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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Options Update: April 2017

I report my options trading activity monthly, usually after options expiration Friday. Doing so allows me to report on expired or assigned options. I also report new options trades and provide a running tally of DivGro's options income to date.

Things are still hectic, as I seem to have more work to do than time to do these days. So this update is a bit late, once again, as May's options expiration Friday is upon us!

In my options update for March, I reported on two option assignments, one options expiration, three rolled trades, and one put option trade. My options trading activity was rather light in March, so I added only $304 to my tally of secured options income.

In contrast, April's options trading activity was quite heavy!

In April, one option got assigned, two expired, and I rolled forward two trades. Additionally, I closed two options early and sold three covered calls and six cash-secured puts.

Assigned Options

When an option holder exercises an option, it is set to be assigned. In April, two call options contracts I sold against Cisco Systems, Inc (CSCO), got assigned.

CSCO Calls

On 25 November 2016, I sold two $32 call options on CSCO with an expiration date of 21 April 2017:

#029 :  2xCSCO 21 Apr 2017 32.00 C :: $    95.60 

Compared with the yield on cost (YoC) of my CSCO shares of 3.42%, these calls would yield 3.91% on an annualized basis. That is equivalent to 1.14 times CSCO's dividend.

On 21 April, CSCO closed at $32.82 per share, so these $32 call options were assigned.

Here are the trade details:

Bought 200 shares of CSCO at $31.00 per share:
Dividend on 200 shares at 26¢ per share:
Dividend on 200 shares at 26¢ per share:
Sold 200 shares of CSCO at $32.00 per share:

Capital gain:

Dividends received:


Net gain:

I made a net gain of 4.72% on the original amount invested, or 10.3% annualized

If I include the options premium of $95.60, the net gain jumps to 6.26% (or 13.67% annualized).

Expired Options

In April, two of my short options expired:

#033 :   2xTROW 21 Apr 2017 65.00 P :: $    221.60 
#065 :   1xWBA 21 Apr 2017 84.00 P :: $    184.00 

On options expiration day, T. Rowe Price Group, Inc (TROW) closed at $71.79 and Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc (WBA) closed at $84.03, respectively, so both short put options expired.

Closed Options

Sometimes it is possible to close options positions early and secure most of the options income. This happens when an out of the money option goes further out of the money. These options become less expensive when the stock price moves away from the strike price because there is a smaller chance that the stock price will cross the strike price and go in the money.

In April, I closed two call options early:

#046 :     1xGILD 16 Jun 2017 85.00 C :: $    296.90 ($ -11.09)→ secured 96% of available income 
#056 :   10xF 16 Jun 2017 13.00 C :: $    350.00 ($ -47.99)→ secured 86% of available income 

The cost of buying back the put option is shown in parentheses. Having secured 96% and 86% of available income, I decided to close these options 3 weeks early and to add a total of $587.82 to my options income tally.

Rolled Options

Usually, I sell options that are out of the money and a couple of months away from expiration. I try to strike a reasonable balance between the risk of option assignment and the premium income on offer.

Sometimes, the price of an underlying stock moves faster than anticipated and causes the option I sold to go in the money well before expiration. For covered calls, this means that the underlying stock is trading above the strike price and my shares will be called away on (or before) the expiration date. Likewise, for put contracts, the underlying stock is trading below the strike price, and I'll be expected to buy shares at the higher strike price on (or before) the expiration date.

While I could just wait for option assignment, another possibility is to roll forward the option. This means buying back the option, likely at a higher price than the original premium I collected and selling another option with a later expiration date.

In April, I rolled forward the following options:

#072 :   1xD 20 Oct 2017 77.50 C :: $    323.00 ($        -0.35)
#066 :   1xCSCO 20 Oct 2017 33.00 C :: $    189.00 ($        -1.59)
#049 :   1xD 21 Apr 2017 75.00 C :: $    247.60 ($      -54.74)→ #072
#040 :   1xCSCO 21 Apr 2017 32.00 C :: $      45.30 ($    -127.28)→ #066

The cost to roll forward these options are shown in parentheses. In both cases, I collected more in options income than it cost me to close the April options. Also, by selling $77.50 calls (in the case of Dominion Resources, Inc (D)) and $33 calls (in the case of CSCO), I created a little more room for the stocks to rise, versus the original $75 and $32 calls, respectively.

New Covered Calls

Selling covered calls is a way to collect extra income on stocks you already own. Since my last update, I executed three new covered call trade:

#067 : 2017-04-03: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option HRL Sep 15 2017 37.50 C

I own 100 shares of Hormel Foods Corporation (HRL) at a cost basis of $34.75 per share. I'm willing to sell these shares for $37.50 on or before 15 September:

Open Date :  2017-04-03
Expiration Date :  2017-09-15    Number of Days in Trade : 165
Cost Basis :  $34.75 per shareGain at Strike Price : 7.91%
Strike Price :  $37.50 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Call Premium :  $0.84 per shareOptions Income : $84.00
Commission : $1.10
Net Premium :  $0.829 per shareNet Options Income : $82.90
Options Yield :  2.39%Annualized Options Yield : 5.28%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $33.92Gain if Exercised : 10.55%

This covered call yields 2.39%, or 5.28% on an annualized basis. The yield on cost of my HRL position is 1.96%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 2.70. If the option is exercised, I'll sell 100 shares of HRL at a reduced cost basis of $33.92 per share, for capital gains of 10.55%.

#074 : 2017-04-21: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option GILD Sep 15 2017 75.00 C

I own 200 shares of Gilead Sciences, Inc (GILD) at a cost basis of $80.23 per share. I'm willing to sell these shares for $75.00 on or before 15 September:

Open Date :  2017-04-21
Expiration Date :  2017-09-15    Number of Days in Trade : 147
Cost Basis :  $80.23 per shareGain at Strike Price : -6.52%
Strike Price :  $75.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Call Premium :  $1.05 per shareOptions Income : $210.00
Commission : $1.59
Net Premium :  $1.042 per shareNet Options Income : $208.41
Options Yield :  1.30%Annualized Options Yield : 3.23%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $79.19Gain if Exercised : -5.29%

This covered call yields 1.30%, or 3.23% on an annualized basis. The yield on cost of my GILD position is 2.59%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 1.24. If the options are exercised, I'll sell 200 shares of GILD at a reduced cost basis of $79.19 per share, for a capital loss of 5.29%. 

With a loss of about 17%, GILD is the worst performer in my DivGro portfolio. That's one reason I'm willing to sell my shares for a smaller capital loss. 

#073 : 2017-04-21: Sold to Open 20 Contracts of Option F Jun 16 2017 12.00 C

I own 2000 shares of Ford Motor Company (F) at a cost basis of $12.07 per share. I'm willing to sell these shares for $12.00 on or before 16 June:

Open Date :  2017-04-21
Expiration Date :  2017-06-16    Number of Days in Trade : 56
Cost Basis :  $12.07 per shareGain at Strike Price : -0.58%
Strike Price :  $12.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 20Number of Shares :2000
Call Premium :  $0.16 per shareOptions Income : $320.00
Commission : $9.11
Net Premium :  $0.155 per shareNet Options Income : $310.89
Options Yield :  1.29%Annualized Options Yield : 8.40%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $11.91Gain if Exercised : 0.72%

This covered call yields 1.29%, or 8.40% on an annualized basis. The yield on cost of my F position is 4.97%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 1.69. If the options are exercised, I'll sell 2,000 shares of F at a reduced cost basis of $11.91 per share, for capital gains of 0.72%.

For covered calls, I think an achievable goal is to double dividend income. The covered call trades on HRL easily doubles dividend income, while those on GILD and F do not.

New Put Contracts

Selling put options allows me to set the price I'm willing to pay for a stock I want to buy. In effect, I get paid while waiting for the share price to drop! I sold only one put contract in this period:

#068 : 2017-04-04: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option CSCO Aug 18 2017 31.00 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of Cisco Systems, Inc (CSCO) for $31.00 per share on or before 18 August. CSCO closed at $33.41 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2017-04-04
Expiration Date :  2017-08-18    Number of Days in Trade : 136
Price at Close :  $33.41 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 7.21%
Strike Price :  $31.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $0.73 per shareOptions Income : $146.00
Commission : $0.99
Net Premium :  $0.725 per shareNet Options Income : $145.01
Options Yield :  2.17%Annualized Options Yield : 5.83%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $30.27Discount if Exercised : 9.38%

This put option trade yields 2.17%, or 5.83% on an annualized basis. At $33.41 per share, CSCO yields 3.47%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 1.68. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $30.27 per share, a discount of 9.38%.

#069 : 2017-04-04: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option INTC May 19 2017 36.00 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of Intel Corporation (INTC) for $36.00 per share on or before 19 May. INTC closed at $36.28 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2017-04-04
Expiration Date :  2017-05-19    Number of Days in Trade : 45
Price at Close :  $36.28 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 0.77%
Strike Price :  $36.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $0.96 per shareOptions Income : $192.00
Commission : $0.99
Net Premium :  $0.955 per shareNet Options Income : $191.01
Options Yield :  2.63%Annualized Options Yield : 21.37%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $35.04Discount if Exercised : 3.40%

This put option trade yields 2.63%, or 21.37% on an annualized basis. At $36.28 per share, INTC yields 3.00%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 7.11. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $35.04 per share, a discount of 3.40%.

#070 : 2017-04-04: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option XOM May 19 2017 80.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM) for $80.00 per share on or before 19 May. XOM closed at $78.77 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2017-04-04
Expiration Date :  2017-05-19    Number of Days in Trade : 45
Price at Close :  $78.77 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : -1.56%
Strike Price :  $80.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.16 per shareOptions Income : $116.00
Commission : $1.00
Net Premium :  $1.150 per shareNet Options Income : $115.00
Options Yield :  1.46%Annualized Options Yield : 11.85%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $78.85Discount if Exercised : -0.10%

This put option trade yields 1.46%, or 11.85% on an annualized basis. At $78.77 per share, XOM yields 3.81%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 3.11. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $78.85 per share, a premium of 0.10%.

#071 : 2017-04-21: Sold to Open 1 Contract of Option BAC Jul 21 2017 20.00 P

I'm willing to buy 100 shares of Bank of America Corporation (BAC) for $20.00 per share on or before 21 July. BAC closed at $22.71 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2017-04-21
Expiration Date :  2017-07-21    Number of Days in Trade : 91
Price at Close :  $22.71 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 11.93%
Strike Price :  $20.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 1Number of Shares :100
Put Premium :  $1.60 per shareOptions Income : $160.00
Commission : $2.28
Net Premium :  $1.577 per shareNet Options Income : $157.72
Options Yield :  6.94%Annualized Options Yield : 27.88%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $18.42Discount if Exercised : 18.88%

This put option trade yields 6.94%, or 27.88% on an annualized basis. At $22.71 per share, BAC yields 1.32%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 21.10. If the option is exercised, I'll buy 100 shares at a cost basis of $18.42 per share, a discount of 18.88%.

#075 : 2017-04-21: Sold to Open 3 Contracts of Option INTC Jun 16 2017 35.00 P

I'm willing to buy 300 shares of Intel Corporation (INTC) for $35.00 per share on or before 16 June. INTC closed at $36.32 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2017-04-21
Expiration Date :  2017-06-16    Number of Days in Trade : 56
Price at Close :  $36.32 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 3.63%
Strike Price :  $35.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 3Number of Shares :300
Put Premium :  $0.63 per shareOptions Income : $189.00
Commission : $3.86
Net Premium :  $0.617 per shareNet Options Income : $185.14
Options Yield :  1.70%Annualized Options Yield : 11.08%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $34.38Discount if Exercised : 5.33%

This put option trade yields 1.70%, or 11.08% on an annualized basis. At $36.32 per share, INTC yields 3.00%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 3.69. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 300 shares at a cost basis of $34.38 per share, a discount of 5.33%.

#076 : 2017-04-21: Sold to Open 2 Contracts of Option LOW Jul 21 2017 80.00 P

I'm willing to buy 200 shares of Lowe's Companies, Inc (LOW) for $80.00 per share on or before 21 July. LOW closed at $83.47 per share on the date of my trade:

Open Date :  2017-04-21
Expiration Date :  2017-07-21    Number of Days in Trade : 91
Price at Close :  $83.47 per shareDiscount at Strike Price : 4.16%
Strike Price :  $80.00 per share
Number of Contracts : 2Number of Shares :200
Put Premium :  $2.04 per shareOptions Income : $408.00
Commission : $1.00
Net Premium :  $2.035 per shareNet Options Income : $407.00
Options Yield :  2.44%Annualized Options Yield : 9.79%
----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  -----------
Commission if Exercised : $0.00
Cost Basis if Exercised : $77.97Discount if Exercised : 6.60%

This put option trade yields 2.44%, or 9.79% on an annualized basis. At $83.47 per share, LOW yields 1.68%, so I'm boosting dividend income by a factor of 5.83. If the options are exercised, I'll buy 200 shares at a cost basis of $77.97 per share, a discount of 6.60%.

Selling puts is riskier than selling covered calls. Generally, I like to see a dividend boost factor of 5.00 or more, unless I can buy shares at a discount of at least 10%. Only three of these trades have a dividend boost factor of at least 5.00 (the put options on INTC, BAC, and LOW).

Here are the three trades that fall short of my put selling goals:
  1. CSCO puts  dividend boost factor: 1.68 • discount: 9.38% 
  2. XOM puts  dividend boost factor: 3.11 • discount: -0.10% 
  3. INTC puts  dividend boost factor: 3.69 • discount: 5.33% 
While the CSCO trade is "close enough", in future I'd like to avoid trades like those on XOM and INTC that do not have a better risk profile. 

Options Income Tally

Here is a running tally of the total amount received from options trades, as well as the options premiums secured due to options that expired:

key:  expired  •  closed  •  rolled  •  assigned  •  open 

#0762017-04-21:  2×LOW 21 Jul 2017 $80.00 P $    408.00 ( $        -1.00 )$ 12,741.75 ➤ $ 5,304.75 
#0752017-04-21:  3×INTC 16 Jun 2017 $35.00 P $    189.00 ( $        -3.86 )$ 12,334.75 ➤ $ 5,305.75 
#0742017-04-21:  2×GILD 15 Sep 2017 $75.00 C $    210.00 ( $        -1.59 )$ 12,149.61 ➤ $ 5,309.61 
#0732017-04-21:20×F 16 Jun 2017 $12.00 C $    320.00 ( $        -9.11 )$ 11,941.20 ➤ $ 5,311.20 
#0722017-04-21:  1×D 20 Oct 2017 $77.50 C $    323.00 ( $        -0.35 )$ 11,630.31 ➤ $ 5,320.31 
#0712017-04-21:  5×BAC 21 Jul 2017 $20.00 P $    160.00 ( $        -2.28 )$ 11,307.66 ➤ $ 5,320.66 
#0702017-04-04:  1×XOM 19 May 2017 $80.00 P $    116.00 ( $        -1.00 )$ 11,149.94 ➤ $ 5,322.94 
#0692017-04-04:  2×INTC 19 May 2017 $36.00 P $    192.00 ( $        -0.99 )$ 11,034.94 ➤ $ 5,323.94 
#0682017-04-04:  2×CSCO 18 Aug 2017 $31.00 P $    146.00 ( $        -0.99 )$ 10,843.93 ➤ $ 5,324.93 
#0672017-04-03:  1×HRL 15 Sep 2017 $37.50 C $      84.00 ( $        -1.10 )$ 10,698.92 ➤ $ 5,325.92 
#0662017-04-03:  1×CSCO 20 Oct 2017 $33.00 C $    189.00 ( $        -1.59 )$ 10,616.02 ➤ $ 5,327.02 
#0652017-03-20:  1×WBA 21 Apr 2017 $84.00 P $    184.00 ( $        -1.10 )$ 10,428.61 ➤ $ 5,328.61 
#0642017-03-17:  1×TGT 19 Jan 2018 $65.00 C $      93.00 ( $        -1.10 )$ 10,245.71 ➤ $ 5,145.71 
#0632017-03-17:  1×PG 15 Dec 2017 $90.00 C $    492.00 ( $        -1.11 )$ 10,153.81 ➤ $ 5,146.81 
#0622017-03-17:  2×PFE 15 Sep 2017 $35.00 C $    220.00 ( $        -1.29 )$ 9,662.92 ➤ $ 5,147.92 
#0612017-02-24:  1×TGT 20 Oct 2017 $75.00 C $    157.00 ( $        -5.68 )→ #064$ 9,444.21 ➤ $ 5,149.21 
#0602017-02-24:  2×QCOM 21 Jul 2017 $57.50 C $    580.00 ( $        -1.00 )$ 9,292.89 ➤ $ 4,997.89 
#0592017-02-24:  2×QCOM 21 Jul 2017 $57.50 C $    573.00 ( $        -1.30 )$ 8,713.89 ➤ $ 4,998.89 
#0582017-02-24:  1×PFE 15 Sep 2017 $35.00 C $    113.00 ( $        -1.00 )$ 8,142.19 ➤ $ 5,000.19 
#0572017-02-24:  3×INTC 19 May 2017 $35.00 P $    270.00 ( $        -2.88 )$ 8,030.19 ➤ $ 5,001.19 
#0562017-02-24:10×F 16 Jun 2017 $13.00 C $    350.00 ( $      -47.99 )$ 7,763.07 ➤ $ 5,004.07 
#0552017-02-24:  2×CVS 19 May 2017 $75.00 P $    184.00 ( $        -0.99 )$ 7,461.06 ➤ $ 4,702.06 
#0542017-02-24:  2×ABBV 19 May 2017 $65.00 C $    194.00 ( $        -0.99 )$ 7,278.05 ➤ $ 4,703.05 
#0532017-02-10:  2×QCOM 17 Mar 2017 $55.00 C $    177.00 ( $    -374.58 )→ #059$ 7,085.04 ➤ $ 4,704.04 
#0522017-02-07:  2×QCOM 10 Feb 2017 $53.50 C $      42.00 ( $    -108.37 )→ #053$ 7,282.62 ➤ $ 4,901.62 
#0512017-01-26:  2×QCOM 17 Mar 2017 $52.50 P $    336.00 ( $      -42.58 )$ 7,348.99 ➤ $ 4,967.99 
#0502017-01-20:  2×TGT 21 Jul 2017 $70.00 P $ 1,540.00 ( $        -2.60 )$ 7,055.57 ➤ $ 4,674.57 
#0492017-01-20:  1×D 21 Apr 2017 $75.00 C $    248.00 ( $    -301.74 )→ #072$ 5,518.17 ➤ $ 4,677.17 
#0482017-01-17:  3×GE 03 Mar 2017 $31.00 P $    180.00 ( $        -1.48 )$ 5,571.91 ➤ $ 4,730.91 
#0472017-01-17:  3×INTC 03 Mar 2017 $36.00 P $    243.00 ( $      -49.35 )→ #057$ 5,393.39 ➤ $ 4,552.39 
#0462017-01-20:  1×GILD 16 Jun 2017 $85.00 C $    298.00 ( $      -12.19 )$ 5,199.74 ➤ $ 4,358.74 
#0452016-12-27:  4×F 17 Mar 2017 $13.00 C $    120.00 ( $      -36.17 )→ #056$ 4,913.93 ➤ $ 4,072.93 
#0442016-12-27:  1×TGT 21 Apr 2017 $77.50 C $    200.00 ( $      -20.28 )→ #061$ 4,830.10 ➤ $ 3,989.10 
#0432016-12-23:  2×TGT 20 Jan 2017 $72.50 P $    246.00 ( $ -1,560.96 )→ #050$ 4,650.38 ➤ $ 3,809.38 
#0422016-12-23:  1×PG 17 Mar 2017 $87.50 C $    129.00 ( $    -389.79 )→ #063$ 5,965.34 ➤ $ 5,124.34 
#0412016-12-23:  1×KO 19 May 2017 $42.00 C $    136.00 ( $        -7.70 )$ 6,226.13 ➤ $ 5,385.13 
#0402016-12-23:  1×CSCO 21 Apr 2017 $32.00 C $      53.00 ( $    -180.28 )→ #066$ 6,097.83 ➤ $ 5,392.83 
#0392016-12-21:  3×INTC 17 Feb 2017 $35.00 P $    189.00 ( $        -9.10 )$ 6,225.11 ➤ $ 5,520.11 
#0382016-12-21:  3×T 17 Feb 2017 $40.00 P $    150.00 ( $        -9.10 )$ 6,045.21 ➤ $ 5,340.21 
#0372016-12-09:  1×KO 18 May 2017 $43.00 C $    120.00 ( $        -7.70 )$ 5,904.31 ➤ $ 5,199.31 
#0362016-12-05:  1×ABBV 17 Feb 2017 $62.50 C $    161.00 ( $        -7.70 )$ 5,792.01 ➤ $ 5,207.01 
#0352016-12-05:  1×DIS 16 Jun 2017 $105.00 C $    315.00 ( $        -7.70 )$ 5,638.71 ➤ $ 5,053.71 
#0342016-12-05:  1×VLO 17 Mar 2017 $70.00 C $    112.00 ( $        -7.70 )$ 5,331.41 ➤ $ 5,061.41 
#0332016-12-05:  2×TROW 21 Apr 2017 $65.00 P $    230.00 ( $        -8.40 )$ 5,227.11 ➤ $ 4,957.11 
#0322016-11-25:  1×KMB 21 Apr 2017 $120.00 C $    280.00 ( $        -7.70 )$ 5,005.51 ➤ $ 4,735.51 
#0312016-11-25:  2×PFE 17 Mar 2017 $33.00 C $    132.00 ( $    -303.69 )→ #062$ 4,733.21 ➤ $ 4,463.21 
#0302016-11-25:  1×ABBV 17 Feb 2017 $62.50 C $    161.00 ( $        -7.70 )$ 4,904.90 ➤ $ 4,634.90 
#0292016-11-25:  2×CSCO 21 Apr 2017 $32.00 C $    104.00 ( $        -8.40 )$ 4,751.60 ➤ $ 4,481.60 
#0282016-11-25:  1×DIS 16 Jun 2017 $105.00 C $    270.00 ( $        -7.70 )$ 4,656.00 ➤ $ 4,386.00 
#0272016-11-25:  1×QCOM 17 Feb 2017 $70.00 C $    202.00 ( $        -8.70 )$ 4,393.70 ➤ $ 4,393.70 
#0262016-11-25:  1×QCOM 17 Feb 2017 $70.00 C $    200.00 ( $        -8.70 )$ 4,200.40 ➤ $ 4,200.40 
#0252016-11-25:  3×CSCO 16 Dec 2016 $30.00 P $    120.00 ( $        -9.10 )$ 4,009.10 ➤ $ 4,009.10 
#0242016-11-25:  6×F 17 Mar 2017 $13.00 C $    150.00 ( $      -50.77 )→ #056$ 3,898.20 ➤ $ 3,898.20 
#0232016-10-14:  2×WMT 18 Nov 2016 $67.50 P $    256.00 ( $        -8.40 )$ 3,798.97 ➤ $ 3,798.97 
#0222016-10-14:  1×HSY 20 Jan 2017 $90.00 P $    203.00 ( $        -7.70 )$ 3,551.37 ➤ $ 3,551.37 
#0212016-10-14:  1×GD 20 Jan 2017 $130.00 P $    135.00 ( $        -7.70 )$ 3,356.07 ➤ $ 3,356.07 
#0202016-10-11:  2×WFC 18 Nov 2016 $44.00 P $    170.00 ( $        -8.40 )$ 3,228.77 ➤ $ 3,228.77 
#0192016-10-07:  2×NKE 16 Dec 2016 $50.00 P $    218.00 ( $        -8.40 )$ 3,067.17 ➤ $ 3,067.17 
#0182016-09-26:  1×KO 16 Dec 2016 $42.00 C $    115.00 ( $        -7.70 )$ 2,857.57 ➤ $ 2,857.57 
#0172016-09-26:  6×F 20 Jan 2017 $11.00 P $    198.00 ( $      -11.21 )$ 2,750.27 ➤ $ 2,750.27 
#0162016-09-26:  1×GILD 17 Feb 2017 $95.00 C $    112.00 ( $    -241.79 )→ #046$ 2,563.48 ➤ $ 2,563.48 
#0152016-09-26:  1×PFE 17 Mar 2017 $35.00 C $      82.00 ( $      -18.69 )$ 2,693.27 ➤ $ 2,693.27 
#0142016-09-26:  1×UNP 16 Dec 2016 $97.50 C $    218.00 ( $      -24.92 )$ 2,629.96 ➤ $ 2,629.96 
#0132016-09-26:  2×PFE 28 Oct 2016 $34.00 P $    128.00 ( $      -25.40 )$ 2,436.88 ➤ $ 2,436.88 
#0122016-09-08:  1×JNJ 18 Nov 2016 $115.00 P $    143.00 ( $        -7.70 )$ 2,334.28 ➤ $ 2,334.28 
#0112016-09-07:  1×RAI 17 Feb 2017 $52.50 C $    132.00 ( $        -7.70 )$ 2,198.98 ➤ $ 2,198.98 
#0102016-09-07:  1×KMB 21 Oct 2016 $130.00 C $    120.00 ( $        -7.70 )$ 2,074.68 ➤ $ 2,074.68 
#0092016-09-07:  1×D 20 Jan 2017 $75.00 C $    307.00 ( $      -73.09 )$ 1,962.38 ➤ $ 1,962.38 
#0082016-08-30:  3×INTC 21 Oct 2016 $35.00 P $    258.00 ( $        -9.10 )$ 1,728.47 ➤ $ 1,728.47 
#0072016-08-30:  3×CSCO 21 Oct 2016 $31.00 C $    294.00 ( $      -26.17 )$ 1,479.57 ➤ $ 1,479.57 
#0062016-08-29:  6×F 18 Nov 2016 $13.00 C $    168.00 ( $      -11.21 )$ 1,211.74 ➤ $ 1,211.74 
#0052016-08-26:  1×DIS 18 Nov 2016 $100.00 C $    121.00 ( $        -7.70 )$ 1,054.95 ➤ $ 1,054.95 
#0042016-08-09:  3×CSCO 19 Aug 2016 $31.00 P $    207.00 ( $      -26.10 )$    941.65 ➤ $    941.65 
#0032016-08-09:  1×DIS 19 Aug 2016 $98.50 C $      95.00 ( $        -7.70 )$    760.75 ➤ $    760.75 
#0022016-06-16:  1×TGT 20 Jan 2017 $65.00 P $    370.00 ( $      -12.04 )$    673.45 ➤ $    673.45 
#0012016-06-01:  6×F 19 Aug 2016 $13.00 C $    330.00 ( $      -14.51 )$    315.49 ➤ $    315.49 

key:  expired  •  closed  •  rolled  •  assigned  •  open 

For a complete listing of all options transactions, please visit my Options History page.

Goals Progress

I'm hoping to earn $8,400 in options income in 2017. I'm only counting secured options income, or income from options with no further obligations.

Options Income
Options Income
This Month:
$ 12,742$   5,305
Last Month:
$ 10,954$   4,387
$   1,788$     918

I started 2017 with $2,512 in secured options income, so with $5,305 secured through April 2017, I've earned $2,793 in options income, or 33.3% of my options income goal for 2017.

Take care everybody and thanks for reading!

I'm still a learner options trader. If you see anything you disagree with or question, please let me know in the comments below. Or if you just want to share some advice or encouragement, I'd be happy to hear from you, too!


  1. It's nice to see options getting some love. I think you will make your goal. Gogogogogogo!

    1. Thanks, Financial Velociraptor -- seems like more dividend growth investors are getting into the game. I hope things work out as far as my goals are concerned... so far, so good!

  2. Awesome update. Nice job Ferdi.

    1. Thanks, Investment Hunting! I appreciate your comment.


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