I write monthly options update articles to summarize options trades and to keep track of options income. The updates serve as a status report on open options and potential obligations.
options goal for 2019 is to collect $21,000 in options income, which equates to a monthly target of $1,750. Through July, I've averaged about $1,711 per month, a bit short of the desired monthly average.
The good news is that August was a spectacular month! I collected income by selling a few covered calls and put options, but I also closed a few spreads early for some solid gains. The net result is that my options income for 2019 spiked to $18,566, just $2,434 shy of my 2019 goal!
Part 1 of this article covers an options assignment, an expired option, a closed option, and some rolled options, as well as several covered calls and put options trades. Part 2 will present the spread trades, the main contributors to this month's spectacular options income spike!