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Sunday, May 31, 2020

2,707 Days

Yesterday, 30 May 2020, marked 2,707 days since I started my DivGro journey! 2,707 days is seven years and 151 days.

But those are not the numbers this short post will focus on. Rather, I want to celebrate the milestone of reaching two million page views! 

I wrote about crossing one million page views in December 2017, after blogging for about 1,800 days. That was article #585 and I averaged 555 page views per day at the time. This is article #953 and I'm now averaging about 738 page views per day since DivGro's inception.

My DivGro journey has been fascinating and I've learned a lot since embarking on this journey in January 2013. Much of the learning has come from the research I've done while preparing articles, but I've learned a lot from interacting with my readers and fellow DGI bloggers!

As mentioned, DivGro's page view counter recently crossed the two million mark:

 16 December 2017
 daily average since inception:
   555 page views
30 May 2020
 daily average since inception: 
   738 page views 

As most of my readers know, I publish many of my articles at Seeking Alpha

In addition to generating some additional income, I appreciate the wider readership and there's no doubt that my exposure at Seeking Alpha is generating additional traffic on my blog. 

Since October 2014, I've published 545 articles on Seeking Alpha. These have generated about 1,900,000 desktop page views. Seeking Alpha tracks mobile page views separately, but there's no way to get an accurate total of mobile page views. (I'm guestimating 2.5 million). 

While it is fun to see celebrate number milestones, the most important number for a dividend growth investor is projected annual dividend income (PADI). Mine is approaching $29,000 and I have some work to do to achieve my 2020 goal of reaching $30,000 in PADI by year's end:

Thanks for reading and for your continued support!

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  1. Congratulations on your achievement and the great work you do for the rest of us.

    Fantastic Job!!!

    1. Thanks, Bill -- I really appreciate your comment of support! Take care and happy investing!

  2. Congrats man! 2M pageviews and huge congrats on pushing up on $30k in PADI. That's fantastic. Keep it up!

    1. Thanks so much, PIP -- I'm hoping to reach $30k in PADI by year's end, though it'll be tough if companies I own shares of continue to cut or suspend dividends! $DIS $TJX $ROST $ETO (fund) so far...


  3. Hi! I can only congratulate you on the result you have achieved. You are a true role model for everyone and I hope I can read many more good articles from you. It wasn’t until mid-2017 that I started building my own portfolio of 100,000. visiting was a milestone true in our country fewer people deal with dividend investing.

    1. Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it! I'm happy to hear that you consider me a role model... I've been inspired by DGI bloggers for many years, so it is great that my work also inspires others. All the best with your DGI journey and just keep at it -- you won't regret it!

  4. Ferdi,
    What a fantastic accomplishment! People love your articles (I do), the insight that you provide, and admire you research and effort. Here's to three million views!

    1. Why, thank you! I really appreciate your comment and kind words. I hope to continue with this process and certainly hope you and other readers would continue to benefit from my research!


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