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Friday, December 29, 2017

DivGro's High and Low Performers in 2017

The year 2017 is just about over and I thought it would be a good time to review some of DivGro's highs and lows of the year.

My DivGro portfolio contains lots of winners! Of the 56 positions, 51 have positive total returns. The five losing positions are down an average of only 5.2%. The largest loss is from Omega Healthcare Investors (OHI), with total returns of -11%.

On the other hand, the portfolio is full of double-digit and triple-digit percentage winners. The biggest winner is General Dynamics (GD), with total returns of 220% or 46% annualized. The runner-up is Microsoft (MSFT), with total returns of 205% or 45% annualized. There are three other stocks with total returns above 100%.

In addition to the five triple-digit percentage winners, DivGro has 42 double-digit winners! Here is a chart showing total returns of the stocks and funds in my portfolio:

Let's look at the bottom seven and top seven performers of 2017. These are stock I owned on 29 December 2016 and that I still own today.

Here are the bottom seven:

 DivGro Bottom Seven Performers of 2017 
Total Return
WBA Walgreens Boots Alliance-12.7%
OHI Omega Healthcare Investors-9.9%
T AT&T-7.9%
XOM Exxon Mobil-7.4%
IBM International Business Machines-7.3%
QCOM Qualcomm-2.1%
GILD Gilead Sciences-0.4%

Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA) increased its dividend by about 7% in July, the 42nd consecutive year that Walgreens Boots Alliance and its predecessor company, Walgreen, have raised the dividend. The stock price took a nosedive in September and October when it appeared that Amazon (AMZN) might invade the Pharmacy Business.

OHI also took a nosedive on concerns of tenant troubles, but the stock is still considered to be a SWAN by REIT expert Brad Thomas. I'll stay with OHI and continue to collect the juicy yield, which now is 9.44%. And OHI continues to increase its dividend by 1¢ every quarter, now for 5 quarters running.

Rounding out the bottom three is AT&T (T), which registered a 52-week low of $32.55 in early November, before recovering to today's price of $38.88. The company increased its dividend by 1¢ per quarter, an increase of 2%. The stock yields 5.14%

And here are the top seven:

    DivGro Top Seven Performers of 2017    
Total Return
ABBV AbbVie57.0%
AAPL Apple46.5%
WMT Wal-Mart Stores                        43.4%
MCD McDonald's41.1%
TROW T. Rowe Price38.5%
MSFT Microsoft36.1%
VLO Valero Energy34.4%

The biopharmaceutical company AbbVie (ABBV) popped nicely in September, boosting an existing uptrend in the stock price to stellar status. The company increased its dividend by 11% in October.

The world's largest company by market cap, Apple (AAPL), continued an uptrend in its stock price that started about June 2016. The company increased its dividend by about 11% in May when it reported strong second-quarter results.

Rounding out the top three is Wal-Mart Stores (WMT), which approved a 2% dividend increase in February. The company will change its name to Walmart Inc on 1 February 2018 to signify the company’s "growing emphasis on serving customers seamlessly however they want to shop: in stores, online, on their mobile device, or through pickup and delivery".

I hope you have a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2018! Thanks for your readership and take care, everybody!


  1. Hi FerdiS,

    there is a lot of green in your total return chart - congrats!! your portfolio is packed with the top dividend names. I missed out on Microsoft and AbbVie, arrgh. I really like to own shares of MSFT and AbbVie but can't convince myself to pull the trigger at these valuations.

    I own shares of IBM and OHI, and T though. Maybe i'll add some IBM and T in the next months. We' ll see.

    A few days ago i purchased 100 Store Capital.

    Wish you and your familiy a nice new years eve and a good start in 2018!! - Take care.


    1. Hi DividendSolutions -- I agree, it would be hard to buy MSFT and ABBV at the elevated levels they're trading at now. Finding value these days are quite hard, but I think there are still some excellent stocks available.

      Take care and have a wonderful 2018!

  2. Hi FerdiS. sadly I have more from your top 7 losers list (OHI,XOM,QCOM,GILD) than I have from your top 7 winners list (ABBV,TROW). However, you've inspired me to take a look at the winners and losers in my portfolio as well. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks, Engineering Dividends! Hopefully you'll find some value in looking at your winners and losers. About having more of my losers than winners: I don't see that as a big deal. Often, this year's losers become next year's winners! Take care and a happy new year to you, too!

  3. Overall it seems like your portfolio is doing great. I like a couple of your top losers so I would see it as a great opportunity to lower the cost basis. I look forward to seeing what you do.

    1. Thanks, More Dividends -- your observation is spot-on! I like WBA and I've added to OHI recently. I'll see what the new year brings!

  4. Great year and I really enjoy following you!! One question; you show 7 stocks with a total return in the red, but state 51 of 56 were positive?

    1. Thanks for commenting, Anonymous!

      The chart shows total returns since inception. The "red" table shows the 7 bottom performers of 2017 only.

  5. Excellent performance. Keep up the good work and happy investing year ahead.


    1. Thanks, Dividend Karma! I'll try my best and I hope you have a very successful investing year, too!


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