DivGro is now DivGro 2.0!

DivGro moved to another platform and is now DivGro 2.0!

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Complimentary access includes my monthly newsletter and articles like
 How to Assess Dividend Quality and The Chowder Ruleand a live spreadsheet of my DivGro Portfolio.

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Friday, November 27, 2020

Expired Options (November 2020)

Friday was options expiration day. This article provides a summary of what happened to my expiring options. It also provides details on any actions I took to avoid assignment.

As usual, I discuss potential replacement trades for the expired options. 

This month, I decided to roll forward two in the money options to avoid assignment. But I also decided to let one put option expire in order to buy the underlying shares. That assignment happened one day before the options expiration day. 

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Dividend Changes: November 14-20, 2020

In this article series, we provide a weekly summary of dividend changes. A summary table provides relevant data and key statistics of dividend increases.

We also include a table of ex-dividend dates for the next two weeks, providing readers with a list of stock to consider in order to secure the next dividend payment. 

I co-produce this article series with James Marino Sr of Portfolio Insight, who helps with compiling the ex-dividend dates for the next two weeks.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

My First Sell in Eight Months

The last time I wrote about selling a stock was in March this year when I trimmed my position in Amgen (AMGN). 

Before the Covid-19 pandemic hit and changed my approach, I wanted to reposition DivGro to produce annualized returns of at least 8%. That would have resulted in trimming or closing positions with unfavorable Chowder Numbers (CDNs)

The impact of the pandemic on the economy changed my approach. Instead, I'm now focusing on increasing DivGro's defensive exposure

This article discusses a recent sell, one in which I closed a position due to a recent dividend cut. 

Monday, November 16, 2020

Dividend Changes: November 7-13, 2020

In this article series, we provide a weekly summary of dividend changes. A summary table provides relevant data and key statistics of dividend increases.

We also include a table of ex-dividend dates for the next two weeks, providing readers with a list of stock to consider in order to secure the next dividend payment. 

I co-produce this article series with James Marino Sr of Portfolio Insight, who helps with compiling the ex-dividend dates for the next two weeks.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Options Update: October 2020

Welcome to my monthly Options Update article in which I summarize options trades and keep track of DivGro's total options income. 

I sell covered calls and put options for options income, which is then redeployed to buy dividend growth stocks. Doing so indirectly boosts DivGro's ability to generate dividend income. 

I had a fair month in October, but it is very unlikely that I will achieve my 2020 goal of collecting at least $24,000 in options income. 

Friday, November 13, 2020

Home Run Number 27

The market's big move on Monday was just the encouragement one of my home run contenders needed to hit a home run! 

Recall that I designate stocks whose total returns exceed my initial capital outlay, home runs. For dividend growth stocks, total returns include both unrealized gains and dividends received. 

Last week, two stocks achieved home run status, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc (APD), and QUALCOMM Incorporated (QCOM). 

Today I'm presenting DivGro's 27th home run, achieved by a stock I first bought in April 2015.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

10 Dividend Growth Stocks For November 2020

In my monthly series of 10 Dividend Growth Stocks, I rank a selection of dividend growth stocks in Dividend Radar and present the 10 top-ranked stocks for consideration. 

To rank stocks, I use DVK Quality Snapshots to get quality scores and sort them in descending order, breaking ties with additional metrics.

This month, I'm presenting the top-ranked stocks yielding at least 4% and trading below my fair value estimates. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Dividend Changes: October 31-November 6, 2020

In this article series, we provide a weekly summary of dividend changes. A summary table provides relevant data and key statistics of dividend increases.

We also include a table of ex-dividend dates for the next two weeks, providing readers with a list of stock to consider in order to secure the next dividend payment. 

I co-produce this article series with James Marino Sr of Portfolio Insight, who helps with compiling the ex-dividend dates for the next two weeks.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Home Run Number 26

Last Sunday I reported DivGro's 25th home run, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc (APD). Stocks achieve home run status when their total returns exceed my initial capital outlay. For dividend growth stocks, total returns include both unrealized gains and dividends received. But for stocks that don't pay dividends, the share price has to double my cost basis in order for the stock to become a home run stock. 

Today I'm presenting DivGro's 26th home run, an achievement that comes after 534 days of ownership. That's a remarkable performance, as the stock has delivered stellar annualized returns of 78%!

Monday, November 9, 2020

Monthly Review Of DivGro: October 2020

Welcome to the October review of DivGro, my portfolio of dividend growth stocks. I provide a summary of transactions and dividends received in the past month. I also look at how DivGro's projected annual dividend income (PADI) has changed.

In October, I opened one new position and added shares to three existing positions. Seven DivGro stocks announced dividend increases in October. The net result of these changes is that PADI increased by about 4.0% in October. Year over year, PADI increased by 30.5%.

As for dividend income, in October I received dividends totaling $1,711 from 22 stocks in my portfolio, a year-over-year increase of 42%. So far in 2020, I've collected $23,370 in dividends or about 87% of my 2020 goal of $27,000.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Home Run Number 25

I designate stocks in my portfolio as home run stocks when their total returns exceed my capital outlay. For dividend growth stocks, total returns include both unrealized gains and dividends received. 

Last month, one of my non-dividend-paying growth stocks, Pinterest, Inc (PINS), became DivGro's 24th home run. Having bought 100 shares of PINS in late August, this is the fastest home run by far after only 69 days of ownership!

Today I'm presenting DivGro's 25th home run stock, an achievement that came after 700 days of ownership. While this is much longer than PINS took to achieve home run status, I'm more than happy with the stock's performance. For perspective, the stock has delivered annualized returns of 52%!

Dividend Changes: October 24-30, 2020

This article series provides a weekly summary of dividend changes.

A summary table provides relevant data and key statistics of dividend increases. We list details of dividend increases as well as dividend cuts or suspensions. 

Additionally, we include a table of ex-dividend dates for the next two weeks. This provides readers with a list of stock to consider before their ex-dividend dates. 

I co-produce this article series with James Marino Sr of Portfolio Insight, who helps with compiling the ex-dividend dates for the next two weeks.

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