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Sunday, June 4, 2017


The last time I wrote a milestones article, I had just crossed half million page views. I posted the article (number 370 on DivGro) on 17 July 2016. Today's article is number 500 and I'm closing in on 850,000 page views!

Page views and number of articles are nice numbers to track and I'm happy to celebrate milestones, but DivGro is about generating a reliable and growing dividend income stream and I'm much more interested in seeing how DivGro's projected annual dividend income increases over time.

As with all these milestone articles, I hope to encourage other dividend growth investment (DGI) bloggers and to help this wonderful community go from strength to strength!

I posted my first DivGro article on 10 January 2013. After blogging for a little more than 1,600 days, I've reached the 500 article milestone! I'm averaging an article every 3.2 days and almost 10 articles per month...

Here are some of DivGro's page view (pv) milestones since I reached the half million pv milestone:

 17 July 2016
 average since inception: 387 pv's  
 5 May 2017
 average since inception: 505 pv's
 13 November 2016
 average since inception: 425 pv's  
 2 June 2017
 average since inception: 516 pv's  
 3 February 2017
 average since inception: 469 pv's 

In the past month or so, DivGro averaged about 1,300 pv's per day.

As for the most popular articles, here are the top 10 by pv's:
  1. Tracking Your DGI Portfolio – 8,789 pv's to date (published 20 June 2014)
  2. Popular Dividend Growth Stocks – 3,893 pv's to date (published 24 February 2014)
  3. Baxter Spins-Off Baxalta – 1,829 pv's to date (published 15 July 2015)
  4. Blogroll Page Reorganized – 1,780 pv's to date (published 29 November 2015)
  5. Updated Blogroll Page – 1,605 pv's to date (published 4 April 2014)
  6. 10 Dividend Growth Stocks For April 2017 – 1,562 pv's to date (published 14 April 2017)
  7. DivGro Pulse: March 2017 – 1,556 pv's to date (published 28 March 2017)
  8. I'm Looking to Buy Dividend Champion Hormel Foods – 1,550 pv's to date (published 1 April 2017)
  9. Monthly Review: February 2017 – 1,515 pv's to date (published 12 March 2017)
  10. Recent Buy: VNR  – 1,507 pv's to date (published 21 October 2013)
I now have 93 articles with at least 1,000 pv's each.

My article, Tracking Your DGI Portfolio, is by far the most popular one on DivGro.

My Seeking Alpha articles have generated nearly 690,000 pv's. These do not include so-called mobile pv's, which Seeking Alpha do not count in their compensation scheme. I've published 215 articles at Seeking Alpha, 141 of which are exclusive articles. My most popular article on Seeking Alpha has generated 27,370 pv's so far. At the time of writing this article, I have 4,149 followers on Seeking Alpha.

Please visit my profile page on Seeking Alpha for a list of my published articles.

Looking at my goals for 2017, I'm progressing nicely towards achieving my goal of earning $12,960 in dividend income this year. So far, I've recorded dividend income totaling $6,522 or 50.3% of my 2017 dividend income goal.

My projected annual dividend income (PADI) goal for 2017 is $14,400. After a big boost in May, DivGro's PADI jumped to $14,684, which takes care of my 2017 PADI goal! Perhaps I should revisit that goal and set a new, higher bar...

Finally, I've set a new goal for 2017, namely to earn $8,400 in options income. At the end of May, I've secured options income totaling $7,232 or 86.1% of my 2017 goal. With more than half of the year to go, I need to revisit that goal as well!

Thanks for reading and for your continued support!


  1. Fantastic, well done to you. That is quite the achievement to be blogging and continue to blog for that many years. Well done to you, I hope you can continue to produce awesome content. I know I love to read your work and appreciate you making it so often. Thanks again

    1. Thanks, BHL -- I'm really blessed to be in this position. I love this journey and enjoy the process (and discipline) of just keeping at it. Of course, without feedback from readers it would be much less rewarding, so I appreciate your comments and continued support. Take care and I hope your enjoying the journey as much as I do.

  2. Reviewing goals upwards is a nice thing to do.
    Congratulations on these achievements.

    1. I'll have to figure out what is doable and at the same time more stretching. It is a nice problem to be confronted with!

  3. Great Stuff!! your blog is one of my favorites. Congratulations on your success and great work!!

    1. Thanks so much FiscalVoyage -- I appreciate your kind words. Take care and happy investing!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, Freezeman24 -- I appreciate the support!

  5. Gogogogogo! You are leaving the raptor in the dust!

    1. Hi Velociraptor -- thanks for your encouragement, but I'd rather have the raptor alongside me on this journey... ;-)

  6. Thanks for sharing this. The traffic is well deserved.

    1. Thanks, Investment Hunting -- appreciate the comment and support!


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