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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Summary Of Dividend Increases In 2019

This article presents a summary of dividend increases announced in 2019, as covered in my weekly Dividend Increases article series. These articles cover dividend increases announced for dividend growth stocks in the Dividend Champions List (CCC list).

In preparing for this article, I excluded dividend increases of stocks not in the latest available CCC list (dated 12/31/19). I covered dividend increases announced by 520 companies in 2019, several of which increased their dividends more than once in 2019.

The top increase in 2019 came from Independent Bank Group (IBTX) with a 79% increase. IBTX operates as the bank holding company for Independent Bank, which provides a range of commercial banking products and services to businesses, professionals, and individuals in the United States.

The runner-up is Goldman Sachs (GS), an investment banking, securities, and investment management company with worldwide operations. GS was founded in 1869 and is headquartered in New York.

For more detail and to see the average dividend increase of 2019 and the top dividend increases by sector, please read this article at Seeking Alpha.

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