This year's best performer is Chevron (CVX), with a stock price increase of 51% in 2022! My worst performer in 2022 was Intel (INTC), down 49% since 1 January 2022.
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I've been working with Portfolio Insight to develop a Dividend Quality Grade for dividend stocks.
We evaluate all dividend-paying stocks and assess the likelihood of a dividend increase in the next twelve months. We also identify stocks at risk of freezing or cutting their dividends. In backtests, our approach accurately predicted a failure to continue dividend increases in more than 98% of cases!
For this article, I used a pre-release version of Dividend Quality Grades to extract Dividend Champions and Dividend Contenders with A+ Dividend Quality Grades. These are Exceptional dividend growth stocks with solid fundamentals and dividend increase streaks of ten years or more.
Additionally, I screened for stocks trading below my fair value estimates. These stocks offer good value and are suitable for immediate investment.
Welcome to the November review of DivGro, my portfolio of dividend growth stocks. I provide a summary of transactions and dividends received in the past month. I also consider the impact on DivGro's projected annual dividend income (PADI).
In November, I did some portfolio reorganization. The main reason for doing so was to round out my positions, where possible, to multiples of 100 shares. I'm using options trading to boost dividend income, and for covered calls, I prefer having multiples of 100 shares so I can write covered calls on all my shares.
I added shares to 17 existing positions and reduced my investment in one holding. Additionally, I closed five positions, including two closed-end funds (CEFs). Ten DivGro stocks announced dividend increases in November, while four positions were affected by dividend cuts or exchange-rate fluctuations. The net result of these changes is that DivGro's PADI decreased by about 0.1% in November. Year over year, PADI increased by 18.6%.
As for dividend income, in November, I received dividends totaling $2,598 from 25 stocks in my portfolio, a year-over-year decrease of 12%. So far in 2022, I've collected $41,718 in dividends, or about 97% of my 2022 goal of $43,200.
I'm a little behind on my monthly reviews! It's December already, but I'm only now reviewing DivGro's activities in October!
The goal of my monthly reviews is to share updates I've made to the portfolio and to provide a summary of dividends collected. I also look at how the month's activities have impacted DivGro's projected annual dividend income (PADI).
In October, I added shares to two existing positions, and seven DivGro stocks announced dividend increases in October, while one closed-end fund (CEF) I own announced a distribution cut. Additionally, I own some stocks that issue dividends in CAD (Canadian Dollars), and recent payments actually lowered PADI due to the impact of exchange-rate fluctuations. The net result of these changes is that PADI increased by about 0.7% in October and 24.1 year-over-year.
As for dividend income, in October, I received dividends totaling $3,064 from 31 stocks in my portfolio, a year-over-year increase of 36%. So far in 2022, I've collected $39,120 in dividends, or about 91% of my 2022 goal of $43,200.
Welcome to the September review of DivGro, my portfolio of dividend growth stocks. My goal with these reviews is to share updates to my portfolio and to detail the dividends I received during the month. I also look at how DivGro's projected annual dividend income (PADI) has changed.
In September, I added shares to one existing position, and ten DivGro stocks announced dividend increases in September. As a result, DivGro's PADI increased by about 1.1% in September. Year over year, PADI increased by 24.3%.
September is a quarter-ending month, which often produces significant dividend income totals and often new monthly records. While I received dividend income totaling $5,803 in September, it is not a new monthly record. The reason is that I received several large special dividends in January, and that monthly record of $6,023 still stands.
Welcome to the August review of DivGro, my portfolio of dividend growth stocks.
These reviews aim to provide a summary of dividends received and to detail buy and sell transactions. Additionally, I look at how the month's activities have impacted DivGro's projected annual dividend income (PADI).
This month, I opened two new positions and added shares to four existing positions. Additionally, I closed one position and reduced my holdings in two positions. Three DivGro stocks announced dividend increases in August. The net result of these changes is that PADI increased by about 0.7% in August. Year over year, PADI increased by 31.5%.
In this weekly article series, we summarize upcoming ex-dividend dates in a quick reference table. Our watchlist is Dividend Radar, a spreadsheet containing stocks with dividend increase streaks of five years or more.
Every month, I write a review of my portfolio of dividend growth stocks, DivGro. I provide a summary of transactions and dividends received in the past month. I also consider the impact on DivGro's projected annual dividend income (PADI).
In July, I executed several trades to consolidate positions, mainly to have like lots in the same accounts. DivGro is spread across five different accounts, and I wanted to hold each ticker in only one account rather than in multiple accounts.
Eight DivGro stocks announced dividend increases in July.
The net result of these changes is that PADI increased by about 2.3% in July.
Year over year, PADI increased by 36.7%.
This article series compiles a list of upcoming ex-dividend dates of stocks in Dividend Radar, a spreadsheet containing stocks with dividend increase streaks of five years or more.
Welcome to the monthly review of DivGro, my portfolio of dividend growth stocks.
The goal of these monthly reviews is to share updates I've made to the portfolio and to provide a summary of dividends collected. I also look at how DivGro's projected annual dividend income (PADI) has changed.
In June, I added shares to three existing positions and eight DivGro stocks announced dividend increases. The net result of these changes is that PADI increased by about 1.1% in June. Year over year, PADI increased by 28.1%.
As for dividend income, in June I received dividends totaling $5,678 from 51 stocks in my portfolio, a year-over-year increase of 7%. So far in 2022, I've collected $24,267 in dividends, or about 56% of my 2022 goal of $43,200.
The article presents my top dividend growth pick in each of the GICS sectors. I provide quality indicators, key metrics, and my risk-adjusted Buy Below prices for each stock.
For this article, I focused on dividend growth stocks in Dividend Radar, a weekly automatically generated spreadsheet from Portfolio Insight listing stocks with dividend streaks of five or more years.
Each stock is discounted to my fair value estimate and offers strong income and growth prospects. Moreover, the stocks I picked have Very Safe or Safe dividends according to Simply Safe Dividends.
Welcome to another article in my series covering announcements of dividend increases and dividend cuts or suspensions. I monitor stocks in Dividend Radar, a weekly automatically generated spreadsheet from Portfolio Insight listing stocks with dividend streaks of five or more years.
This past week, six companies in Dividend Radar declared dividend increases and there were no dividend cuts or suspensions.
I use Portfolio Insight to manage my DivGro portfolio. The app now provides blended fair value estimates, so it helps me decide when to buy dividend growth stocks.
Readers can get a one-time 20% discount on an annual subscription if they sign up through my affiliate link.
The Dividend Achievers are companies that have increased their dividends for ten or more consecutive years.
In this article, I highlight three Dividend Achievers with upside potential and forward yield above 5%.
This past week, five companies in Dividend Radar decided to increase their dividends, including one of my DivGro holdings. Note there were no dividend cuts or suspensions announced for Dividend Radar stocks during this period.
We monitor dividend changes of stocks in Dividend Radar, both announcements of dividend increases and dividend cuts or suspensions.
This past week, eight companies in Dividend Radar declared dividend increases, including one of the stocks I hold in my portfolio. There were no dividend cuts or suspensions.
Dividend Radar is Portfolio Insight's weekly automatically generated spreadsheet listing stocks with dividend streaks of five years or more.
I use Portfolio Insight to manage my DivGro portfolio. The app now provides blended fair value estimates, so it helps me decide when to buy dividend growth stocks.
Users can get a one-time 20% discount on an annual subscription if they sign up through my affiliate link.
Welcome to another monthly review of DivGro, my portfolio of dividend growth stocks!
The goal of these reviews is to provide a summary of dividends received and to detail buy and sell transactions. Additionally, I look at how the month's activities have impacted DivGro's projected annual dividend income (PADI).
In May, I opened one new position and added shares to one existing position. Both these transactions resulted from options assignments. Five DivGro stocks announced dividend increases in May. The net result of these changes is that PADI increased by about 1.6% in May. Year over year, PADI increased by 27.6%.
As for dividend income, in May I received dividends totaling $2,433 from 26 stocks in my portfolio, a year-over-year increase of 28%. So far in 2022, I've collected $18,589 in dividends, or about 43% of my 2022 goal of $43,200.
The Dividend Aristocrats list is an elite list of 64 companies in the S&P 500 that have paid higher dividends every year for at least 25 consecutive years.
Over this three-week period, twelve companies in Dividend Radar decided to increase their dividends, including three of my DivGro holdings. Note there were no dividend cuts or suspensions announced for Dividend Radar stocks during this period.
During this period, ten companies in Dividend Radar decided to increase their dividends. There were no dividend cuts or suspensions announced for Dividend Radar stocks.
Welcome to the monthly review of DivGro, my portfolio of dividend growth stocks.
Every month, I present details of any buys or sells, and I provide a summary of dividends collected. Additionally, I look at how the month's activities have impacted DivGro's projected annual dividend income (PADI).
In April, I executed no buy or sell transactions, choosing instead to build cash reserves.
Eight DivGro stocks announced dividend increases in April and pushed PADI up by about 0.4%. Year over year, PADI increased by 25.9%.
This past week, ten companies in Dividend Radar decided to increase their dividends. There were no dividend cuts or suspensions announced for Dividend Radar stocks.