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Thursday, December 21, 2017

Yowzah! (Again)

Yow'zah! : an exclamation indicating excitement, usually associated with the observation of an event or object that greatly exceeds the ordinary
      Urban Dictionary

On 16 December 2017, after blogging for about 1,800 days, I crossed the one million page view milestone! With this post, I'd like to celebrate this milestone and hopefully encourage other dividend growth investment (DGI) bloggers to keep going and to help this community go from strength to strength!

On 17 July 2016, the last time I wrote a milestones article on page views, I reported reaching 500,000 page views at a daily average of 389 page views. That was article #370. This one is #585 and I've averaged 555 page views since DivGro's inception.

I posted my first article on DivGro on 10 January 2013, so I'm approaching DivGro's fifth anniversary!

The journey has been fascinating and I've learned a lot since my first post. Much of the learning has come from the research I've done while preparing articles, but I've learned a lot from interacting with my readers and fellow DGI bloggers. So, a big THANK YOU! to everyone for your support!

As mentioned, DivGro's page view (pv) counter recently crossed the one million mark:

 24 September 2014
 average since inception: 161 pv's 
 13 November 2016
 average since inception: 428 pv's 
 25 March 2015
 average since inception: 249 pv's 
 3 February 2017
 average since inception: 471 pv's 
 3 September 2015
 average since inception: 311 pv's 
 5 May 2017
 average since inception: 508 pv's 
 25 March 2016
 average since inception: 342 pv's 
 27 August 2017
 average since inception: 533 pv's 
 17 July 2016
 average since inception: 389 pv's 
 16 December 2017
 average since inception: 555 pv's 

Here are the most popular DivGro articles by page views:
  1. Tracking your DGI Portfolio — 10,595 pv's (published 20 June 2014)
  2. Popular Dividend Growth Stocks — 4,159 pv's (published 24 February 2014)
  3. Blogroll Page Reorganized — 2,276 pv's (published 29 November 2015)
  4. Baxter Spins-Off Baxalta — 2,000 pv's (published 15 July 2015)
  5. My New Watch List of Dividend Growth Stocks — 1,788 pv's (published 27 April 2014)
  6. Updated Blogroll Page  — 1,702 pv's (published 4 April 2015)
  7. 10 Dividend Growth Stocks For April 2017 — 1,625 pv's (published 14 April 2017)
  8. DivGro Pulse: March 2017 — 1,613 pv's (published 28 March 2017)
  9. I'm Looking To Buy Dividend Champion Hormel Foods — 1,602 pv's (published 1 April 2017)
  10. Monthly Review: February 2017 — 1,555 pv's (published 12 March 2017)
As most of my readers know, I publish many of my articles at Seeking Alpha. In addition to generating some additional income, I appreciate the wider readership and there's no doubt that my exposure at Seeking Alpha is generating additional traffic on my blog. The site has more than 15,000 contributing authors and a registered user base of several million.

So far, my articles on Seeking Alpha have generated more than 860,000 page views. These do not include so-called mobile page views, which Seeking Alpha do not count in their compensation scheme. I've published 272 articles at Seeking Alpha, 183 of which are premium articles.

For comparison, my most popular article on Seeking Alpha has generated 28,682 page views. At the time of writing this article, I have 5,385 followers on Seeking Alpha.

Here are the 10 most popular articles published over the last 12 months:
  1. 10 Dividend Growth Stocks For February 2017 — 11,400 pv's (published 17 February 2017)
  2. Top Holdings Of Dividend Growth Bloggers, 2017 Edition — 11,107 pv's (published 14 April 2017)
  3. 10 Dividend Growth Stocks For June 2017 — 10,226 pv's (published 8 June 2017)
  4. Top Holdings Of Dividend ETFs (November 2017 Edition) — 9,643 pv's (published 26 November 2017)
  5. 10 Dividend Growth Stocks For April 2017 — 9,600 pv's (published 14 April 2017)
  6. 10 Dividend Growth Stocks For March 2017 — 9,211 pv's (published 20 March 2017)
  7. 10 Dividend Growth Stocks For August 2017 — 9,080 pv's (published 11 August 2017)
  8. 10 Dividend Growth Stocks For May 2017 — 8,323 pv's (published 10 May 2017)
  9. 10 Dividend Growth Stocks For July 2017 — 7,884 pv's (published 6 July 2017)
  10. 10 Dividend Growth Stocks For November 2017 — 7,750 pv's (published 14 November 2017)
Thanks for reading and for your continued support!


  1. Awesome Div. Congrats on hitting that mark. Fantastic page traffic.

    1. Thanks, much -- Passivecanadian! I'm very happy to reach the mark! Of course, there are several bloggers that generate much more page traffic than I do! But it is nice to celebrate every now and again!

  2. Great job man! Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks, ADD! I'll try my best -- interestingly, the page count is still accelerating, which I find fascinating...

  3. Congrats on that milestone. I have barely 10k pageviews across all my posts so far:)
    I wonder if you would like to share a little bit about whether page hits ever convert to any kind of monetization on the blogger(platform) because every one suggests getting your own domain in order to make any advertising revenue.

    1. Hi Desi Guy -- don't despair... everyone has got to start somewhere! I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would reach this milestone!

      As for monetization, I'm using Google's Adsense on blogger. It generates a few dollars but not so much as to make it really worth while. I haven't explored anything else than blogger, so I can't comment on that.

      Take care and happy investing/blogging!

  4. Ferdis - thanks for taking the time to reply. I noticed that Google's Adsense generates almost next to nothing too :)

    Happy holidays.

    - Desi Guy.

    1. Yes -- I've thought about getting rid of ads altogether. No decision yet, since Adsense is maintenance free. But if the income does not pick up with increased traffic, I might just do it.

  5. That's great Ferdi. You're a millionaire!

    1. Ha-ha -- if only I could get a dollar per page view!

  6. Congratulations that is amazing. Some day I hope to reach 1 million at the moment I sit at 17k page views for my blog. Keep up the good work :)

    1. Hi Freezeman24 -- not long ago I sat at 17k page views, too. It takes a lot of discipline and determination to grow your readership, but I'm sure you can do it! Just keep on going and you'll get there!

      Take care and happy 2018!


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