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Sunday, September 30, 2018

9 Dividend Increases: September 24-28, 2018

Companies that regularly increase dividends show confidence in future earnings growth potential. Monitoring dividend increases for stocks on my watch is one way to identify candidates for further analysis.

This past week, nine companies decided to increase their dividends, including two of my DivGro holdings. No fewer than six of these increases are double-digit percentage increases!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

DivGro Pulse: September 2018

I write monthly pulse articles that are strategy-focused and monitor the health of my portfolio. My overall aim is to reduce portfolio risk and to further diversify DivGro's holdings.

In the third quarter of 2018, I'm focusing specifically on strengthening my portfolio's risk profile. To that end, I'm closing or trimming riskier positions, looking to diversify across all sectors, and adding higher quality stocks.

I update the fair value estimates and rank the dividend growth stocks in my portfolio. Stocks that are fundamentally sound, yet undervalued, are candidates for further investment. Poor-performing stocks with low rankings probably should be sold.

Monday, September 24, 2018

7 Dividend Increases: September 17-21, 2018

Companies that regularly increase dividends show confidence in future earnings growth potential. I monitor dividend increases for stocks on my watch list of dividend growth stocks to identify candidates for further analysis.

In the last week, 7 companies announced dividend increases, including 4 of the stocks I own. Four of the dividend increases are double-digit percentage increases!

Friday, September 21, 2018

4 Dividend Increases: September 10-14, 2018

Companies that regularly increase dividends show confidence in future earnings growth potential.

I like monitoring dividend increases for stocks on my watch list of dividend growth stocks because I consider such stocks to be candidates for further analysis.

Last week, 4 companies declared dividend increases.

Sunday, September 16, 2018


Today I'm celebrating posting article number 700 at DivGro!

I posted my first DivGro article on 10 January 2013. After blogging for 2,076 days, my articles on DivGro have seen more than 1.23 million page views. I'm averaging an article every 2.97 days and about 10.2 articles every month...

The last time I wrote a Milestones article such as this one was 4 June 2017. That article was number 500 and my page views totaled 832,549 at an average of about 516 page views per day.

Now I'm averaging about 594 page views per day. In the past month or so, DivGro averaged about 950 page views per day.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Top-Ranked Dividend Growth Stocks By Sector

Last week, I published the September edition of my monthly 10 Dividend Growth Stock series.

For this month's edition I ranked 240 CCC stocks, which is significantly more than I usually do! The ranking process is quite involved, as I manually collect data from several sources. Prior to this month's ranking of 240 CCC stocks, I've limited the number to about 50 stocks at a time.

One advantage of ranking so many stocks is that I can review the top-ranked stocks by sector. Dividend growth investors should find these sector-based lists informative, especially for purposes of diversification. This article presents up to 10 top-ranked stocks per sector.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

4 Dividend Increases: September 3-7, 2018

Companies that regularly raise their dividend payments show confidence in future earnings growth potential. Monitoring dividend increases for stocks on my watch is one way to identify candidates for further analysis.

This past week, four companies on my watch list decided to increase their dividends, including one of the stocks I own.

Two of the dividend increases are double-digit percentage increases.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

10 Dividend Growth Stocks For September 2018

Like many dividend growth investors, I use the CCC list as a starting point for my research. The list contains nearly 900 stocks trading on U.S. exchanges with the distinction of having paid higher dividends for at least 5 consecutive years.

With my monthly 10 Dividend Growth Stocks series, I rank a subset of stocks from the CCC list and identify the 10 top-ranked stocks for further research.

This month I combined several lists and retained only stocks that also appear in the CCC list and pass several other screens as well. The final list contains 240 stocks and for the first time since starting this series, I ranked all 240 candidates!

Friday, September 7, 2018

Monthly Review of DivGro: August 2018

Welcome to the monthly review of DivGro, my portfolio of dividend growth stocks. My goal with these reviews is to share updates to my portfolio and to detail the dividends I received during the month. I also look at how DivGro's projected annual dividend income (PADI) has changed.

In August, I added shares to five existing positions. Additionally, I reduced my holdings in one position and closed two positions.

Three DivGro stocks announced dividend increases in August. The net result of these changes is that PADI increased by about 0.9% in August. Year over year, PADI increased by 38.9%.

As for dividend income, in August I received dividends totaling $1,433 from 18 stocks in my portfolio, a year over year increase of 55%. So far in 2018, I've collected $11,947 in dividends or about 66% of my 2018 goal of $18,000.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Options Update: August 2018

DivGro's focus is dividend growth investing and most of the articles I post here relate to how I manage my portfolio using the strategy of dividend growth investing.

In June 2016, I added options trading to leverage the equity in my portfolio and to generate more income. Through monthly options update articles, I report on my options trades and I keep track of the options income this activity generates.

Options trading generates extra income, which allows me to buy more dividend growth stocks than otherwise would have been possible.

I mostly sell puts on stocks I would like to own and covered calls on stocks I already own. Sometimes, I execute more speculative options trades, too, such as bull put spreads and other combo trades.

Monday, September 3, 2018

3 Dividend Increases: August 27-31, 201

Companies that regularly raise dividends show confidence in the potential growth of future earnings. One way to identify dividend growth stocks for further analysis is to monitor dividend increases.

In the past week, only three companies on my watch list declared dividend increases.

Two of the dividend increases are double-digit percentage increases.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

7 Quality Dividend Growth Stocks I Don't (Yet) Own

Recently, I published the August edition of my monthly 10 Dividend Growth Stock series.

For the first time since starting the series in 2014, I own each and every stock in the top 10! While it is satisfying to own the top 10 ranked stocks, not seeing a single new stock that I can research and potentially add to my portfolio, is somewhat disappointing.

So, I decided to hunt for quality dividend growth stocks that I don't own.

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