Cash Dividend Received STAG: $16.22
    • 2016-02-16: Cash Dividend Received O: $19.85
    • 2016-02-17: Cash Dividend Received MAIN: $41.40
    • 2016-02-22: Cash Dividend Received CAT: $46.20
    • 2016-02-23: Cash Dividend Received HCP: $95.67
  • Past Dividends
    • 2016-02-01: Transfer Past Dividends MAIN: $1,746.45
    • 2016-02-03: Transfer Past Dividends NPM: $25.20
  • Deposits
    • 2016-02-08: Passive Income Cash Deposit: $115.25
    • 2016-02-22: Passive Income Cash Deposit: $284.97
    • 2016-02-29: March Cash Deposit: $2,000.00
  • Past Deposits
    • 2016-02-01: Transfer Past Cash Deposit: $4,994.23
    • 2016-02-03: Transfer Past Cash Deposit: $4,975.64

Changes in Projected Annual Dividend Income (PADI):
  • From Purchases
    • The purchase of 27 DIS shares added $38.34
    • The purchase of 90 HCP shares added $207.00
    • The purchase of 25 CMI shares added $97.50
  • From Sales
    • The sale of 85 COP shares removed $251.60
  • From Transfers
    • The transfer of 230 MAIN shares added $496.80
    • The transfer of 70 DPS shares added $302.40
  • From Increases
    • TD's dividend increase added $7.61
    • MDP's dividend increase added $8.25
    • ES's dividend increase added $6.60
    • AVA's dividend increase added $3.75
    • RAI's dividend increase added $20.40
    • DPS's dividend increase added $14.00
    • KMB's dividend increase added $4.48
    • MIC's dividend increase added $2.40
    • STAG's dividend increase added $0.05
    • KO's dividend increase added $5.20
    • TROW's dividend increase added $2.40
    • DLR's dividend increase added $5.76
    • WMT's dividend increase added $1.36
  • PADI increased by $1,116.02 to $8,651.11

Dividend Summary:
  • Dividend income last month: $1,095.27
  • Dividend income this month: $2,241.51
  • Total dividend income year-to-date: $3,336.78
  • Total dividend income all-time: $16,538.31


Jan 31, 2016
DOW: 16,466.30S&P 500: 1,940.2410-YR BOND: 1.93%
Feb 29, 2016
DOW: 16,516.50S&P 500: 1,932.2310-YR BOND: 1.74%

In February, the Dow dropped 0.30% and the S&P 500 dropped 0.41%.

Portfolio: Here is a snapshot of DivGro's state on 29 February 2016.

Goals Report

I've set some challenging goals for 2016:
  1. PADI: Increase projected annual dividend income to $12,000.
  2. Dividends: Earn $10,800 in dividend income.
  3. Posts: Post 120 articles on my DivGro blog.
  4. Seeking: Write 52 premium articles for Seeking Alpha.
  5. DivNet: Write 8 articles for The DivNet.
The last gauge is a reference – it indicates where the other gauges should be after 60 out of 366 days. I'm a little behind on PADI and Dividends, and I have yet to write an article for The DivNet.

February Posts

I wrote a total of 13 articles in February. In case you missed any of them, here they are:

Looking Ahead: Upon completion of the stock transfers from my Scottrade account, I plan to start transferring stocks I hold in a couple of IRA accounts to DivGro. Along with those stock transfers, I'll be transferring available cash to DivGro as well. This will create some great opportunities for more buys!

Thanks for reading and take care, everybody!


  1. Over $2000 in one month? Not knowing your expense, I'm curious if you'd consider yourself FI yet? If not you must be pretty close.

    1. We're far from being FI -- we live in one of the more expensive areas in the US, so it will take much more time to get to a point where we have the flexibility needed to be FI. Also, the $2,000 is a bit of an anomaly, as a large part of it is from a transfer of past dividends.

      Thanks for commenting!

  2. Congrats Ferdis. Keep up the great work bud. The rising income stream is definitely snowballing now and I know it's gonna just explode. Cheers to our journey my friend.

    1. Thanks, Dividend Hustler -- it is fun to see dividend income rise and your snowball analogy is very appropriate! Take care and enjoy the ride!

  3. Solid results for February. Nice to get that TD raise too. Just shows how resilient the Canadian banks are facing so many headwinds yet still being able to raise dividends. Nice buys for the month too adding to your future passive stream. HCP has really come back from its lows in Feb as did the other health REITs that were slammed. Great job.

    1. Thanks, DivHut -- I agree, it was great to get the TD raise! It looks like I bought HCP just in time. It has recovered nicely. Sometimes timing can make one look like a genius; of course, we know by now that timing cuts both ways! Take care and best of luck in your journey to FI!

  4. FrediS

    Great dividend income, with this income I could be financial idependent already. I like the way your postlooks like very much!.

    Keep the snowball rolling.

    Sharon - Divorcedff

    1. Its FerdiS :-)

      Thanks for visiting and commenting, Sharon! If only I could get the same income every month! I'm still quite far from being FI, because we live in a very expensive part of the USA. So, it will take us several years to get there...



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